“It’s not enough to kill once, at least 10,000 times! But before Ye Fei is killed, there is one more thing that must be done by you and me! Lu Qing , Would you like to do this major event with me?” Zhao Yu looked at Lu Qing expectantly.

Lu Qing’s face is gloomy and uncertain, but when he sees Zhao Yu’s expectation, with a pleading look, Lu Qing’s heart is still soft, and there is an urge to cry.

Strictly speaking, she has nothing to do with Ye Fei at all, and she doesn’t have much friendship with Zhao Yu, but she doesn’t know what’s going on. She’s always been caught by Ye Fei or Zhao. Jade’s affairs got involved. This made Lu Qing feel very depressed.

It is also this kind of depression, which makes Lu Qing have the urge to drag Ye Fei out immediately, beating her out.

On the black battleship, Ye Fei didn’t even know that he had unintentionally offended Goddess Lu Qing too hard.

The first thing to return to the Witch camp, Ye Fei is to order Gongzhu to immediately rectify the hundred thousand Witch army he brought.

Although they have formed a righteous brother with God and Heavenly God, Ye Fei knows better that God and Heavenly God are both formidable persons with no compromises to achieve their goals.

Don’t say it is the brother of righteousness, it is the biological brother. If they block the way of God and Heavenly God, these two formidable persons will also raise the butcher knife without the slightest hesitation. Therefore, Ye Fei had to order the power in his hands in advance to be ready for battle at any time. At the same time, taking advantage of these three days of free time, Ye Fei ordered someone to find the blood demon again: “Blood demon, these three days, you help me to do things, try to contact me Master Demon Sovereign, and Someone from the other people in the temple told them that I came back and told them not to act blindly without thinking!

Whether it is Demon Sovereign, too dean Fortunately, they are all just like him, they are all temperamental people, if it is ordinary things, they may not be able to bear it.

But if they learn that Zhao Yu is about to be used to make a relationship, with the pride of Demon Sovereign and the others, even if they know that they will die, they will most likely rush out without hesitation.

And the only plot against Heavenly God and the heavenly punishment of God, Zhundi is currently only Half-God Realm, and Demon Sovereign is simply impossible to prevent. At this time, Ye Fei can think of the best The solution is to order the blood demon to go to Heaven Temple in secret and inform Demon Sovereign in advance of his return.

Hearing what Ye Fei explained, the blood demon’s face suddenly turned pale: “What, you want me to see Demon Sovereign, then Demon Sovereign has devoured Divine Physique! In case he misunderstands Now, what should I do if I swallowed me like a dragon-shaped Spiritual Pill?”

Ye Fei thought, this is really possible. After all, the blood demon body is the blood Flood Dragon, especially when it becomes dragon meat. Dragon Tortoise is delicious when fried.

“Let’s go over with my Promise Sword. When you see Demon Sovereign, you can save your life if you show it up!” Ye Fei took out the Promise Sovereign that had not been used for a long time, and left one inside. His spiritual projection was then handed over to the blood demon.

Just when the blood demon was about to leave, Ye Fei suddenly remembered something, and suddenly said solemnly: “Blood demon, the matter of contacting Demon Sovereign, except you, you can’t tell anyone, along the way. Be careful of someone stalking! If something goes wrong, you can raise your head to see you!”

“Supreme, rest assured, I know how serious it is!” Blood Monster God is very dignified, especially because he learned that Demon Sovereign and the others, when he was actually hidden in the long river of time and space, he was even more startled!

You must know that the long river of time and space, that is, if the god has stayed in it for a long time, the fleshy body will gradually wear out under the invasion of Time and Space Strength.

The only thing that makes God and Heavenly God didn’t expect is that in the long river of time and space, there is actually a Heaven Temple hidden, and this temple is also hidden in the statue of a witch Divine Stone The position of the heart prevents the perennial invasion of Time and Space Strength.

Sent away the blood demon, Ye Fei stayed in the black warship, waiting for the start of the wedding with peace of mind.

Three days passed quickly.

This day, the gongs and drums are noisy!

