But it’s a pity that here is the Heaven Realm. Heaven and Earth Rule is countless times stronger than the earth boundary. The big Void Technique, which used to be unfavorable in the earth boundary, was used in Heaven Realm, but Ye Fei could not escape. Void, the distance of movement, has also been greatly shortened.

Ye Fei moved less than 30-50 miles away. In the nearby woods, dozens of martial artists in Tsing Yi had already rushed out. They looked cold and indifferent. They raised their hands with a terrifying armour-piercing arrow and shot at Ye. All the key points of Fei were not said. Ye Fei was shot to death on the spot!

“The palms of the heavens and stars!”

Ye Fei complexion greatly changed, in the face of this torrential rain of arrows, I had no choice but to stop and turn around, but my heart moved again, not at all reveals the fact that he has already breached Heavenly Venerate, still pretending to be the cultivation base of the earthly respect, hitting one after another giant palm, and smashing this rain of arrows continuously. In this way, Ye Fei’s battle strength also shocked these Wang Family martial artists in Tsing Yi. You know, this small forest is the only way to escape from the city. For this reason, Wang Family sent a total of twenty Tsing Yi martial artists from the Earth Venerable Realm to lie in ambush here, waiting for Ye Fei to get out of the city by luck, and the martial artists from the Wang family rushed forward again. Ranjian shot Ye Fei on the spot, and it was considered fiercely to hit Hejia in the face.

These Wang Family martial artists are also very confident. The rain of arrows just now is enough to kill any martial artist in an instant, that is, Heavenly Venerate, accidentally, must be seriously injured.

The only thing they didn’t expect was that Ye Fei’s combat response would be so terrifying, and the battle strength would be so terrifying. Even a single person blocked the attack of twenty deadly armor-piercing arrows.

“Kill him! Young Master is alive, you need a corpse and no people!”

“Kill Kill Kill!”

The arrow rain sneak attack failed, these Wang Family martial artist immediately threw down his bow and arrow, and took out an iron halberd in his hand, forming a murderous-looking army of earth-zun iron halberds, forming an army formation, killing Ye Fei, vowing to take Ye Fei on the spot. kill.

“He family hypocrisy, Wang Family very ruthless! Two Great Families leaving the city, I have seen it today! Kill!” Ye Fei looked cold. Later, the He family ruled to pursue and kill, and the Wang Family assassin blocked the way. If you can’t kill it, that’s a dead end. At this time, Ye Fei burst out of his Heavenly Venerate cultivation base, the eight-laws of the Tianlong, with faster and stronger power, to kill forward, and on the spot a dozen martial artists in Tsing Yi , The shooting blood spurted wildly,

I fell on the ground and screamed in horror, “How is it possible, without the power of the family, he is a Loose Cultivator, how can he break through Heavenly Venerate!”

“Not good, we were fooled!” The martial artists of Wang Family were panicked. They thought that Ye Fei was only the earthly deity, so they dared to swarm up and kill them. How could they have thought that Ye Fei had deliberately hidden his strength. It broke out, and these Tsing Yi Di Zuns were completely unprepared. They were seriously injured 2/3 in an instant, and the Iron Halberd Army collapsed in an instant


Several Wang Family martial artists who were lucky enough not to be injured, backed back in fear, repeatedly yelled: “Young Master help, Young Master help, Heavenly Venerate, he is Heavenly Venerate!”


In the woods, a cold light burst once again, but instead of cutting it at Ye Fei, it shrouded all the retreating Tsing Yi Di Zun.

“A group of rice buckets, so many of you, even a small Loose Cultivator can’t deal with it. It really loses the face of my Wang Family. Who dares to retreat, this is the end!”

