What Patriarch He Chun can do now is to desperately pull Ye Fei out of the ground, and then kill him on the spot, to save the He family’s huge loss.

As the news of Ye Fei digging a hole and escaping was spread, countless martial artists dig out the divine sense after leaving the city, looking for underground passages, and even martial artists, they started digging three feet and swearing must Find out the devil who tainted Wushuang Fairy’s innocence.

When Xiaocao felt a tyrannical aura of dominance and continued to explore underground, Ye Fei also felt a guilty conscience, “He family discovered that the treasure house was dug so soon? Da Hei, hurry up. We must dig out of the city before the ruler finds us!”

Even if the seal is lifted, Heavenly Venerate is also a breakthrough, but Ye Fei still does not have the slightest confidence to face the expert of Ruler Realm, even more how , He also ransacked the He family’s treasure house, which was even deeper hatred than digging the He family’s ancestor grave.

If Ye Fei doesn’t want to be burned to ashes by the domineering anger, his only way is to keep digging! Dig hard! The faster you dig, the greater the hope of escape.

For this, Ye Fei not only helped Dragon Tortoise to dig a hole by himself, but even Xiaocao was mobilized, holding a small shovel, and constantly helping him.

On the edge of the profound vein formation, the furious Qi Lao, He Wushuang, and a large number of Heavenly Venerate experts have already found the hidden underground hole that Dragon Tortoise dug near the treasure house, and they followed the underground hole. Chase it over.

Even with the sense of grass, you can sense the ground and underground. The hundreds of powerful masters and the breath of Heavenly Venerate are approaching here quickly, seeming to encircle Ye Fei.

“Eh!” Xiaocao immediately reminded him anxiously.

Ye Fei is also face deathly pale. For the first time, I regretted that I shouldn’t have dug up all the paving bricks of the Hejia Treasure House and took away.

“roar roar!”

Suddenly, Dragon Tortoise, who was digging a hole in front, also roared anxiously. Dragon Tortoise was already good at digging, lifting the seal and restoring the cultivation base. With Dragon Tortoise, the speed of digging holes has been increased to the limit.

Just as the martial artist of the He family was chasing in through the hole, Dragon Tortoise finally worked hard to dig the hole directly to the root of the city wall away from the city.

Just digging here, Dragon Tortoise can’t dig anymore. After all, the city wall is not the ground, but the hard rock, and each piece weighs ten thousand jin, so several hundred thousand pieces. The city wall formed by the accumulation of rocks is naturally extremely hard.

If Dragon Tortoise continues to dig, without waiting for it to dig through these rocks, the chasers behind may be killed along the tunnel, and Dragon Tortoise is immediately caught in a dilemma.

And there is no time at all at this time, let Dragon Tortoise dig a hole slowly! Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart swayed, said solemnly: “Dragon Tortoise, Xiaocao, you stand back, I will try!”

Ye Fei raised his fists and walked towards that section of the city wall, watching Don’t look, his fists have already revealed a torch-like brilliance. This is Ye Fei’s condensing Heavenly Palace, the birth of profound energy!

Xuan Li is a more powerful force than True Essence and Spirit Strength, and it is also the basis for displaying magical powers! When Ye Fei was running his profound strength, his within the body suddenly burst into dragon roar.

The Octopus Heavenly Dragon came out in a bang, but this is no longer martial arts, but Heaven Realm supernatural power that surpasses martial arts!

Ang roar!

Only see Ye Fei’s double-fisted profound strength, condensed into eight laws of Tianlong, continuously blasting at the root of the city wall, the entire wall root , There was a sudden violent shaking, and then the city wall in front of it was already covered with cobweb-like cracks.

Finally, it was this section of the city wall that burst into a loud noise. The two martial artists who were still standing on the city wall patrolling all fell off the city wall in shock. Then, they were amazed to see that where this section of the city wall and the ground were combined, a black-clothed youth wrapped around the law of a dragon, really rushed out of the ground like a humanoid Dragon Beast, rushing out of the huge city wall. Humanoid hole, “Da Hei, run faster, if you are caught, you are so fat, you are willing to be used on the spot to make soup Hah!”

