Ye Fei couldn’t help being even more shocked. Then, a single thought flashed through his mind and couldn’t help but cried out: “Could it be that Du Tian Di Zun died because of this map “Yes. Dutian killed his own life for this map back then! You cannot bear the blood on the map because the blood used to draw this map is the blood of the ancestors!” Ren Tianhang lightly saying, his words, like two thunders, stunned Ye Fei and Jiang Zhen.

What is an ancestor?

Above the gods are the ancestors! That is the ancestor of man! It is the existence of the entire Heaven Realm, pinnacle!

But compared to Jiang Zhen’s dumbstruck, Ye Fei’s reaction is fairly normal. After all, there is a human ancestor next to him, Lord Nine Heavens Sword, who is actually the human ancestor realm! After the shock, Jiang Zhen’s eyes suddenly became red, “I remember, Senior Brother Heavens once told me that he seems to have discovered a great treasure. If he gets it, he can not only quickly break through to Heavenly Monarch” , Return to the realm, Master you can break through Daojun, gain a stronger

realm, more life essence! Could it be that what Senior Brother found is the treasure of human ancestors?”

“What, the treasure of human ancestors!”


This news is too shocking, you know, in the entire Tianhe Nation, the strongest is Heavenly Monarch, only four Bit, in the entire Qing State, the strongest is only God! As for the human ancestors, in Qing State, that is a legend, just like the Divine Immortal that has been passed down by people.

More importantly, any ancestor has the ability to easily sweep the entire Qing State!

Ye Fei didn’t expect that Du Tian Di Zun was able to obtain such a terrifying treasure of human ancestors in the realm of Heavenly Venerate. It is no wonder that Du Tian Di Zun would suddenly die in Heaven Realm. The reason must be Out of this treasure of human ancestors!

“Not good, Du Tiandi Zun died for the treasures of human ancestors, and when I was tricked by Mrs. Dream to go to the Qi Palace, the King Qi promised me that I would help the Imperial Family to gain God Some treasure of Star Academy, is this treasure the Human Ancestor Treasure?” Jiang Zhen, who heard this, suddenly became annoyed and roared, “What, the Imperial Family also knows the Human Ancestor Treasure, Master, this is why you keep not telling me The cause of Senior Brother’s death? It turned out to be the Imperial Family, which is good. I will go to the Imperial Palace to find the murderer and avenge the Senior Brother! I want to kill, Ahhhh

Ah…” Jiang Zhen Roaring frantically, he and Chen Dutian, named senior and junior brothers, but in his heart, he always regarded Chen Dutian as his own brother to respect and worship. At this time, he heard that Chen Dutian was killed. This imperial city is even the Imperial Family. Jiang Zhen was so angry that he lost his mind on the spot.

Chapter 2044 God Star Order

Is it the Imperial Family who killed Du Tiandi Zun?

Jiang Zhen’s violent reaction shocked Ye Fei. He couldn’t help but quickly looked towards Ren Tianhang, a powerhouse in the Heavenly Monarch realm, but saw Ren Tianhang’s face full of dignity. He suddenly shot, and he lost control of his emotions. Jiang Zhen. “Chi’er, Chi’er! Why not tell you the truth as a teacher, because once you know the truth, you will become like this. Besides, even if you doubt that as a teacher, Dutian’s death was done by the Imperial Family, but for so many years , But there is no evidence, no evidence, risking to provoke the Imperial Family,

That can only be sent to death in vain!”

Ren Tianhang forcefully uses Heavenly Monarch as the cultivation base , Suppressed Jiang Zhen, who was close to the madman, but two lines of tears had already rolled down his face, but soon, the two tears had disappeared. The expression of this Heavenly Monarch suddenly became cold, “disciple, my teacher originally planned to give you this map of the treasures of human ancestors before I die, and I hope you can find the real murderer of Dutian. , But now it seems that you are not suitable to keep this map, Ye Fei, this map,

You can take it!”


A blood light fell into Ye Fei’s hands. It was the dragon skin map that recorded the treasures of the ancestors. However, the edges of the map were very uneven, and some of them had signs of tearing. Ye Fei couldn’t help looking at Ren Tianhang in astonishment, and only listened to Heavenly Monarch’s cold explanation: “There are five copies of this map of human ancestors’ treasures, all of which are obtained by the heavens. Only one of them, but the most important one. Fen! This may also be the reason why Dutian would be suddenly attacked and killed! Ye Fei, you and I have nothing to do with the Academy of Theology

, if you cannot bear the burden, you can give up! “

Holding the dragon skin map in his hand, Ye Fei’s expression is very complicated, just thinking that Du Tiandi Zun, died for this map, Ye Fei’s heart, there is an inexplicable feeling Anger and murderous intention!

