After listening, Ye Fei was moved, and suddenly felt very heartache. He knew that Ren Tianhang, the Heavenly Monarch, was outside the palace, why did he burn that many times the origin of Heavenly Venerate? what!

“To activate the mysterious iron heavy sword, I used two Heavenly Venerate origins, to activate the third-order Divine Sword, I even used 40 Heavenly Venerate origins…”

Ye Fei Feeling heartache inexplicably.

Jiang Zhen saw Ye Fei’s complexion and thought that Ye Fei was injured. He couldn’t help but worry: “Ye Fei, are you injured?”

“No, I just Heartbroken!”

Ye Fei bowed his head in anguish, and then followed Jiang Zhen and Ren Tianhang to return to the Shenxing Academy.

“Come with me!”

Ren Tianhang didn’t say much, this time he took Ye Fei directly into the dean’s area, and then he also walked into a study room, “here It is the place where old man usually reads and teaches the discipline, but the old man has received two disciplines in his life, one is Jiang Zhen…”

Ren Tianhang pointed at Jiang Zhen, and suddenly his hands again moved towards a portrait in the corner of the study, pointing out: “One is Chen Dutian…”

On the portrait, there is a very long and burly man who can go to Caishikou by rolling up his sleeves The kind that kills pigs, but the man’s body is filled with Scholar’s free and easy, elegant air, he also holds a folding fan in his hand, and a finger on his thumb.

That pull finger, Ye Fei is very familiar with it. It is the battlefield of the Human Race, a unique star ring! Ye Fei, the master of the painting, is even more familiar. This heroic man is exactly the former Du Tiandi Zun!

Ye Fei didn’t say anything, just walked over and respectfully gave a salute to the portrait of Xiangdu Tiandi Zun, then lifts the head, looking towards Ren Tianhang and Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen sat down solemnly and asked seriously: “Ye Fei, what follows, I hope you can answer honestly, but you, like all Senior Brother Heavens, come from the boundary?”

Ye Fei was surprised!

From the land boundary, it should be the biggest secret between him and Du Tian Di Zun. After all, Heaven Realm has long been sealed, specifically for people in the land boundary. Ye Fei didn’t expect, Du Tian Di Zun, would actually choose to Tell outsiders such a secret.

“No, it’s not outsiders. You should be someone Du Tiandi Zun can completely trust. Therefore, Du Tian Di Zun will tell you about this!”

Ye Fei suddenly Some wake up, Jiang Zhen said so. Jiang Zhen nodded intently: “You are right, we are not outsiders! Both Senior Brother Heavens and Master, named master and disciple, sympathize with father and son! As for me, I am not afraid of your jokes. I did not meet Chen Dutian before. It’s a collateral boy of the Grade 5 family. If you want resources and no resources, if you want talents and no talents, just add

to the Shenxing Academy, and you are often bullied. At that time, I met Chen Dutian! “Jiang Zhen recalled with a face, “At that time, Chen Dutian was just a handyman at the Shenxing Academy. His within the body also had the Heaven Realm seal, but he was not discouraged or discouraged, just day after day, year. After year’s hard work, I earned Divine Strength Pill. At that time, many handymen looked down on him, insulted him, and bullied him, but when they were scolded, they laughed, was beaten, and did not fight back! But there is one thing, Chen I admire Dutian very much. He can tolerate being beaten and scolded. Only when he sees people who are weaker than him being bullied, he will immediately stand up and use his cruelty and anger to let the other party know

What is blood and what is tears!” “At that time, I felt that Chen Dutian’s behavior was very interesting. Out of sympathy, Hui’s family handily helped him ask for a dozen Divine Strength Pills, but I forgot about it when I turned back What happened, I also forgot about such a person. But at this moment, I got into the family’s direct line, Young Master, and that Young Master made me kneel down in front of everyone.

Going through it, he deliberately let my favorite woman watch my humiliation! I still remember that he stepped on my head like that, in his arms, but he held my favorite woman…”

At that time, Jiang Zhen was completely collapsed, despair and fear made him forget to resist, forget to struggle, he was numb like walking corpse. But at this moment, Chen Dutian appeared. At that time, Chen Dutian had just broken the Heaven Realm seal and restored the cultivation base of the earthly respect, but even so, Chen Dutian rushed forward without hesitation. Needless to say, that time, Chen Dutian was beaten very badly. awful.

Chapter 2043 Human Ancestor Treasure

The bones of the whole body were broken by one third, and the tendons and hamstrings were all broken, but Jiang Zhen and the direct line Young Master were shocked. . Even so, Chen Dutian still didn’t say a word or say a word of begging for mercy. The last scene Jiang Zhen saw was a silhouette of Chen Dutian crawling silently on the ground covered in blood.

