Speaking of Wang Bai, Human Demon was full of resentment. Since his birth of spiritual wisdom, what he has heard is Wang Bai’s crazy chattering narcissism. It has not been crazy for so long. Human Demon has already It’s tenacious.

However, Human Demon is Human Demon. Even if he was severely injured by Ye Fei and suppressed by Wang Bai, he regained control of the body, but with this body, Human Demon controls hundreds of thousands of years. Refining in a short time is simply impossible. So Human Demon lurked wisely and did not continue to fight with Wang Bai, but waited patiently until the moment when Wang Bai and Hei Heavenly Venerable An were seriously injured, until Wang Bai ignored his life and helped Ye Fei withstand the true Heavenly Dao’s robbery. At that moment, Human Demon suddenly got into trouble, re-suppressing Wang Bai’s Divine Soul

and regaining control of the body.

In the end, Human Demon used Wang Bai’s identity as a cover, and successfully captured Zhao Yu, and by the way, Lu Qing, Shangluo, and even the innocent Ling Siqi were arrested.

Ye Fei’s heart was immediately furious, and a terrifying killing intent appeared on his body. He stepped forward and shouted loudly: “Human Demon, put them down, what’s the matter? I’ll come!” “Haha, Ye Human Sovereign, you don’t have to be so angry! It is the deity who should be angry. If it weren’t for Wang Bai to stop the deity back then, do you think you will live until now? You will have the strength you are now. And status?” Human Demon was embarrassed and lost to Ye Fei, or failed twice. This is the biggest shame since the birth of Human Demon

spiritual wisdom!

This kind of humiliation made Human Demon hate to the sky, grabbing Zhao Yu’s four necks, and starting to forcefully, “Everyone, all back, especially you Ye Human Sovereign, if you dare One step closer, the deity will kill one of them!”

“Human Demon, don’t be impulsive, the woman you want to catch is Ye Fei’s woman, it has nothing to do with my elder sister, you let me elder sister first !” Ling Siyu came in a panic. She regretted that she shouldn’t be clever and asked Ling Siqi to give Ye Fei medicine.

There are also heavenly punishment Zhundi and Shang Jing who regret, but they are not even Martial God, facing Human Demon, simply have no right to speak.

Human Demon didn’t pay attention to them at all. He just stared at Ye Fei indifferently, and said grimly: “Ye Human Sovereign, their life and death are all in your hands. Is it retiring?”

“How about advancing, how about retreating?” Ye Fei smiled suddenly, coldly, full of murderous intention, “Human Demon, don’t forget, this world , The strongest is the earth respect, and the strongest of the earth respect is me, if you dare to hurt any of them, I promise, you will regret your death and live in this world! If you let it go

They, I can swear with my life. From then on, my grievances and grievances will be cancelled. I swear that I will never be an enemy again!”

At present, it is still important to rescue Zhao Yu and the others. As for How to deal with Human Demon in the future and save Wang Bai, you can only find another way!

Hearing this, Human Demon did not relax his vigilance. Instead, he shook his head like an enemy: “Ye Human Sovereign, we don’t make a joke, we swear it! This deity, as long as you promise one condition! “

Ye Fei’s face is dark, “What conditions?”

“The deity wants grass! You give the grass to the deity, and the deity promises to let all your women go!” Human Demon stared at the grass with deep greed and desire in his eyes.

The scared Xiaocao couldn’t help shaking. Ye Fei hurriedly hugged Xiaocao and categorically refused: “No, this is just a change of hostages! Human Demon, either you let them go, and I will let you make a living. If you dare to hurt them, this is you today. The day of death!”


While speaking, Ye Fei’s body has already shown an astonishing murderous intention, and then he gave Zhao Yu an apologetic look . Zhao Yu couldn’t speak, she just blinked her eyes vigorously, as did Lu Qing and Shangluo. Ling Siqi continued to use the ten spirits of good fortune, trying to escape from Human Demon’s hands, but Human Demon’s magic hand is very weird. It can actually become bigger and smaller, and it does not give Ling Siqi a chance to break free, also

Don’t give other people a chance to speak.

After discovering that he could not get the grass, Human Demon also changed his words decisively: “Okay, the deity doesn’t want you to hand over the grass, but the deity must have one drop from the grass, no, four drops of blood. essence!”

“Human Demon, what do you want Xiaocao’s blood essence for?” Tian Chi was furious, behind him, followed by the same anger, there was also Fairy with a worried look.

Although Tiantian and Jitian mentioned Wang Bai, either beating or cursing, when Wang Bai really had an accident, they came right away.

