“Dug it out?” Lord Nine Heavens Sword’s gaze was a bit strange, but when her Divine Consciousness swept through Ye Fei’s space belt, she was bitterly laughed again, shook her head and said, “It’s useless , These treasures are too low-level to keep my Divine Consciousness indestructible. Moreover. You forcibly awakened Sword Soul twice in a row, which has brought me

the energy remaining in Sword Soul to the extreme.”

Ye Fei suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, and asked nervously: “If the power of the immortal Sword Soul reaches its limit, what will happen to you Sword Soul elder sister?” “I will be thorough Disappear! In the immortal Sword Soul, I left two things in total, the same, my sword dao inheritance, the same, my Divine Consciousness! But it is a pity that you forced to open Sword Soul for the first time, and you have already made my inherited memories Crash, this time, you have encountered a powerful enemy again, so I have to

Exhaust the last power of Sword Soul and scare off those two masters…”

Said here, Nine The gaze that the Lord Heavens Sword looked towards Ye Fei couldn’t help becoming a little weird.

Ye Fei’s face flushed even more, and she felt very sorry for the Lord Nine Heavens Sword. After all, Lord Nine Heavens Sword left the immortal Sword Soul. He originally hoped that someone could get the inheritance. But it’s a pity that because he opened it twice in a row and didn’t gently open it, it seemed that the Immortal Sword Soul had been completely scrapped.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei could not help but feel a little panicked and even more uncomfortable. After all, for so many years, he has been used to the existence of the immortal Sword Soul. At this time, he suddenly learned that the immortal Sword Soul might be scrapped. The Lord Nine Heavens Sword will also disappear, and Ye Fei’s heart suddenly feels sour.

At this moment, a white hand stretched out. This is the hand of Master Nine Heavens Sword. Although it is only illusory and not real, it was touched by Master Nine Heavens Sword. Ye Fei unexpectedly felt that the sadness in his heart had weakened a lot inexplicably. Nine Heavens Sword’s cold tone became gentle at this time, just like a real elder sister, comforting Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, don’t be sad, the moon is full of cloudy and sunny, and people have sorrows and joys! Besides, During this period of time, I can watch you grow, I can watch you cut through the thorns and enter the Heaven Realm,

elder sister, I am actually very happy and very pleased.”

Hearing this, Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help but feel even more sad. He felt that the hand that caressed him was gradually fading and becoming illusory. Although the Nine Heavens Sword Lord was smiling, her smile, Already blurred, she sacrificed her Divine Consciousness just to save his life!

Ye Fei suddenly decided something, stood up and said solemnly: “Sword Soul elder sister, I owe you too much. If there is anything, I can do it, Ye Fei is obliged!” Nine Lord Heavens Sword nodded said: “You have this heart, I am very happy. I originally planned to let me teach you personally, and then wait for you to reach a certain realm, and then let you do something for me, but now it seems It’s no good, but you can go to the sword palace, the sword palace, and there is my inheritance. When you get that inheritance, you will become the master of the sword palace. When the time comes, you and me , Maybe there will be a time to meet.”

Ye Fei’s expression is firm, nodded and said very hard: “Sword Soul elder sister, don’t worry, as long as I am not dead, I will definitely go to the sword palace, yes. , Where is the sword palace, how do I get there?”

“Heaven Realm is the thirteen states, the sword palace is in the strongest Divine State! When you reach the realm of the Taoist monarch, you can go to the Divine State , Join Sword Palace, and know everything about me.” Master Nine Heavens Sword said in a fuzzy voice.

Obviously, her Divine Consciousness is about to reach the limit, Ye Fei can only ask as long as possible, said solemnly: “Sword Soul elder sister, how long will it take me to reach Daojun “Heaven Realm’s Martial Dao Realm, starting from the gods, are Heavenly Venerate, Master, Heavenly Monarch, Dao Monarch, God Monarch, Human Ancestor! Human Ancestor is the sixth realm, corresponding to the sixth Heavenly Layer of Heaven Realm, so I stay in the inheritance of the sword palace. The lowest level is the Dao Sovereign Realm, and the Fourth Heavenly Layer can be opened, so you must reach Dao.


Nine Heavens Sword Lord’s voice , Becoming more and more vague, even her silhouette is gradually becoming illusory. Ye Fei understands that this is the limit of Nine Heavens Sword Master Divine Consciousness and will collapse; his heart suddenly feels uncomfortable, and he quickly stood up and wanted to pull Live in the hands of Master Nine Heavens Sword.

The master of Nine Heavens Sword was stunned, but she felt Ye Fei’s sadness and reluctance. She still smiled and stretched out her hand, but her hand not at all touched Ye Fei. But before this, silently turned into streamer and disappeared before Ye Fei’s eyes.


Finally is a token, which clearly falls on the throne of Ye Fei. It is a black token, such as sword, sharpness, tenacious!

This is the body of the immortal Sword Soul!