“roar roar roar! “

In the humanoid cave, there was a panicked beast roar, and then, a turtle-like dragon-like Yunya rice dumpling planed the badger milk maker Qu Yuan.銎で颍颍俣Caries words bridge 艿艿剳欳欤Q劬剬剳剳劬剛剛剬剛剛書剛書剣機書書書抎

Vaguely, these two bad luck martial artists, still see that Miao Nasi, Xiping, coffin, Pang Huan, Zhi Lianmen∨ You 杼杼俦杼 is the basis for the bottom of the climbing pit

The young man who is wrapped around the law of Tianlong, has nothing to say, grabs two pieces A few hundred kilograms of stone hit them on their heads. Then, the two martial artists of bad luck, with their heads covered in blood, their eyes turned black, and they fainted on the spot.

Before fainting, they also heard a roar and roar from the inside of Licheng, which seemed to be extremely angry. The roar did not belong to Heavenly Venerate, but the real master roar, light It is this roar that is enough to make many Heavenly Venerate martial artists generate a kind of fear from the heart.

Hearing this roar, Ye Fei’s face also changed drastically, “What a stingy master, I just dug your treasure house and didn’t snatch your daughter, so why be so angry!” In windy words, Ye Fei runs faster than Dragon Tortoise. Dragon Tortoise ran out several hundred meters. Ye Fei has charged ahead nearly 1000 meters.

Chapter 1989, you say it again

The loud noise of the city wall explosion finally made He Chun, who was away from the City Lord, determined the position of Ye Fei, almost in Ye Fei’s dozens of breaths after escaping from the city, dominating the powerful breath, have completely enveloped this city wall, and then there are hundreds of Heavenly Venerate martial artists in the He family, the silhouettes killed by anger.

“Damn it, we came a step too late, that kid is a human or an ominous beast, he digs so quickly!” Hejia Elder, all furious, when thinking of the looted emptiness Treasure house, many Elders, tears of anger on the spot.

That is half of the wealth of the He family. Losing this wealth, the status of the He family in Licheng will surely be dropped a thousand zhang in one fall!

“Chasing, give my Patriarch to chase and kill him, even if he chases to the boundary, the Patriarch must pinch him to death by himself!” He Chun was also furious to the limit.

The He Family’s actions finally made Wang Chongshan very curious: “Even if this Ye Fei is really indecent to He Wushuang, the He Family will not use the power of the whole family to arrest them, and tell us The martial artist outside the city, in any case, must catch this Loose Cultivator before the He family!”

The wind and cloud leaving the city finally made Wang Chongshan, the ruler of the Wang Family, unable to sit still; When the He family was still arresting Ye Fei in the city, Wang Family secretly sent a large number of martial artists earlier. Completely control the area outside the city.

Even though he successfully rushed out of the city, Ye Fei felt that he was more dangerous than being in the city. The martial artist of Wang Family was hiding in secret. But they still can’t hide the feeling of spiritual eyes in Xiaocaotiandi.

Originally, Ye Fei planned to escape into the Taihuang ancient city after rushing out of the city. After all, the ancient city is larger than the city, and there are magical traps everywhere, which is very beneficial to him. Hide, and get rid of the He family’s chasing soldiers.

Only this is what he can think of. Wang Family’s expert, obviously, has already thought of it. Wang Family not at all intercepted in the city, but ingenious. Outside the city, a large number of secret guards were arranged to keep an eye on every move outside the city.

Ye Fei was discovered by Wang Family’s secret whistle as soon as he left the city.

This is also the reason why he has to use his full strength and rush to the front of Dragon Tortoise. His purpose is to quickly resolve this secret whistle and not give this person a chance to confide in the news.

But Ye Fei was still a little late. When he rushed forward and grabbed the secret whistle found by Xiaocao, the whistle had already passed Ye Fei’s position through the sound transmission mirror in advance. Got out.

“What a Wang Family, if it weren’t for you to push people too much, how could I expose my heart to Sword God and arouse the greed of the He family? As long as I am not dead today, I will come back from this city. !”

Ye Fei showed cold light on his face and took a sword in an instant. As a result, the life of this secret whistle was not his cruelty, but the identity of the descendant of Xiaocao Immortal Clan, which must not be revealed.

After that, Ye Fei hurriedly took Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise back to the beast seal space, but just continued to use the big Void Technique and moved towards the distance quickly

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