With the compromise between God and Heavenly God, the current Human Race battlefield may not be the strongest, but it is the most united.

Of course, this is still God and Heavenly God. I don’t know that Ye Fei at this time has a complete heart of origin!

And the heart of origin is the key to controlling a continent! Whoever can refining can make martial artists born in this continent bow their heads to orders. Of course, Ye Fei is already Human Sovereign now, so naturally he will not take the rule of a land in his eyes.

What really made him to be wild with joy was that after refining the heart of origin, the seal of the immortal Sword Soul was revealed again. The formidable power that destroys Destruction Sword gas has also changed from 0.1% to 1%!

“My God, it is actually 1%! If I can release this Destruction Sword qi, the entire Heavenly Martial Continent will be destroyed by me in an instant…”

Ye Fei secretly smacks his tongue, when he feels the horrible energy hidden in the immortal Sword Soul, even as a witch god, Ye Fei has a kind of inner fear.

“I don’t know if this kind of power can kill the black Heavenly Venerable An?”

Suddenly a single thought reappeared in his heart, but before he thought about it, Suddenly there was a huge cheer from outside. Afterwards, Wang Bai, dressed in white clothed like a floating War God, walked into the Pagoda of Sealing Demon, leaving only the back of countless young martial artists who are powerful, majestic and solemn.

Only after walking into the Enchanted Demon Tower, Wang Bai immediately showed his true shape, smiled and waved his hand: “Hey, being handsome is a favorite. Brother just waved his hand and wiped it out. It’s just a group of skeleton soldiers who are worshipped by that many people. What should I do? What annoyance!”

Ye Fei came back to his senses, with a serious expression: “Wang Bai, I was not careful. I refining the heart of origin!”

“It’s not to blame you! A woman goes crazy and really terrifying. Besides, it’s better for you to refining than to be ruined by the madman refining or Self-destruction.” Wang Bai is also There was a lingering fear, even though he was fighting outside, he had been paying attention to the situation inside the Enclosure Tower.

Ye Fei shook his head depressedly: “I don’t care about this, I am worried. If I refining the heart of origin, will it have a bad effect on Heavenly Martial Continent?” Wang Bai hearing this He froze, then carefully combed his four eyebrows, and explained: “Let’s tell you this, Heavenly Martial Continent, it is the fleshy body of Ancestral Dragon, the heart of Ancestral is the soul of Ancestral Dragon! You have refined the heart of origin. , Equivalent to become the soul of Ancestral Dragon. As long as you don’t die, Wu Dalu will still absorb the power of the universe, and continue to produce Heavenly Venerate and various Spiritual Qi. Of course, if you are strong Enough, you can also force the heart of refining to return to this continent!”

Wang Bai explained in detail, Ye Fei also spits out one mouthful of impure air; then The two looked at each other and smiled, both relieved.

“Don’t you adore brother, brother has always been a very low-key person!” Wang Bai walked out very pompously, facing tens of thousands of young martial artists outside, revealing what he thinks is the most Shuai’s most mighty smile.


The martial artists outside are all unfathomable mystery looking at Wang Bai.

“What’s the matter with this man? He should be Ye Human Sovereign’s follower?”

“Then it goes! Which master travels, not the servant? “

“Look, Ye Human Sovereign has come out. It’s Ye Human Sovereign. Our True Martial Saint Court is the strongest Holy Son! We Heavenly Martial Continent strongest person!”

“Ye Human Sovereign, people love you so much!” A bold female Sovereign unexpectedly showed her love to Ye Fei in public. As soon as she walked out of the Pagoda, Ye Fei was embarrassed and Wang Bai’s majestic smile was completely frozen, even four. The eyebrows are stiff and straight. Only then did I understand that it turned out that what everyone cheered just now was not his really handsome guy, but

Ye Fei who had entered the Pagoda. Wang Bai suddenly felt so angry, “I knew this, I should have let Ye Fei stay outside, and himself into the magic tower!”

