Gongzhu, led by hundreds of thousands of wizards, suddenly went on the altar together and performed sacrifices at the same time. The materials they sacrificed were all magic crystals, spirit veins, various treasures, and gods!

Although it is not as effective as slaughtering creatures, the sacrifice of infinite treasure, the huge Power of Heaven and Earth, still swarms; it turns into a flood of light and falls into the herd outside Xiongguan. Many powerful ancient beasts that had been controlled and maddened by wizards, instantly got rid of this control.

They opened their confused eyes, and when they saw clearly that they were on the battlefield, these ancient beasts immediately fled around in panic. In the end, the ancient wild beasts are also wise. They are impossible and willing to be enslaved and become cannon fodder on the battlefield.

Following the practice of Gongzhu leading the wizard, the tide of beasts rushing to the Human Race Xiongguan like a tide suddenly went into chaos without fighting, and soon became completely chaotic.

On the battleship of the sun, the Martial Gods of the Temple of Man and the Temple of Heaven, immediately took advantage of this opportunity to hide in the herd, trying to secretly attack the wizards of Xiongguan, and kill them all.

“Gongzhu, you group of traitors!”

Outside Xiongguan, the roar of the flustered and exasperated witch god of Huangqiu was heard. They let the wild beasts fight forward, just not wanting themselves The clansman died and injured too much. But as Ye Fei led the hundred thousand witches to defect and flee into Xiongguan, the beast tide cannon fodder tried and tested by the witches suddenly became useless. This also made the nervous and terrified Martial Emperor Demi-Gods of Human Race Xiongguan uttered excited cheers, and in the face of these cheers, the expressions of God and Heavenly God were still full of dignity. We blocked the tide of beasts, and there was an army of puppets of the Witch tribe behind, and then the army of witches.

The army of the division, the golden witch, and the witch gods took action!” “Of course, we are not afraid of these, after all, hundreds of Thousands of years, the Witch’s means can’t break this male barrier, but I’m afraid, once the Black Heavenly Venerable An is shot, who can stop us? Even if we can, who still has the energy to stop the Witch’s ten Martial God?” Heavenly God’s tone is very sad.

In the end, the overall strength of Human Race is still too weak compared to the Wu Clan with Heavenly Venerate. Even with the addition of Demon Sovereign and Gongzhu, they can only block two witch gods at most, and the rest must be blocked by other high-level Martial Gods!

But even if blocked, once the upper Martial God on the Human Race side is dead, the shaman god who vacated his hand can still enter the Xiongguan and kill Martial God and Demi-God easily.

“No matter how you look at it, we are losing more than winning, unless someone can block the ten witch gods in one breath…or else, let me go, God, Heavenly God, you and the king White is going to stop the black Heavenly Venerable An, and I will kill the other witch gods!”

Ye Fei was cruel in his heart and thought of a way that was not a solution.

Heavenly God and the human gods are both shocked, “It’s impossible to join hands with Wang Bai, we simply don’t have the confidence to block the black Heavenly Venerable An for too long!”

“Those witch gods , Leave it to me!” Suddenly, behind the three of them, there was a powerful and loud voice, which was very familiar.

Turning my head to look, I saw four powerful silhouettes walking out of the transmission stone gate established by Ye Fei.

“The three Martial Gods! It’s you. You are not dead!” God, Heavenly God looked at the appearance of these three powerful upper Martial Gods in shock.

They are the Heavenly Array, the Earthly Array, and the resurrected Fairy! It’s just that they don’t have a fleshy body, but purely use Formation to condense the array body!

In front of them, there is a white clothed Wang Bai, looking solemnly at the battlefield where Human Race is fighting outside Xiongguan, “Finally, I have returned to this familiar battlefield…”


“Human Sovereign big brother, that many witch gods, have you dealt with it alone, what if they find out your attempt and run away?” Fairy was a little worried and put his arm around Wang Bai’s arm. I was coughing desperately for a while, and blue veins appeared on my forehead. Only Wang Bai, an uncommon military might, waved his hand in an extremely heroic manner: “What is Human Sovereign, what a capable man can do, this is Human Sovereign! Don’t say anything, give me the ten witch gods, and the black Heavenly Venerable An, give it to me. You guys! That’s the decision!”

