“Well, these are the blood essences, quickly bring them to the deity!”

Human Demon saw the blood of immortal spirit forced out by the grass, and the gloomy pupil light, all became bright , He impatient, once again transformed the fifth magic hand, and grabbed the four drops of blood essence directly.

“get lost!”

Ye Fei was angry and shouted, directly with a star palm, and smashed Human Demon’s magic hand: “First let go, blood essence, you can take it away!”

“Impudent! Your woman’s life and death are between the deity’s thoughts. You are not qualified to negotiate with the deity, hand over the blood essence, and the deity will naturally let others go.” Human Demon shouted. His eyes were also full of murderous intention. If possible, he really wanted to kill Ye Fei and snatch the grass.

Ye Fei’s expression is also full of coldness, refuse to yield an inch and said: “If I give you blood essence, what if you don’t put it in?”

“hmph , If the deity releases people, even if you get the blood essence, you can’t escape the beheading of the Sword Dao Soul within the body! Let’s do this…”

Human Demon thought for a while, and suddenly commanded: “Now You open the barrier of Heaven Realm and shoot the four drops of blood essence to different directions! If the gate of Heaven Realm opens, the deity will be released immediately, what do you think?”


Ye Fei is nodded with a cold face, and understands that Human Demon will not compromise without showing specific benefits. He can only give in. He once again shot the palms of the heavens and stars, the strong rays of light, and it was directly broken. Void, tore apart the void, revealing a crystal Heaven Realm barrier in the void.

Then, according to Human Demon’s method, Ye Fei placed the four drops of blood essence of Xiaocao on different positions of the barrier. Only saw a boom.

Four drops of immortal spirit blood, as if four fire sources have fallen into boiling oil, the Heaven Realm barrier, which even Heavenly Venerate can’t beat, has been attacked by immortal spirit blood and began to appear Huge cracks, endless white radiance, emerge from these cracks.

All the martial artists present felt the breath of Endless Starry Sky, which is beyond the vastness, emanating from the cracks, under this aura, below the supreme, all complexion pale, which is simply unbearable The majestic pressure leaked from Heaven Realm.

That is the real Heaven and Earth Might!

“It’s no wonder that the black Heavenly Venerable An would say that our this world is actually a fake sky! Heavenly Dao is fake, even the world is fake!”

People God and Heavenly God are both moved. The other nine witch gods are also stared wide-eyed. They have thought about Heaven Realm countless times. They didn’t realize how small they really were when they really came into contact with Heaven Realm.

Human Demon roared in ecstasy: “how many years, the deity has finally waited for this day, the deity can finally get rid of this false world and enter the real Heaven Realm!”


Human Demon rushed to the gate of the nearest Heaven Realm. Ye Fei’s expression became cold, and the heavens and stars palmed the palms, unceremoniously. Human Demon killed him, “Hold on, don’t let people go, you don’t even want to go in!”

“hmph, let them go, let’s take them to the deity!” Human Demon pupil light is cold, Suddenly the fourth demon’s hand loosened, and Ling Siqi’s body had been thrown out by Human Demon uncontrollably, and was directly thrown at Ye Fei’s palms.

“elder sister!” Ling Siyu’s scared body trembled.

“Despicable!” Ye Fei’s eyelids also jumped sharply. If he continued to attack, Ling Siqi would be injured. Helplessly, the giant palm of the stars immediately turned offensive to defensive, and quickly stretched over. Gently lifted the thrown Ling Siqi in his palm.


But Ye Fei’s offensive was blocked. The rest of the gods, Heavenly God, and the nine witch gods, were not blocked. When it was discovered that the grass is the key to entering the Heaven Realm, they all stood firmly Ye Fei’s side, at the same time, launched an attack on Human Demon.

Tianzhen, Jitian, Fairy, and at the same time angrily killed him, to subdue Human Demon and re-awaken Wang Bai.

Human Demon suddenly grinned, “Do you really think the deity will be unprepared! Where is my army of bones!”

Bang! Behind Human Demon, a white one suddenly appeared The star, that is a star of bones, with all white bones on it, as well as countless dead Martial God and Martial Emperor corpses, metamorphosed into bone demon and non-bone, at this time, these non-bone, all rushed Come out, it is full of the whole world


“It’s the White Bone Star! I should have thought that Human Demon comes from that star, that star is the back of Human Demon, and the black Heavenly Venerable An, the last thing left behind Means!”

Ye Fei was shocked, self-blaming, annoyed, and angry!

He should have thought about it. Since Human Demon is a corpse enchanted by Heavenly Venerable An, how can he not have the back hand that Heavenly Venerable An prepared for him, but later Human Demon escaped from black Heavenly Venerable An’s control is just a matter of self-reliance. But the black Heavenly Venerable An is left to Human Demon’s backhand, the White Bone Star Chen, is always in the hands of Human Demon!

Chapter 1963 Heavenly Tribulation

roar! Human Demon summon The star of the bone, the endless bone demon, without the bones, completely submerged the entire Human Race male gate, The human god, Heavenly God, the nine witch gods, were also completely surrounded, unable to stop Human Demon for a short time, and taking advantage of this time, Human Demon quickly came under the barrier, the first heaven

The gate of the world.


In the sky full of white bones, Ye Fei’s angry roar suddenly came, and then there was a terrifying Destruction Sword light, Tearing the Void, which cut the entire Bone Star into two halves, Ye Fei angered ten thousand zhang, directly carrying the Indestructible Sword Soul, and killed Human Demon.

“Human Demon, let them go, otherwise, even if you chase into the Heaven Realm, I will kill you!” Ye Fei’s red eyes and huge anger made him even more terrifying than Human Demon.

Especially the immortal Sword Soul in the hand, this is the Sword Soul that killed Heavenly Venerate, even if it is Human Demon, seeing this Sword Dao Soul appear, deep fear and fear flashed in his eyes. fear.

However, Human Demon’s face soon showed an icy grin again, “Human deity will definitely release, but not for you, but for Heaven Realm! Ye Human Sovereign, you lose The deity made you suffer three times, and the deity made you suffer three times! If you want these beauty, go to Heaven Realm to find it slowly, hahaha……”

Amidst the laughter, the four magic hands suddenly came from within Human Demon The body broke away and turned into four demonic energy poisonous snakes, imprisoning Zhao Yu, Lu Qing, and Shang Luo at the same time, they had already taken them to different Heaven Realm doors.

“Human Demon, I rely on!”

Ye Fei both shocked and angry, suddenly there was an impulse to tear Human Demon to pieces, and then he stopped rushing to Human Demon , Just rushed towards Zhao Yu, towards Lu Qing, towards Shangluo.

“Leave me alone, save Lu Qing and Shangluo first, they are innocent!” Without the control of Human Demon, Zhao Yu finally broke free from some of his restraints and spoke.

“Leave us alone, save Zhao Yu first!” Soon, Lu Qing also broke free of imprisonment, and said anxiously. She and Shangluo both wanted to cry without tears in their hearts.

Ye Fei was even more in a hurry. He didn’t know which person to save first. Human Demon didn’t give Ye Fei a chance to save someone. When he walked into the door of Heaven Realm, Human Demon issued a final A command, “Bone burst!”

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