The dark cloud is over the city, and the war will begin.

But Ye Fei doesn’t plan to let Ye Family play in the Northern Territory. After all, he has selfish intentions. If Human Race is defeated, he will at least keep these relatives from being affected. Seeing Ye Fei change the subject, Zhao Yu, Lu Qing, and Shangluo all rolled their eyes and looked very contemptuous, but when they saw Wang Bai who was lying on the ground, twitching and smoking black smoke, they quickly Laughed again. The flustered mind that was originally frightened by the black Heavenly Venerable An, all relaxes at this time

a lot.

Wang Bai lay motionless on the ground, and watched as he passed by, riding the grass of Dragon Tortoise: “Little Sister, you have pity for me, let you be Dragon Tortoise Spit some dragon’s saliva and heal the injury.”

“Eh?” Xiaocao looked at Dragon Tortoise in amazement. Dragon Tortoise shook his head quickly, indicating that although it has dragon’s blood, it is a turtle species. , Where is the dragon’s saliva.

“What, you can’t spit out the dragon’s saliva, what’s the use of raising you so fat!” Wang Bai said, the face of Dragon Tortoise was dark, and he sprayed out the dragon flame on the spot. . It was the last Ling Siqi, who faintly guessed the identity of Wang Bai. Out of respect for the previous Human Sovereign, he grabbed Wang Bai’s foot and wanted to drag Wang Bai into the stone gate, but Wang Bai waved his hand. , He got up from the ground and said: “Forget it, I still won’t go back now, the war has started, my old friend, the hundreds of thousands of years are silent, are you still willing to follow me, Retrieve the bloody years?”


Wang Bai faces the starry sky, and he wears the rays of light to form a golden bridge, extending directly from Leaf City to the endless starry sky.” Ye Fei, you go first, I will find my old friends, and then I will go to the Human Race Xiongguan to meet you!”

Ye Fei nodded, I understand that the old friend Wang Bai is looking for should be the place, he I didn’t ask much, just raised my foot and stepped across the stone gate.

After the stone gate, it is Human Race Xiongguan.

But at this time, the Human Race Xiongguan is different from usual. This Xiongguan is already full of Martial God, Demi-God, countless Martial Emperor powerhouses, and even the most outstanding team. Army formations are neatly arranged in the starry sky outside Xiongguan.

And in it, there are many silhouettes of wizards, these all are Ye Fei brought back hundreds of witch traitors, the black Heavenly Venerable An wakes up, and the war will begin. Having betrayed the black Heavenly Venerable An and turned to Ye Fei, they had no choice but to take up arms and fight side by side with the martial artists of Human Race Xiongguan.

So behind the army formations, Human Race Xiongguan, countless altars appeared for the first time. In each of these altars, there are a varying number of wizards who are offering sacrifices. With the help of heaven and earth, Refining various witchcraft puppets, wild beasts, and witch insects. Inside the Xiongguan, fire was raging. There are more than three thousand volcanic furnaces that were ignited at the same time. Countless Human Race Refiner Masters, together with the Witches and Witches of the Witch, are creating various terrorist killers suitable for war. There are also huge solar warships, dragging the artificial sun, slowly flying out of Xiongguan


The powerhouse of Martial God Level stayed on the battleship.

Then there were more than a dozen golden warships slowly flying into the sky. Gongzhu and Demon Sovereign were commanding the golden witch above, platooning troops.

Besides the city wall, there are also groups of powerful Demi-Gods, either alone or in small groups, shuttled in the military formation, conveying various orders.

Looking at the end of Xiongguan Pass, in the direction of the Witch Clan’s Withered Ridge, a thick black fog is steadily approaching the Human Race battlefield at a speed visible by naked eye, heavy and slowly.

Look carefully, that is simply not thick fog, but endless ancient wild beasts, driven by wizards, will be used as cannon fodder to launch a first round impact on Human Race male pass! The war is about to start!

Chapter 1948 War Begins

Above Xiongguan, everyone’s expressions are full of dignity and worry, until Ye Fei returns with Zhao Yu and the others successfully. Worry has only diminished slightly.

“Human Sovereign!”

Heavenly God walked forward together with the gods and moved towards Ye Fei. Faced with the strong pressure of the black Heavenly Venerable An, they finally decided to admit Ye Fei, unconditionally handed over the command of the battlefield.

But Ye Fei still vaguely guessed the selfishness of God and Heavenly God to retain their strength, but he did not intend to break it, but asked in a deep voice: “How long will the black Heavenly Venerable An initiate? Attack?”

The gods solemnly said: “Three days later, the millions of Wu tribe army can reach the Human Race Xiongguan! In fact, we are not afraid of the Wu tribe army. What we are really worried about is this black Heavenly. Venerable An, it is very likely that he will do it himself!”

The words of the gods made Ye Fei’s heart sink. Then, he took a deep breath, coldly said: “No matter what Everyone, we must fight for Human Race, and also for ourselves! If you want to survive, Heavenly God, I hope you can plot against less and more blood!”

Ye Fei no longer said more, but directly returned to the Human Sovereign Hall and began to arrange the next battle. The complexion changed of Human God and Heavenly God also returned to their respective temples with great heart.

Three days later! Outside the Human Race Xiongguan, there was a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering beast roar. Countless martial artists were startled and flew into the sky. Then they saw the outside of the Xiongguan. I don’t know when, endless and endless. The army of ancient wild beasts, these wild beasts are all controlled by wizards and driven here, they are the best cannon fodder to attack the Human Race Xiongguan.

Every time a war between humans and witches, these ancient wild beasts will cause a lot of casualties to the Human Race, especially this time, the furious black Heavenly Venerable An, not only personally shot, but also concentrated All the power of the Wu clan. This will certainly make this war even more tragic!

“Human Race, surrender to Heavenly Venerate, you still have a way to survive. If you resist, you will definitely die this time!”

The witch god of sickle, walked out of countless beasts , Shouting towards Xiongguan.

His words made countless martial artists angry.

“I would rather die than surrender!”

Heavenly God, at the same time coldly shouted.

“Only heroes who died in battle, no cowards who surrendered!” Ye Fei walked out of Xiongguan, and suddenly, ten pairs of furious eyes stared at Ye Fei.

“Ye Zhizun, Ye Human Sovereign, you lied to us so hard!”

“Heavenly Venerate has an order. Others can descend, Ye Fei must die! Kill!”


Following the orders of the ten witch gods, countless roars of ancient wild beasts came from the entire starry sky. Then, there was an endless wave of beasts, suddenly erupting, A torrent of darkness is formed, and Xiongguan must be destroyed.

“War, for myself, and for our family!”

Ye Fei waved his arms, and the entire Human Race rushed through the roar of countless martial artists. Powerful solar warships, under the control of Martial God, took the lead in rushing out of Xiongguan and killing the endless ancient wild beasts.

“Hold sacrifices of heaven and earth to lift their curse!”

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