Chapter 1949 Bloody Battle at Xiongguan

Without giving others a chance to dissuade others, Wang Bai directly rushed out of Xiongguan. His appearance immediately attracted everyone’s attention, no way, the Human Race with four eyebrows was too rare.

even more how Wang Bai also wore a snow-white robe, which immediately caused the pupil light of the ten witch gods outside to be projected on Wang Bai, and these witch gods were all incredible stared wide-eyed.

“Is the previous generation of Human Sovereign, tall and handsome?”

“Did you admit it wrong, didn’t the old yin guy be killed by the black Heavenly Venerable An long ago?”


“There can be no mistake, the four damn eyebrows, he turned to ashes, we can all recognize it!”


With Wang Bai’s Appeared, the originally quiet Witch tribe army, I don’t know how many golden witches, they all roared violently, there is no way, the previous Human Sovereign, Wang Baikeng has the most Witch tribe and the worst. It’s not just a joke.

At this time, seeing Wang Bai, even after hundreds of thousands of years, the ten witch gods are collectively angry, as if they saw the killing of their father and their enemies, their eyes were red.

In the face of so many powerful enemies, Wang Bai suddenly carried his hands behind his back, and looked up at the sky with a long sigh, “Hey! Brother, in this life, the fault is too handsome, too good. That’s why it attracts so many jealous eyes. What should I do? It’s too good to do evil…”

When Wang Bai said these narcissistic words, it was not only the roaring wizard god, but silent, Even Ye Fei, who heard the nameless anger, suddenly had the urge to beat others.

The first anger was Huang Qiu witch god, the female witch god, almost screamed by Wang Bai, “Wang Bai, my mother is going to kill you!”

“Yes, kill him, he may not be the strongest in Human Sovereign, but he is the shameless and most owed in Human Sovereign…”

“Kill, count me!”


After a moment of silence, suddenly, ten witch gods of the witch race, almost scrambling to rush out, all of them are gnashing teeth, like Wang Bai has a vengeance on his wife and daughter.

Ye Fei has never seen before, a person’s ability to attract hatred can be so great, Wang Bai just went out to show his face, unexpectedly attracted ten shaman gods violently hunted down.

However, Wang Bai’s actions succeeded in letting Human Race Xiongguan breathe a sigh of relief. Without the threat of the wizard god, the beast tide outside also fell into chaos.

The gods and Heavenly God immediately seized this opportunity. With their flags, the entire starry sky, the countless Martial God Martial Emperor army, all roared and broke out of Xiongguan.

“Attack, enter the male gate! Rule the Human Race!” Inside the wizard clan, countless golden witches roared, and the wizard god is not there. They immediately became the commanders of the battlefield, and countless wizards gathered in them Around me, countless spiritual nebulae burst in the sky, forming a horrible light of bronze, silver, and gold, tearing the void apart

, and shaking this world.


The weapon wizards were the first to dispatch, and still the best at Battle Puppet. I only saw that under the control of the wizard, between Heaven and Earth, thousands of tall were suddenly appeared. There are 1000 meters of giant puppets, many bronze wizards, and silver-skinned wizards. At this time, they are standing on these stone statues, urging the witchcraft, and killing Xiongguan.

“Kill! Fight for the supreme!”

When Gongzhu saw Angry Roar, Human Race Xiongguan, suddenly he also walked out of a larger Divine Stone statue, which was All stone statues controlled by Heaven Temple. At this time, Gongzhu united many great witches and made them into one of the most terrifying battlefield killers. He heard a loud explosion sound, and the witch Divine Stone blasted forward like that huge fist. Blasting the void, the giant puppets that just rushed up suddenly burst like shattered pieces of paper. I don’t know how many wizards there are, bursting with the fragments.

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