Seeing that Ye Fei was still talking coldly when he died, and the dog’s air leaking teeth were aching, and immediately two robust men from Wang Family had rushed over. Press Ye Fei on the ground to make it easier for the king dog to torture.

Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became cold, knowing that it could not be covered up, and he also tore his face in an instant. Before these two people could catch them, he suddenly twisted his body and shook his fist, within the body’s 3,000 jin divine force. It broke out at this time.

Touch! Because the force of punching was too great, the air was blasted by Ye Fei’s double punches. Although the two Wang Family martial artists responded quickly and used their arms to protect their chests in advance to block them, their fleshly bodies The strength is no more than the limit of 10,000 jin. At this time, facing Ye Fei’s 3,000 jin

. Only two crisp sounds of ka-cha were heard, and the arms of these two Wang Family martial artists had been beaten and broken, and they fell to the ground, just screaming.

Chapter 1977 crawling back

“How is it possible that your pure fleshly body strength can exceed ten thousand catties of divine force, but you are still in the ancient city, pretending to be Greed of life and fear of death, little beast, you dare to play the pig to eat the tiger in front of the dog master! Give it to me!”

I found that Ye Fei is not greedy of life and fear of death at all, but better than expected The middle man was still brave and courageous, Wang Gou wisely chose to retreat, just as he withdrew. Suddenly three Wang Family martial artists rushed in.

In their hands, each of them also held an armor-piercing arrow that was enough to kill the martial artist of the martial artist. Sou sou repeatedly sounded, facing Ye Fei, it was a rain of arrows, apparently simply not Ye Fei’s fate is serious.

Wang Gou’s face also showed a proud expression, said with a malicious smile: “Boy. Whatever you can fight, unless you gather Heavenly Palace, otherwise you will be a crawler on the ground, Lord Dog I can trample you to death with a single order. Don’t kill him, get half-dead, drag it back and let the Young Master torture him!”

Hearing the order, these martial artists who rushed in, Immediately they were well-trained and dispersed, and surrounded Ye Fei’s room.

Then the arrow rain stopped, and the three martial artists performed martial arts consecutively, and they rushed towards Ye Fei.

The martial arts they display are all martial arts of the earth. If they are placed on the earth boundary, such martial arts are enough for heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, but in Heaven Realm, due to the power of Heaven and Earth Rule, Even if it is the martial arts of the earth, it is no different from the martial arts of ordinary people.

This also makes Ye Fei greatly relaxed. He is not afraid of these people displaying martial arts, but he is afraid that these people’s martial arts formidable power is too large to be parried. Now that they don’t even have Heavenly Venerate martial arts, Ye Fei suddenly had the courage.


He didn’t retreat but instead moved forward. He was actually one enemy three, shocked the three Wang Family martial artists who rushed up. However, he found that Ye Fei could not even perform martial arts, but had After a brute force, they all face revealed disdain.

One of the martial artist, blocking Ye Fei frontally is a violent true Primordial Spirit punch. The other two, one of the spirit strength of cultivation, can control gravity and lag the silhouette of Ye Fei, the other , Is dancing the iron halberd in the hand.

The Halberd Art is very powerful, although it is just a trick, when it stabs forward, it pierces the air with sharp screams, and then a ball of fire emerges from the iron halberd, forming the Fire Dragon halberd , And hit Ye Fei with one touch. If such a halberd hits, Ye Fei will have to be seriously injured if he does not die.

“Tai Chi!” Ye Fei let out a low growl, facing the siege of the three people, he still strode forward, but suddenly a wooden sword appeared in his hand. The wooden sword was ordinary. But when it was displayed in the hands of Ye Fei, a bright sword light bloomed, and then three Taiji Sword pictures were formed, protecting them in front of Ye Fei



When the Taiji Sword picture collided with the iron halberd, Ye Fei was completely motionless, the martial artist who produced the halberd, but he felt a shock all over his body. It felt that what was stabbed was not a sword picture, but a perfect world. .

The tremendous power of Tai Chi came back and suddenly made the Wang Family martial artist unstable, and he staggered back a few steps.

But just these few steps of distance caused the siege of their three people, and a huge weak spot appeared. Ye Fei fought all the way and had rich combat experience. He immediately grabbed this weak spot and held it in his hands. The wooden sword burst out again with brilliant divine light.

White Tiger Divine Sword!

Ye Fei roared, like tiger roaring at mountains and forests, the ordinary wooden sword suddenly became rays of light ten thousand zhang, a sword that pierced the arm of the martial artist holding the halberd and let him Seriously injured.

