
The three of them are all standing in this world, the pinnacle’s supreme powerhouse. When the three of them worshipped together, Heavenly Dao, the Eye of the Ancestor Witch, appeared at the same time. , Witnessed this moment.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but numb his scalp. He returned to Human Race Xiongguan. In addition to rescue Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, he also had to restore the Human Sovereign Hall, and by the way seek revenge from God and Heavenly God.

Where did you think that this hatred has not been reported, Zhao Yu and Lu Qing have not been rescued, each other’s three enemies, unexpectedly unfathomable mystery, became brothers, Ye Fei suddenly did not know what to say.

But the Heavenly God and the human god who have completed their worship are very happy.

“With this worship, even if this Ye Zhizun marries Zhao Yu, the deity is not afraid that he will join forces with Heaven Temple to target the temple of humans!” “hmph, the old fart of humans and gods is enough to do It’s a good thing, that Zhao Yu just blends Emperor Ji with a touch of Remnant Soul, not really the real daughter of the deity. Now with this bondage, the deity is not afraid that that girl will hold hate in her heart, blow the pillow, and abet this Ye Zhizun I’m not happy to find the deity and Heaven Temple

!” Ye Fei face sank like water, and said in his heart secretly: “The two old foxes, God and Heavenly God, I haven’t found them to settle accounts. They used a knot of worship to restrict my hands and feet! But that’s okay, get their trust first, rescue Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, and then look for opportunities, fiercely stabbed these two old foxes in the back!”

Chapter 1912 The Wedding Ceremony

“big brother! second brother!” Ye Fei showed a sincere smile.

“Third Brother!”

Human God, Heavenly God, each took Ye Fei’s hand, expressions were very excited, as long as Ye Fei was drawn together, he and they were not only stable In addition to the situation in the Human Race battlefield, the more important thing is that they can get in touch with other witch gods through Ye Fei, and everyone will try to enter the major event of Heaven Realm.

Suddenly by two enemies, holding hands so cordially to call them brothers and sisters, Ye Fei suddenly felt an awkward feeling in her heart, and secretly sighed the power of the Hidden God Battle Robe.

If it weren’t for this battle robe, it would perfectly hide his aura. At this time, let alone worshipping God and Heavenly God, they would have been fighting since they met.

But taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Fei finally asked the question that he cares about most: “By the way, I heard that Emperor Ji, who is with me and my kiss, is not only the daughter of the second brother, but also an allure. Beauty, I don’t know if I can see the real face?”

“Haha, don’t worry! The wedding date will be three days later. I promise my brother that I will never let the Third Brother disappoint you! Let’s go! Let me take you to my Heaven Temple first!” Heavenly God is very enthusiastic. People and gods are more enthusiastic than Heavenly God, and they grabbed Ye Fei and complained to Heavenly God: “Second Brother, this is your fault. The Third Brother hasn’t officially married Zhao Yu. How can you live in Heaven Temple? I Looking at these three days, Second Brother will live in my temple for the time being. It happens that my discipline is also very interested in witchcraft.

Interesting, I need the guidance of Second Brother!”


When talking, the gods had ordered people to bring the sons of gods and gods over. When the sons of gods and gods saw Ye Fei, it was really an enemy meeting, and he was extremely jealous. When he thought of the woman he valued, he was taken As a dowry maid, it was given to Ye Fei, and the lungs of the son of man and god would explode.

Immediately eccentric, he saluted Ye Fei: “I have seen Ye Zhizun!”

After that, he turned around and left, planning what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn ‘t grieve over. The human god was furious, and he planned to find an excuse to invite Ye Fei to the human temple to further close the relationship with each other, but the behavior of the disciples just lost his face on the spot. The gods immediately shouted angrily: “Stop, no big or small, who allows you to be perfunctory, don’t hurry up to you Martial Aunt Ye!”

“What, Martial Aunt Ye, the son of God has another uncle, and they are all surnamed Ye!” The son of God and God almost got his nose crooked.

You must know that when Ye Fei first came to Human Race Xiongguan, the gods played the trick of accepting apprentices on their behalf, forcibly accepting Ye Fei as Junior Brother, which also made the son of god unfathomable mystery One more uncle. This time, the human spirit was even more ruthless. Instead of accepting apprentices on behalf of the teacher, he came directly to the Peach Garden three knots, and turned his love rival into an uncle. The Son of Man and God was disgusting, his face was ashen on the spot, but in the face of divine might’s strict gaze, he still resisted the aggrieved, very unwilling to bow to Ye Fei

said, “I have seen Martial Aunt Ye!”

