In the
end, Qi Lao could only be very uncertain: “Looking at his appearance, it does look like a martial cultivator, but before we catch up, he ran away in advance, which is very strange!”

“In this case, grab him and interrogate him carefully!” He Wushuang finally made a decision. Ye Fei’s face turned paler when he heard this decision.

It doesn’t matter if he is interrogated, if Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao are found, the problem will be serious.

“No, I can’t be caught! I have to find a way to confuse the past!”

Ye Fei forced himself to calm down. At the crisis, he couldn’t care too much. I can only bite my teeth and call a few martial artists who came forward, “Wait, I have something to say!”

“Now that’s the matter, what else is there to say?”

He Wushuang stared at Ye Fei coldly, while Qi Lao said with great interest: “You might as well talk about it.”

“Thanks Senior, don’t hide Senior, enter here without permission, yes I’m wrong, but I don’t mean to fight against the He family. Otherwise, I wouldn’t rob the Wang Family’s Stone Beast to give it to the He family!”

Speaking, Ye Fei Having clenched the teeth, took the stone horn out of the space belt. This is also his last fight. If this is not the case, then he will only have to resist desperately.

“It’s the stone corner of King Stone Beast! How could it be possible!”

When I saw what Ye Fei took out, all around Hejia martial artists couldn’t bear it. He exclaimed, He Wushuang snapped even more, throwing out his whip, and about to roll Shijiao over.

Ye Fei sneered, suddenly retreated, and tried to break the stone corner on the spot, “Don’t come, whoever comes, I will destroy it!”

Shocked, he hurriedly waved his hand and said: “Young Hero, don’t be impulsive! This stone horn is very precious, we have something to say.”

Just now everyone threatened Ye Fei, now Shijiao Yi After coming out, Ye Fei has become a threat to everyone. Even if he is ignorant of Heaven Realm, Ye Fei knows the great value of Shijiao.

“Okay, I don’t want to destroy this stone corner, but you must ensure that you let me leave here safely and don’t do anything to me!”

“Yes, with your stone Jiao, no matter how you got in, our He family will not pursue it. The premise is that you must give this stone horn to us!” He Wushuang looked at Shijiao with a serious expression. She came out this time to hunt Stone. Beast king.

It’s just that she didn’t expect in her dreams, the powerful King Stone Beast, who did not die in the hands of Wang Family, was actually killed by even Heavenly Venerate, which is not a scattered martial cultivator.

After the excitement, Qi Lao suddenly thought of something, looking at Ye Fei in shock, “What did you just say, this stone horn, which you grabbed from Wang Family? Young Hero, can you? Please tell me in detail, rest assured, if you are telling the truth, not only will we not hurt you, but we will also thank you very much!”

“If you say nothing, why should I trust you?” Ye Fei It is not a three-year-old child, how can he easily believe these people’s words.

He Wushuang couldn’t help but open his eyes and said: “You haven’t even the Heavenly Palace condensed, can we lie to you as a martial cultivator? I have to lose my face as the overlord of the He Family Licheng !”

“Yes, Little Brother, since you are in the vicinity of the village cultivation, you should have heard of the name of our Licheng Hejia. Since we have made a guarantee, we will do what we say. !” Qi Lao also said sincerely.

Ye Fei suddenly hesitated, knowing that everything is up to this point. If he continues to insist, saying that he does not know the credibility of the Hejia at all, then he will be a martial cultivator, not only will he immediately wear it It is impossible to explain how to get into Taihuang’s ancient city.

In the end, it is very possible to expose the fact that he came from the realm.

“It seems that I can only take a gamble. The so-called overlord of Licheng is a credibility! Not as domineering as Wang Family!”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei was the one who spoke, explaining in detail how he discovered King Stone Beast, how he picked up the stone corner, and how he pretended to be a spy from the He family and deceived Wang Family.