Since then, Jiang Zhen has understood what blood and tears are. Originally, he was kneeling, kneeling in front of the Young Master, and kneeling in front of the young master he once loved. In front of a woman. But when I saw Chen Dutian and the stalwart and stalwart silhouette on the ground, Jiang Zhen had the courage to stand up. Of course, Jiang Zhen was also beaten very hard that time. It’s miserable, not only the favorite woman abandons him, but even the tendons and hamstrings are forcibly cut off.

“The tremendous pain made me cry and scream, but Chen Dutian laughed at the time. At the time when the Young Master was the most proud and arrogant, Chen Dutian’s Divine Soul , Unexpectedly rushed out of his body, and rushed into the Heavenly Palace of the Young Master…”

Divine Soul broke away and rushed into the other side’s Heavenly Palace?

si si… Ye Fei heard a huge fear all over his body. He felt that Du Tiandi Zun was really crazy. You know, Divine Soul is the most vulnerable. If you don’t pay attention, just It may be the fate of the soul flew away and scattered, but this may be the only way for Earth to defeat Heavenly Venerate.

In a frontal battle, if the Earth Lord cannot release his supernatural powers, it will only serve to be tortured to death. But if Divine Soul can rush into the opponent’s Heavenly Palace and turn the realm struggle into a Divine Soul battle, At that time, the two sides compared who had stronger Divine Soul and who was more afraid of death.

And obviously, the Young Master, who has always been pampered and superior, is simply incomparable to the crazy and desperate Du Tiandi Zun. Du Tiandi Zun also created the Heavenly Venerate at the Academy of God Star. Myth!

This incident also shocked the entire senior level of the Academy, and finally shocked Ren Tianhang, the dean of Heavenly Monarch. “At that time, the Master made it clear that he wanted to accept Senior Brother Heavens as the only discipline, but all Senior Brother Heavens refused. He said that if he wants to accept disciples, even I will accept it. At that time, the Master said that I have no talent. Senior Brother said, I have courage, Master said, I have no perception, Senior Brother pointed to me and said, I am more bloody than perception! Master still shook his head and said that in this life, only accept one discipline, Senior Brother laughed Pointing at me, then please accept him and let me leave by myself. The Master was puzzled and asked why Senior Brother had to do this for an unrelated person. Senior Brother laughed and shook his head.

Pointing to me again, he is not a stranger. He gave me the Divine Strength Pill. He gave me the most precious time and hope…”

Jiang Zhen’s tone was choked, he It is the master, but the memories of the past still make him choke. Hearing these past events of Du Tian Di Zun, Ye Fei looked towards Du Tian Di Zun in the portrait, and his heart was suddenly filled with a strong male pride.

“I finally understand why Wang Bai chose to let Du Tian Di Zun enter the Heaven Realm! Because only a man of temperament like Du Tian Di Zun will not forget the realm and be willing to put himself All his life is dedicated to the realm!”

Ye Fei is solemn.

It is said that the man promises a lot of money. But those who have a lot of money are more kind than promises!

“Strange, since Du Tian Di Zun finally became senior and junior brothers with Senior Jiang, and worshipped Heavenly Monarch like Ren Senior as a teacher, why would Du Tian Di Zun fall?”

Ye Fei looked towards Jiang Zhen suspiciously, and also looked towards Ren Tianhang who said nothing.

Ren Tianhang didn’t say anything, but silently took out a blood-stained animal skin from the space belt. When he saw that animal skin, in the animal print space, Dragon Tortoise suddenly frightened Xiaocao’s eyes shone brightly, gestures to Dragon Tortoise, and then to the animal skin.

After years of getting along, Ye Fei immediately understood what Xiaocao meant. He stood up incredibly, “Dragon, this is the real Divine Dragon skin!”

Dragon Tortoise has dragon’s blood, which is still a very high-class dragon’s blood, and Dragon Tortoise can only see that this skin is suppressed, only the real Divine Dragon!

“Yes, this is the skin of Divine Dragon. Just this skin is worth a city! But the most precious thing is not the skin, but the map on it!” Ren Tianhang took the dragon The skin opened, and what appeared above was a map drawn with some kind of unknown blood.

And that kind of blood gives Ye Fei a very strong sense of oppression. Just staring at the blood for a while, Ye Fei shakes Heavenly Palace, Divine Soul is unstable, and she wants to vomit blood. He hurriedly closed his eyes, not daring to look at the map.

“Master, what kind of map is this? I am also the master. I only watched it for a while, and the blood surged. Divine Soul Heavenly Palace was suppressed?” The same discomfort, and Jiang Zhen dominate.

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