” Asshole , what thing are you, how dare you use our Wang Family to protect you from disasters!” Wang Chongshan was extremely furious. The killing intent on his body made the space all around tremble violently , Making a crack crack, overwhelmed sound. Ye Fei’s forehead is even more cold and sweaty. The pressure of the dominance is really terrifying, but thinking of the consequences if the He family catches up, Ye Fei still gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Chongshan firmly: “In your eyes , Loose Cultivator like ours may be just ants, but if you want Wang Jian to die with ants like me, you can try to catch up with them! I don’t want you to help me resist for long, one hour, I’ll put To Wang Jian, in order to show my sincerity, I allow you to send a few Heavenly Venerates to follow me! Let’s go!”

Quickly finished talking about the conditions of release. Ye Fei didn’t dare to delay in the slightest. Wang Jian ran swiftly. In the beast seal space, Xiaocao had discovered that another powerful ruler had killed him from behind.

This ruler is no one else, it is He Chun, the head of the He family. At this time, He Chun’s eyes are completely red. When he sees Ye Fei’s escape from the back, He Chun is even worse than wild beast. An angry roar, “little bastard, I finally found you, I swear, you must die, die, die, die……”

hong long long!

The dominator’s roar instantly turned into thunder, the shaking world was trembling, and even the shaking fled to Ye Fei in the distance. The blood was surging, wa’ed, and could not help being spurt a mouthful of blood. Then he was heartbroken and once again blocked Wang Jian behind him. Wang Chongshan, who was still staying in the same place, immediately complexion greatly changed. At this time, Wang Jian was already in a coma in pain. He was first swept off his legs by Ye Fei and suffered serious injuries. Later, he was affected by the Dominator’s attack. The ass exploded, and the pain passed out on the spot. If he was suffering from the sound of the dominator at this time

, without Ye Fei’s action, Wang Jian would definitely die. Wang Chongshan was finally unable to maintain his composure. He almost not even think, so he killed He Chun who came over, “Stop hurting my son!”

1993 Chapter Tiger Poison Eater


Just when Wang Jian was about to be attacked by the sound whistle, Wang Chongshan finally did not dare to remain indifferent. He waved his overlord halberd, and the overlord battle halberd slashed through the space with a loud voice. Dragon roar, this dragon roar also blocked the thunder in He Chun’s mouth.

He Chun was furious, but did not intend to fight Wang Chongshan. His dominance condensed fiercely. At the same time as he shook the stabbing battle halberd away, his body suddenly leaped and he had already moved from the top of Wang Zhongshan. After jumping over, he would continue to scream, stun Ye Fei from a long distance.

Wang Zhongshan complexion greatly changed. Wang Jian is his only son. He also owns the five pole Heavenly Palace. In the future, there is a half chance that he can step into the realm of dominance.

At this time, he certainly wouldn’t watch Wang Jian being injured and killed by mistake. The powerful battle halberd suddenly turned into a real battle halberd magical power in Wang Zhongshan’s hands.


When a complete Black Dragon flew out from Wang Chongshan’s hands, sending out a high-pitched dragon roar, the huge dragon claw had already caught Hechun’s body. past.

“Wang Chongshan, you are crazy! You dare to fight against me!” He Chun was shocked, the powerful Leiyin in his mouth could no longer be maintained, let alone hunt down Ye Fei and face the same Dominating the attack, He Chun hurriedly stopped and slammed his hands back!

He Chun’s palm has already emitted a half-moon arc, colliding with Wang Chongshan’s Black Dragon. This is He’s Martial Arts Divine Ability, Yueyue!


In the end, the Overlord Halberd violently collided with Yueyue, and a violent Divine Ability rays of light erupted. This kind of rays of light directly destroyed all the trees 1000 meters away, creating a terrifying area of ​​destruction.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei felt scared, but at the same time, Void Technique was used more frequently. Taking advantage of the time when the two masters were fighting, his silhouette flickered, and it has completely disappeared further away. In the woods. Feeling that Ye Fei’s breath was about to disappear, He Chun roared like a wild beast. You know, not to mention Ye Fei’s heart Sword God connection and the throne cultivation technique, he is determined to win, that is, Ye Fei hollowed out With the entire treasure house of the He family, with such a deep hatred, he must chase Ye Fei to death.

“little bastard, where are you going!” With the powerful Divine Ability power of Yueying, continuously blocking the Overlord Halberd, He Chun will desperately pursue and kill Ye Fei again.

