cold voice suddenly revealed endless exhaustion, and then before Ye Fei could react, the immortal Sword Soul had automatically emerged, turning into a huge attraction, suddenly With Ye Fei’s spirit vein hidden in the Ju Ling Pagoda, I suck fiercely.


Finally, the millions of spirit veins extorted from the hands of the supreme turned into a horrible Spiritual Qi light group, which was swallowed by the immortal Sword Soul.

Xiaocao was stunned. He watched that a spirit vein he had not finished eating was also swallowed by the immortal Sword Soul.

roar! Then there is the scream of Dragon Tortoise’s heartache to the extreme. It turns out that in the long river of time and space, Dragon Tortoise was forced to lose weight. He has not eaten the Spirit Stone. It is even more expensive to dig a hole. Dragon Tortoise still wanted to pretend to work harder and cheated a lot of Spirit Stones to eat. As a result, the black mouth hadn’t had time to catch up. All the spirit veins have been swept away by the immortal Sword Soul.

Dragon Tortoise feels so angry. He took out his black wooden token and didn’t know what was written on it.

Xiaocao was also in tears, so he quickly picked up the few broken Spirit Stones that he discarded, and planned to save some food when he was hungry.

“Indestructible Sword Soul, wake up for me, I swear not to kill you today!” Ye Fei’s forehead blue veins violently jumped, and suddenly there was an impulse to break the immortal Sword Soul.

That is a total of more than 900,000 spiritual crystals, not only the food for Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, but also the resource for his cultivation! In particular, he is still in the sealing stage and has completely turned into a mortal. It is the critical moment when he needs a lot of spirit veins, buys medicine pills, and improves the divine force. Even knowing that the immortal Sword Soul is to maintain the immortality of Divine Consciousness, Ye Fei is still annoyed and wants to hit people, and his face is extremely ugly, “No, without the spirit vein, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise will not only run out of food, but I also Without any cultivation resources, you can break the seal, you must find a way to make money, and

to make money fiercely!” “Xiaocao Dragon Tortoise, hurry up and find me, and see where there are people, as long as there are people. Place, there must be Spirit Stone.”

Chapter 1969 Stone Burst Magical Power

Divine Soul and God’s Storehouse were sealed at the same time, and the spirit vein that was finally accumulated was also sucked Ye Fei’s eyes are really red.

There are also Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise with red eyes. After all, there is no Spirit Stone, so you will be hungry!

Dragon Tortoise had no choice but to do his old instincts, nose to the ground, smelling everywhere, hoping to smell a little human.

Xiaocao opened up the heaven and earth spiritual eyes anxiously, looking around for Spiritual Qi fluctuations, which also surprised Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise.

Their realm has been sealed, but this kind of seal seems to be ineffective to Xiaocao.

Ye Fei fiercely praised: “Grass, well done, look back and find the Spirit Stone, and I will give you all to eat!”


Xiaocao was very happy, and his performance became harder and harder. With Xiaocao’s efforts, after about one hour, Xiaocao finally noticed a strong Spiritual Qi fluctuation, and he was about to run out of food. Dragon Tortoise also performed extremely hard. .

Ye Fei hadn’t spoken yet, Dragon Tortoise was fast as lightning, moving towards found that Spiritual Qi rushed in the direction. Ye Fei sat on the dragon turtle’s back with a full face of satisfaction: “Da Hei finally knows that he has worked hard, and he ran a little faster than usual!”

“Eh!” Regarding Dragon Tortoise’s performance, Xiaocao also expressed his comfort.

The place where the Gate of Heaven Realm appears is a stone forest with peculiar rocks over and over. It is said to be a stone forest, but Ye Fei feels that it is more like a relic of an ancient city. Wherever Dragon Tortoise passed, occasionally, we could see collapsed city walls and weathered houses.

