your qualifications.

Now it’s Ye Fei’s turn to stare wide.

In the beast print space, Xiaocao is already full of big hearts, Dragon Tortoise’s tail is already straight, and his mouth is happy from ear to ear.

“Deal!” Ye Fei said cheerfully.

Although I know that Shijiao is definitely not as simple as a million spirit veins, Ye Fei sells Shijiao and also has a good relationship with the Hejia. Then, with the help of Hejia, he can integrate into Heaven Realm as soon as possible. Regarding that many.

“This guy, in addition to talk nonsense, can be considered a sense of current affairs!”

He Wushuang secretly commented on Ye Fei. Other Hejia martial artists saw that Ye Fei actually sold Shijiao to Hejia at such a low price. They were almost half-sold and half-delivered. They were very happy. Their gazes towards Ye Fei softened. a lot of. Qi Lao took out three kinds of medicine pill with him and said: “We don’t have a spirit vein, Young Hero, if you can trust our He family, you can go to the city with us, and we will give it to you, but it is suitable to respect medicine pill. , The old man still carries some on his body. They are Law Pill, Law Spiritual Pill, and

Divine Strength Pill, Young Hero. You can choose a bottle.”

“I Choose Divine Strength Pill!” Ye Fei not even think, take the bottle of Divine Strength Pill on the spot. Qi Lao was shocked again. ,

He Wushuang puchi laughed out even more. “Young Hero, Divine Strength Pill can only increase strength. It does not have much effect on the breakthrough realm. Even if you have a divine force, it is no match for the formidable power of a Martial Arts Divine Ability.” Seeing Ye Fei as otherwise. Qi Lao finally decided that Ye Fei is indeed a casual martial cultivator, and he is still a very novice

kind. He wanted to give some pointers.

But his kindness is destined to be wasted.

Because of getting the bottle of Divine Strength Pill and confirming that it was the same as the one given to him by Wang Family, Ye Fei, who had no doubt, took out a Divine Strength Pill on the spot and started refining.

Qilao suddenly smiled bitterly, shook his head and brought Shijiao back, and handed it to He Wushuang: “This Ye Fei is not bad in character. It is also considered to be aware of current affairs, courageous and strategic.”

He Wushuang pursed his lips: “It’s just that people are a little stupid. But let’s observe first, if he can open Heavenly Palace, he can make an exception and let him join our He family, otherwise for a useless person. It’s too irritating to Wang Family, it’s not a good deal!”

Qilao is also nodded with a solemn expression. Although he appreciates Ye Fei, the Wang Family that Ye Fei offends is too deep. Wang Family is going round and round, if Wang Jian knows, he must be angry.

If Ye Fei cannot show enough potential, even if Qi Lao admires Ye Fei again, He Jia will not agree to Ye Fei joining.

However, as Ye Fei took the initiative to surrender Shijiao, on the way back, He Wushuang ordered someone to lend Ye Fei a war horse. Ye Fei did not refuse, and simply sat on the war horse. Go forward while continuing to refine those Divine Strength Pills.

The effect of Divine Strength Pill is very powerful. One Divine Strength Pill can increase the divine force by one thousand jin, and ten is 10,000 jin! Reach the ultimate power that Supreme Realm can have. Of course, this is for the general martial artist. For Ye Fei, 100,000 Jin is his limit!

Thirteen Divine Strength Pills increase his strength by a total of 13,000 jin! But this divine force is far from enough for him to lift the Heaven Realm seal, and not only him, but Dragon Tortoise is also sealed.

This also makes Ye Fei urgently need more Divine Strength Pill to improve the strength of herself and Dragon Tortoise, but Ye Fei not at all asks for it, but silently looks at it. listen. During the journey, these martial artists of the He family were not idle either. They would talk to each other to relieve their boredom while on the road. Qi Lao would occasionally talk to Ye Fei. After these conversations, Ye Fei finally got a preliminary understanding of Hejia and Licheng!

Chapter 1975 Sword dao supernatural powers

In Licheng, there are two Great Families in total, which are controlled in turn. They are Wang Family where Wang Jian is located, and He Wushuang where He Family is located. In addition to these Two Great Overlords, there are more than a dozen small families in the city as vassals.

