“Neither do I believe it! Let me enter that hell, I want to talk to him!” Zhao Yu looked cold, but couldn’t help squeezing his back hand.

She kept telling herself in her heart that this was just a conspiracy by Heavenly God to force her to submit, and even that Ye Fei might be fake.

But after hearing familiar and painful voices in that hell, Zhao Yu’s heart still couldn’t help being messed up; with Heavenly God’s cultivation base, it was easy to see through Zhao Yu’s state of mind. With the slight change in his mouth, a gloomy smile could not help appearing.


“Ye Zhizun, the Human Race is in front of you! We wish Ye Zhizun a victory, and a beautiful woman back!” Above the starry sky outside Dry Silent Hill, The banners are fluttering, and the army is like a cloud. The ten witch gods, in order to rush Ye Fei away, have personally suppressed Ye Fei to see off Ye Fei; this also allowed the hundreds of witches who followed Ye Fei to enter the Human Race Xiongguan, all of them felt more face, and felt that they followed the supreme. Yes

They made the most correct decision.

Even many golden witches have been discussing how to follow the Supreme, the fragrant, and the spicy one to the Human Race.

Looking at the Human Race Hung Pass ahead, Ye Fei’s heart is also full of exclamation. Once upon a time, he escaped from this Hung Pass into the Witch Clan, and once became a hidden god to deal with Heavenly God and people. God’s chess piece.

Now that three years have passed, he has finally returned to this Xiongguan again, but this time, he is no longer embarrassed. Not only does he have the battle strength against God and Heavenly God, but behind him, more There is a hundred thousand Wu Clan army, always waiting for his orders.

Now, as long as he has an order, he can order this army to give up life and forget to die, to enter this Xiongguan, bloodbath the temple and the Heaven Temple.

But Ye Fei finally resisted the killing intent and impulse in his heart. In the end, before he rescued Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, he couldn’t act until he joined Demon Sovereign and the others. blindly without thinking.

Ye Fei moved towards Gongzhu nodded, “Pass the order, hundreds thousand witch army, enter the customs with me!”

“Supreme has instructed, the army enters the customs!”


The banners of the starry sky suddenly unfolded, and then there is a huge army of Witch tribes who lined up in a tight army, at a moderate pace near the Human Race Xiongguan. Walking in the forefront is the wolf cavalry who fell from the Heavenly Wind Unit. These cavalry are composed of golden witches who surrendered from the Heavenly Wind Unit. Secondly, they are the soldiers who surrendered from the Golden Palace of Fire. Finally, it is Ye. Fei’s huge black battleship, with the strongest batch of golden witches, slowly flew towards the Human Race hero


When seeing the warship representing the witch gods flying over, two glorious solar warships soon appeared inside the Human Race Xiongguan.

Human God, Heavenly God, standing on their respective warships, with powerful eyes, like stars in the dark, together, they glanced at Ye Fei on the black warship.

“Heavenly God, God of Humanity!”

“Your Excellency is Ye Zhizun?” Seeing Ye Fei, Heavenly God and God of Humanity are all shocked.

Chapter 1910 Going alone into enemy lines

No way, as a supreme powerhouse, Ye Fei looks too young. With the strength of God and Heavenly God, one can tell at a glance that Ye Fei’s true age may be less than 100 years old!

The ability to break through the witch god in less than a hundred years is also extremely rare among the witch race! It’s just a bit worse than the human god and the Heavenly God.

After all, humans and gods have a violent Divine Physique, and Heavenly God has an Eternal Divine Body. Once, they all went from being the most common martial artist to the earth-zun in less than 50 years old.

Heavenly God and the human god are really surprised, but Ye Fei’s seemingly familiar figure, more importantly, the Ye Zhizun in front of him, also surnamed Ye, is the same as the new Human Sovereign. , This will inevitably make people think of Ye Fei.

But soon, Heavenly God laughed again and shook his head, disdainfully said: “It should be that we think too much. The Ye Zhizun in front of us is the invincible powerhouse, and Ye Fei the demon, but It’s just a junior of Half-God Realm, and now it’s more of a stray dog!”

