When they fled back to leave the city, He Chun and Wang Chongshan were even ready to abandon the city and flee when the woman was killed. But what surprised them was that the powerful woman, not at all, was the Seven Elder who was watching secretly. After returning gasping for breath, she shouted angrily: “Patriarch, the old man finally knows, Na Ye Why is the devil so good at digging holes? The one who killed that day actually hid a black pig in his body, and that little pig was playing badly. The pig turned into a fierce demon, and rushed into the ancient city of Taihuang in the blink of an eye!”

It is okay for Qi Lao not to say this. Hearing these words, combined with Ye Fei’s escape He Chun and Wang Chongshan are not stupid as Two Great Overlords from the city. They soon realized that they were tricked by Ye Fei again.

Obviously, the woman hidden in Ye Fei Heavenly Palace is only strong in appearance but weak in reality, and simply has no power to kill them. They scared themselves completely and were shocked by the woman’s imposing manner. When he arrived, he was so scared that he fled, and completely lost his last chance to catch Ye Fei.

“Damn it, the hero of this family has been in the hands of this Loose Cultivator. I hate it!” Wang Chongshan sighed to the sky. He thought of being cut in two by him. The son, despite Wang Jian’s fate, did not die.

Heaven Realm’s powerful medicine pill also brought Wang Jian’s broken body back, but after experiencing such a thing, the feelings of their father and son will inevitably be greatly affected.

Of course, the most grief and indignation is He Chun. In the end, in order to capture Ye Fei, the price paid by the He family was too great. First, two Heavenly Venerates were damaged. Later, the entire treasure house was hollowed out by Ye Fei. Take it away, but it turned out to be nothing.

Hejia couldn’t accept this result, and He Chun couldn’t accept this result. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the solemn Controller powerhouse was forcibly out of tears.

After that, the roar of the two masters was extremely angry, resounding throughout the city.

“Wang Family’s martial artist come with me, even if I rummaged through the entire Taihuang ancient city, I still want to thwart Ye Fei!”

“Ye Fei, Ye Devil, my He family and you two cannot coexist! Return my daughter’s innocence, all the things belonging to my He family, you must spit out a lot!”

He Chun was angry and attacked. Accidentally said the wrong thing, causing an uproar and anger from countless young talents throughout the city. Then, countless pairs of eyes are inevitably looked towards He Wushuang standing on the city wall. The former He Wushuang is the number one beauty from the city and the jewel of everyone in mind. But at this time, the more everyone looked at He Wushuang, the more it seemed that he had been defiled by someone, the pearl was already covered in dust, and the beautiful woman was no longer pure. Perceiving the hidden meaning of these gazes, a deep resentment flashed across He Wushuang’s delicate face. She gritted her teeth and said almost every word: “Ye!

Fly! “

Among the robbery clouds, Ye Fei also seemed to feel something. He couldn’t help feeling cold all over, but this feeling came and goes fast.

Ye Fei immediately looked towards Dragon Tortoise with a skeptical look, “Da Hei, how do I feel like you are plotting against me behind your back?”

Dragon Tortoise expression was shocked, full The face is innocent, but my heart is shocked. It does often plot against Ye Fei, secretly hide the Spirit Stone, and then pretend to be hungry, with a lot of food. Could it be that Ye Fei finally discovered this? Thinking that Ye Fei might reduce his food in the future, Dragon Tortoise was so frightened that he held Ye Fei’s thigh tighter, and he dared not loosen it casually.

Chapter 1998 Tianhe imperial city

“Strange, how come Dahei suddenly likes to stick people?”

Ye Fei always feels something is wrong, but now Ye Fei didn’t think much about it when he was busy saving the robbery.

The immortal Sword Soul was also awakened by Ye Fei at this time.

Although the Destruction Sword energy in Sword Soul has dissipated, Ye Fei was surprised to find that the basic functions of Sword Soul are still there, and it can still absorb the power of Heavenly Tribulation. Although what appeared this time was not the pseudo-Heavenly Tribulation of the earth, but the true Heavenly Dao.

But it’s just Martial God’s robbery. Ye Fei simply can’t hurt Ye Fei. Instead, Ye Fei uses the immortal Sword Soul to swallow a lot of Force of Tribulation and refine more Shenjieye and Dragon Tortoise also looked at Ye Fei eagerly, and Xiaocao’s eyes became shiny.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but amused, “Xiaocao, Dragon Tortoise, in order to help me escape from the city, you have also suffered a lot. Give, these divine tribulation liquids, as compensation for you !”

