“How is it possible?”

Mrs. Meng was surprised, covering her mouth, completely unable to believe that it was true. Her two most powerful men, two experts who dominated the later period, He was hit by Ye Fei and almost killed instantly! King Qi was also shocked and moved, said solemnly: “This is the terrifying of spirit weapons, even if it is only a low-level martial artist, as long as you have high-level spirit weapons, there is still the possibility of killing people at higher levels! But it is a pity that this will inevitably cost a lot of money. The price of this kind of attack, and there can only be one attack like this! Ye Fei

Now you are a poor dying worm, kill!”

Da Bai Er’s stronger dominance aura erupted from King Qi’s body, and then he rushed towards Ye Fei in anger, and wanted to kill Ye Fei himself.

Ye Fei’s face also showed a smile again. Seeing this smile, I don’t know why, a deep fear flashed across Mrs. Meng’s face.

“How can I be afraid? He activated two spirit weapons at the same time, and also released Heavenly Monarch with a blow. Now he has no power anymore, even a small earth respect Can kill him easily…”

I thought so in my heart, but I don’t know why, Madam Meng still felt her heart beat and made her look towards Ye Fei involuntarily. Then, she saw Ye Fei’s clean smile like a big boy again.

Then, she saw a horrible scene that she could not forget for a lifetime. In Ye Fei’s hands, the third-order divine runes that had been extinguished violently burned again, reactivated, and possessed again The terrorist attack power of Heavenly Monarch.

In the end, what she saw was a terrifying blood, the blood of King Qi!


The entire palace, under the terrifying sword of Ye Fei, trembled, the earth was stained with blood, the king of Qi was bleeding, his eyes widened and his eyes were dead. Staring deadly at Ye Fei, staring at Ye Fei piercing through his horror Divine Sword, “Why, you didn’t…” “Are you surprised, I burned the origin once, I can burn the second time? I said long ago Yes, I can be evil and evil, but I will never be a traitor, nor will I be someone else’s dog! You are the Imperial Family, are you amazing? Tell you, Loose Cultivator, also a human, don’t look down on people! /p>


Ye Fei shoots out and closes the sword. At his feet, there was already an ice-cold corpse, the corpse of King Qi!

“The King of Qi is dead…”

Mrs. Meng suddenly collapsed on the ground, but soon, her eyes became sharp and full again. Infinite murderous intention, “Ye Fei! You killed King Qi, the Imperial Family will not let you go, nor will this lady let you go, come here, kill him!”

Mrs. Dream no longer regards Ye Fei as a talent, but as a demon, the greatest threat to the Imperial Family. For King Qi’s death, she must have an explanation, and this explanation is best Ye Fei Fei’s head.

“The great rebellion, the courtiers and thieves!”

“Devil Ye, you dare to kill King Qi, our Imperial Family will destroy your ten clans!”

Kill! !

The death of King Qi shocked a large group of guards in the palace. These all are dominating the guards and are also the most loyal minions cultivated by the Imperial Family. Originally, King Qi ambushed these people to serve as swordsmen. Killed Ye Fei, but King Qi didn’t even dream of it.

Ye Fei can actually activate the third-order divine runes twice in a row!

Mrs. Dream also didn’t expect that Ye Fei can be activated not only twice, but also a third time. Finally, she saw a terrifying light of Divine Sword, and a puff Even more terrifying blood rain and human heads filled the sky and the earth.

In the last palace, there was only one person standing with a sword. That person was Ye Fei. He carried the heavy sword of the black iron in his left hand, and the right hand carried the third-order Divine Sword!

The sword is full of blood!

“Mrs. Meng, I said, those who block me will die! They blocked me, so they are dead! I hope you don’t come to block me!” After speaking, Ye Fei raised his foot and stepped on With blood all over the floor, he lifted his sword and walked out of the palace.

Chapter 2042 Dutian Past

Ye Fei walked out of the palace. On the street outside the palace, people are still coming, people going, and there are vendors walking around the streets and alleys everywhere. Gorgeous carriage of the powerful.

No one noticed that there was a bloody conflict in the palace. No one noticed the dazzling sword light released by Ye Fei.

These rays of light were all blocked by one person and covered up.

This person is no one else. He is the dean of Shenxing Academy, Heavenly Monarch Ren Tianhang, beside him, Jiang Zhen is also followed.

Jiang Zhen’s face was full of worry, until he saw Ye Fei appear, he relaxed, “Ye Fei, you are too reckless this time! How can you easily come to King Qi’s mansion!”

“Senior, many thanks!”

Ye Fei didn’t talk to Jiang Zhen, but first handed over to Ren Tianhang. When he saw Ren Tianhang appear here, he understood Now, why his fight in the palace didn’t alarm anyone.

It is Ren Tianhang, who used Heavenly Monarch’s cultivation base to cover up all this and indirectly helped him to resolve a mortal danger.

After all, when he was in the palace just now, he not only rejected the imperial family’s solicitation, but also beheaded the king of Qi. If this matter spreads out, it will be an uproar. The Imperial Family will definitely be immediate for its own majesty. , Exhausted all my strength to hunt him down and eradicate him!

However, Ren Tianhang’s intervention caused an open fight, which turned into a secret contest between Shenxing Academy and the Imperial Family. No one knew that King Qi was dead. Just like no one knew that in this luxurious palace, there had been a short but dangerous fight.

“It’s good if you can come back! One day you are at the Shenxing Academy, the old man will protect you for one day! You are not my discipline, but you are more important than my discipline!” Ren Tianhang said Fan is very strange.

This remark makes Ye Fei unable to understand.

Jiang Zhen was already standing aside and hurriedly urged: “Ye Fei. You are too courageous. Before the Imperial Family expert has arrived, it’s important to return to Shenxing Academy!”

Ye Fei shook his head solemnly, “If I don’t kill King Qi, King Qi will kill me! I won’t regret it, but is it really good for me to return to Shenxing Academy like this?”

Ren Tianhang said indifferently: “You are a guest official, Academy, you can come and leave if you want, but if you want to know the things of the sky, then come with us!”

After talking about Ren Tianhang Waved, lifting the soundproofing ban on the entire palace, and then walked to the sky abruptly, Ye Fei hesitated for a moment, and quickly followed along with Jiang Zhen.

While on the road, Jiang Zhen also told Ye Fei that the reason he was coming was that Liu Yong came to the Academy to find Ye Fei, but he saw that Bai Er used to pick up Ye Fei’s carriage. The symbol of the Qi Palace, Liu Yong did not dare to step forward, but told Jiang Zhen about it.

While Jiang Zhen was shocked, he hurriedly notified his Master Ren Tianhang.

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