“Zhao Yu, I…”

” Stop talking , beware of being found…”

Zhao Yu’s eyelashes trembled and suddenly bulged again Courage, took the initiative to grab Ye Fei’s hand, and then the two of them stepped on the starry sky bridge in front of them.

As a dowry maid, Lu Qing also puffed his face, and followed them behind them with weird expressions. Walk across the light bridge, pass through the palace gate presented by Dragon Phoenix, and enter the Star Palace where the stars are condensed together.

Ye Fei looked up, and saw that in the Star Palace, an altar for adulthood had already been arranged. On the altar, there were also countless red candles. They were placed on the incense table and the screen of the incense table. The red happy character is attached. At this time, Heavenly God and Human God are just standing aside with a smile, watching Ye Fei and Zhao Yu, holding various ceremony of marriage, and their divine sense has already completely enveloped Human Race, guaranteeing that as long as that The demon of surnamed Ye, dare to show the slightest sign, they can rush over and capture Ye Fei alive.

But what makes Heavenly God and the Human God extremely disappointed is that no matter how tightly their surveillance is, how excited and dissatisfied the people watching the ceremony are, they have not noticed the slightest change in the Human Sovereign Hall.

“Strange, what’s going on with this new Human Sovereign, my own woman. She was bullied into this way. She worshipped Tiandi on the spot and married someone else. The new Human Sovereign didn’t say a word, even her face Don’t dare to show it!”

“hmph, what else is going on, the old lady has already said that men are unreliable, and Human Sovereign is also a coward who is as timid as a mouse!”

“Indeed, the Human Sovereign of the past generations, who is not a hero or hero, is invincible in an era. Only this generation’s new Human Sovereign. If you have no strength, you have to have no ambitions, you can leave the Palace of Human Sovereign and escape alone. At this time, even my own woman was ruthlessly discarded, so I didn’t dare to come forward!”

“Hey, the formidable power built by Human Sovereign in the past, this is completely ruined. The Palace of Human Sovereign is also considered to be It’s completely over…”

In the crowd, when he saw that Ye Zhizun had finished worshipping Heaven and Earth with Emperor Ji, the new Human Sovereign still didn’t show up, and there wasn’t even a person who spread the word.

Many martial artists in the Human Sovereign Hall have inexplicable sadness and anger in their hearts, and this anger quickly makes them swear.

Heavenly God and the faces of human gods are also gloomy and uncertain, “didn’t expect, then Ye Fei is so tolerable! We miscalculated!” “Master, you can’t say that, then Ye Fei discarded her own woman and became a coward. Isn’t this our best chance to completely eliminate the Human Sovereign Hall? As long as we publicize it, look at Ye Fei, and see what face is Human Sovereign, and other martial who secretly support the Human Sovereign Hall. The artist will also be immediately discouraged

cold!” The Son of God and Man said cheerfully.

You must know that the greatest wish of the son of man and god is that one day, he can step on Ye Fei under his feet, then akimbo, tell Ye Fei what is a gap.

And this time Ye Fei couldn’t bear it, and finally made the Son of God feel that he has completely stepped Ye Fei under his feet!

At this time, in the Star Palace, Ye Fei and Zhao Yu finally finished worshipping heaven and earth. When the two stood up, and when they looked at each other again, they had a strange feeling to each other.

“From now on, we are officially married.” Zhao Yu’s eyes were faint, and a blush suddenly flashed across his face. The first time I saw the mother Old Hu showing this look, Ye Fei suddenly felt the blood surge and the heartbeat speeded up a bit. Then, he didn’t say anything, just grabbed Zhao Yu’s hand tightly, the two clasped their fingers and stared at them. Between each other, in a trance, Ye Fei seemed to have returned to the imperial city of Zhao country

for a moment.

At the time, Zhao Yu was also wearing a phoenix crown and wearing red-clothed with joy. He did the same, clutching Zhao Yu’s hand tightly, but that time, he failed to take Zhao Yu away. Ye Fei’s biggest regret.

“But this time, I will never let go! At this moment, we will never let go, Zhao Yu, are you willing to go with me!” Ye Fei suddenly felt a little nervous in his heart while speaking.

Zhao Yu didn’t say anything, just grabbed his hand firmly. The eyes are very bright, as bright as a beam of light, filling the whole world with bright colors. Ye Fei laughed suddenly. He stopped asking more questions and was no longer nervous. He just grasped Zhao Yu’s hand tightly, and together they walked towards Heavenly God.

Chapter 1916, Divine Sword of the Hidden Temple, Zhao Divine Sword

“My son-in-law has seen the second brother, no, I should be called the father-in-law now!”

