The son of man and god feels so angry!

Ye Fei was once again shocked by the pride of Heavenly God, “The shot is not the origin of Heavenly Venerate, but the Sky Spirit Orb, Heavenly God and God of Humanity. It is worthy of being an old fox that has survived more than 100,000. The family property is really rich. Ah!”

“Hidden Temple, Zhao Divine Sword, come to congratulate Ye Zhizun!”

Just when Ye Fei received the Sky Spirit Orb and was busy thanking Heavenly God . Suddenly, from the crowd, a powerful Martial God who swallowed Star River came out.

This Martial God, carrying a huge long spear, step by step, walked toward this altar with a heavy weight, especially the identity he showed, which made Heavenly God and the gods tolerate. Can not help standing up from the seat in shock.

Ye Fei also looked towards Zhao Divine Sword in surprise as he walked step by step, his expression became very solemn, maybe others could not recognize his identity.

But Zhao Divine Sword is different!

Strictly speaking, Ye Fei can get into the Witch Clan, but he still relies on the battle robe of the hidden god provided by Zhao Divine Sword. At the same time, Divine Sword Zhao has also seen him use the battle robe of the hidden god and change his appearance !

“Zhao Divine Sword? He is the ancestor of our Zhao family, Zhao Divine Sword!” Zhao Yu is the most excited. It can be said that without Zhao Divine Sword sent back to Zhao’s Phoenix bloodline, there would be no Zhao Jade today.

It’s just that no one in the Zhao family knows that it is actually not Phoenix bloodline, but a drop of Martial God blood essence left by the reincarnation of Emperor Ji Remnant Soul!

It was Zhao Yu who thoroughly integrated this drop of Martial God blood essence, awakened the ice and fire Phoenix bloodline, and became the reincarnation of Emperor Ji. He was ordered to search everywhere by Heavenly God.

At this time, when the ancestor of the Zhao family appeared in front of him, Zhao Yu was naturally excited and wanted to come forward and speak.

Ye Fei has already dignified and immediately pulled Zhao Yu behind him, and nodded to Lu Qing, “You stand back and remember, no matter what happens, don’t leave me.”

Heavenly God and the human god, even more furious, shouted together: “What hidden temple, come, take this person to the deity, look back and interrogate it carefully!”

The Five Human Race The temple, have nothing common with each other, in addition to the disbanded Heaven Temple, there is also the declining Human Sovereign Temple. Among the three major temples, the Hermit Temple is the most mysterious, and there is also one other temple that has no responsibilities.

That is to root out the rebellion of Human Race!

Any deserter with a wavering will on the Human Race battlefield, or a traitor who takes refuge in the Witch Clan, will be the goal of the Hermit Temple beheaded.

At this time, it is the God and Heavenly God. At the critical moment of marriage with the Witch Clan, the Hermit Temple suddenly appeared in public and sent gifts, which naturally caused the two supreme to mistake the Hermit Temple for them this time. Only Ye Fei knew in his heart that Zhao Divine Sword would suddenly appear, not for the human god or the Heavenly God, but for him!

Chapter 1917 is the Supreme and Human Sovereign

After all, Shang Jiu once discovered the hidden danger of the Hermitian War Robe and helped him remove the vicious witchcraft above. This is also equivalent to Destroyed the plan of the Hidden God Earth Zun.

At the same time, Ye Fei didn’t not at all. In accordance with the orders of the Hidden God Earth Zun, he destroyed Heavenly God’s plan for marriage, instead beating somebody at their own game to come and kiss. This is also very likely to anger the Hidden God Temple .

Zhao Divine Sword suddenly appeared. Naturally, it would not be as simple as congratulating Ye Fei. What shocked Heavenly God and the gods the most was the breath that Zhao Divine Sword exuded at this time, which is surprisingly in the upper Martial. The special state between God and Earth Zun.

Strictly speaking, this state is half-step respect!

“The ancestor actually became a half-step Divine?”

