In the end, the enemy they faced this time was too strong. That is God and Heavenly God, the invincible supreme standing on this world pinnacle! “Unless Ye Fei can also break through the earthly respect, otherwise this time, he simply can’t save me… Maybe, he and I are destined to have no relationship, maybe, he will not come, it is the most correct…” With the noisy crowd, Zhao Yu’s heart suddenly felt a sad silence and a trace of panic.

She was forced to marry, but Ye Fei did not show up!

In private, Zhao Yu didn’t believe that Ye Fei had been caught by Heavenly God, but seeing that, the shaman god who was on the opposite side had flown over. The crowd was still deadly quiet, and Zhao Yu’s heart was unavoidably flustered and worried.

At this time, a hand stretched out, it was Lu Qing’s hand.

“Zhao Yu, don’t worry, he won’t come, this is a good thing, at least, he can live, he doesn’t need to see your tragedy! The Ye Fei caught by Heavenly God is definitely a fake Yes!” Lu Qing was sure, holding Zhao Yu’s hand very hard.

Just seeing the Martial God battleship getting closer and closer, Lu Qing’s hand still couldn’t help but tremble. After all, they faced each other this time, but is a Sorcerer Heavenly God is the same supreme powerhouse as the human god. This not only made Lu Qing desperate, but Zhao Yu also felt a deep weakness in his heart. Then, Zhao Yu’s gaze looked towards the distance, and towards Heavenly God aloof and remote, “Father, this is the first and last time I call your father. I can become Emperor Ji and fulfill your wish, I Only

please please answer me seriously, did you really catch Ye Fei?”

“hmph, Zhao Yu, whether you admit it or not Recognize me, in my heart, you are my daughter, the reincarnated Emperor Ji! Ye Fei that demon, simply is not worthy of you, only the young supreme witch who can be worthy of you!” Heavenly God expression indifferent.

When it was discovered that Zhao Yu still has an obsession with Ye Fei, Heavenly God was even more furious. Suddenly there was an urge to find Ye Fei immediately and chop Ye Fei into pieces. Until I saw the uncommon military might ride on the bridal greeter team, Heavenly God suppressed the anger and pointed proudly at the young Paragon Dao walking in the distance: “Zhao Yu, see it, this world , Only such a hero is worthy of you marrying him! What kind of thing is Ye Fei

, the ant at the feet of the deity!”

Heavenly God was full of disdain, and then Stop talking about Ye Fei.

Zhao Yu’s face shows a smile from the heart. She has a trace of Emperor Ji’s Remnant Soul, which gives her an intuition that the more Heavenly God demeans a person like this , That means that Heavenly God is more jealous of this person.

“If Heavenly God really catches Ye Fei, he is impossible to be so jealous. It seems that the Ye Fei caught by Heavenly God is indeed fake! Lu Qing, we can rest assured now.” Zhao Yu stopped talking to Heavenly God, but whispered something to Lu Qing sound transmission.

Ye Fei rode a mighty Golden Divine Wolf. Under the escort of countless wolf cavalrymen, he finally walked through the long welcoming journey, which made him sweaty and had the illusion of being watched by countless people as monkeys. .

But when I saw Zhao Yu and Lu Qing, nothing happened, and they both broke through Martial God, Ye Fei was also happy in his heart, and he was slightly happy to Zhao Yu and Lu Qing from the heart. smiled.

Seeing this smile, Zhao Yu and Lu Qing couldn’t help being stared wide-eyed, looking at the Ye Zhizun in shock.

Maybe others don’t know what the smile just now means, but Zhao Yu is too familiar with Ye Fei’s simple smile.

Even more how, Zhao Yu’s cultivation Supreme Indifference said that he had left a weak spot here at Ye Fei, although this kind of weak spot has been resolved with the help of Heavenly God. But when the two met, Zhao Yu still had a strong throbbing.

“You…” Zhao Yu almost called out in shock.

“Yes, I am your future Husband!” Ye Fei smiled, blinked at Zhao Yu, took out another thing, and gave it to Zhao Yu: “This spirit eagle is my own hand Carved, as my future wife, I hope you will like it!”

It is easy to make a relationship, but how to recognize Zhao Yu has become Ye Fei’s biggest problem. Sound transmission may be discovered, showing his feet. .

The best way is to come up with a token that both parties are familiar with, so in these three days, Ye Fei made the most familiar token.

