The Supreme Master
, the two Vice Palace Lords’ ardent advice to him, and the followers of Gongzhu and Blood Demon, came to bid farewell to Ye Fei.

When it was finally Lingsiyu’s turn to Lingsiqi, the little girl Lingsiqi, already holding the wine jar, couldn’t help crying.

In the end, Heaven Realm is full of unknown dangers. In addition to bringing grass and Dragon Tortoise, Ye Fei does not intend to bring the ignorant Ling Siqi. Ling Siqi was also aggrieved and cried on the spot. When she was shouted in her arms, she did not forget Ye Fei’s eager reminder that when she arrived at Heaven Realm, don’t mess around with flowers, don’t keep her husband’s way, let alone go out of the wall. Because waiting for Siqi breakthrough Martial God, when she grows up, she will come to marry Ye Fei, and let Ye Fei and Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise, marry home together.

Ye Fei’s face turned green on the spot.

But the little girl’s naive remarks dilute the sadness of parting.

At noon.

Ye Fei, Demon Sovereign, God of Humanity, Heavenly God, nine witch gods, and a line of thirteen supreme powerhouses in the realm, unanimously decided to use the blood of immortal spirit to break the barrier of Heaven Realm and enter Heaven Realm!

At the same time, in order to minimize the risk, everyone chooses to open the door of Heaven Realm. Among them, Ye Fei chooses the position of the door of Heaven Realm that Zhao Yu entered, Demon Sovereign was asked by Shang Jing and Dean Taishang to choose the direction of Heaven Realm that Shangluo entered.

Human God unexpectedly chose the position of Human Demon, while Heavenly God had a face of iron blue, and was asked by an unscrupulous son-in-law to choose the position of Lu Qing.

The other nine witch gods also chose their own positions. Then everyone, together, turned the blood of the immortal spirit in their hands into streamers, merged into the barriers of Heaven Realm, and opened the doors of thirteen Heaven Realm in one breath!

“Boundary, I’m leaving, but I will definitely come back!”

Ye Fei watched Xiong shut, his familiar faces, his eye sockets were a little moist, but When thinking of Zhao Yu and the others entering Heaven Realm, his eyes quickly became firm again, “Heaven Realm, I am coming!”


Ye Fei Walking in the void, bringing Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise into the door of this mysterious Heaven Realm, inside the door, that is the turbulence of time and space of endless destruction.

They gathered barriers and cut the connection between the land boundary and Heaven Realm, but when these turbulences sensed the blood of immortal spirit, they were suppressed by a strange Rule again and became calm Let Ye Fei be like a calm boat, crossing the endless void river and entering a new world. This world is Heaven Realm!

Chapter 1967 Sword Soul Awakens

I don’t know how long it has passed, maybe one year, maybe ten years, maybe 20 years, 30 years, or even longer.

Ye Fei feels impatient, wondering if she wants to drift in this chaotic time and space forever.

Finally, light came from a distance, forming a peculiar attraction, and instantly sucked him into a peculiar world.

This World, like the land boundary, has sky, earth, universe, Sun, Moon and Stars, but Ye Fei always feels that it is different from the land boundary.

Ye Fei can’t tell what is different. Afterwards, he leaned out the divine sense and prepared to observe the situation of all around. At this moment, Ye Fei’s face changed drastically.

He finally knows what is different. In this brand new world, his divine sense is actually invalid!

“Not only divine sense, including my Divine Soul, my God’s Storehouse, all have lost their power, what is going on?”

Ye Fei startled, forehead A cold sweat broke out, and I quickly checked my physical condition again, “Fortunately, I just lost my true essence and spirit strength, but my tempering fleshy body is still half-sovereign!”

A general martial artist loses his true essence and spirit strength, and basically has no battle strength, but Ye Fei is different. His cultivation war witch is a cultivation technique that specializes in cultivation physique, even Divine Soul and God’s Storehouse mysterious disappears, and he can still maintain a certain level of strength.

But for insurance, while losing his realm, Ye Fei hurriedly walked to a nearby rock, punched it, and hit it. The half-sovereign fleshy body made his power very terrifying. , In exchange for the boundary, Ye Fei can break a mountain with the simplest punch.

But at this time, his fist just punched the rock into a deep hole. This most common rock was not broken?

“What’s the matter, my fleshly body strength still exists, but why can’t I break an ordinary rock?” Ye Fei was shocked, and he did not believe in evil a few more times, a full dozen After the fist passed, he completely smashed the rock.

The fleshly body strength that used to break the mountains and rivers and shake the starry sky seems to have completely disappeared. Now Ye Fei feels as if he has returned to the small and weak kind of just stepping into Martial Dao. Martial Dao Realm.

Xiao Cao also looked puzzled, then Xiao Cao glanced at Dragon Tortoise, then pointed to the ground, Dragon Tortoise reluctantly lifted the dragon claw, using his best digging hole The stunt.


Dragon Tortoise soon roared at lose one’s head out of fear, Ye Fei was also surprised to see that not only his power disappeared, Dragon Tortoise Monster Race power also disappeared, it was digging a hole. Dragon claw is not as neat as it is in the land boundary.

“Is it the material structure of Heaven Realm, which is different from that of the realm?”

At any rate, it is also the invincible supreme of the realm. With rich combat experience, Ye Fei will quickly change Having to calm down, he walked further to a severely weathered rock.

Just a punch, that rock has burst!

Dragon Tortoise was inspired, and immediately used all his strength to wave the dragon claw frantically, and slammed into the ground, finally digging a more satisfactory hole.

Unfortunately, it took too long. Dragon Tortoise digs a hole in one hour and Xiaocao’s spirit vein. I have eaten several pieces. I still feel that my belly is not very full. Xiaocao is very distressed. I can take out a few more spirit vein elated and eat it.

Looking at Xiaocao’s carefree look, Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise both cast envious eyes. Then he fell into contemplation at the same time.

“Strange, I entered the gate of Heaven Realm and it was fine, how come I lost my realm when I entered Heaven Realm?” Ye Fei was puzzled.

At this moment, suddenly a cold voice came from his dantian: “This is the Heaven Realm seal, specifically for you people in the lower realm.”

“Who, who Talking!” Ye Fei almost didn’t yell in shock, and then his expression was full of shock.

Because the voice is very familiar, he has heard it somewhere.

“Sword Soul elder sister, is that you?” Ye Fei was very cautious and asked carefully.

“elder sister?” The cold voice, with a hint of weirdness, quickly chuckled, and then Ye Fei felt a pair of bright eyes appear in his consciousness, “elder sister is elder sister Let’s be honest, when you forcibly opened Sword Soul, I was already desperate, didn’t expect, you can actually enter Heaven Realm

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