“hmph, sometimes, the stray dog ​​will bite us back when he is in a hurry. Heavenly God is better to be careful. Don’t make any accidents if you want to get along right away!” Ren Shen reminded coldly. The marriage this time is related to whether they can enter the major event of Heaven Realm! Heavenly God has a dignified look and knows which is lighter and heavier, said solemnly: “Don’t worry about the human god, the deity has placed inescapable net around the entire Heaven Temple! As long as the remnants of Ye Demon Head and Human Sovereign Temple dare to appear, there must be Come back and forth! Let’s go, let’s meet Ye Zhizun together.

How about trying his weight!”

Between words, two huge suns The warship has already met the black warship in the air, and then the sides of the ships are side by side and connected to each other, like three floating palaces, fuse together.

Ye Fei forcibly held back the killing intent and anger in his heart, and took a deep breath. His face suddenly showed a bright and simple smile, walking forward like a spring breeze, “Junior sees Heavenly God! I have long admired the name, and finally once the supreme style!” “Haha, your son-in-law is polite! We are still too old compared to a young supreme like you, and the next era will belong to your young people. “Heavenly God and Yan Yueshen are very satisfied with Ye Fei’s strength and attitude. With a good son-in-law, he instantly closes the distance with Ye Fei. It is completely a family posture.

The face of the man next to him suddenly changed. He looked at Ye Fei, and then at the hundred thousand majestic wizards who followed Ye Fei into the Xiongguan. This kind of power has not lost to the Human Temple and Heaven Temple. .

At this time, Heavenly God is using the relationship of marriage to completely win over Ye Fei, the supreme. The balance between that man’s temple and the heaven temple will be broken immediately. In the heart of Man and God, he finally decided something. His eyes flashed with a flash of light, and he suddenly reached out to Ye Fei and said, “I am a human and a witch, fighting for countless years. It is rare to usher in today’s peace. Thanks to the Supreme, if the Supreme doesn’t dislike it, you can have a drink together! It just so happens that there is a Peach Garden inside Xiongguan, where the peach blossoms are full of flowers, it’s really gratifying!”

“OK, two Senior, please, Junior dare not follow your order? You stay here, I will go back!” Ye Fei turned to let Gongzhu retreat with the Golden Witch, and then walked with God, God, and Heavenly God alone.

This kind of courage of going alone into enemy lines also makes God and Heavenly God secretly nodded, at least in terms of courage, Ye Fei has gained their approval.

So the gods and the heavenly gods also swept back the Martial Gods around them, and then they took Ye Fei into a peach forest inside Xiongguan.

Humans and gods are right. This peach forest is indeed unique. It is another year in the spring, full of peach blossoms, butterflies dancing lightly and gracefully, leaving countless cherry blossoms. Walking on the green mud and falling flowers, the three of them entered a pavilion built by spiritual grass. In the pavilion, there was a beautiful Martial Goddess carefully selected by someone in the temple, holding a wine glass, waiting inside like a maid, when they saw Ye Fei coming in At the time, these beautiful Martial Goddess were all attracting spirit seizing souls. Even if there were many Martial Gods with firm will, they would be dazzled and shaken.

“Human gods are so shameless!”

When I saw the many beautiful Martial Goddess, Heavenly God rigorous schemes and deep foresight in the pavilion, I immediately noticed the shameless intentions of human gods Until I saw Ye Fei look steadily forward, when the beauty in front of me was like the air, Heavenly God was ecstatic.

“This son-in-law is a good son-in-law, with a strong mind and deep intelligence. No wonder he can break through to the supreme at a young age, not like that Ye Human Sovereign, fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, and have a profound magical nature. He is actually the Human Sovereign of the past. What a shame!” Seeing that Ye Fei was young and energetic, he was able to face a cloud-like beauty, calmly and calmly. Divine Heart also secretly praised: “It’s the deity who underestimated this person. If he can be so young, he will break through. It’s a simple generation, but it’s that Ye Human Sovereign. For a trifling Zhao Yu, he was very hotheaded and ignored everything, the temperament difference, the low strength, even the Ye Zhizun in front of him. Shoes are not worthy!”

Ye Fei walked onto the pavilion. Not knowing that at this moment, Heavenly God and Human God have turned countless minds. He and this Human God and Heavenly God are purely two kinds of people.

Human God and Heavenly God, both plot against everywhere, step by step, like the impeccable Heavenly Dao, while Ye Fei walks with the sword, cutting through thorns, purely like a knight in the rivers and lakes. If you are happy, you will use wine as a song. If you are angry, you will draw your sword to kill.

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