Zhao Yu soon discovered that Zhao Divine Sword’s breath was wrong. You must know that Zhao Divine Sword has been left to future generations. Martial God blood essence, there is no more news. Who would have thought that even Martial Sovereign does not have a Xiaoxiao Zhao family, and actually walked out a powerful Martial God comparable to half a step.

“You are Zhao Yu. In all, you and I are destined. This Zhao has no gifts. I will take this hidden divine spear as a gift and give it to you!”

Zhao Divine Sword stepped up to the high platform. Although he was speaking to Zhao Yu, his gaze kept staring at Ye Fei. There was anger in it and a strange cold light, “You are very Yes, I didn’t expect one of my negligence, which made you grow up to this point!”

Ye Fei did not say a word, and now he said, there is always the danger of gangbanging at any time, and then found that Heavenly was cheated God and the human god will definitely fly into a rage out of humiliation on the spot, and then kill him directly.

“Who are you! You are definitely not an ordinary high-ranking Martial God, are you the old ghost’s discipline of the hermit god, or simply his Avatar!” Heavenly God was furious.

It is his biggest plan to make peace with the Witchs! He would never allow anyone to destroy this plan, not even the hidden temple! The expression of the human god is also solemn, “Without the personal guidance of our earthly respect, even the upper Martial God, it is impossible to reach the realm of half-step earthly respect by yourself! Your impossible is the secret god’s discipline, and the old ghost is the most cold-blooded. Before he died, how could he pass the hidden divine spear to you! You should be the hidden divine land

The Avatar!”

Human God is very sure. Although the hidden god never shows up, it does not mean that the human god and the Heavenly God have no understanding of the hidden god.

“What, the Hidden Gods, the Human Race battlefield, there are three earths, and a hidden temple?” Lu Qing couldn’t help exclaiming.

This news is really shocking. Not only Lu Qing, but many of the Martial Emperors and Martial Gods in the Human Race Xiongguan showed shocked expressions. Zhao Divine Sword also took an unexpected look at the human spirit, “You can actually recognize the hidden divine spear, indeed has several points of insight, it’s just a pity that you, like Heavenly God, are all tempted to enter the Heaven Realm and bewildered

mind, even your greatest enemy is right in front of you. You haven’t noticed it. It’s really sad, but Sigh!”

“Shut up! What are you waiting for, take this person to the deity, don’t let this person be silly!” Heavenly God was completely irritated by Zhao Divine Sword’s words.

Human God is also coldly snorted. Of course, he will not give Zhao Divine Sword a chance to speak. Even if there is doubt in his heart, the character of Human God and Heavenly God will only grasp Zhao Divine Sword and interrogate slowly. .

Afterwards, a scene that shocked God and Heavenly God appeared. Many Martial Gods in the Temple of Human Beings and Heaven Temple, not only did not obey the orders, but also came out more and more, standing behind Zhao Divine Sword.

“What’s going on, you are so brave, you dare to collude with the hidden temple, betray the gods, and the temples!”

The son of the gods was shocked. He was terrified to discover that these Martial Gods standing behind Zhao Divine Sword actually included his Dao Protector, Martial God of the waning moon! Generally, Martial God who can become the Dao Protector of God Son is the absolute confidant of Dizun. When seeing the waning moon, Martial God also betrayed in public. Ren God instantly flushed and shouted: “Wan Yue, you are one of my earliest and most trusted subordinates. You have even taken the Divine Soul blood oath to be loyal to me. You dare to betray!

“hmph, Divine Soul blood oath, so what, as long as the Hidden God is willing, he can easily cancel the Divine Soul blood oath and the ancestral witch oath!” Wanyue Martial God looks cold, his This remark is not only for Human Temple and Heaven Temple.

At the same time, it was said to those golden witches.

When I heard that the hidden gods could even release the ancestral witch’s oath, many golden witches couldn’t help but waver.

Ye Fei’s face also changed from solemn to gloomy. He had thought that he might be in conflict with the Hermitage Temple, but he did not expect that the Hermitage’s revenge would be so fast and so cruel.

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