bang! all around Countless kings rushing towards Ye Fei do not melt their bones, all silently and ruthlessly erupt to destroy the rays of light, although these rays of light are not as good as the destruction of the Destruction Sword, but thousands The Martial God does not melt bones and Self-destruction at the same time, not only the other supreme can not resist, but also Ye Fei, after exhausting the immortal Sword Soul and destroying the Destruction Sword, it cannot resist. He disregarded the destruction aura, desperately trying to step forward, even if only one was rescued, but in the end, Ye Fei’s body was exploded by this terrifying bone, and he vomited blood and retreated. In the end, he could only see three demonics. The energy transformed into Teng Snake, with Zhao Yu, Lu Qing, and Shangluo, respectively

rushed into different Heaven Realm doors!

This is Human Demon’s revenge on Ye Fei. Since Ye Fei can’t be beaten, Human Demon also wants Ye Fei to taste the painful taste,

The healing Heaven In the barrier of Realm, Human Demon’s vengeful laughter faintly heard, Zhao Yu’s call, and Lu Qing and Shangluo, crying without tears. They felt it was too bad to be friends with Ye Fei. luck.

Obviously, Ye Fei has no special relationship, but he will always be misunderstood and get involved in the danger of unfathomable mystery.


At the time when the barriers of Heaven Realm were healed, suddenly, the sky of the entire land boundary was filled with a terrifying atmosphere of Heavenly Tribulation.

“That’s Earth Sovereign! What is Ye Human Sovereign going to do? No, this lunatic, he actually wants to use Earth Sovereign to go to the door of the Heaven Realm of strikes Human Demon!” God and Heavenly God Very shocked. Ye Fei’s eyes are even more crazy. When the three of Zhao Yu were swept away by the door of the Heaven Realm, Ye Fei went crazy since it was too late to rescue him. He finally motivated his earth-zun Heavenly Tribulation, and then he took the power of Heavenly Tribulation into his head. Compressed it all and entered

in the door of Heaven Realm where Human Demon is located.


Behind the Heaven Realm, there was also the scream of Human Demon being Heavenly Tribulation strikes, and the roar of anger, “surnamed Ye, the deity and you two cannot coexist, don’t Let the deity meet you in Heaven Realm, otherwise……”

hong long long!

Human Demon’s last words were blocked by the healed Heaven Realm barrier, but many witch gods can already hear the roar of Heavenly Tribulation inside the barrier. Obviously, when Ye Fei incited Earth Zunjie, due to some of the power of Heavenly Tribulation, Ye Fei was forcibly stuffed into the gap of the Heaven Realm barrier. Heavenly Dao felt that he actually regarded Human Demon as the person who saved the disaster. It is within the barrier of Heavenly Tribulation that countless tribulation thunders have been derived. In this way, even if a person

enters the Heaven Realm by chance, they will be bombarded by these Heavenly Tribulation.

“The madman, the Human Sovereign of this generation, is definitely the madman who cannot afford to offend!” Human God and Heavenly God shudder at the same time.

Even though the barriers of Heaven Realm are healed, Ye Fei, who is still attacking and venting in Heavenly Tribulation, the nine witch gods, are all secretly grateful, “Fortunately, at the last moment, we will reconcile with the Ye Devil. After he became the Witch Sovereign, it would be unthinkable…”

Ye Fei’s Divine Tribulation lasted three months before it slowly disappeared. The reason why it lasted so long, Ye Fei simply didn’t go to save the catastrophe. He just stood blankly under the endless Heavenly Tribulation, looking at the direction of the Heaven Realm barrier, lost in thought and blamed himself. If this were replaced by a general earth-sovereign, it would have been smashed to death by Heavenly Tribulation a long time ago, but Ye Fei seemed unconscious, immortal Sword Soul, and began to absorb these Heavenly Tribulation powers independently, strengthen his body, and also refining. Countless Thunder Tribulation fluids, Ye Fei inadvertently absorbed these Thunder Tribulation fluids and threw them to Dragon Tortoise and


So that after three months, not only did Xiaocao gain weight, Dragon Tortoise gained weight for several laps, and his strength was rarely raised to the Peak level of the demon saint. As long as it goes further, Dragon Tortoise From the demon saint, to the Monster God level, equivalent to Human Race Martial God.