Coincidentally, when Ye Fei explained, a martial artist from the He family who was ordered to explore the west side had returned in a panic, bringing the destruction of the stone forest and the discovery of the body of King Stone Beast. Such mutual confirmation, Qi Lao was shocked to discover that what Ye Fei said was most likely true. “This kid, he not only succeeded in picking things up under Wang Family’s eyes, but the most daring thing is that he actually dared to pretend to be our martial artist, playing Wang Family around, Wushuang Young Lady, this kid is a person

It’s only!”

“Talent?” He Wushuang was the first time he saw Qi Lao praise a person like this, or he almost lied to them, suddenly didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, “Seven old man, you said the opposite, I think he is simply a big liar, if it weren’t for your glaring eyes and revealing his true face, just now we were almost the same as Wang Family

, he was playing around. !” Thinking of this, He Wushuang turned his head, fiercely glared at Ye Fei.

Chapter 1974 Wanjin divine force

Ye Fei turned his head and pretended not to see. Although He Wushuang is very beautiful, but Zhao Yu, Lu Qing, Shangluo, which one is not beauty.

Even Ye Shanshan and Ye Xiaochan are better than He Wushuang in appearance, just thinking of Zhao Yu and the others, who are now unknown, and Wang Bai who is suppressed by Human Demon, Ye Fei’s eyes darkened again. Qi Lao and He Wushuang discussed for a long time, and then carefully inquired about the situation of exploring the west. In the end, they were surprised to come to a conclusion that even if what Ye Fei said was not all true, it should be 90% credible. The most important thing is that the precious stone horn is in Ye Fei’s hands, which also makes He Wu

shuang, Ye Fei has to pay attention to it.

“Uncle Qi, that stone corner is related to the rise and fall of my He family, we must get it, so let’s go and tell him, let’s buy it, let the terms open!” He Wushuang made a compromise Tao, but not at all means talking to Ye Fei.

One is that she is still angry that Ye Fei almost lied to her just now, and the other is that He Wushuang is Eldest Miss, the number one beauty from the city.

The noble status, Heavenly Venerate’s strength, made her a little disdain to bargain with Ye Fei’s martial cultivator like this. In the end, this kind of thing can only fall on Qi Lao.

“Young Hero, on behalf of the He Family, I apologize to you. We just misunderstood you.” Qi Lao’s attitude is very sincere.

This apology, Ye Fei also listened very comfortably, at least on the surface, the He family is not as domineering as Wang Family. Will give him a chance to communicate.

And this opportunity happened to be the beginning of his integration into Heaven Realm and his understanding of Heaven Realm. Ye Fei also cherished it extraordinarily, and immediately said very politely: “Senior, you are polite. I got mixed in here. I was wrong. He’s spy, I’m also in love. After all, our Loose Cultivator, cultivation is difficult… “

Thinking of the 100,000 Jin divine force needed to lift the seal, Ye Fei couldn’t help but feel bitter. tears. Qi Lao couldn’t help but be touched, nodded and said with a sigh: “You old man can understand the difficulty of Loose Cultivator, so let’s not investigate the matter of you breaking into the ancient city of the Emperor without permission, this stone corner. Since you got it by mistake, we won’t take it, but I hope you can sell it to us

What do you think of Young Hero?”

Ye Fei eyes shined, originally he He prepared for the worst, but the attitude of the He family gave him a glimmer of hope. “It seems that this He family is indeed different from the Wang Family, but it can take the opportunity to make friends and make some hard money.”

Thinking of Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, who are still hungry today, Ye Fei did not hesitate to raise two fingers: “I want 200,000 spirit veins!”

“What, 200,000 A…spirit vein?” Qi Lao stared wide-eyed, looking at Ye Fei, even He Wushuang couldn’t help but open his mouth slightly.

Ye Fei inevitably has a guilty conscience, “Is it expensive?” “It’s not expensive, it’s too cheap! But it’s no wonder that you have always been a Loose Cultivator before, and it would be nice to be able to use Spirit Stone spirit vein. In this way, the old man does not take advantage of you. Our Hejia will give you 1,000,000 spirit veins! Give you another medicine pill. As compensation, you will sell the stone corners to us! “Qilao

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