bang! The terrifying Heavenly Monarch’s might trembles the entire imperial city square, and the roaring is a middle-aged Sovereign, beside him, is also followed by the Tianhe Guard who is exactly like Bingsha. They are all dead men carefully cultivated by the Imperial Family. They worked hard for the Imperial Family before they died, and after death they will become soldiers, forever, as the most loyal puppets of the emperor family.

At this time, these Guards surrounded a large group of Elders, the masters of the family with indifferent expressions. Although most of these Guards only have the Heavenly Venerate cultivation base, none of these surrounded masters dare Recklessly.

Before this imperial city hunting began, no one didn’t expect that the Imperial Family would suddenly start with all families. After all, the Imperial Family did not decline for several decades, but hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, many families have long regarded the Imperial Family as an air and a nominal puppet.

It’s just that they forgot that as the Imperial Family that can walk out of the powerhouse of the Taoist monarchy, even if it declines again, as long as the power of the Imperial Family remains, the Imperial Family still has the possibility of a comeback.

And this possibility, after forbearing for hundreds of years. Finally appeared, the Imperial Family, once again born a new Heavenly Monarch powerhouse. It was also the Imperial Family Heavenly Monarch who planned this extremely dangerous imperial city hunt in one hand. Originally, the Imperial Family’s plan was to deceive all the elite children of these families into the land of the evil, so that the evil was captured and placed under house arrest. After all, as long as these future masters and patriarchs are controlled, it is to grasp the lifeblood and weakness of the entire family of Tianhe Kingdom.

But what made the Imperial Family Heavenly Monarch extremely angry is that not long ago, he was shocked to find that the Soul Lamp enshrined in the Imperial Family was destroyed one by one.

The Soul Lamp of the Bingsha is specially used by the Imperial Family to control the Bingsha. Through these Soul Lamps, the Imperial Family can issue some simple commands to the Bingsha. Such as arresting people, killing people, and arranging troops. At the same time, once the Soul Lamp goes out, it means that the evil spirit controlled by the Imperial Family is completely disappeared.

If one head and two soldiers disappear, the Imperial Family can still bear it, but with a hundred heads, one thousand heads, or even close to 10,000 heads of the Soul Lamp, the Imperial Family will continue to shatter. Family was finally terrified and furious. flustered and exasperated.

So in Lin Gui’s high-spirited and vigorous, the moment when he walked out, this Imperial Family Heavenly Monarch slapped Lin Gui’s anger with a direct palm of anger, and brought Lin Gui and the people around Lin Gui Everyone vomited blood and screamed, and the dead dog wailed when lying on the ground.

“Heavenly Monarch, in the Imperial Family, Heavenly Monarch actually appeared…” Lin Gui screamed and lifted the head in fear, but the Imperial Family Heavenly Monarch greeted him with extreme rage. With a slap, Lin Gui flew into the air. Before Lin Gui landed, it was another long spear, pu’ sound, which pierced Lin Gui’s entire chest, and then it was so bloody in the air. Imperial Family Heavenly Monarch issued an angry question, “Say, yes It’s not you, the disappearance of those evil spirits, did you Lin Family do it? Tell me,

This king gave you a happy death!”

“King Chu, please forgive me! This is absolutely impossible. Lin Family did it. Besides, Lin Gui is not the strongest among them. By the way, I know, it must be Ye Fei, the Ye Demon. It must be him. I don’t know what method was used to kill a large number of soldiers inside!”

It was Lin City. The appearance of a new Heavenly Monarch in the Imperial Family made him very scared. Daoist world has a lot of soldiers. The Sha disappeared, and it made the soul flew away and scattered by all the family lords present. That was the heart of the Imperial Family. How could someone dare to take them in one pot?

Many families are frightened.

Lin City certainly refuses to let Lin Family and Lin Gui carry such a terrifying black pot on his back.

When he heard this, the imperial Family Heavenly Monarch stared at the martial artist with a furious look, and shouted: “Who is Ye Fei? Get right in front of this king! “Heavenly Monarch Senior, slander, this is clearly Lin Family’s slander on me, they want to use you and kill me! Yes, in it, I am the strongest, but before I entered, I was caught by this The old bastard of Lin City was seriously injured. I don’t have time to heal. Where is it possible to go out to hunt down soldiers?

If you don’t believe me, you can ask everyone, or you can ask Lin Gui, he is the leader of the Alliance. !”

Ye Fei walked out of the crowd with a look of great aggression. When Lin Gui heard this, his face suddenly changed, stared wide-eyed in fear. “Surnamed Ye, you dare to shame me, I am the Chief Alliance Leader. No fake, but I don’t at all kill Bingsha, I can swear to heaven!”

“A good one swears to heaven , Lin Gui, isn’t it you, inside, relying on the power of the Lin Family, what kind of alliance was formed to deliberately exclude me, oppress me, force me to take the lead, and go out to attract soldiers to die?” Ye Fei sneered.