“I don’t know Du Tiandi Zun, but I also walked on the path of despair with him!”

“At Divine Demon Temple back then, thanks to Du With the nine changes of the true spirit of the heaven and earth, I can have more vitality on the path of despair, and a bit less dangerous!”

“Later on the Human Race battlefield, in the Heaven Temple, I saw it Du Tiandi Zun’s remnant, he also said that I have nothing to do with God, and finally gave me the entire Heaven Temple!”

“This is a great kindness! There is no heaven, no In Heaven Temple, I might have died on the battlefield of Human Race! Now Chen Dutian is dead, and it is very likely that he was not killed in battle, but was murdered to death! This revenge, I must avenge, even if I can’t avenge it, I also want to inherit the will of Du Tiandi Zun!”

“One day, I will return to the realm! One day, I will break the barriers of this world, and I will let the sky of the ground no longer be On holiday, I want the martial artist of the earth to be able to break through Heavenly Venerate, the ruler, Heavenly Monarch, is the Supreme Path Lord!”

Holding the dragon skin map tightly in his hand, Ye Fei stood up I got up, suddenly staring at Ren Tianhang with piercing eyes, staring at the mighty Heavenly Monarch powerhouse, “I have one last question, why do you choose to trust me?”

Ren Tianhang smiled He laughed very freely, and also full of helplessness and vicissitudes of life. He not at all answered Ye Fei’s question, but his hands trembled slightly, and he took out something again from his body.

That is the folding fan Chen Dutian once used. Someone wrote two sentences with trembling hands on it.

“When one day, I am unable to return to the land boundary, please take my ashes back to the land boundary, back to my hometown! If one day, a companion who is on the same path of despair as me will come Go to Tianhe Country, come to Shenxing Academy, please entrust everything I have to this hometown person!”

Ye Fei read the words in blood on the folding fan, and heard these words Jiang Zhen, with blood and tears in his eyes, fell to the ground, just like a child, crying loudly.

“Now, do you understand why the old man believes in you? It is not the old man who believes in you, but Chen Dutian who believes in you! Since he believes in you, why does the old man believe in you again and again?”

Ren Tianhang’s expression was rigid, only his eyes seemed to flash with water vapor, but it quickly dissipated, and this Heavenly Monarch became serious again. He looked at Ye Fei, “You don’t have to worry about killing King Qi! As long as the old man is in one day, you can protect you for one day. From now on, the resources of Shenxing Academy are all open to you and you want profound veins. The old man gives you the profound veins, you want the medicine pill, the old man gives you the medicine pill, you want the cultivation technique supernatural powers, just go to

to learn, the old man only has one requirement, you must return to the realm, and you must Bring his ashes back, let him go into the soil for peace, and let his soul return to his hometown!” With shaking hands, Ren Tianhang took out two things from the secret room of the study, the same, containing the ashes of Du Tiandi Zun , The same, pretending that Chen Dutian was in Heaven Realm and obtained the cultivation technique martial arts!

Seeing these two distinct things, Ye Fei took a deep breath, suddenly sorted his clothes, bends down solemnly and respectfully, raised his hands, holding the cold porcelain altar in both hands, and that The thin golden pages, these two, are the last relics that Du Tiandi Zun left for posterity.

Even if it’s dead, what Tiandi Zun will never forget is to return to the realm! This perseverance, this passion, moved Ye Fei, and Ye Fei felt deeply.

Because he also comes from the realm, and his goal is exactly the same as Chen Dutian!

“Well, the old man has said everything that should be said, and the old man has done what should be done! I am tired, Ye Fei, Jiang Zhen, you guys step down!”

Ren Tianhang’s tone was exhausted like never before, and there was a trace of oldness that was difficult for outsiders to detect. Then, with a wave of his hand, the Heavenly Monarch drove Ye Fei and Jiang Zhen directly out of the study and out of the dean’s area, but a golden token appeared in the hands of the two at the same time.

“This is the Order of God, with this token, we can go anywhere in the Academy and get any cultivation resources, Ye Fei, the ashes of Senior Brother, you can bring it back to the realm, but Senior Brother I must personally repay the blood feud!”

At this time, Jiang Zhen also completely calmed down. He is no longer out of control and no longer sad, but a calm terrifying, this former family Wan Wei, turned, turned his head, with an amazing hatred and fighting intent, walked towards the deepest land of cultivation in the Academy.

Ye Fei didn’t follow, but walked back to the room with a heavy heart. On this day, he did nothing but looked at the sky above his head and looked at a completely strange Sun, Moon and Stars.

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