But Ye Fei still has no mind to know anything, so he has been sitting in thunderbolt for three months, and after three months of contemplation, he gradually accepted the reality and finally ended. Heavenly Tribulation, returned to the Human Race Xiongguan.

“Human Sovereign!”

“The Witch Sovereign!”

“Brother Ye……”

During this time, no one After leaving, whether it was the Witch or the Human Race, many people looked at Ye Fei with worry. Seeing Ye Fei’s return, Xiaocao immediately jumped into Ye Fei’s arms and looked at Ye Fei with worry.

“Little pot, it’s all my fault…” Ling Siqi walked over, and she lowered her head reproachfully. Ye Fei was slightly smiled, extended the hand, rubbed her little head and said, “Siqi, you are not to blame, it is me that I was too careless to let Human Demon take advantage of it. Now I have figured it out. Zhao Yu and the others just entered Heaven Realm instead of being coerced by Human Demon. This is the biggest luck. Soon, I will go to Heaven Realm, no matter where they are. Well, I will find them back! Absolutely!” Ye Fei was unshaven, and his whole body was smashed to pieces by Heavenly Tribulation. Only his eyes were extremely bright and extremely firm!

Chapter 1964 Heaven Realm’s Covenant

Seeing Ye Fei’s clear eyes, he has clearly recovered from the blow. Both the human god and the Heavenly God are relaxed, and the nine witch gods, too Secretly let go of worry. With Ye Fei breaking through the earth and becoming a witch god, Ye Fei has no opponents in the entire realm. If Ye Fei fails to recover at this time, it will not be good news for the supreme present. After all, they are all Still waiting, let Ye Fei take them to Heaven Realm.

Hearing that Ye Fei is leaving, the two Vice Palace Lords of the Human Sovereign Hall have sad faces on their faces. “The previous generation of Human Sovereign has been suppressed by Human Demon and has entered Heaven Realm. If you leave too, Your Highness , Then what should we do in the Human Sovereign Palace?”

“Yes, there is also the newly established Imperial Palace, what should we do?” Gongzhu was also worried.

Ye Fei laughed, and suddenly glanced at Gongzhu and said: “After I entered Heaven Realm, Gongzhu, the Wu clan side, let you rule. From then on, you will be the second generation of Witch Emperor!”

“What, I became the Witch Sovereign?”

Gongzhu was taken aback. While ecstatic, it was inevitable that he quietly looked at the faces of other wizard gods. He wasn’t Ye Fei, but he couldn’t suppress these powerful wizard gods.

Da Zun Huang Qiu didn’t care, and he waved his hand directly: “As long as you can enter the Heaven Realm, you can give the entire Wu clan to Gongzhu, so why not!”

Others The witch gods are also nodded again and again. Obviously they have reached a tacit understanding and would rather give up the rule of the witch clan and enter the Heaven Realm.

Human God and Heavenly God are the same. Only some time ago, Ye Fei was sad and decadent, and none of them dared to mention it in person.

Now that Ye Fei is ready to leave, they are of course impatient, and when so many people are going to Heaven Realm, Xiaocao’s expression can’t help but feel bitter. He wants to open the door of Heaven Realm. She needs her spiritual blood! Ye Fei frowned even more. Although he was very reluctant in his heart, he knew better that he was in the realm and these shaman gods could be at peace. Once he left, the balance between human and shaman would be broken immediately. The only solution is to bring these powerful witch gods, together with the human gods and the Heavenly God, into Heaven Realm.

Only in this way, Xiaocao will inevitably be greatly wronged. He has been thinking about this matter for three months. Now is the time to make up his mind.

“hundred thousand spirit veins or crystals, in exchange for a drop of blood essence of grass, can you agree?” Ye Fei also put forward his own terms.

After all, it is Xiaocao who is bleeding and injured. Even if it is compelled by circumstances, Ye Fei can’t let Xiaocao suffer any grievances. “Xiaocao, if you are not satisfied, you can add more conditions!” Ye Fei asked Xiaocao again, but soon he found that when he heard the hundred thousand spirit vein, Xiaocao’s eyes started to shine. When I heard that it could be added, Xiaocao was already holding Dragon Tortoise happily, happily rolling around in the sky

Ye Fei was speechless.

Human God and Heavenly God are very excited, they excitedly said together: “No problem, spirit vein we can give you soon!”

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