whoosh whoosh!

Between talking, these Wang Family martial artists have been divided into two groups, one wave backed up, and went to inform the family owner, and the nearby Wang Family martial artist temporarily avoided, and another Bo followed the breath of Ye Fei and Wang Jian from a distance, and did not dare to really retreat.

Ye Fei also quickly discovered the Wang Family martial artist he was following. Although he was upset, he did not dare to turn around and solve them easily. In the end, the He family’s chasing soldiers may catch up at any time. At this time, it is important to leave the city and escape into the Taihuang ancient city. Near the Taihuang ancient city, there are villages and fortresses with martial cultivator scattered everywhere. The city is denser, and it is more conducive for him to hide, and get rid of the chasing soldiers of the Wang He family

So while Ye Fei moved forward, he kept urging Wang Jian to say: “Climb up quickly. If I find that you are delaying time on purpose, I will give you a dog leash and drag you away. !”

“Surnamed Ye, you have a kind. I knew that. If this Young Master is in the ancient city of Emperor Tai, I should kill you directly!”

Wang Jian full face It’s bitter, it’s already embarrassing to be forced to crawl on the ground. If he is put on a dog leash, then he will never lift the head out of the city in his life.

So, even though he hated Ye Fei’s bones, Wang Jian still had to crawl on the ground like flying, and he met the martial artist of Wang Family along the way. He had to hold back his shame and anger, and his face rose like pig liver. He took the initiative to drink away these obstructive waste.

Even Wang Jian has made up his mind. After he gets out of trouble, the first thing he will do is to torture Ye Fei with the cruelest means. Anyone who sees him now shameful Wang Family martial artist, he has to find a way to kill them all.

After all, only the dead will not leak his shameful scene today.

“This Wang Jian is also a character! Being so humiliated, he could still hold back his anger. If it weren’t for his overstated character and underestimated my strength, I really have no chance to fight. Just take this person captive!”

Ye Fei’s face is sinking like water, and he is thinking about it. When he will rush into the ancient city of Emperor Taihuang, when he will kill Wang Jian, there is no sign, in the beast seal space. , Xiaocao’s anxious cry has been heard.

“Not good! A master nearby has caught up. This Wang Family master has a terrifying speed!” Ye Fei complexion greatly changed and finally understood why Wang Jian did not escape or escape on the way. He played tricks, but fully cooperated with him to escape. Obviously, Wang Jian had known for a long time that his father was most skilled in is speed, and even if Ye Fei escaped as fast as possible, it was impossible to be faster than the speed-type master’s pursuit!

Chapter 1992 Threat to the Domination

Ye Fei’s figure, a sudden pause, his feet have been springing to the ground, making a loud bang, big Void Technique , Has been used to the limit, even with Wang Jian who is Heavenly Venerate, can not see the shadow of Ye Fei, he has been lifted by Ye Fei, and instantly appears 1000 meters away.

At the same time, the ground where Ye Fei was originally standing, has become like a hurricane, and a violent silhouette has appeared. This silhouette is facing the ground where Ye Fei is on a terrifying spurge!

This euphorbia is also stronger than Wang Jianshi’s.

Wang Jian’s Overlord Halberd can only emit dragon roar.

As the master expert, Wang Chongshan’s Overlord Halberd, whose supernatural powers almost turned into a substantial Black Divine Dragon, opened the dragon claw and patted the ground.

Only a bang was heard. The ground where Ye Fei was staying just now has been sunken. There are several dozen meters of huge pits, exuding Tyrant’s profound energy fluctuations.

Such a blow, if it is placed on the boundary, it is estimated to be a continent, and it may be completely broken in an instant! That is, the powerful Heaven and Earth Rule of Heaven Realm can withstand such a terrifying blow!

Seeing that pothole, Ye Fei’s forehead, cold sweat came out even after brushing, the dominance is powerful, beyond his imagination, if it wasn’t for Xiaocao to remind him in time, It is estimated that he didn’t even have a chance to react, and the Wang Family master who had rushed up directly shot to death!

