Chapter 2034 high-spirited and vigorous

At this time, Ye Fei walked out of the stone house and saw the overbearing imposing manner outside, as well as Liu Yong and the others With an angry and iron-green face, he smiled slightly and gave Lin Gui a deep look: “Are you really going to let us take the lead?” “hmph, Ye Devil, it’s not that I let you take the lead, but the consensus of all martial artists in our league , Asks you to take the lead. After all, you are here with the strongest battle strength, and you are not in our league. If you are not allowed to take the lead, should we also take the lead?” Lin Guiyu is a pun, not only with the help of the alliance

The power of Ye Fei suppressed Ye Fei, and by the way, Ye Fei was completely isolated from the alliance.

Ye Fei glanced at Lin Guigao and said, “It is worthy of being the strongest family in imperial city. Okay, since Lin Alliance Leader has this heart, if this Ye doesn’t follow his life, it will become a target. It’s the first battle. I’m playing!” This remark also made Lin Gui dumbfounded on the spot. Liu Yong also looked at Ye Fei in shock, and didn’t expect to face Lin Family’s Forced, Ye Fei will choose to succumb so easily.

Ye Fei stared at Liu Yong pretendingly depressed, and then whispered in a low voice transmission: “A real man can bend and stretch! Don’t look at him laughing now, when he cries when you look back!” It was a great time to kill, but Ye Fei suddenly realized that when he killed 10,000 soldiers and only a hundred lonely ones, these soldiers are the heart of the Imperial Family, and the result is short. In just ten days, he was almost wiped out by the soldiers he killed. If the emperor finds out this, he will be chopped off without immediately


Ye Fei regrets not being able to find anyone to carry a scapegoat. Now that Lin Gui jumped up, Ye Fei certainly couldn’t ask for it. Facing Lin Gui’s malicious persecution, Ye Fei not only changed his temperament, but took the initiative to admit counsel. And what Lin Gui ordered, Ye Fei would do.

Lin Gui ordered him to go ahead and kill, Ye Fei, without saying anything, carried the heavy sword and brought Liu Yong and the others to kill.

Lin Gui ordered Ye Fei to attack those lone soldiers, Ye Fei was dull and he took up the heavy sword.

Lin Gui instructed Ye Fei to give him the soul stones he obtained. Ye Fei ignored Liu Yong and the others’ sturdy expressions, obediently and honestly, and handed over the one hundred poor soul stones, all Give it to Lin Gui.

“Why are there so many, the ones I put in the stone house last time?”

Ye Fei squinted and said nothing.

“Lin Gui, don’t push people too much!” Liu Yong was completely unbearable, and suddenly jumped out with great anger, as if he was going to fight Lin Gui desperately, which scared Lin Gui on the spot. Jump, the martial artist of Lin Family is even more nervous. For fear that Lin Gui will push Ye Fei into a hurry, he hastened to pull Lin Gui away.

Lin Gui is also a wise man. He understands Ye Fei’s confession. He is totally afraid of forming this alliance. He does not dare to offend the anger. If he pushes too hard, he will be self-defeating, so Lin Gui will no longer push , But triumphantly, high-spirited and vigorous walked in the forefront, “Forget it, let surnamed Ye take the initiative to recognize counsel, this also proves that my Lin Gui’s ability is still above Lin Chen, now I will be stable Stay with this demon and wait for the end of the imperial city hunting, and I will be the lord of my Lin Family, come and fetch this Ye Fei dog head!” Lin Gui can’t help but think that the footsteps he walks are all light and fluttering

As in the cloud. At this time, while Ye Fei “dare not to offend the anger”, Lin Gui completely took out the imposing manner of the Alliance Leader and commanded in a deep voice: “Ye Fei, don’t think it’s fine if you start the battle. Ten days ago, There are tens of thousands of soldiers around, why are they all alone now; I haven’t seen one for a long time,

Now I order you, immediately go to the nearby Bingsha barracks and check it out!”


“What, the military camp?” Many martial artists looked ugly. They still remembered the screams of many of their companions who were caught in the military camp.

Although all around a soldier is not very strange, there is still no martial artist who dares to approach the barracks easily.

Only Ye Fei, when he refused to give up, raised his foot and strode in. Only when he entered, he let out a miserable scream.

Hearing this scream, Lin Gui and a group of martial artists all had cold hands and feet, “How could it be that the Demon Leaf is so powerful that he was killed the moment he entered it, no, this is really the evil of the soldiers. Trap!”


The martial artist who was still closely united around Lin Gui just now was like a bird of horror. You pushed me towards the military city and fled as the general alliance. Leader’s Lin Gui was even more terrified. It was the person who subconsciously pushed away from the way and wanted to be the first to escape back to the military city.