“Well, work hard, don’t let you Master, I’m still an uncle!” Facing the son of man and god, the once-Half-God Realm’s biggest opponent, Ye Fei also has Kind of a feeling of laughter.

Counting out, he has been the son of man and god for two times, but once he was born, and the second time, Ye Fei quickly entered the state of the teacher. While encouraging, his hand , And naturally touched the head of the son of man and god.

The whole body of the son of man and god was trembling. He always felt that this scene was familiar, but under the rage, he couldn’t remember that his head was touched like a pet.

With Ye Fei’s position at this time, he would not care about the mood of the son of man and god, and patted the head of the son of man and god to show encouragement. Ye Fei politely refused the invitation of man and god. . There was an experience of human temple being under house arrest. Of course, Ye Fei was impossible to enter the dragon’s pool and tiger’s den easily. And the more he came into contact with the martial artist of Human Race Xiongguan, the more probability his identity was exposed, so Ye Fei decided to remain mysterious and went straight back to the black warship of the wizard god.

Both this god and Heavenly God are a little disappointed, but there is no intention to force Ye Fei, and Ye Fei maintains a neutral attitude and let them relax.

“Human God, everything depends on the big wedding three days later, as long as the marriage is completed and the boy is a matchmaker, our long-prepared plan will definitely succeed!” Heavenly God said solemnly.

“hmph, I hope so, but I am working with you just to enter Heaven Realm. If you dare to take the opportunity to unite with Third Brother and weaken my temple, the deity will not sit idly by!” God is coldly snorted, and turns around with the son of man and god.

Heavenly God’s face suddenly became very ugly: “old bastard, what a look, why don’t you say that you have no ability, you can’t give birth to such an excellent daughter as the deity!”

Thinking of Zhao Yu, he still refuses to recognize him, and even less willing to accept the memory left by Emperor Ji Zeng Jin, the pupil light of Heavenly God becomes sad again.

He waved his hand and called a confidant Martial God and said: “Order to go down, in three days, prepare for the big wedding!”

“But Palace Lord, Emperor Ji still doesn’t allow We entered the attic, and all those who went up before were beaten out by her and Lu Qing!” “The girl is annoying! What a good son-in-law Ye Zhizun, he needs talent and good looks! If my Third Brother is heavenly The Divine Dragon of Ye Fei, Ye Fei, is the loach in the mud pond! I really don’t understand, what is Yuer’s fancy, so let’s go and tell Emperor Ji, if she doesn’t follow,

The deity killed Ye Fei immediately! If he obeys, the deity can swear the Divine Soul blood oath and will never kill that Ye Fei!”

Heavenly God spoke in anger, even on the spot. The blood oath of Divine Soul, let this Martial God take the blood oath. Of course, Heavenly God still has a back hand. He only vowed not to kill the puppet Ye Fei he made, but did not say that he would not kill the new Human Sovereign Ye Fei.

Zhao Yu didn’t even know that Ye Fei caught by Heavenly God was actually simply fake. Compared to Heavenly God’s rigorous schemes and deep foresight, she was still a bit too tender.

But this does not mean that she will accept Heavenly God’s arrangement, and really silently marry that Ye Zhizun, when she sees the Divine Soul blood bead from Heavenly God, and the wedding Zhao Yu’s expression was surprisingly calm on the ultimatum of the day.

“I see, you go back and tell Heavenly God, in three days, I will marry! But, he must let Ye Fei go. If Ye Fei has any shortcomings, I swear by Zhao Yu, I will Do your best to destroy his marriage plan!” Zhao Yu coldly looked at the high-ranking Martial God.

I don’t know why, but seeing Zhao Yu’s plain expression, even the upper Martial God feels like a cold vest, “Hey, I really don’t know if Lord Heavenly God did this, right or Wrong!” The upper Martial God quickly walked out and stood on the side, Lu Qing, who was acting as a maid, looked at Zhao Yu with a puzzled face: “Zhao Yu, you are crazy, is that Ye Fei real? Yes, we are still not sure, why are you accepting the threat of Heavenly God?”

Chapter 1913 The Wedding Begins

Zhao Yu smiled bitterly and glanced at Lu Qing.” Heavenly God is not lying to me, but warning me again! If I don’t give in and don’t follow his arrangements, I have an instinct to find that Ye Fei can’t threaten me. He is very likely to shoot you! I Think, this is also the reason Heavenly God has not let you go

and wants you to stay. The Ye Fei caught by Heavenly God may be fake, but you are true!”

Lu Qing’s face turned pale, he stared at Zhao Yu bitterly and grinned his teeth and said: “If I can see Ye Fei alive, I swear, I must kill him directly!”

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