Suddenly pointing at Liu Yong, and at other martial artists present, shouted in a deep voice: “I was persecuted by Lin Gui. You have seen it with your own eyes, Heavenly Monarch Senior, don’t you believe me? Others!”

Liu Yong immediately jumped up and said angrily: “King Chu, I am Liu Yong from Wuhou Mansion. I can prove that what Ye Fei said is true!”

“I can prove it too!” Ten Academy disciples also stood up to help. Even the martial artists of other families, under the pressure of Heavenly Monarch, have been nodded one after another, and hurry up to check what happened in the military city. Generally speaking to beans.

Chapter 2036 is really not my work

I heard that so many people, including many Lin Family martial artists, couldn’t bear the pressure of Heavenly Monarch and put Lin Gui in the military city. After taking advantage of the pressure of the alliance and all kinds of oppression of Ye Fei, even if King Chu is the Imperial Family Heavenly Monarch, I deeply feel that Ye Fei is indeed an honest person, but as a general.

Alliance Leader, Lin Gui, who is trembling in the military city, is most suspected. King Chu couldn’t help being even more angry, “Okay, good! Lin City, now what do you have to say, that many people have seen Lin Gui oppress Ye Fei, Ye Fei has been seriously injured, healed in the military city! The evil spirit disappeared! It’s not your Lin Family’s doing it, who else could do it! Come on, kill me all these Lin Family dog ​​stuff!”

“No! , I really didn’t kill the soldiers! Like Ye Fei, we didn’t take one step out of the military city. I can swear!”

Lin Gui made a scream worse than killing a pig. At this time, where did he still have the prestige of being an Alliance Leader in the military city, his legs trembled even more at this time, and a stream of urine flowed down the trouser legs in the air.

Seeing Lin Gui frightened like this, the king of Lu next to frowned suddenly stepped forward and said solemnly: “

Imperial Uncle, this thing is very strange, Ye Fei did not leave even one step in the military city, and Lin Gui did not leave even one step in the military city. But among these people, the two of them are the most suspected. Apart from them, I can’t think of anyone else who can let us Imperial Family suffer such a loss. Disastrous!” The words of King Lu made Ye Fei’s face change instantly. He couldn’t figure out why he offended King Lu. This person would actually be so against him, but Liu Yong noticed something and whispered to Ye Fei secretly. Transmission said: “Brother Ye. I heard from my father that the king of Lu, I heard that when he was young, he was greedy for money

and he was so bold that he ran to the Shenxing Academy and molested the female disciple. Chen Dutian interrupted the third limb.”

“The third limb?” Ye Fei suck in a breath of cold air, and finally understood why Lu Wang wanted to target him repeatedly for no reason. Up.

At this time, Wang Lu’s eyes, inadvertently glanced over, his eyes flashed with a poisonous snake-like light, and suddenly he pointed at Ye Fei coldly and said: “So Imperial Uncle I suggest , I would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go, just grab them all and put them in the Heavenly Prison, one by one to torture!”

King Chu’s eyes suddenly brightened, the Imperial Family originally planned , Is to secretly arrest all the young geniuses of these families, and then use these hostages to control the family of Tianhe Kingdom. It’s just that Ye Fei’s hunt for the evil spirits not only caused the Imperial Family to suffer heavy losses, but also fell short, but the words of King Lu allowed the Imperial Family to find just and honorable excuses to control these hostages; King Chu’s expression suddenly became cold and sinking. He voiced the command: “Okay, just follow your instructions, come, and bring all these people into the Heavenly Prison

, and this king will interrogate slowly!”

King Chu If so, many martial artists from the family’s faces were ashamed, but more people showed fear. For example, Lin City was very scared at this time. He understood that once Lin Gui was arrested and beaten into a trick again, the Imperial Family would just have one. Excuse, then Lin Family consigned to eternal damnation.

Lin City suddenly ceased to be silent. Instead, he brazenly broke through the Tianhe Guard blockade and rushed up angrily: “We Lin Family have always been loyal to the Imperial Family, King Chu, why do you do this? !”

Jiang Zhen suddenly shouted loudly: “King Chu, you are not just trying to find the murderer who wiped out the evil spirits. I don’t care about the others, but Ye Fei must be innocent. Ask Xinjing Right in my hands, you know who the murderer is!”

“Oops, Jiang Zhen, are you helping me or hurting me!” Ye Fei inwardly complained.

King Chu expression also moved, and suddenly became verbal: “Ask where your state of mind is, take it out, and this king will distinguish the murderer.”

“Okay, I’m here to ask them!” Seeing that King Chu’s tone loosened, Jiang Zhen didn’t think about that many, so he took out the questioning mirror.

King Chu’s hand, but at this moment, he took a shot in the air, and suddenly took the heart-asking mirror in his hand, slammed it hard, and with a bang, the heart-asking mirror was exploded into pieces .

Jiang Zhen was extremely angry, “King Chu, what are you doing?”

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