Xiaocao happily kissed Ye Fei’s face immediately. Hearing that Ye Fei would not reduce the food, Dragon Tortoise was also greatly relaxed, so he hurriedly took a mouthful of the black tank to take these divine tribulations. Pack the liquid carefully to absorb the refining.

Xiaocao will be much simpler, holding a ball of divine tribulation liquid, sucking and eating directly, then Xiaocao is content to hiccup, return to the animal print space, hu hu sleeps.

“Da Hei, you also go back, now it’s also a Monster God, you’d better refine all the fat for me!” Thinking of Dragon Tortoise such a big man, he was actually scared by Heavenly Tribulation Ye Fei’s legs are soft, and Ye Fei is speechless, but I don’t know that Dragon Tortoise, who returns to the Beast Seal Space, is secretly proud. If it doesn’t pretend to be frightened and looks pitiful, Ye Fei will not help it. In the end, facing Heavenly Tribulation and getting thundered

, it was Dragon Tortoise himself.

Dragon Tortoise is particularly clear about plot against when it comes to life matters.

Fleeing into Taihuang ancient city does not mean that it is absolutely safe. After all, the entire Taihuang ancient city is controlled by Wang Family and Hejia.

To get rid of the chase of the two masters, Ye Fei must cross the border of the ancient city of the Emperor as soon as possible, but Ye Fei is very confused about where to go next.

“Although Sword Soul elder sister asked me to go to the Sword Palace, I must reach Dao Sovereign level. Under Dao Sovereign, there are two realms that dominate Heavenly Monarch, and Zhao Yu , Lu Qing, Wang Bai, Shangluo, I also have to find a way to inquire…”

Along the way, Ye Fei was thinking about these questions, and then he realized that he was alone. Strength, let alone searching for Zhao Yu, is the breakthrough Daojun, it is very difficult.

After all, there are too few cultivation resources on his body, and what he has is the Heavenly Venerate cultivation technique. Condensing Heavenly Palace is already at the limit. If you want breakthrough to dominate, he must find Ruler Realm. The cultivation technique just works. “It seems that no matter where you go, being a Loose Cultivator is the hardest and most difficult thing. If you want a breakthrough to dominate, I’d better find a Great Influence to join, and then use the Great Influence’s cultivation resources to improve my strength! If it doesn’t work, I also have to find a way to buy a technique that can be cultivated to Ruler Realm

The method will work!”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei started to organize this time at the same time as he hurried. Needless to say, the treasure obtained from Licheng is definitely the greatest wealth in his body when he emptied the He Family’s treasury.

Then Ye Fei was surprised to find that he took away Wang Jian’s space belt. There were a lot of black stones in it, which was a whole hundred thousand black stones!

“Strange, the He family’s treasure house has only a few hundred thousand black stones. Why does Wang Jian have hundreds of black stones on his body?”

Wang Chongshan’s vicious and merciless, which can be dismissed even by his own child, is not like a loving father who would spoil Wang Jian.

Ye Fei felt more and more weird, and quickly continued to search in the space belt. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t look, it really made him discover a lot of good things, including the cultivation supernatural power of Wang Family Overlord Halberd. !

There is also a beautifully decorated wooden box.

Curiously, I opened the wooden box, and there was a strange token inside. “Xingchenling? What is this? There is a book in the wooden box.”

While rushing at full speed, Ye Fei got bored and took out the book again, and then he understood why Wang Jian has that many profound stones on his body.

“It turns out that this star order is an assessment token named Shenxing Academy, and Shenxing Academy is the largest and strongest Academy in the entire Tianhe Kingdom. Anyone who can be admitted to Shenxing Academy In the future, he will definitely become the pillar of the Tianhe Nation.” Just to enter the Shenxing Academy, the fees are very expensive, and each assessment requires hundreds of thousands of profound stones! Wang Jianhui took such a huge black stone with him to go to the imperial city to participate in the Shenxing Academy assessment. The book in Ye Fei’s hand is the Shenxing Academy, which was issued to examiners

Assessment manual. , And Shenxing Academy stipulates that the Academy assessment only recognizes tokens but not people. That is to say, if an examiner loses the token halfway, or the token is taken away by others, only bad luck can be recognized. Not only will Shenxing Academy not hold it accountable, but it will also encourage the person who gets the token to come and participate in the assessment.

, after reading the introduction about the Makeup Academy on the booklet, Ye Fei couldn’t help but yearn for it, “This Fairy Academy is very good, and the most important thing is that whenever you enter the Makeup Academy, If you graduate successfully again, that martial artist will surely be able to condense the wheel of life and become the master! And I will leave the youth

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