“Gong wish you traitors, the witch god has orders, you must kill them all, rush over, and kill them all!” There is a golden witch comparable to the upper Martial God, rushing together from a distance In the future, many of them are standing on top of giant puppets, releasing various powerful witchcraft. In the end, these witchcrafts converged into a strong and dazzling divine light of heaven and earth, densely packed, and

coming to the witch Divine Stone of Heaven Temple in the capital.

“Kill the past and protect the stone statues!”

Suddenly, all around the stone statues, there are silhouettes of Emperor Fan, Xue Yue, Dongfang Yu and the others, and all martial artists of the Human Sovereign Hall. , All rushed out, followed the thighs and arms of countless giant puppets, followed the trend, and killed the wizard who controlled the giant puppets.

“Witchcraft, Thousands of Kills!” Above the giant puppet, countless silver-skin wizards stood up with a sneer. Their spirit strengths were united together, and suddenly all around The gravity sinks more than a thousand times, while suppressing the approach of the martial artist. There have been countless rays of light, the first dozen of them rushed up

Demi-God powerhouse, all split up and in pieces, even Divine Soul was shattered.

Those Martial Masters standing on top of the puppets suddenly cheered of victory without noticing them. A huge solar warship has appeared in the starry sky instantly, and the sun dragging behind the warship is just a dull Impact.


Those cheering Martial Masters, together with the entire giant puppet, were melted instantly by the impact of the sun and the high temperature, and a fiery blood spattered from the world.

Afterwards, there was another powerful explosion!

The golden witch jointly launched a weird witchcraft, which actually allowed them to break through the defensive mask of the solar warship, directly on the solar warship, and instantly beheaded a subordinate Martial who controlled the warship. God.


On another warship, a middle-aged Martial God suddenly burst into tears and roared with sorrow. The beheaded lower Martial God happened to be his only son.

That roar for Martial God, great grief, made him suddenly abandon his warship and madly kill the warship next to him. But before he gets closer, the endless meteors in the starry sky have been summoned by wizards, and the skeleton doesn’t exist that the Martial God smashed instantly.

“This is war, this is the cruelest fight between Heaven and Earth!” Ye Fei was not far away. He saw the pair of Martial God father and son with his own eyes, and died in an instant, in his heart Suddenly sad, and soon became killing intent boiling. He didn’t use weapons, just stretched out his big hand to condense the scattered starlight into one after another giant palm, and slammed toward the two witches

The division ship shot over.

The starry sky soon burst into two huge fire lights. Ye Fei’s palm directly turned all the wizards of the two warships into powder.

“Ye Fei, it is Ye Zhizun! Heavenly Venerate has an order, whoever can kill him will be rewarded and become a wizard god! Kill!”

The power of Ye Fei , Did not scare off these wizards. After all, this is a battlefield, not a stand-alone arena for martial artists. Even if it is as strong as Heavenly Venerate, facing thousands or tens of thousands of Martial God attacks, they may be injured, let alone Ye Fei just just Sorcerer. At the moment Ye Fei shot, thousands of golden witches appeared beside him instantly. Some of them controlled the puppets, some released poison insects, and some summon altars. When moved towards Ye Fei, they launched various curses. Trying to use everyone’s power to kill Ye Fei and behead Ye Fei.

Chapter 1950 Heavenly Venerate shot
But these golden witches also forgot one thing, that is this battlefield, not only Ye Fei a supreme!

At the same time Ye Fei shot, God and Heavenly God also shot at the same time. They are both the elders, and they are the worst nightmare of countless golden witches. When the gods, Heavenly God, and Ye Fei three supreme team shots, this world has become completely collapsed.

Countless stars fell, countless blood mist exploded!

In just 30 minutes, the surrounded golden witches have died in battle for a little while, and the remaining golden witches all screamed and fled in fear. It is impossible to stop the joint fight of the three supreme powerhouses.

Boom pa!