Chapter 1947 is about to start

Although The matter of sealing the demon tower has been resolved, but there are still a large number of bone demons wandering in the burial ground, but Ye Fei has no plans to continue culling these bone demons.

One is that there is no time, and the other is that these bone demons are completely eliminated, and the burial ground loses the meaning of trial. In the end, Ye Fei and Wang Bai discussed, and at the same time, they joined forces to re-arrange the shaman god restraint and the earth honor restraint in this burial land.

With these two prohibitions, even if Martial God enters, it can only exert the battle strength of Martial Saint, and the bone demon inside will live and survive as a permanent Land of Trial. To Heavenly Martial Continent.

After doing all this, Ye Fei and Wang Bai immediately left Zhong Prefecture and returned to the Northern Territory. When I returned, three familiar silhouettes were already waiting anxiously in the sky above Leaf City.

“Zhao Yu, Lu Qing, Shangluo… Why are you here?” Ye Fei was a little surprised. Although the transmission stone gate is still open, every time it is a super long-distance starry sky transmission, every transmission requires a huge amount of resources. When Ye Fei came over, it was not that he didn’t want to bring more people.

But he used up all the treasures on his body, and he could only hold a sacrifice once and quickly teleport him over by himself. According to common sense, Zhao Yu and the three are impossible to teleport again, unless God and Heavenly God are willing to come up with resources.

Ye Fei’s heart sank sharply. Could it be that what happened to the Human Race battlefield?

“Ye Fei, something went wrong on the Human Race battlefield, the black Heavenly Venerable An has completely awakened, and the Witch tribe has already begun to assemble a large army. A new war between humans and witches is about to begin again!” Lu Qing’s voice Some trembling.

The battle between humans and witches is the most terrifying battle in this world. When Martial Emperor Martial God enters that battlefield, it is like a tiny ant, which is likely to be trampled to death by giants at any time.

And this giant, formerly the golden witch and witch god of the witch tribe, is now a more terrifying black Heavenly Venerable An. This time Zhao Yu, Lu Qing, and Shangluo returned together. In addition to reporting to Ye Fei, they also reminded Heavenly Martial Continent to prepare early.

“Hey, the one who should come is still unable to escape! The Black Heavenly Venerable An will take the shot himself, there are only two possibilities, either he has not much life essence and must fight to the death, or it is his The injury has completely recovered, and he has Heavenly Venerate battle strength again!”

Wang Bai has a solemn expression, and his four eyebrows are tangled together.

Zhao Yu looked at Wang Bai who appeared in shock, “You are Wang Bai!”

“cough cough, big brother and sister, long time no see! I met Second Brother sister, Third Brother sister!” Wang Bai was polite and solemn.

But what he said was that Ye Fei was frightened. There was a cold sweat behind his back. I felt Wang Bai really owed his mouth. You can understand why you call Zhao Yu brother and sister, why must add Lu Qing and Shangluo.


Without warning, the air all around suddenly became naked again at a visible speed. It became cold, Wang Bai, who was standing in the same place and posing, ka -cha, it was frozen into an ice sculpture with a weird posture.

Then came lightning and thunder, countless lightning like Heavenly Tribulation, on the spot sensation Wang Bai’s four eyebrows became scorched, and four bursts of black smoke appeared.

In the end, Wang Bai finally rushed out of the ice and thunderbolt in embarrassment. Suddenly a piece of spirit melon skin appeared on the ground, and it was accurately thrown at Wang Bai’s feet. With a touch, Wang Bai fell. Face to the ground, she slid out for a long distance.

Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise both looked stunned.

Ye Fei was also stunned. Although Wang Bai did owe a fight, he was also the previous generation of Human Sovereign!

But seeing the three murderous-looking mothers, Old Hu, Ye Fei swallowed her saliva, and finally decided to pretend not to see it, but changed the subject in a muffled voice: “If business matters, I should return to Human first. Let’s talk about Race! Shanshan, Xiaochan, Zhao Si-nian, protect Ye Family and Beiyu!”

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