The crisis has not been resolved!

When I saw Ye Fei escaped the blow of his own master, Wang Chongshan’s face was obviously surprised, but when he saw Wang Jian’s broken legs, there was still a crawling awkwardly. Sadly, more murderous intention and anger suddenly appeared on Wang Zhongshan’s body!


Without giving Ye Fei any time to react, Wang Chongshan, the Heavenly World Controller, has already waved the battle halberd like lightning, once again forming the powerful Black Dragon claws, and slammed forward.

But Ye Fei’s reaction shocked Wang Chongshan once again, and saw that his Euphorbia hadn’t been smashed out yet, Ye Fei jumped away again in advance, once again displayed the big Void Technique, and wanted to move it. Get out.

This is the credit of Xiaocao. After all, Xiaocao is very sensitive to Spiritual Qi. And profound energy, after all, is the Spiritual Qi of higher rank,

Even if Wang Chongshan is the master, but the moment he mobilized profound energy and used his magical powers, he still couldn’t escape Xiaocao’s induction. Ye Fei could use Xiaocao’s induction to hide in advance to avoid Wang Chongshan’s attack.


Two consecutive times dominated the blow, but Ye Fei evaded ahead of time. Wang Zhongshan was completely furious. Between Heaven and Earth, a terrifying wave suddenly appeared. Potential!

This is the power of heaven and earth, and the power of dominance! At the moment when these two potentials were formed, the area of ​​1000 meters far away seemed to freeze even the space.

Wang Jian, who is also Heavenly Venerate, flushed even more, and was forced to stop breathing. Because of this dominance, not only solidified the space, but also squeezed out all the air in this space. . Ye Fei also suddenly felt that he seemed to have entered a terrifying vacuum.

Heaven and earth are everywhere, full of the squeezing force of everywhere, almost crushing and squashing his entire chest. In such a space, let alone move, just move his hands and feet. It was extremely difficult, as if plunged into a deep swamp quagmire.

While Ye Fei was imprisoned by the dominating imposing manner, Wang Zhongshan’s violent Overlord Halberd, already carrying a terrifying hurricane, hit Ye Fei straight.

“Eat!” Xiaocao yelled very nervously. If such a halberd was hit, Ye Fei would really die.

Ye Fei’s complexion has become extremely ugly, and the space is confined, so he can’t get out of the dominator’s attack in advance, or he must resist it frontally or close his eyes and wait for death!

“…But, I still have a third way! At worst, hold this Wang Jian and die together!”

Ye Fei sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then calmly looked at the thorn Terrifying Euphorbia, then, he quickly lifted the captured Wang Jian, as a meat shield, blocking him.

Wang Jian who discovered Ye Fei’s attempt, apart from cursing Ye Fei’s madness in his heart, he was left with a scream that was worse than killing a pig, “Father, don’t!”


Wang Chongshan’s brilliant battle halberd also shook at this time. Forcibly stopped abruptly when he was about to stab Ye Fei’s body, but the battle halberd stopped. His eruption of master profound power , Still forming a sharp edge, slapped Wang Jian’s ass with a boom.


Wang Jian screamed again, the master’s attack power was too terrifying, even if it only touched a halberd wind, Wang Jian also exploded the flowers on the spot, blood Like rain, the spray is everywhere.

Seeing his son’s miserable appearance, even if it is very ruthless like Wang Chongshan, his brows were fiercely jumped a few times, and then he appeared incomparable gigantic’s anger, “Let me go, The owner of this family can still circumvent you!” Ye Fei said with a sneer: “You treat me as a three-year-old kid, catch him, I may have a way to survive, let him go, you can kill me instantly at least Ten times! You want me to let Wang Jian go. The conditions are simple. You step back and help me stop the Patriarch of the He family who is chasing behind. I promise that I won’t move Wang Jian’s hair!”< br>

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