Seeing these three people, Human Demon’s eyes softened a lot. “The deity recognized you. When Wang Bai died in battle, you all cried out with your deity’s body. This love, the deity will show mercy and tell you the specific method of entering the Heaven Realm!” Human Demon said solemnly, “To enter the Heaven Realm, there are always two ways. One, like this little evil creature,” Embarking on the road of despair, it attracted the true Heavenly Dao, forcibly tore through the barriers of the Heaven Realm, and forcibly broke in, but this method is almost nine deaths and still alive, as strong as the black Heavenly Venerable An, so I dare not try

! Second, it is to sacrifice the origin of Heavenly Venerate of this world. As long as the origin is sufficient, it can also break the barriers and establish a safe and stable Path to Heaven!”

“There is actually A simpler way is to look for the blood of immortal spirit! The blood of immortal spirit can easily break the barrier of Heaven Realm and let people enter the Heaven Realm smoothly!”

Said here, Human Demon’s eyes , Has become extremely enthusiastic, the gods standing aside, Heavenly God, and the nine witch gods, all stared wide-eyed, staring at the grass incredibly.

Everyone is not a fool. At this time, everyone understands that Human Demon deliberately caught Zhao Yu and the others here, not to avenge Ye Fei, but to get grass and enter Heaven Realm. !

“Immortal Clan, Xiaocao, are you the key to entering Heaven Realm?” Ye Fei also looked at Xiaocao in shock.

Only Xiaocao, ignorant, pulled Ye Fei’s ears curiously, and then stared at Human Demon panting with rage, screaming and screaming. Human Demon seems to be able to understand some of Xiaocao’s words. He said with a sneer: “The deity doesn’t have to lie to you. When the demon was born with a corpse spirit, Hei Heavenly Venerable An planned to refine me into the highest corpse puppet to help He controls the Human Sovereign Hall! It is a descendant of Immortal Clan who suddenly appeared, and he severely damaged the black Heavenly Venerable An and gave me a grass. He said, this is their Immortal Clan’s last hope! Let the deity must protect her ! Otherwise, do you think that the deity will let you, such a Heaven and Earth Spirit Object, run around in the Martial God space of the deity? When the Fajia wants to catch you, you still think of a way,

Send you out of the burial ground and let you escape smoothly?”

Human Demon’s words made Xiaocao’s eyes widened in shock. Ye Fei also felt stunned. Only then did he understand that Xiaocao was able to escape from the burial ground and leave Zhong Prefecture. It was not accidental, but Human Demon was secretly helping.

Chapter 1962 The Bone Star

Human Demon’s words made Ye Fei killing intent weakened a lot. Without the secret care of Human Demon, Xiaocao is also impossible to escape from the Burial God Ground. Of course, Human Demon is also uneasy and kind in taking care of Xiaocao. He simply wants to wait until he is out of trouble and use the blood of Xiaocao’s immortal spirit to enter the Heaven Realm.

Ye Fei suddenly hesitated, wondering if he should agree to the terms of Human Demon in exchange for the safety of Zhao Yu’s fourth daughter. Zhao Yu also vigorously blinked at Ye Fei and told Ye Fei that he must not agree to any of Human Demon’s terms, which made Ye Fei hesitate even more.

He is worried about surrendering the blood essence, Human Demon may not fulfill the agreement, and will put this enemy in Heaven Realm.

“Eh!” Xiaocao saw Ye Fei hesitating, and then saw Zhao Yu, who loves him very much. Lu Qing and Shangluo were both caught, and Xiaocao suddenly got sensible from Ye Fei. He jumped down, and then put his white and tender fingers into his mouth and bite hard. A drop of blood essence exuding amazing Spiritual Qi has flown out from the fingertips


“Xiaocao, you…”

Ye Fei looked angry, and was about to scold Xiaocao fiercely, but saw Xiaocao’s painful tears, watching Ye Fei’s The heart is about to melt. But even in this case, Xiaocao still did not stop, but endured his eyes, resisted the pain, and bit his second finger; forced out the second drop of blood essence, and then burst into tears, biting the third finger. Release the third drop of blood essence to bite, bite the fourth finger, and squeeze out the fourth drop of blood essence… Finally, Xiaocao lifts the head, smiling all over his face, and dedicated it to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s eye circles suddenly became red. He didn’t say anything, but forcefully hugged the grass into his arms. At this time, Dragon Tortoise also came over and hurriedly stuck out his tongue, facing the injured finger of the grass Licking hard, a strange fragrance of ambergris quickly restored Xiaocao’s wounds.


“roar roar.” Dragon Tortoise guiltyly defended. It was not ambergris, but pure saliva. Ye Fei and Xiaocao looked dark at the same time.

I understand that Dragon Tortoise is too lazy, I just vomit when I don’t want to expose it.

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