Its real name should be called Destruction Sword Order. It is a token of the Lord of the Sword Palace. Of course, Ye Fei at this time does not know this.

He just picked up this sword order in a daze. In it, he could no longer feel any Destruction Sword Qi. Obviously, the Destruction Sword Qi was only stored in the Nine Heavens Sword master. The energy in the sword order is only, and as the Divine Consciousness dissipates, the Destruction Sword energy that does not destroy the Destruction Sword order also dissipates.

However, Ye Fei can still feel a sleeping Sword Soul breath within the Destruction Sword order. With a movement in his heart, Divine Soul suddenly sits on the throne with great solemnity, and then he Destruction Sword order, placed on the chest. In the end, Ye Fei is the body who wakes up and regains control of his body. Just when he was in control of his body, suddenly there was an aura that was more dangerous than death in his mind, and Ye Fei’s face changed suddenly!

Chapter 1997 Shuddering

“Heavenly Tribulation, how could it be Heavenly Tribulation!” Ye Fei feels that even if he is a man who is abandoned by the sky, is it a bit too bad luck recently? .

First, he was chased by two masters from the city, and almost died. Later, he let Sword Soul be scrapped. The Nine Heavens Sword master Divine Consciousness collapsed, causing Ye Fei’s biggest regret. Kill, the result is unfathomable mystery, Heavenly Tribulation!

Ye Fei’s depressed heart of vomiting blood is gone, and then he feels very strange. He breaks through Heavenly Venerate, and there is no Heavenly Tribulation. How can this unfathomable mystery attract Heavenly Tribulation again?

A closer look, the look of Heavenly Tribulation above your head is a bit strange. The monster qi does not look like the Heavenly Tribulation of martial artist at all, but more like a monster’s robbery!

“Monster Tribulation? Dragon Tortoise, this is the Celestial Demon Tribulation that you attracted, Da Hei, you are going to breakthrough Monster God!” Ye Fei looked at Dragon Tortoise in surprise.


In fact, Dragon Tortoise has long discovered the Heavenly Tribulation overhead, but this stuff only knows how to eat, and never wanted to overdo it. After seeing Heavenly Tribulation again, Dragon Tortoise thought Ye Fei would do it again. Something angered and complained about God’s anger. It wasn’t until Ye Fei and Xiaocao reminded that Dragon Tortoise suddenly realized that the goal of Heavenly Tribulation this time was not Ye Fei, but itself. Originally, Dragon Tortoise, who was running fast, suddenly frightened his legs and became weak. Apart from anything else, his body was already shrinking the size of his face, and he almost fell Ye Fei

and Xiaocao. To the ground.

Ye Fei’s face was instantly dark, and Xiaocao hurriedly covered his face, pretending that he didn’t know Dragon Tortoise, even if he didn’t know that he was going to save the catastrophe, Dragon Tortoise couldn’t help but blush. , And then approach Ye Fei immediately, moved towards the beast mark space and run away!

And Dragon Tortoise’s actions undoubtedly caused Heavenly Dao some misunderstanding. It was determined that Ye Fei wanted to fight against Heavenly Dao’s punishment. A rolling demon thunder fell on Ye Fei instantly, and even affected Ye Fei. To the grass beside me.

Xiao Cao’s face suddenly turned dark.

Ye Fei’s hair was also erected by electricity, and suddenly there was an urge in her heart to kick Dragon Tortoise into the cloud. It was always he who pulled people to save the catastrophe. This Dragon Tortoise is good, but it is two. The time pulls him out.

Finding that Ye Fei’s face was not right after being struck by lightning, Dragon Tortoise couldn’t help but grasp Ye Fei’s trouser legs tightly. His eyes were aggrieved and pitifully looking at Ye Fei. Ye Fei was all on the spot Speechless.

“Forget it, it’s for the sake of your hard work to see your escape. I helped you with this Heavenly Tribulation. By the way, let’s see if Immortal Sword Soul can be used!”

Ye Fei’s heart moved. He arrived at Heaven Realm. He hadn’t experienced the Heavenly Dao of Heaven Realm. If he condensed Heavenly Palace, he could break through Heavenly Venerate. There is no need to overcome the disaster, but Dragon Tortoise breakthrough Monster God. Will attract Heavenly Tribulation, which is a good way for him to try Heavenly Realm Heavenly Tribulation formidable power.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei put away Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao, and the whole person has rushed into the Heavenly Tribulation condensed in the sky.

While Ye Fei helped Dragon Tortoise survive the catastrophe

Leaving the city,

He Chun and Wang Chongshan’s faces are very ugly, they are Ruler after all Realm’s powerhouse is even Leicheng Two Great Overlords. Although at first, they were scared by the appearance of the Lord Nine Heavens Sword, they fled to Leicheng and recovered their calm. The more they thought about it, the more things were wrong.

If the woman in Ye Fei Heavenly Palace is really above Heavenly Monarch, then no matter how fast they run, when the woman walks out of Heavenly Palace, she can still chase easily Go on them, even behead them!

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