At this time, Ye Fei was sitting on the ground, grabbing with his big hands, and already grabbing three wine jars, opening the mud and saying boldly: “There are so many martial artists in the world. Just ask the heroes here. Can there be any geometry? Two supreme, we can’t divide the male and the male in a battle, but we can call the hero in the wine!”

“Well said, nowadays, we can’t fight on the battlefield. , Ye Zhizun, please!”


Heavenly God, while grabbing a wine jar, Divine Eyes blooms with strange rays of light, wine in hand The altar suddenly turned into a terrifying storm of true essence, tearing the world, destroying the stars, and the wine altar violently touched Ye Fei and Heavenly God at the same time.

Heavenly God’s face suddenly became gloomy, and the moment he grabbed the wine jar with his big hand, he suddenly shook violently. All around suddenly appeared a green sea, blue sky, surging forward with great momentum, and the waves were overwhelming. Signs of swallowing up this world.

“Heavenly God, really powerful! Not comparable to ordinary wizard gods!”

Even though he is an enemy, Ye Fei could not help but eyes shined, and suddenly, he caught The wine jar was poured into the sky, and suddenly, the sky full of drinks turned into a shining starlight at this moment, like the stars Shining Upon All Heavens, like the Milky Way hanging across the sky. Ye Fei uses wine as a carrier to mobilize the heavens and stars, which not only implies the Celestial Phenomenon’s operation, but also a different kind of magnificent passion. The people and the Heavenly God who see, their eyes condensed at the same time, like didn’t expect to face These elders, as the weakest witch god of Supreme Realm, Ye Fei can even share with them.

Heavenly God is even more exuberant, a gloomy face with excitement, and a smile full of sunshine, “Okay, you deserve to be the son-in-law of the deity! Marry your daughter to you, the deity is completely relieved !”


Heavenly God first put down the wine jar, and then Ye Fei put it down calmly, and the sky full of starlight, under the control of his spirit strength, was re-turned into wine. , Falling into the wine jar, it was not a drop!

The beautiful Martial Goddess around the pavilion, but their face deathly pale already scared, are like walking on the gates of hell. They are soaked all over, and some of them have weak legs and paralysis on the spot. sit on the floor. Although Ye Fei and the three were only testing each other, the terrifying power that the supreme could burst out was not something the ordinary Martial God could resist.

Chapter 1911 Peach Garden Three Knots

Seeing the unbearable appearance of these beautiful Martial Goddess, humans and gods are even more depressed with a sip of wine, so they swallowed and understood his The sexual entrapment is completely wasted.

“Faced with the mutual temptation of our three supreme beings, we couldn’t resist, how could we gain access to the juvenile supreme’s eyes! What’s more terrifying is that this young supreme seems to be comparable If the battle strength of our earthly deities is to be completely united with Heavenly God…”

Thinking of this, humans and gods suddenly felt a chill in their vests, and felt a little regretful in their hearts and should not drive Demon Sovereign away. Otherwise, waiting for the Demon Sovereign breakthrough, Heavenly God is tied to the Witch Clan, he doesn’t have to worry about the human temple being threatened, let alone fall into such a passive situation.

“Damn, why doesn’t the deity have the beautiful and arrogant daughter of Heavenly God, since sexual entrapment is not good, it seems that I can only use that trick!” The god suddenly stood up and took a mouthful of the wine jar While drinking it dry, his face has become extremely solemn and said: “Ye Zhizun, you ask this world, the geometry of the hero, the deity can tell you clearly, this world, except you, me, Heavenly God, there is no hero in the world! If you want to , The deity can become a brother of the opposite sex with you

, it can be considered as a good story for future generations!”

“Human God, it is shameless to have no shame. !” Heavenly God was furious in his heart, and he understood that the gods were determined and wanted to prevent Ye Fei from completely siding with Heaven Temple.

“God, you and I are the senior and junior brothers of the same generation, and even the Senior of Ye Zhizun, you want to bow to my son-in-law, isn’t this generation chaotic!” Heavenly God desperately stopped .

Humans and gods smiled, “It’s okay, we have our own personalities! My Human Race and the Witch race are the brother’s family. Ye Zhizun and I worshipped as the brother. It was also to consolidate this brother. Love, presumably Ye Zhizun won’t refuse, right?”