The entire Human Race Xiongguan was immersed in a festive atmosphere. The two races of humans and witches suddenly ceased fighting after hundreds of thousands of years. A large number of Human Race Martial Gods were able to spare time to watch this The scene is unprecedentedly popular.

On the black warship of the Witch tribe, thousands of golden witches are also lined up. The front is the most powerful wolf cavalry in the Heavenly Wind Unit. These wolf cavalry are originally golden Luxuriously crafted, there are strict regulations on travel ceremonies.

When the Heavenly Wind Unit surrendered to Ye Fei, this wolf cavalry became the strongest guard for Ye Fei to travel. When he saw hundreds of terrifying golden witches riding When the wolves are running in the starry sky, many experienced Human Race Martial Gods cannot help showing grave expression on their faces.

“The power of the wizard clan is really getting stronger and stronger, especially this Ye Zhizun. It is said that he once killed three wizard gods in one breath, and one person surrendered to the hundred thousand wizards. , If this person grows up, he will become the enemy of my Human Race!”

“Perhaps, Heavenly God and the human gods also see that the witches are so powerful that they can’t resist. This will make you feel wronged. Witch family and kiss!”

“hmph, just sell the family for glory, if the Human Sovereign Palace is still there, and the previous Human Sovereigns are still there, how can we allow this to happen!”

“Quiet, don’t kill me, the new Human Sovereign has escaped, now mention the Human Sovereign Palace, not courting death…Look, Emperor Ji is out!”


When Ye Fei appeared in the Human Race Xiongguan on a warship under the escort of the wolf cavalry, inside the Xiongguan, a gorgeously decorated solar warship flew out.

On the battleship, there are flowers like the sea, the maid like clouds, countless rare birds and exotic animals, around the battleship, screaming cheerfully, a lot of gorgeous rays of light, like a rainbow, like the stars in the galaxy, Rays of light shine, illuminate this world.

At the very center of heaven and earth, there is a devastatingly beautiful beautiful woman Emperor Ji Zhao Yu!

I saw Zhao Yu wearing a married Fengxia Caipi, the face of the city, and the breath of Martial God, making her look like a fairy walking out of the sky, and like a female emperor walking out of the battlefield, she stood so coldly. There, it is difficult to resist that invisible power and beautiful silhouette.

“Oh my god, this is Emperor Ji, so beautiful, more beautiful than fairies!”

“Damn, such a beauty should stay in our Human Race, if she can get married in this life Emperor Ji is short-lived for 500 years. It is also willing!”

“Go away, you have no chance. I didn’t see that Ye Zhizun, who is also a young, talented people, and an invincible Supreme. By the way, I heard that Emperor Ji seems to be the woman of the new Human Sovereign. Now Emperor Ji is about to get married. Do you think the new Human Sovereign will have the courage to appear?” Suddenly, such a malicious message spread from the crowd. the sound of. And there is more than one place where the sound sounds. The faces of many Human Race martial artists have changed!

Chapter 1914 He is here

On the ship of the sun, Zhao Yu is dressed in phoenix, like a goddess who walked down from the nine heavens, beautiful and extraordinary, attracting the enchanted eyes of countless martial artists.

On this warship, Zhao Yu is not the only goddess. Behind her, Lu Qing is wearing a maid’s palace dress, and her dress is as simple as possible, but it is difficult to conceal the elegance of Goddess.

Only at this time, Zhao Yu and Lu Qing’s expressions were both worried.

“Zhao Yu, you said that guy, will he show up this time?” Lu Qing said in a low voice, in order to prevent them from repenting halfway, or deliberately sabotaging the marriage, the Sun Ship Around Heavenly God, a large number of Martial Goddess of the Heaven Temple were placed to monitor.

They are both powerful middle-ranked Martial Gods. This makes Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, who are only capable of the lower-ranked Martial Gods, both are unable to move even a little bit, and they dare not attract their attention.

Even after hearing Lu Qing’s words, Zhao Yu’s expression was still full of coldness, but she kept looking at the pupil light in the crowd, still revealing her inner emotions.

On the one hand, Zhao Yu very much hopes that Ye Fei can appear to prevent this humiliating marriage, but on the other hand, Zhao Yu also knows in his heart that even if Ye Fei appears, he cannot change the situation. ending.

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