“Boy, die!” The other two martial artists were not surprised. Suddenly they went from a three-person siege to a two-person combo. They punched one and the other palmed, and the palms overlapped, like a thousand layers. Giant waves, martial arts of the earth, Melaleuca waves!

Ye Fei’s complexion suddenly changed, and it was too late to kill the martial artist holding the halberd. The wooden sword in his hand was already spinning rapidly, suddenly like Divine Dragon Moving it’s Tail, and like Vermilion Bird flying into the sky.

He displayed Azure Dragon Divine Sword, Vermilion Bird Divine Sword, two Divine Sword lights, and Ye Fei’s 13,000 jin terrifying divine force, exploding all the air stabbing them, sending out stars and dots. The fire, like Divine Dragon roaring, the hurricane swept the entire room.

In the face of Ye Fei’s heart Sword God, these two Wang Family martial artists who only respect martial arts, simply unable to resist, fell to the ground screaming and their bodies were The wooden sword stabbed two bloody wounds.

After severely injuring three martial artists in a row, the wooden sword in Ye Fei’s hand has completely turned into a bloody Blood Sword, and the body also feels extremely tired and weak. In the end, God’s Storehouse and Divine Soul were sealed at this time. He just relied on pure physical strength to exert his heart and Sword God skills, and the consumption was very amazing. Only after the three swords, Ye Fei felt the limit, but even so, he still He didn’t stop his hands, but burst into air, the bloody wooden sword, and instantly pointed at the king dog at the door

. Seeing Ye Fei solved the three martial artists in an instant, Wang Gou’s face also showed extreme shock and fear, especially when he saw Ye Fei performing martial arts, it was more terrifying Divine than martial arts. After Ability, the Pig Slaughtering Blade that Wang Gou scared was gone. He turned his head and moved towards Inn and ran outside

and said: “Damn, he has magical powers, he has magical powers! I’m going to report to Young Master, I want Young Master to personally kill this little bastard, little beast…ah!” Suddenly, Wang Gou felt a severe pain in his left leg, which made him scream. It was Ye Fei who suddenly kicked the Pig Slaughtering Blade on the ground while the king dog was running away in fear.

Ye Fei kicked out the terrifying divine force of 13,000 jin, and immediately turned the Pig Slaughtering Blade into a cold glow that was more terrifying than an arrow. With a swish, it penetrated a dozen meters of floor. It also penetrates the thighs of the king dog, allowing the king dog to take the legs and nail them to the floor of the Inn.


In the entire Inn, the king dog suddenly screamed more miserable than the killing pig, but after hearing the footsteps of Ye Fei coming, the king dog turned his head in fear and screamed in horror. He said: “No, you can’t kill me. I am Young Master Wang’s military division! You kill me, you will never get out of the city!” “Ye Fei, don’t do it yet, he is right, it is not us yet. When the family is at war with the Wang Family! You first put down your weapons and let the king dog get up!” The steward of the He family also rushed up. Although the king dog stepped on his foot to make him angry, he is just a small job and can bear it. Sorry, I am responsible for provoking the He Family

to fight the Wang Family.

He not only submits to humiliation himself, but also directly orders Ye Fei, but also must submit to humiliation. When necessary, he even orders Ye Fei to apologize to Wang Gou!

Ye Fei’s face suddenly became very ugly. Seeing the He family’s intention to compromise, it was obvious that he was afraid of making things worse. Wang Gou suddenly gained confidence. With a mouthful of blood on the spot, he spit on the steward’s face and yelled: “Good deeds by the He family! Lord Gou, I am also a person with status and status. Now I have been so miserable by a little bastard.

It’s miserable. Don’t you hurry up and let this little beast pull out the knife and kneel in front of Lord Gou. Give me kowtow and admit your mistake!”

The complexion ashen of the He family, but still resisted his anger and ordered Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, you let him go and let him take someone away!”

Ye Fei suddenly felt a little disappointed with the He family in his heart, but under the eaves, he still held back his anger nodded and said: “Okay, I will give face to things, people, I can let go! But! Dog, I can’t let it go! Since he is willing to be a dog, don’t walk back, crawl back!”

crack crack! Without giving the He family steward the opportunity to continue to block him, Ye Fei shot directly, stepped on Wanggu’s legs on the spot, and held Wanggu, and threw out the Inn. “Climb back and tell Wang Jian. If you dare to mess with me, I will let him He crawled back!”

Chapter 1978 Gu Fame and Fishing

“little bastard, wait for Lao Tzu, today’s grudge, the dog master will not repay him, he will not be a man!” Wang Gou this Sergeant Kotou was bitter and mad.

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