Wang Chongshan looked furious, “He Chun, are you going to kill my son! Don’t stop this seat! Overlord breaking the formation!”


Ba Lie’s Divine Dragon roars into the sky, as if to break the Divine Formation of heaven and earth, and slaughter the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. He Chun’s Moon Meteorite Ability was immediately destroyed, and even he himself felt it. A threat of death. He Chun was so angry that he almost didn’t vomit blood. While desperately resisting Divine Ability, he roared at Wang Chongshan: “Wang Chongshan, you stupid pig, what a dying son is, we are all very young. , At worst, another one. Do you know what surnamed Ye’s kid has

what? He has special magical powers that can be performed by Earth Venerable Realm, as well as the throne cultivation technique that condenses the throne Heavenly Palace!”

He Chun didn’t intend to tell these secrets. After all, he had already regarded Ye Fei’s treasures as his own, but Wang Chongshan’s blockade made He Chun Had to compromise and could only tell the secret.


He Chun’s this remark made Wang Chongshan’s mind a little dizzy, “What, that kid actually has special magical powers and the throne cultivation technique! No wonder! , He can grab my son so easily, no wonder, your He family have to grab this person so desperately!”

He Chun said with a sneer: “The value of the imperial cultivation technique is better than yours. A son who is not a weapon is a hundred times older, a thousand times older, and a son died in exchange for the glory of our two families. Which one is lighter and heavier, Wang Chongshan, you’d better consider it carefully and let go!” He Chun shouted, his body suddenly rushed into the sky. , Chasing in the direction where Ye Fei fled again, Wang Chongshan was struggling. On the one hand, he was worried about Wang Jian’s safety and on the other hand, he was deeply seduced by the Emperor’s cultivation technique. You know, they are Wang Family and He Family. Only the five low-level cultivation techniques of Heavenly Palace can be possessed, but in this way, Wang Family and Hejia still become the overlords of the Leaving City.

At this time, a ready-made imperial cultivation technique is in front of you. This temptation is too big, so big that Wang Chongshan’s expression of struggling quickly becomes very ruthless and greedy.

“He Chun is right. What is the death of a son. As long as I can obtain the imperial cultivation technique, my Wang Family can immediately change from the humblest Grade 5 family to the aloof and remote grade. 8 Family, this opportunity, absolutely can’t let it go, catch up and catch that kid!”

moved towards the Wang Family martial artist who came in the distance while giving orders, Wang Zhongshan moved the Overlord Halberd in his hand As soon as the sky was lost, the Naha King Halberd turned into a Black Dragon, carrying Wang Zhongshan like lightning, slaying forward, and even quickly surpassed He Chun, becoming the first master to hunt down Ye Fei.

He Chun’s face suddenly changed. Helplessly, Wang Zhongshan was originally a speed-type master. It was difficult for him to catch up. He Chun could only roar, and stepped on the canopy of tall trees with all his strength. Jump forward in the sky.


“What did you say, Xiaocao, the He family and the Wang Family masters are catching up at the same time, the Wang Family master is crazy, he doesn’t want his son’s life anymore?” Ye Fei was shocked, and he had a good deal It is impossible to calculate that Wang Chongshan and He Chun will reach a temporary compromise.

“Needless to say, He Chun must have told Wang Family that I have the secret of Sword God Tong and the Emperor’s cultivation technique!” Ye Fei’s face is ugly, facing He Chun, he has already dealt with difficulties. Adding a Wang Chongshan now, facing the crazy pursuit of two masters at the same time, this oppression is not so huge.

Fortunately, at this time Ye Fei is not too far away from Taihuang ancient city. As long as he can escape in, he can use the special environment of ancient city to get rid of the pursuit.

So Ye Fei began to move towards Taihuang ancient city at a more terrifying speed and rushed over, one ten thousand meters, 5000 meters, three 1000 meters, 1000 meters!


Over the woods behind him, a black dragon suddenly rushed out. Above the black dragon, Wang Chongshan looked cold and indifferent, and suddenly caught the black dragon in the air. Once again turned into a king’s halberd, kill Ye Fei.

“Wang Chongshan, you don’t want your son’s life!”

Ye Fei not even think, grabbed Wang Jian who was unconscious, and stood by his side. But this time, Wang Chongshan didn’t even look at Wang Jian’s life or death. The powerful Overlord Halberd had directly torn Wang Jian’s body.

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