That is the carved spirit eagle, and the imprint of Taixuan Holy Land carved on the wings of the spirit eagle, and Taixuan Holy Land, which happens to be Ye Fei and Zhao Yu, owns A place of common memory.

So, when I saw the Lingying and the Holy Land mark on the Lingying, Zhao Yu trembled uncontrollably, just as she trembled. moment.

Ye Fei’s hand is also very arrogant, forcibly holding Zhao Yu’s waist, the familiar feeling finally made Zhao Yu really sure that the person in front of him is Ye Fei!

“He’s here, he’s here…” Zhao Yu couldn’t tell what he was feeling now. Although Ye Fei used a hug to forcibly conceal her tremor, he was very excited. Zhao Yu couldn’t help but shed two lines of tears.

And these tears fell into the eyes of everyone, and immediately, countless martial artists became angry. Furious, in their eyes, Ye Fei’s move to forcibly hug Zhao Yu is no different from the evil young man who bullies the male and female.

And the tears that Zhao Yu shed is the best interpretation of being unbearable but unable to resist. Suddenly, many martial artists have one after another killing intent and anger. After all, Heavenly God forcibly married the witch group, which is unpopular. At this time, the witch god, like this move, was blaspheming Emperor Ji. In the hearts of many young martial artists, the killing intent became stronger.

Chapter 1915 Never let go at this moment

“Strange, what is going on with Zhao Yu, a few days ago, I heard Ye Zhizun want to marry this, but I still refused. , Now suddenly become so docile, let the supreme hug her?”

For the sudden change in Emperor Ji’s attitude, it is inevitable for the Martial Goddess who are in charge of monitoring on the Solar Warship. There was still a hint of suspicion.

It’s just that they didn’t think that the Ye Zhizun who was about to marry Emperor Ji in front of me was actually the new Human Sovereign of Heavenly God and gnashing teeth!

Heavenly God and the human gods held such a high-profile marriage ceremony, in addition to deepening the alliance with the witch clan, another important reason is actually to lead to Ye Fei, and the remnants of the Human Sovereign Hall!

So, despite the doubts about Zhao Yu suddenly becoming docile, Heavenly God didn’t think much about it, but calmly, released divine sense with the gods and gods, monitoring the Human Race Xiongguan, hundreds of thousands martial artist Every move.

Many Martial Gods of the Human Temple and the Heaven Temple are also hidden in the crowd, ready to deal with sudden situations, but what makes them puzzled is that even if Ye Zhizun forcibly hugged Emperor Ji in public, even more Emperor Ji left sad tears.

The new Human Sovereign, known as Ye Bold, did not appear, but many ordinary Martial Gods, Demi-God, saw Emperor Ji being humiliated, their faces were full of anger and murderous intention , It’s just that these people are not in touch with the remnants of the Human Sovereign Hall.

Human God’s eyes suddenly became gloomy: “It’s the deity who underestimated Ye Fei. This person seems impulsive and reckless, but he is also good at forbearance!”

“hmph, the most The woman who loves is about to marry to be another woman. The deity doesn’t believe it. Ye Fei’s demon can bear it. It seems that he won’t show up unless he does the last step! God, let’s start!” Heavenly God There was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Subsequently, under the order of the two gods, between Heaven and Earth, a floating high platform suddenly appeared. The high platform all around, there were countless stars, attracted down, and paved a starlight bridge. , Fell directly at the feet of Ye Fei and Zhao Yu.

Suddenly, Dragon Phoenix’s shout came from heaven and earth.

One True Dragon, one Caifeng, two Supreme Condense came to form the star gate of Dragon and Phoenix Symbols of Auspiciousness. There is a female emcee who is responsible for officiating the wedding and she sang with joy: ” The auspicious time has come, and the newcomers will step on the bridge of the gods, enter the Star Palace, and worship the heaven and the earth!”

“What, worship the heaven and the earth?” Ye Fei didn’t expect that the gods and the Heavenly God were so exaggerated, they were just married. It turned out to be like a formal marriage.

Unfathomable mystery, Ye Fei panicked and glanced at Zhao Yu subconsciously. At this time, Zhao Yu’s gaze also looked towards Ye Fei.

The two people looked at each other, Ye Fei suddenly realized that Zhao Yu’s eyes today seemed to be talking, with a hint of tension and expectation.

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