Wang Jian held a large black iron halberd in his hand. It was a real jewel named Black Dragon halberd. When this big halberd waved, it was like a dragon roaring, shaking the eyes, mouth and nose of the retreating Tsing Yi martial artists, all spits out blood, they were shocked by the alive! Then, Wang Jian’s ferocious gaze had fallen on Ye Fei, and he said indifferently and proudly: “I underestimated your this waste, and you can condense Heavenly Palace with the body of Loose Cultivator! It seems that you must have some treasure, Otherwise, the He Family won’t be so crazy to arrest you! This Young Master will show you a clear way, you are now kneeling down and swearing allegiance to this Young Master, this Young Master may still keep you, Be a dog next to me! By the way, from today, your name will be Ye Gou!” Wang Jian proudly raised the Black Dragon in his hand, as if deliberately to insult Ye Fei, facing this Insulting, Ye Fei was not angry, but showed a simple smile, calmly said: “What did you say just now, I didn’t catch it, now you say it again!”

Chapter 1990 Break your dog leg

“You want this Young Master to say it again?” Blue veins suddenly appeared on Wang Jian’s forehead, and then the veins bounced fiercely.

As the Young Master of Wang Family’s Wang Family, Wang Jian has always been proud. Even if he insulted that person, that person must please him like a dog and show a smile, otherwise, Young Master Wang Da’s anger , It is enough to let this person die without a burial site.

And what is Ye Fei in front of him? A Loose Cultivator who accidentally ran into the ancient city of Taihuang, a stray dog ​​chased by the He family, with no way to the sky and no door to the ground, even if Ye Fei at this time has already condensed into the Heavenly Palace and became the Heavenly Venerate, Wang Jian still despised him with great contempt. His eyes stared at Ye Fei.

His Black Dragon halberd emits a more terrifying dragon roar, as if it is about to transform into a real Divine Dragon, flying out of his hand, next moment, Wang Jian has already halved.

“Wang Family, Overlord Halberd! Ye Fei, do you think that breakthrough Heavenly Venerate can have an equal conversation with this Young Master? This Young Master will only talk to your corpse and say second time!”


Wang Jian’s domineering, the Black Dragon in his hand, completely alive, turned into a huge Black Divine Dragon, the Divine Dragon, sharp claw like a hook, Longkou is jagged.

The halberd passed, the space burst, and the dragon groaned.

This is the terrifying of Zunqi!

A Heavenly Venerate, before and after possessing the statue, are two different martial artists! When I felt the powerful breath of the Black Dragon halberd. Ye Fei’s expression also changed drastically, knowing that this might be the first powerful enemy he faced when he entered Heaven Realm.

He didn’t dare to neglect, and he probed with both hands, the two cultivation techniques of Heaven and Star Palm and Dutian Wuxiangjie, both of which ran to the limit at the same time, continuously blasting forward.

But Wang Jian’s Overlord Halberd is very domineering. With a light wave, the terrifying Divine Dragon roar erupted. Not only did the roar shatter the martial arts of Ye Fei, it was also the roar of Ye Fei. Qi and blood surged, and there was an instant loss of consciousness.


Wang Jianli seized this opportunity. The Halberd Art black light in his hand flickered. At this moment, he has become a real Demon Dao Dragon. The boundless darkness has swallowed space and is about to swallow Ye Fei’s. body.

But at this moment, Ye Fei’s blank expression suddenly became fighting intent boiling, revealing a weak spot, just to lure Wang Jian to get close; in the end, the He family’s chasing soldiers could chase down at any time. Come up, at this time, Ye Fei has no time to fight Wang Jian slowly.

Either you don’t fight, you want to fight, and you will decide the victory or defeat in one fight.


Ye Fei also roared, but his roar is not a human voice, but a terrifying dragon roar, Heavenly Dragon’s Octave! Octopus magical powers!

roar roar roar roar roar!

The dazzling law of heavenly dragons rushed out from Ye Fei within the body. Under Ye Fei’s control, these heavenly dragons, with their straight bodies and sword energy, were like eight heavenly dragons condensed into a sword of law.

“Sword, cut the world, divide yin and yang! Determine life and death, divide victory! Wang Jian, take my sword!”


Sword power Turbulent, like destroying mountains and rivers, not only shook the black magic dragon in Wang Jian’s hands, but also quickly killed Wang Jian’s body. Wang Jian was shocked, as if he could not believe that his Wang Family’s Overlord’s Halberd, plus the respect in his hand The Black Dragon halberd could not resist Ye Fei, the weird sword of the Heavenly Dragon Law.

“Overlord breaking the formation!”

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