The space where Ye Fei stood was completely submerged by an endless rain of arrows. Even so, He Chun still refused to relax. In addition to continuing to order the arrows to be released, he moved even more. towards Qi Lao Yi pointed, “He Qi, take someone over to see if that little beast is alive or dead!” “Yes, Patriarch, you guys, come with me!” Qi Lao triumphantly, and brought King Lu to He Several guards and guards arranged by the house swaggered toward the ground completely covered by the arrow rain, “Little beast, at the beginning of the city gate, you let President Bai control the mouth of the old man, today. The old man should use the same

In this way, knock out your teeth and also break your dog legs!” Qi Lao’s eyes were filled with resentment and caution. He asked the two dominating guards to approach Ye Fei first, and he was behind them. At the same time, in the area completely covered by arrow rain, infinite sword light appeared in a sudden. The howling sword is like a long river, like a star, like a raging fire, like a mountain


Ye Fei walked from the rain of arrows with a sorrowful face. Near him, there were corpses all over the floor, dead corpses!

“Originally, I thought I could protect them, but in the end, I realized that there was only blood and corpses around me, bloody corpses! Cold blood! I can’t protect them, but I , I can kill you and pay homage to these innocent souls!”

hong long!

The mysterious iron heavy sword has moved, it is Mount Tai’s topping, such as heaven falls and earth rends, with With Ye Fei’s madness, with Ye Fei’s anger, and with his pain and hatred.

Smashed over the two dominating guards, and in an instant, they smashed in front of the Seven Elders. The Seven Elders were stared wide-eyed in fear. He suddenly discovered that his resourcefulness and caution are in this way. In front of Xuan Tie heavy sword, it was so ridiculous.

Finally, Ye Fei walked past Qi Lao. Behind him is the stiff corpse of Qi Lao, and the rain of arrows all over the floor. In front of him, there is a shocked He Chun and fear. Everyone of the He Family! Suddenly, He Chun smiled wildly and contemptuously, “Ye Fei, the owner of the family has to admit that he underestimated you at the beginning, but the owner of the family never regretted the original decision. You are leaving the city. It’s just Loose Cultivator, a terrapin, a wild dog for cultivation, wandering around! Yes

My Patriarch takes pity on you and takes you in, so the Patriarch wants you to surrender your Martial Arts Divine Ability , There is nothing wrong!”

“But it’s good for you. First kill the two Heavenly Venerates of my He family, and then dig out the entire treasure house of my He family. How dare you have the courage of your evil barrier? Just dig it out with your own hands!”

He Chunsheng is a thunderbolt, with murderous intention on his face, and simply doesn’t care about Qi Lao’s life and death. He has suddenly burst out of the power to dominate the later stage. In his hands, There was already an extra Tier 3 magic sword, and then that magic sword suddenly lit up.

Under the blessing of the two divine runes, He Chun’s imposing manner violently climbed to pinnacle. This kind of Peak makes He Chun believe that even if he encounters a powerhouse of the same level, he can kill with a single blow. , Even more how, there is still an ant from the late Heavenly Venerate!


He Chun moved, he waved the magic knife, and the blade’s light tore the space, making this world become a lot dazzling, brilliant knife The awn turned into a round of god moon. In the god moon, Hechun elegant and poised, like the moon god of aloof and remote, looked down at Ye Fei on the ground like an ant. Just seeing that round of Shenyue, Ye Fei suddenly laughed. His laughter was crazy and mocking, “hahaha, laugh me to death, He Chun, this is the harvest of your betrayal, this is what you leave behind. Do, but reward the Imperial Family as a dog? A late dominance, a third-order magic knife, which makes you abandon your identity as a human, ridiculous, sad, shameful, irritating! You are like this People are not worthy of being a human being. You are only suitable for being a dog, being a dead dog!”

“Little beast, you can silence me!”

He Chun is ashamed and angry, he is more With the dog, even the most precious daughter was given to King Lu as an insignificant plaything. This was the last taboo that He Chun could not touch, and Ye Fei touched it, and He Chun instantly fell into anger. His sword is stronger and stronger. The god moon in the sky emits scorching blades, tearing the sky, cutting the earth out of layers of gully, and also cutting out layers of blood on Ye Fei’s body, but Ye Fei does not. Regardless of these divine moon blade lights, his eyes were just staring at He Chun, his body suddenly burned with a terrifying purple-golden flame. The way of despair, the golden body of the law, was finally pushed to the limit by Ye Fei at this moment!

Chapter 2051 swears to kill the old dog


There are no extra words, Ye Fei has too many grievances with the He family, too. This is an unsolvable vengeance, and also a vengeance that Ye Fei is unwilling to resolve!

