“What should I do? I was able to join the He Family and get to know Heaven Realm quickly. Should I give up like this?” Ye Fei shook his head vigorously and gave up halfway. It is not his character. Before the assessment has started, how can he know that he will definitely fail?

“All in all, let’s find out if there are any weapons at hand. It’s a little bit more attack!” Ye Fei opened his space belt, his expression suddenly embarrassed, and then he remembered that before entering Heaven Realm, he Empty the treasure weapon in the belt.

In today’s space belt, only the sword manual given to him by the sword idiot Elder is left, he has not had time to read it. Ye Fei was very depressed and took out the sword manual. Since he couldn’t find the weapon, he could only look at the sword manual bored and pass the time.

But watched.

“It’s not right, Dao of Sword, the heart of sword idiot Elder, does not need to use true essence or spirit strength! What it does is actually rely on the understanding of sword dao. The deeper the understanding, the more Dao of Sword, the stronger your heart!”

Ye Fei’s shocking stared wide-eyed. Even though he knew that Elder was the well-deserved first sword Dao genius in the realm, the Dao of Sword still shocked Ye Fei.

At this time, he understood why the sword idiot Elder was able to use Martial Sovereign Realm to defeat Half-God Realm’s Promise Sword God. It turns out that the heart Dao of Sword created by the sword idiot Elder is such a terrifying one. The door to learn.

“It is not martial arts, it is not witchcraft, but it is stronger than martial arts, and more mysterious than witchcraft. Could it be that the old swordsman has accidentally created magical powers! It still does not need true essence With spirit strength, you can use the heart Sword God to pass!”


Ye Fei is a little confused, and suddenly understands why the sword is infatuated with Elder, so confident With the sword in his hand, he can tear through the barriers of Heaven Realm and enter Heaven Realm. It is indeed this Dao of Sword that has transformed from martial arts into supernatural powers!

“Elder Jian, I owe you another favor!” Ye Fei smiled bitterly. In his life, two people have had a great influence on him, one is Demon Sovereign, and the other is Old Jian.

Demon Sovereign let him embark on the way of invincible war demon. Master Jian let him embark on the magical way of sword dao!

“Very good, I am worried that my cultivation base will be sealed by Heaven Realm. I have no self-preservation. If I can learn this special Sword God skill, I am afraid of what Hejia’s assessment is! , Immediately learn this Sword God skill!” Ye Fei’s eyes flashed with firmness, he connected to the millions of spirit veins sent by the Seven Old Schools and ignored them, but with red eyes, concentrated one’s mind, and fell madly into Dao. of Sword’s comprehension.

Chapter 1976 Broken Your Legs

“What did you say, the most precious stone horn of King Stone Beast has fallen into the hands of the woman He Wushuang, you are sure you Did you ask me wrong?”

Leaving the city, Wang Family. Wang Jian was madly angry. After dismissing the fool named Ye Fei, he ordered someone to dig the ground three feet, but he didn’t find the stone corner in the middle of King Stone Beast. He thought that the stone corner was with King Stone Beast. Self-destructed. For this reason, a group of martial artists in Tsing Yi who went hunting with him were all interrupted

have one leg and they are still lying on the bed to recuperate.

As a result, when I returned to Licheng, there was news from the He family that He Wushuang had obtained Shijiao in Taihuang’s ancient city. This news immediately liked a slap in the face, slapped it, and smoked. On Wang Jian’s face, Young Master Wang Da’s face turned blue.

The uncle Wang next to him is finally a bit aftertaste, “The King Stone Beast in the ancient city of Taihuang only has one head. It is obviously that we killed it. How could the stone horn fall on He Wushuang’s hands? , Young Master, we may be fooled by the kid named Ye Fei!”

pa! Uncle Wang didn’t finish his words, Wang Jian’s furious slap was already slapped, and Uncle Wang’s bloody nose and Swollen face, dazed, Wang Jian didn’t think it was enough, so he picked up the chair angrily and smashed it over. “Trash, rice bucket, don’t you usually pretend to be resourceful! This Young Master has long said that that kid is an eye-catcher

. Just kill it directly. You have troubles. What are you going to do? Now it’s alright, Shijiao was missed by the kid, this Young Master was still being played around and turned into the laughing stock of the He family!”

The more you talk, the more you get angry, the more you hate it,

When he first saw Ye Fei, Wang Jian also regarded Ye Fei as a fool, but now I know that the fool is not Ye Fei, but his Young Master Wang Da himself.