Ye Fei also smiled, he was worried about no chance, the relationship between the divorced god and Heavenly God, he certainly has battle strength comparable to that of the earthly god. , But not yet strong enough to stop the alliance between God and Heavenly God.

At this time, God and God suddenly came out like this. No matter what the purpose of God and God, Ye Fei had no reason to refuse. He immediately got up and said with great solemnity: “Being big brother It’s my greatest honor to worship, my little brother!”

“Well, to have a righteous brother like Ye Zhizun, this deity feels very relieved!” The gods were ecstatic, and I couldn’t think of it so simple, so I won him The powerful Ye Zhizun.

Heavenly God’s heart suddenly furious, “shameless god, shameless son-in-law! If you are united, the Heaven Temple of the deity will be suppressed!”

After Emperor Ji, he simply did not recognize the father of Heavenly God. Moreover, in order to force Zhao Yu to submit, Heavenly God did not hesitate to spend a huge price to practice a puppet imprisonment exactly like Ye Fei and deceive Zhao Yu. At this time, Heavenly God will naturally not allow Ye Fei to have a more intimate relationship with human gods than him. Heavenly God simply puts his heart in a stance, opening the mouth and said in a deep voice: “Well, since the generation is chaotic, the deity does not Be careful! Humans and gods, just now you said that there are only three of us in the world, so how can you leave me

and worship alone? How about this, today, while the peach blossoms are in full bloom, three of you and me, come How about a Peach Garden three knot right?”

“What, Peach Garden three knot right?” Ye Fei stared wide-eyed in shock. There is a strange look in the faint heart.

Human God is also complexion greatly changed, and he tactfully refuses: “No, Heavenly God, your daughter is about to marry my righteous brother. If we worship, this generation would be really messed up!”

Heavenly God complexion sank, categorically said: “Daughter is a daughter, and the deity is the deity! In order to maintain the brotherhood of the human and witch races, you can worship Ye Zhizun regardless of your seniority. Why can’t the deity be for Human? Race battlefield, make sacrifices?”

Just a word, the people who are blocked are speechless.

Ye Fei can also be regarded as a long-sighted person. He understands the rigorous schemes and deep foresight of God and Heavenly God, if their three people really worship. Then the hundred thousand witch army he brought in, it’s impossible to help either side and suppress the other side

In the end, Ye Fei and the human god have become brothers, and Heavenly God is even more ruthless, not only his Brother Yi also became his father-in-law.

If it is this time, Ye Fei will also lead troops to attack Heaven Temple, not only the Human Race, but also the Wu Clan will secretly poke his spine and curse!

Ye Fei is completely speechless.

Human God and Heavenly God refused to let him go. They stared at Ye Fei with a smile and asked, “Ye Zhizun, I don’t know our proposal. Do you agree?”

“Can I still refuse?” Ye Fei sighed.

“Of course not!” Heavenly God and the human beings said in unison, looking towards each other’s eyes, all with a kind of anger and fire.

Heavenly God secretly cursed shameless, and used such despicable means to forcibly balance the three forces on the battlefield of Human Race. The gods also secretly scolded Heavenly God for disregarding shame, and obviously he could be Ye Fei’s father-in-law with peace of mind, but he wanted to intervene in the Peach Garden.

However, God and Heavenly God are both rigorous schemes and deep foresight. They complain to each other in their hearts, but on the surface, they are friendly and affectionate with each other, and even ignore Ye Fei’s opposition. , Forcibly pulled Ye Fei, and came to a Peach Garden clearing.

Seeing that the incense case for worshiping was already prepared there, Ye Fei’s face suddenly twitched, and he understood that 80% of the gods and gods were planned for a long time. I could not help but see that the gods and the heavenly gods were already facing the incense case. Kneel seriously.

Ye Fei can only kneel down in depression, and the three of them face the incense table together, worship the heaven and the earth, reciting the oath together: “Above the dry sky, under the earth! I am God! “

“My Heavenly God!”

“My Ye Zhizun!”

“Today take heaven and earth as a mirror, ancestral witches as an oath, and Heavenly Dao as a testimony Since then became heterosexual brother, do not seek the same month on the same date, but for the same month while the dead …… ”

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