When I learned about the relationship between Du Tiandi Zun and Shenxing Academy; at Ren Tianhang, when he gave him the dragon skin scroll that recorded the treasures of the ancestors, it was destined for Ye Fei, and Shenxing Academy has an uncut connection.

Now the Shenxing Academy is in trouble. The Imperial Family and the He Family are actually going to destroy the extinguishing soul Star Academy and kill everyone in it, including Ye Fei himself. Then Ye Fei is left. There is only one word, war!

“Eight Dragons!” Ye Fei spit out the sound of Heavenly Dragons. The powerful profound strength of Heavenly Venerate’s later period made this imperial cultivation technique form Divine Ability even more terrifying. Eight Heavenly Dragon Swords, slashed again. Ahead, while resisting Shenyue, Ye Fei roared again, and the mysterious iron heavy sword in his hand suddenly exploded at this moment with a brilliant sword light beam.

This sword, like a billowing river, soon evolved into Tai Chi and Qi Yao, but it didn’t wait for Ye Fei to continue to evolve Sword God.

He Chun’s sacred moon blade light has fallen quickly, like the moon in the sky, dazzling!

Dominating the majestic profound power of the later period, the nearby buildings shook violently and then collapsed, and the earth appeared densely packed, like spider web cracks, and the sky above the cracks was a terrifying moon , Less than three meters from the ground, and less than one meter from the top of Ye Fei’s head! Seeing, this round of Shenyue is about to fall and completely destroy Ye Fei. At this time, Ye Fei moved. He gave up on his magical powers. No matter how strong the magical powers are, it is also Heavenly Venerable Realm Divine Ability, and Ruler Realm Divine Compared with Ability, there is still a huge gap; and such a gap, Ye Fei can use

absolute power to make up for it.

The power of Fleshy body!

The power of the sword!

This is pure, Ye Fei used the fleshy body to form the power supernatural power, and the collision of Hechun’s Ruler Realm profound power supernatural power, this result also greatly exceeded the expectations of countless He family martial artists. At the moment when the heavy dark iron heavy sword collided with He Chun’s condensed Shenyue sword light, the speed of the entire Shenyue’s falling suddenly became stagnant, and then, under the Shenyue, a terrifying explosion had already spread. Ye Fei carrying the heavy sword of the black iron, at this time, it seems that incarnation has become a strong as an ox furious

war demon.

He is like a spinning top, time and time again, he frantically used the heavy sword in his hand and turned this Divine Sword into a Profound Iron Sword mountain that no stronghold one cannot overcome, continuously His madness hit the sky above his head.

Shenyue’s rays of light were suddenly suppressed, and then cracked, terrifying cracks appeared. These cracks shocked the martial artist of the He family, and also let the shot He Chun, his face stopped. She kept showing fear.

“This kid is a freak! The other Heavenly Venerate, which can have a divine force of 35,000 jin, is almost the limit. This little bastard, his divine force, actually has a full 100,000 Jin!” 100,000 Jin divine force, this is the ultimate power that dominates the magical powers and cannot be reached. In the face of such a power, even if Hechun’s moon meteor magical power is subtle, it will only have one end, that is, the inch by inch that Ye Fei smashed. broke apart, in the end, this round of Shenyue was completely heavy by Ye Fei’s black iron

sword, cut in half from the middle, forming two broken half-moons, rushing from behind Ye Fei Then, he cut out two terrifying half-moon Blade Qi from the ground.

But He Chun had no sense of accomplishment at all. In his eyes, there was a panic and a panic that couldn’t be concealed. He suddenly screamed that the solemn Controller was in Ye Fei Heavenly Venerable Realm. Under the blow, he withdrew and retreated, seeming not to dare to fight Ye Fei head-on.

“Where to go, He Chun, don’t you want to kill me, do you want to take my Martial Arts Divine Ability, my life is here, my Divine Ability is here, my life is here, Who dares to take it!”

Kill! Ye Fei’s eyes were red, and he couldn’t protect the old people and children. His heart was full of self-blame, full of guilt, and even more full of anger. The immense anger made Ye Fei’s sword-holding hands tremble, and he uttered like Dragon Beast-like roar, just red eyes, staring at He Chun, not chasing after her.

“He Chun, today you must pay for those children who died, a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

“Ye Devil, you are too impudent, just dead The family members of a few handyman untouchables, you dare to shout and scream at our Patriarch! Release arrows, let go of the arrows!”

Seeing that the Patriarch was chased and killed by Ye Fei, the Elders of the He family Enraged collectively, they suddenly quickly mobilized a team of elites from the Imperial Family from a distance. These elites were all equipped with terrifying spirit-attached arrows!

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