“Help, help!” But at this moment, another military camp staggered, and several ragged silhouettes came out. One of them was unable to stand. Climbing on the ground. This shocked the martial artists who had escaped for their lives. However, when seeing the appearance of these people clearly, all the martial artists were stared wide-eyed in shock.

“It’s them, those who were captured by Bingsha, what’s the matter, didn’t you get captured by Bingsha? How did you escape?”

After all, Lin Gui was quite clever. He was the first to react wrongly. Since Ye Fei was killed, how could the scream be so full of breath that it was louder than thunder?

He immediately rushed to the martial artists who had escaped from the barracks.

Not only were some people fleeing from this barracks, other barracks, after Ye Fei broke all the soldiers, unexpectedly one after another, some people fled, even Liu Yong’s guards, He also looked pale and escaped horribly from a military camp.

“It’s the evil spirits, they drag us into the barracks, constantly sucking our blood essence and vitality, but not long ago, the evil spirits imprisoned our Yin Qi, and suddenly disappeared one after another, we are slow Regain some strength slowly and struggle to escape!”

The few women who escaped were all crying and crying. The period when they were captured by the Bingsha was definitely their nightmare. Not only were they Bing Sha sucked away a lot of blood essence and vitality, and even their appearance had become tens of years old, and many people’s bodies were lost and shriveled. When Ye Fei walked out of the barracks, he unexpectedly saw Wang Jian crawling hard on the ground, but at this time Wang Jian seemed to be squeezed dry. His plump skin became thin and bony, with dry hands and dead branches. Similarly, trembling on the ground, even if it was an enemy, Ye Fei still couldn’t bear it.

He sighed and walked to Wang Jian with great sympathy.

“Young Master Wang, I said it earlier, let you be careful of the commander of the soldiers behind you, but unfortunately, you just can’t listen to me and don’t believe me!”

Ye Fei akimbo, standing in front of Wang Jian.

Wang Jian’s eye sockets are sunken, like squeezed human bones. He lifts the head trembling all over. Looking at Ye Fei, he didn’t say anything. He just left tears of immense regret. He didn’t regret or believe Ye. Fei’s words are regrets and should not be opposed to Ye Fei.


The changes in the land of the evil spirits are not only that, with 99% of the evil spirits being cleaned by Ye Fei refining, the remaining 10% are also beaten After dispersing, the Daoist World, who had lost the suppression of the Bingsha, suddenly appeared a huge bridge, from the outside, has been falling into the land of the Bingsha. At the moment when they saw the divine bridge, most of the martial artists present shed tears of excitement, “very good, it is the bridge of the monarch, this terrifying imperial city hunt is finally over!”

Chapter 2035 Imperial Family Wrath

The appearance of the Daojun God Bridge in the land of the evil spirits is the signal that the imperial city hunt is over. Some martial artists with fragile will are crying and rushing there. It’s a sacred bridge, but these people were quickly beaten down from the sacred bridge like a beast driven by the Lin Family martial artist, who had changed their faces.

“What are you doing, what are you doing? Don’t you forget the rules when the hunting is over? This time the final victory is our Lin Family. This sacred bridge should also be our Lin Family. Brother, please invite first!” Several Lin Family children were flattering.

Lin Gui was the first to walk on the bridge with a arrogant face, carrying his hands behind his back, and doing his part. Before going up, he gave Ye Fei a cold look, and announced himself as the last one of the Alliance Leader. The command, “Surnamed Ye, you stay, and finally go to the Shenqiao!”

Apparently, Lin Gui still wants to give Ye Fei the last one to disarm. After all, the group of people who finally walked out of the Shenqiao were the bottom Yes, it is a loser, and simply is not eligible for the reward of the Imperial Family.

“Okay, the Chief Alliance Leader, you go first, my queen!” Ye Fei promised very happily, his chest slapped, it seemed that he was really afraid of Lin Gui, which made Lin Gui proud , I walked a few kilos lighter. Even Lin Gui has already imagined as impatient. When he was in the land of war and suppressed Ye Fei, he could not raise his head. He could only submit the news of submit to humiliation to Lin Family, how would the elders of the family praise him, value him, and be At the moment when he stepped onto the bridge and walked out of the world of Daojun, Lin Gui seemed to feel that he had already set foot on the pinnacle of his life.

But outside to greet him, there was no flowers, no applause, but a roar of extreme anger, “You really came out, you damn scumbag, who the hell is it, killed the soldiers inside? , Who did it, stand up and die for this king!”

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