
Ye Fei not even think, immediately opened his Heavenly Palace, and then, he felt the immortal Sword Soul always hidden in the dantian, suddenly from the dantian, Enter his Heavenly Palace.


Ye Fei’s body suddenly burst into a terrifying sword energy storm. The storm seemed to tear this world apart and then turned into invisible The destruction of vortex erupted from within the Heavenly Palace in Ye Fei.

“hmph, what, death is imminent, can you ants resist!” He Chun smiled, in his opinion, Ye Fei’s burst of sword energy is nothing more than violent The Final Struggle of the ants is nothing more.

He didn’t give Ye Fei any chance to beg for mercy. When Ye Fei emptied the He Family’s treasury, He Chun completely regarded Ye Fei as his mortal enemy. At this time, he would use the cruelest The way to torture Ye Fei is to crush Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace and imprison Ye Fei’s Divine Soul.

Then use Heaven Realm’s most vicious hell fire to torture Ye Fei’s cultivation technique! He Chun quickly started his hand. He opened his Heavenly Palace. Inside the Heavenly Palace, there was a round of brilliant suns, which belonged to the dominating wheel of destiny! And He Chun’s Divine Soul, standing on the fate wheel, and reaching out the hand of the terrifying god and demon, instantly penetrated Ye Fei’s body, and went deep into Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace

, like Just like the messenger of hell, directly capture Ye Fei’s Divine Soul from Heavenly Palace!

What is dominance, controlling life and death, reversing Yin and Yang, this is dominance! At this time, He Chun deduced the horror of Ruler Realm to the extreme!

As long as the master is willing, he can completely strip away all the creatures below Heavenly Venerate, Divine Soul, and control the life and death of countless people!

However, just as He Chunzhi was so proud, he wanted to break Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace and grab Ye Fei’s Divine Soul, and suddenly, within Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace, an imposing manner came out out of the ordinary, delicate and pretty beautiful woman.

The decoration of the woman is very simple, a white dress and a Black Sword. In the interweaving of black and white, the world, at this time, loses its original color.

He Chun, who stretched out the hand of the gods and demons, could not help but exclaimed in fear, “How is it possible, how could this kid’s Heavenly Palace, how could a woman walk out of it, ah, my hand…”

After exclaiming, it was a scream!

He Chun originally wanted to smash Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace directly, and first abolished Ye Fei’s cultivation base, but the horrible thing is that in Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace, the mysterious woman is just dry Swirl Divine Sword neatly and gently.

His hand of the gods and demons was completely cut off, and then, even his Heavenly Palace, his wheel of fate like the scorching sun, at this moment, made the sound of ka-cha, There was a deep crack unexpectedly.

“How is it possible! How can such terrifying existence be hidden in this kid’s Heavenly Palace?”

Wang Zhongshan exclaimed that he was on the side and helped Wang Jian to heal his injuries, simply didn’t ‘t expect, Ye Fei will have such weird changes in desperate circumstances.

There was a woman who walked out of Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace. With just one sword, Hechun was hit hard, and Hechun’s Heavenly Palace and the life wheel almost collapsed and became a useless person. Wang Chongshan suddenly didn’t dare to neglect, and he didn’t dare to give that woman a chance to get out of Heavenly Palace. You know, to be able to enter the Heavenly Palace of others at will, only the cultivation base above Heavenly Monarch can do it. In other words, the woman who appeared in the Ye Fei Heavenly Palace is likely to be a Heavenly Monarch. When I think of it, He is a master who accidentally provokes Heavenly Monarch, and Wang Chongshan suddenly feels terrified

to be frightened.

“Overlord breaking the formation!”

Wang Chongshan plucked up the courage to rush to Ye Fei. The Overlord Halberd in his hand completely turned into a Divine Dragon and hit Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace , But he no longer wanted to kill Ye Fei, but simply wanted to prevent the terrifying Heavenly Monarch woman from walking out of Heavenly Palace. The same is true for He Chun next to him. When there was a rift between his Heavenly Palace and the life wheel, he was scared to lose his soul, and while retreating frantically, he also quickly played his strongest Divine Ability, condense a round of terrifying bright moon, smashing Xiang Ye Fei also tried to kill Ye Fei before the woman walked out of Heavenly Palace.

After all, it is very dangerous for Divine Soul to enter the Heavenly Palace of others. Once the Heavenly Palace entered collapses, the Heavenly Monarch woman who exists in Ye Fei Heavenly Palace will also collapse with the collapse of Heavenly Palace!