Only after a long time, the city wall has been covered with dust and turned into a mountain, and houses have also weathered and collapsed, forming strange-shaped rocks. In the sky and the earth, Ye Fei also found more than one trace of fighting. These traces are especially terrifying, and many of them exude strange energy fluctuations. He once tried to throw a stone in the past, touching those traces of fighting, the originally calm space , Unexpectedly appeared slices of terrifying knife shadow

, shattering the stone. If Ye Fei accidentally rushed past, the fleshy body of the half-sovereign weapon would also be blasted into shards. He could not help but shudder, “Heaven Realm’s martial arts is really too terrifying, just The traces of the battle are nothing but the terrifying soul of the sword! And these energies,

seem to be more advanced than the martial arts of our realm, could it be the legendary supernatural power?”

The ultimate of martial arts is magical power!

Only in the realm, no one can learn magical powers, just like no one can break through Heavenly Venerate.


While Ye Fei was thinking, a terrifying beast roar suddenly sounded in the distance. Ye Fei complexion changed and hurriedly let Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise return to the beast together. Sealing space, this is also a great fortune in misfortune. Heaven Realm only seals his God’s Storehouse and Divine Soul, but does not seal the beast seal space.

Otherwise, Ye Fei would definitely not dare to show up in front of others with grass.

“Could the Spiritual Qi fluctuation that Xiaocao sensed is the ominous beast of Heaven Realm? I don’t know if I can deal with it with my current physical fitness?”

No more Cultivation base, Ye Fei also became more cautious. He took out his ability to hunt in Blackstone City, slowly approached forward quietly according to the sound of the beast’s roar.

Finally, in a peculiar stone forest, he saw the source of the beast’s roar, a weird ominous beast covered in rocks. The three stone horns on its head are very sharp, and it is covered in hard scales like bluestone plates. It looks like the ominous beast of this area. But at this time, there are more than a dozen martial artists wearing Tsing Yi surrounding the ominous beast, constantly pumping cold shots to release arrows. What they release is a special armor-piercing arrow, which is shot out, and the nearby stone forest is penetrated. , And then burst, Ye Fei couldn’t help but slap his tongue secretly, feeling that such an arrow, if it flows into the earth

world, it may be shot and killed by an arrow.

“Hurry up, this king of Stone Beast is not working, let go of his arrows to grind his defenses and give this Young Master a chance to kill him!”

In front of the martial artist of Tsing Yi, there is a young Master wearing an arrow suit and holding a long halberd in his hand. His physique is very terrifying, and it is obviously beyond the scope of divine force. What is more terrifying is that he displays martial arts. At that time, it exuded an aura very similar to the black Heavenly Venerable An.

“Heavenly Venerate, this person is so young, he is actually Heavenly Venerate, those martial artists in Tsing Yi, many people have the breath of earthly respect…”

Ye Fei secretly Shocked, didn’t expect a group of martial artists that I met casually in Heavenly Tribulation. They were either Heavenly Venerate or Heavenly Venerate. “It’s no wonder that God and Heavenly God desperately want to enter the Heaven Realm. The boundary is too small. Even if dominating the world, we are just a frog in well compared to the boundary!”


Faced with more than a dozen earth princes, a Heavenly Venerate, as strong as King Stone Beast, gradually couldn’t withstand the siege of these people, and his body was continuously penetrated by several armor-piercing arrows, revealing Big bloody hole. One of them even penetrated half of King Stone Beast’s heart. The huge body is a beast, and it crashed to the ground at this time. The Heavenly Venerate youth finally showed a triumphant smile. He strode over and was about to make the final blow. At this time, among a dozen martial artists in Tsing Yi, The older one reminded nervously: “Young Master, be careful, King Stone Beast is not dead yet, when

heart Divine Ability, stone burst…”

bang! Before he finished speaking, King Stone Beast, who seemed to have fallen, suddenly burst out his last strength before he died. The whole body, together with this piece of stone forest, exploded, like heaven falls and earth rends, the sky unexpectedly rises. After the terrifying rock rainstorm, the hong long long hit the ground and also hit the martial artists


Except for the Heavenly Venerate youth, who has a strong fleshy body and resists this stone rain, the other martial artists screamed and avoided all sides. Some even suffered from vomiting blood and injured.

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