, Ye Fei then came to Heavenly God and saluted respectfully. After all, he had to do a full set of play, while Heavenly God found no problems. Ye Fei naturally has to perform hard, so that he can take Zhao Yu and Lu Qing away.

While watching Zhao Yu standing with Ye Fei docilely, the two of them are still holding each other’s hands intimately, Heavenly God is of course exasperated and happy, and the last bit of worry in my heart disappeared. Now, the more I look at the son-in-law Ye Fei, the more satisfied. When Ye Fei and Zhao Yu bowed together, Heavenly God was even more happy from ear to ear, and said to the god of humanity very proudly: “Haha, god of humanity, this deity is a good son-in-law, but he is at least better than that of Ye Devil. More than a hundred times, huh, the deity has already said that Ye Fei, you don’t even have to carry shoes to us! If you didn’t stop me, the deity would have caught the brat!” The light flashed solemnly, said solemnly: “Third Brother is naturally Dragons Among Humans, but Human Sovereign is not someone who is easy to deal with. I always feel that something is not quite right. It is said that Ye Fei was Zhao Yu, in Martial Sovereign, I dared to fight Demi-God desperately. This shows the courage of this man. If Zhao Yu gets married

, Ye Fei will inevitably appear. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!” “hmph, what demon can there be? Both of us are here. Although it is not the main body, the Third Brother Ye Zhizun is also a powerful wizard god. We, the Three Great Supremes, are here to scare that Ye Human Sovereign. Scared to death, I think you are jealous. There is no such a good daughter as the deity, not to mention an excellent son-in-law like the deity, hahaha!”

Heavenly God is again With a burst of laughter, he was so happy today. Not only did he succeed in making peace with the Witch family, but more importantly, he got an ideal son-in-law like Ye Fei!

Ren Shen’s face was ugly, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and then he smiled, said with a smile to Ye Fei and Zhao Yuhan: “Third Brother, younger brother and sister, the deity came in a hurry, also I didn’t bring any good gifts. These two Heavenly Venerates have their origins. I will give them to you as wedding gifts!”


The words of the gods and gods, let the Wu Divine Heart present All the gods were shocked, and no one didn’t expect that the gift of the gods and humans would be so precious. The shots were the two sources of Heavenly Venerate, especially the sons of gods and gods. Their eyes were red, and they could not wait to snatch those two sources.

Be aware that before he was married, the God of Humanity had promised him that he would give him these two sources to help him break through the upper Martial God. As a result, God of Humanity is stimulated by Heavenly God. It is self-evident that Ye Fei’s heart was caught in such a heavy gift.

The chest of the son of God and God puffed up on the spot, and his lungs were about to explode.

Ye Fei was also shocked, but afterwards, after thinking that God and Heavenly God, the condition for compromising with the Witch tribe was to pay tribute to the origin of Heavenly Venerate, Ye Fei sneered again in his heart. He simply unceremoniously took it over and said: “many thanks, big brother, god!”

“You and me, brother, you don’t need to be polite!” The god smiled slightly, and gave Heavenly God a provocative look. Even if the daughter of Heavenly God is Celestial Immortal, there is no source of Heavenly Venerate, which is precious.

This is the real killing move of Ye Fei, or not to send it, as soon as you send it, you will send Heavenly Venerate! Even Heavenly God was taken aback by the actions of God.

It’s just that Heavenly God doesn’t have the courage of a human god to give away the precious source of Heavenly Venerate. After all, the source of Heavenly Venerate in his hand is not much. Because of the fall of the son of Heavenly God, he still needs to cultivate a son of God. In order to stabilize Heaven Temple again. But in the face of such a heavy gift from humans and gods, Heavenly God also sorry and took out an ordinary treasure as a gift. Heavenly God’s face changed a little, and suddenly he also took out ten shining pearls of rays of light and gave them to Ye Fei Said: “Third Brother, you and I are not only brothers of righteousness, but also the affection of father-in-law. Heavenly Venerate has no origin

, but the deity still gave away the ten Sky Spirit Orbs!”

“What, the Sky Spirit Orb, the Sky Spirit Orb that can be transformed into a peerless evildoer! It’s still ten at a time!”

The surrounding Martial God is another commotion, and it is not at this time. Knowing how many eyes, he stared at Ye Fei enviously.

The eyes of the Son of Man and God turned red into rabbit eyes, looking at Zhao Yu and Lu Qing standing beside Ye Fei, and at the source of Heavenly Venerate and Sky Spirit Orb obtained by Ye Fei.

These are undoubtedly the treasures that can make any Martial God crazy about it, and Ye Fei actually did nothing, got it all.

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