, which inspired the last Divine Consciousness I left. “

Above the divine sense is Divine Consciousness, which can only be owned by Heavenly Venerate and above.

The one who heard the words was “Sword Soul elder sister”, Ye Fei was shocked, and suddenly Don’t be afraid. The immortal Sword Soul will kill him, and he won’t wait until now.

Ye Fei cheered up and asked quickly: “Sword Soul elder sister, how did you say the Heaven Realm seal was returned? Matter, if we enter Heaven Realm in the lower realm, the cultivation base will be sealed? “

He thought of Zhao Yu and the others who entered in advance, and he was worried. Inside Sword Soul, a cold voice came again, “How did the Heaven Realm seal come? I am not quite quite. clear, I just heard a certain legend by chance. Once there were people from the lower realm who entered the Heaven Realm, and the trouble of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, almost caused the entire Heaven Realm to collapse. Since then, Heaven Realm has been established

A strong space barrier was set up, and the boundary was forcibly separated, and then driven to a savage universe that had been broken down, and this universe was a new boundary! “

“Since then, the people of the land boundary have been called abandoned people! Lost the opportunity to build the Heavenly Palace and enter the Heaven Realm, even if you force it up, you will be sealed by Heaven Realm, lose Divine Soul and God’s Storehouse, and can only become a powerful ordinary person from then on! “

Hearing these words, Ye Fei’s face was brushed and pale.

“Finally, I have reached this step today. If I become an ordinary person, what would happen? How to find Zhao Yu, how to save Wang Bai, how to return to the lower realm, to meet my relatives and brother? “

Ye Fei is unwilling to be reconciled, nor can he be reconciled.

Finally, he thought of the immortal Sword Soul within the body, which is the Sword Soul from Heaven Realm. , Even this one who talks to him may be Lord Nine Heavens Sword, a trace of Divine Consciousness sealed in Sword Soul!

Such a powerful existence, there must be a way to lift the seal of Heaven Realm! Ye Fei impatient I asked. There was another chuckle in Sword Soul. It seemed that Ye Fei’s nervousness was very funny. “Little brother, you don’t need to be too nervous. The Heaven Realm seal is powerful, but there are limits. When the divine force of the Sealed Man reaches 100,000 Jin, you can break this limit and regain

Divine Soul and God’s Storehouse, and even become Heavenly Palace and Heavenly Venerate powerhouse! “

What is Heavenly Venerate, Heaven Realm is respect, this is Heavenly Venerate!

This is also God and the others, spending hundreds of thousands of years in the land boundary cannot break through Heavenly The reason for Venerate is because the sky in the earth is a fake sky, and the Heavenly Dao in the earth is also a fake Heavenly Dao. Even if there is the origin of Heavenly Venerate, they cannot condense the Heavenly Palace, breakthrough Heavenly Venerate!

hear this Then, Ye Fei is cheering up again. As long as there is a breakthrough seal, he still has the possibility of breakthrough Heavenly Venerate. “By the way, Sword Soul elder sister, what is divine force? “

Chapter 1968 100,000 Jin divine force

“divine force is your fleshly body strength! But it is fundamentally different from your previous fleshly body strength. In the realm, with your half-sovereign fleshly body strength, it is enough to easily burst a mountain and smash a star, but in Heaven Realm, you have one piece. Harder rocks can’t be broken. Do you know why?

“The cold voice asked.

Ye Fei speculated in a deep voice: “I suspect that the material structure of Heaven Realm is different from that of the earth. “Material structure?” Very interesting idea, but it’s almost there. The biggest difference between Heaven Realm and the realm is the rules! The universe of the earth is a barren universe after destruction. All matter is very fragile. Whether it is a rock or a star, it is easy to be shattered, but Heaven Realm is different. It is nothing more than powerful.

The universe, Spiritual Qi is stronger, and the rules of heaven and earth are stronger…”

Ye Fei then understood why he couldn’t break a Heaven Realm rock with the fleshly body strength of a half-sovereign weapon. He has become weaker, but the rules of Heaven Realm are too strong!

For example, his half-sovereign fleshy body, in the realm, is already strong enough to be a strong as an ox, but it is here Heaven Realm, due to the change of Heaven and Earth Rule, his fleshly body strength has also changed.