There are more than a dozen golden warships of the witch tribe. Under the joint hands of the three of Ye Fei, they burst apart. I don’t know how many wizards will be buried with them.

Human gods have hair like blood, chasing and killing the escaped golden witch, Heavenly God also has red eyes. Everlasting Country, once released, is a collection of hundreds of giant puppets, together with the wizards above. Together, they were shattered.


Ye Fei golden light is dazzling. He held up the Golden Blood Sword and suddenly slashed at a wizard god discipline in the Golden Palace. The Martial God disciple’s body has exploded from the middle, and the same exploded. There is a golden warship where this person is.

Under the Xiongguan, countless bronze wizards have already controlled the huge siege war chariot at this time, rushing towards the Xiongguan, above the Xiongguan, countless Martial Emperors have also formed a powerful army. Array, condensing the soul of the army, and constantly fighting with the wizard.

The army formations quickly became broken. I don’t know how many martial artists were seriously injured and died tragically. In the end, the wizards were first strong and then weak, while martial artists were weak first and then strong.

In Supreme Realm, the golden witches killed by Ye Fei corpses everywhere across the field, but in the same way, in Martial Emperor Realm, martial artists that witches can fight against have been losing out.

However, Human Race Xiongguan is a war fortress that has erected hundreds of thousands of years. It was found that the Martial Emperor who was unable to resist and fought, suddenly all retreated to the Xiongguan. Then, inside the Xiongguan, that Thousands of volcanic furnaces suddenly flew out of thin air.

The mountain pass faces outward and the mountain body faces inward. It is like a terrifying cannon from heaven and earth. There are countless loud bangs. The terrifying lava has been swept across with fiery heat and crimson lava beams. This world swallowed thousands of bronze wizards on the spot.

In the end, although wizards are powerful, their fleshy body is too weak to defend against. A slightly stronger energy impact can cause the Martial Master fleshy body to collapse and violent death.

Furthermore, as Ye Fei, God of Humanity and Heavenly God were slaughtered everywhere, a large number of golden witches began to fall, and the morale of the witches was immediately shaken.

The situation quickly spread to the ears of ten witch gods. They were all complexion greatly changed, and they understood that they had been punished by Wang Bai again. Wang Bai led them away, just to give others a heavy blow to the Witch Clan and create opportunities.

“Not good, let’s not chase Wang Bai, let’s go back first to block God and Heavenly God…”

“no! I won’t go back, Wang Bai is not a human, my mother I’m going to castrate him personally!” Huang Qiu Dazun shouted angrily, as if he had a monstrous hatred with Wang Bai.

Faced with Huang Qiu’s crazy pursuit and killing, Wang Bai’s expression was also rarely frightened, and he kept waving his hands and said, “Let’s go, when you are gone, my brother will just break all of you and take you one by one. A behead!”

One piece of the complexion ashen of the nine witch gods. The battle strength of the witch god is not as good as that of the earth, so before facing the human god and the heavenly god, they all fought in groups of three or five.

But at this time, the Human Race Xiongguan is not only the two gods of humanity and Heavenly God. But there is more Wang Bai, more Ye Fei. If they are too scattered, they really might fall.

The nine witch gods are all furious. I feel that hundreds of thousands of years are missing, and Wang Bai has become more shameless and more wretched, and he can even use such threats.

But this kind of threat made the ten shaman gods feel that if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, it’s not that if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, it’s not that it’s not if you don’t chase and kill Wang Bai, it’s actually falling After the extremely embarrassing stalemate, I can only watch, a large number of golden witches are constantly beheaded by Ye Fei, God of Humanity and Heavenly God.

“A group of rubbish, the deity has raised you for so many years, but it has raised your rice buckets!” Suddenly, there was a huge anger in the starry sky. At the beginning of this war, no one didn’t. t expect, the situation will evolve into this way. You must know that in the previous human-witch wars, the witches have always been fighting against the Human Race, but this time, the situation is reversed. Human Race not only has Ye Fei and Wang The two supreme Bai, at this moment, there are even more witches

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