At the same time in Heaven Realm, below the earthly respect, all belong to mortals. Only the earthly respect can be regarded as the initial step into Martial Dao, but only when the Heavenly Palace is condensed and become Heavenly Venerate can it be regarded as a real entry The threshold of Martial Dao.

Above Heavenly Venerate, is the master!

For example, Hejia and Wang Family Patriarch are both Ruler Realm, so they can become Two Great Overlords from the city, taking turns to dominate a city, hundreds of thousands of martial artists, and hundreds of thousands of mortals.

However, unlike Wang Family’s dominance, the He family loves the voice of the people and knows how to win over the hearts of the people, so they found that Ye Fei got Shijiao, He Wushuang did not take it, but gave a certain Divine Strength Pill in exchange . What He Wushuang didn’t expect was that Ye Fei had eaten up all Divine Strength Pill and refining just after returning from the city. Her gaze was a little weird. Unprecedented asked Ye Fei, “You Eat so many Divine Strength Pill at once, don’t you be afraid of medicinal power backlash

?” “medicinal power backlash, no, I feel good now! By the way, Wushuang Young Lady, I still Want more Divine Strength Pill, don’t know how to buy it?” Ye Fei asked sincerely, 13,000 divine force, for him to break the seal, simply is an utterly inadequate measure, he needs more talents OK


He Wushuang heard this but it was startled, there is no backlash? how is this possible! You know, Divine Strength Pill can quickly increase the strength of martial artist, but it also has a huge side effect, that is, after taking it, there will be a certain period of weakness.

For example, He Wushuang, who once took Divine Strength Pill, only had more than five pills, and she was exhausted and weakened for a few days before completing the overall improvement of her physical fitness.

Like Ye Fei, he ate more than a dozen in one breath, and also vigorous dragon and ferocious tiger. They are either physique special or have amazing potential.

He Wushuang is invisible to Qi Lao nodded. Qi Lao was overjoyed, knowing that Ye Fei showed potential, and he had initially received He Wushuang’s approval.

Don’t talk about Ye Fei’s mind, just because Ye Fei can take more than a dozen Divine Strength Pills in a row without being weak, it can prove Ye Fei’s own potential, and this potential is the family Required.

But approval belongs to approval. The He family is very strict in recruiting martial artists. Uncle Qi did not bring Ye Fei back to the He family, but temporarily took him to an Inn and said: “Ye Fei, this is the Inn opened by our He family. You temporarily Stay here. I will send you the spirit vein you need right away. By the way, you can also prepare it.

This time you have done a great job for our Hejia. Wushuang Young Lady appreciates you very much. If you can pass the family assessment, you can formally join the He family, and from then on have boundless prospects!”

“Yes, Lao Qi is bothered, but I don’t know what assessment is needed to join the family?” Ye Fei Thank you very much.

When he first entered Heaven Realm, he was just a blank sheet of paper. If he wanted to integrate as soon as possible, joining a certain family is undoubtedly the best choice, and through the power of the family, he might be able to inquire Zhao Yu and even the news of Human Demon. Ye Fei did not refuse.

Instead, stay at Hejia Inn with peace of mind.

The manager of the Inn is a steward of the He family, and perhaps the Seven Elders take special care of him. This steward is also very enthusiastic about Ye Fei. He not only arranged the largest and best room for Ye Fei, but also gave it back Ye Fei revealed many problems.

After some discussion, Ye Fei also generally understands the content of Hejia assessment.

“There are two ways to join Hejia. One is breakthrough Heavenly Venerate, you can join Hejia unconditionally, and the other is to participate in the assessment and fight with any Heavenly Venerable Realm of Hejia, as long as you can The opponent has supported it for 5 minutes of time, even if it passes, this is a bit difficult!”

Back to the room arranged by Inn, Ye Fei’s heart will inevitably be a little heavy. After all, he found Divine Soul and God’s Storehouse are all sealed, only fleshly body strength, unable to display the strongest martial arts.

And Heaven Realm has not only martial arts, but also magical powers!

Any formidable power of magical power is more than ten thousand catties of divine force! With fleshly body strength alone, it is very difficult to support Heavenly Venerate for 5 minutes, unless he can also perform martial arts.

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