Seeing that these two masters joined forces to attack, Ye Fei’s expression suddenly became extremely nervous. He couldn’t help but shouted nervously: “Sword Soul elder sister…”

“It’s okay, it’s just two small masters!” In Heavenly Palace, the woman coldly raised her hand, raised her sword, immortal Sword Soul, and immediately burst out the most terrifying Destruction Sword light, not only Instantly extinguished the falling moonlight, and it was a sword that cut off the Divine Dragon formed by the Overlord’s Halberd.

“No, she is not Heavenly Monarch, she is a more terrifying existence than Heavenly Monarch, He Chun, you pig, Lao Tzu was killed by you!” Even the venerable weapon can’t stop the woman Wang Chongshan almost scared the soul flew away and scattered. He knew that Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace had hidden such terrifying existence. Not to mention that Ye Fei just captured Wang Jian. Even if he killed Wang Jian, he would definitely I don’t have the guts to catch up, and I don’t have the guts to be against Ye Fei

But now that everything is finished, what Wang Chongshan can do is to drop everything, lose the Overlord Halberd, lose Wang Jian, throw away all the burdens on him, and desperately urge the fastest supernatural powers , One ups and downs, rushed into the woods, fleeing like crazy.

He Chun is even more desperate. He didn’t expect in his dreams. In Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace, there is something more terrifying than Heavenly Monarch. If he faces Heavenly Monarch, he If you join hands with Wang Chongshan, you still have the courage to fight, but the face is more terrifying existence than Heavenly Monarch.

The Patriarch of the He family has only one choice left, and that is to escape, madly escape, madly escape, for fear that the terrifying existence in Ye Fei Heavenly Palace will come out and take him Beheaded.

And seeing Lord Nine Heavens Sword only enters his Heavenly Palace, he will be able to flee the two masters in fright and fright. Ye Fei was shocked and suddenly reacted.

“Where to go, Sword Soul elder sister, help me catch them!” Ye Fei shouted in a deep voice, thinking of the miserable misery of being chased by these two masters just now.

Now the situation is reversed. Ye Fei naturally wants to catch up. Fiercely let out a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, the woman in Heavenly Palace, not at all obeyed Ye Fei’s order, and then grabbed it with her bare hands. He actually grabbed Dragon Tortoise from the beast seal space. Ye Fei’s body involuntarily jumped onto the dragon turtle’s back, but there was a cold woman’s voice in her mouth. “Run quickly, run a step slow, and kill your stew!” Chapter 1996 No Destruction Sword Order


Dragon Tortoise In my ignorance, I was surprised to be caught suddenly, and to Dragon Tortoise’s shock, Ye Fei’s mouth actually made the voice of a strange woman. Dragon Tortoise was originally courageous, but at this time, his black mouth turned white and his limbs were soft and he almost fainted.

In Heavenly Palace, Ye Fei’s Divine Soul flushed with anger, feeling that Dragon Tortoise was too embarrassing to himself, and hurriedly directed the sound transmission at the Dragon Turtle God soul: “Pretend to die, call you Run and run!” Hearing Ye Fei’s voice did not look like something was happening, Dragon Tortoise lifted up his spirits and used all of his strength. He ran fast with Ye Fei, and Nine Heavens Sword Lord didn’t let Dragon Tortoise suffer. , Just as Dragon Tortoise was escaping like a thief, suddenly a peculiar sword energy flooded into Dragon Tortoise within the body, actually igniting the demon fire that Dragon Tortoise could never ignite.

Dragon Tortoise couldn’t help but roared, and his body suddenly recovered to its original shape, turning into a huge mountain-like monster, and its limbs were burning with raging flames.

Dragon Tortoise stepped on the demon fire, and the speed was increased tenfold in an instant. The entire black tortoise turned into a terrifying demon light, disappeared in this forest in the blink of an eye, and finally rushed into not far away. The ancient city of Taihuang.

At this time, Ye Fei finally found out that something was wrong, that is, after releasing Dragon Tortoise to escape, Lord Nine Heavens Sword’s originally powerful aura was rapidly weakening. The whole body also gradually became blurred from the essence.

Ye Fei can’t help but feel a little guilty, knowing that this time he forcibly opens the Sword Soul of Immortality, it will definitely have a huge impact on the Nine Heavens Sword master Divine Consciousness.

Suddenly, he remembered something, and hurriedly said: “Sword Soul elder sister, my spatial belt, there are a lot of treasures dug from Hejia, you can quickly let Sword Soul absorb it and supplement your consumption! ”

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