Wang Jian was so angry that he found out the blood book written by Ye Fei on the spot. The more I look at it, the more dazzling it is. The more I look at the blood on it, the more it looks like Ye Fei is mocking him. Young Master Wang Da is a fool. Risk. “Ah, surnamed Ye, slapped people on this Young Master’s head. If this Young Master doesn’t kill you, I won’t surnamed Wang. I will find out his whereabouts immediately, and then break the waste legs. Bring it back to see me!” When Wang Jian spoke, he slapped another slap in the face, and he flew out half of his self-proclaimed and resourceful Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang screamed in pain, and his heart was filled with infinite resentment towards Ye Fei. “My king dog is also a generation of military advisers. Even if this little evil obstacle plays with Wang Jian’s idiot, he actually dares to play with my military adviser and humiliate my wisdom. The army division who killed me was beaten so miserably by Young Master. I can’t tolerate it.

I can’t forgive!”

bang! The moment he went out, Wang Gou’s body had already exploded With endless murderous intentions and gloom, with the dominance of the Wang Family, it is also very easy to find people in Licheng. When the detective heard the news that Ye Fei not only entered the city, but also lived in the Hejia Inn, Wang Gou became even more angry. He raised a handful of Pig Slaughtering Blade on the spot and killed him with anger. Arrived at Hejia Inn.

“Wanggou? What are you doing here! This is our He family Inn!”

As another overlord from the city, the Wang He family, disputes continue. Seeing the murderous-looking king dog coming, the steward of the He family immediately stepped out to stop him, but it was a pity that the steward of the He family was getting angry, so how could he be polite with the steward of the He family.

“Go away, there’s nothing about you here! I’m just looking for a little beast named Ye Fei to settle accounts. You better not mess with Lao Tzu now!” Wang Gou murderous-looking completely ignored the He family The interception of the manager, moved towards Inn, rushed inside.

The manager of the He family was taken aback. Even though Ye Fei was not a member of the He family, Qi Lao himself ordered to take care of him. Whoever caused him to have an accident could not let Ye Fei have an accident!

“No, you can’t go in! If you dare to step into the Inn, I will assume that you are declaring war on our He family on behalf of the Wang Family!” The He family is helpless, so he can only carry the He family out . Wang Gou was grinning. Suddenly a token was thrown on the face of the manager of the He family, and bloody saliva was spit out angrily: “To tell you the truth, Ye Fei has become the must-killer of my Young Master. People, Young Master personally ordered me to chop off the legs of the little beast and bring him back. If there is a seed, you will declare war on me. Young Master, go in and search for me to find the surnamed Ye The little beast, let’s fight half-dead first!”

“Asshole, Wang Dog, do you really think you can ignore our He family by relying on Wang Jian’s power!” The He family manager was furious.

At this time, it is no longer Ye Fei’s problem, but a problem related to the dignity of the He family. Within the Inn, a dozen martial artists from the He family quickly rushed out and moved towards Wang Gou. past.

Wang Gou snered, and suddenly he patted his hand. In the alley on the street, several Wang Family martial artists suddenly rushed out, and they soon fought with the martial artist of the He family.

Even the steward of the He family was kicked down by the king dog, and then stepped on this person’s body and strode towards the Inn, “Surnamed Ye’s little bastard, your king Dog grandfather here, why, you have the ability to lie to your grandfather, but if you don’t have the ability to come out, do you fight with your dog master!”

The king dog still has some means. Squeeze Ye Fei, lest Ye Fei saw that the situation was far from good and ran away early. The fight outside, as well as Wang Gou’s arrogant and insulting words, being at the Inn, Ye Fei impossible couldn’t hear him, he suddenly gave a wry smile. “The stone horn is so precious that Wang Family can’t find it. It will definitely doubt me. Fortunately, Sword God is familiar. I have basically learned it.

Now I, It’s not that you don’t have the ability to protect yourself!”


Just as Ye Fei was thinking about it, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open. The king dog hair stands up in anger, carrying the Pig Slaughtering Blade and slaying in angrily.

Beside him, there are also two martial artists from the Wang Family, they are all cross-brows and cold eyes, looking at Ye Fei is like seeing a lamb to be slaughtered.

Ye Fei’s face also showed a proper look of panic and incomprehension, and said loudly and aggrieved: “Uncle Wang, my own person! Why are you shouting and killing me?”


“Shut up! You little beast dog is so bitter. If you don’t cut your legs today, I will give you your surname today. I will hold him down!”

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