This is the biggest difference between Fanli and divine force.

Fanli , Is just the power of the mortal martial artist in the earth, and divine force is the power of the Heaven Realm martial artist!

So, I want to crack the Heaven Realm seal within the body and become a martial artist again. What Ye Fei has to do is to transform the power into a divine force!

When the divine force within the body reaches the limit of 100,000 Jin, the seal of Heaven Realm will be broken!

“Well, I use the half-sovereign fleshy body and the converted divine force, which is only about a thousand catties. Then Zhao Yu, it is not more difficult to reach the 100,000 Jin divine force and breakthrough limit. ! “Ye Fei suddenly couldn’t help but worry secretly. The voice in Sword Soul was speechless, “You are all powerless to defend himself, are you still worried about others?” But you don’t need to worry too much. It’s not that everyone enters the Heaven Realm. They must break the limit of 100,000 Jin divine force to break the seal. Ordinary people can have tens of thousands of divine force, even if it is extremely limited, but you are different, you are a man who is abandoned by the sky, and the difficulty for you to break the limit will be ten times or even longer than others. ! “

Ye Fei was so depressed that he almost didn’t vomit blood. Other people’s divine force can break the seal, but he needs 100,000 Jin to do it. It’s really unfair!

” Why, we are so bad luck! “Ye Fei’s face is dark, and his mood is extremely bad. With his divine force, which is just over a thousand catties, when he saves 100,000 Jin divine force, his hair is estimated to be white.

I seem to feel Ye Fei’s Frustration, in Sword Soul, the cold voice encouraged him: “Ye Fei, don’t be discouraged. In fact, you are very difficult to deal with, otherwise I will not choose the man who is abandoned. Accept my Sword Soul inheritance! “It’s okay not to say this. Ye Fei feels even more sorrowful when he hears this. Now his Divine Soul and God’s Storehouse are sealed at the same time, and even martial arts cannot be displayed. No matter how strong the inheritance of Nine Heavens Sword is, there is a What a fart, besides, due to the forced activation of Sword Soul, the inheritance in Sword Soul has long been lost


This voice actually came to coax him.

“Do you really think I am a child, coaxing me to play? “Ye Fei sneered in an angry way. The white lie was exposed, and the cold voice was a bit embarrassing, whispered: “You are a little child! Don’t you hear that Heaven Realm is a hundred years old in one day! Ye Fei, you have to work hard, otherwise, when you break the seal and restore the cultivation base after several decades, your relatives in the realm are probably going to die of old age! “

The cold voice threw a more shocking message. Ye Fei’s face changed when he heard it on the spot. It turns out that the land boundary and the Heaven Realm are not only different from Heaven and Earth Rule, but also space-time and space. It’s not the same.

One day in the sky, one hundred years in the world!

Like the gods and gods, they cultivated hundreds of thousands of years in the boundary of the earth. In fact, they are in Heaven Realm, but they are not equivalent. to a hundred years, they are not only not old, they are also very young!

But everyone in Ye Family is different, especially Ye Jian, Xia Jun, Luo Xing, they don’t have the top ten Divine Physique, can quickly cultivation to Earth Venerable Realm.

If Ye Fei really takes several decades to uncover the seal of within the body, it is estimated that he will not wait for his cultivation to be successful and return to the realm. Many relatives With old friends, it’s really possible to be separated forever.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei suddenly had a huge crisis in his heart. The moment he calmed down, he had solemnly asked: “several decades are too long. , I wonder if there is a faster way to let me contact the seal? “

“I remember that some low-level medicine pill also has the effect of improving divine force, but I don’t know what medicine pill is. “

“What, you don’t know! “Ye Fei’s blue veins on his forehead are full of anger. If possible, he really wants to drag the immortal Sword Soul out and have a fight. The cold voice said with confidence: “The elder sister has been in the sword palace since she was a child, and has eaten the best medicine. Pill and cultivation are the most precious divine talents. Simply do not need to hone the fleshy body. Divine force will naturally reach the limit. However, you can try to ask those rateless Heaven Realm families, they should

There should be a divine force medicine pill or a cultivation technique…no, the energy in Sword Soul is not enough, I will fall asleep first, and the spirit vein on your body, let me use it temporarily! ”

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