As the name implies, this imperial arrow is specially refined to kill Heavenly Venerate. The black arrow rain that ran across the Academy of God just now was used by the Imperial Family expert. Pozun arrow formed.

At this time, the Imperial Family has completely penetrated the Shenxing Academy.

In the sky, Ren Tianhang, the Heavenly Monarch, is carrying a large number of masters, fighting with King Chu Heavenly Monarch and the heavenly ghoul controlled by King Lu.

On the ground, the Academy Teachers and Disciples, who were forced to a dead end, were all red-eyed, madly fighting with the enemy, so the elite Imperial Family who had freed their hands immediately had a team Centaur, focused on killing Ye Fei.


Ye Fei’s ear, just heard a thunderbolt-like explosion, there are hundreds of broken arrows, condensed into the black Ray of Death, moved towards his body and suddenly shot Come, and He Chun, who seemed to be escaping before, suddenly turned his head triumphantly and turned to fight again.

“Ye Fei, do you think that the owner of the family will be afraid of you, a little bastard of the Heavenly Venerable Realm? To tell you the truth, the owner of the family is waiting for this moment and you are waiting The moment I was pierced by random arrows, I could only kneel down and beg for mercy!”

The dominating aura on He Chun’s body was even more terrifying, and what appeared above his head was not Heavenly Palace, but Huanghuang Shenyue! That is the Wheel of Fate unique to the Lord! Cultivation Divine Art is to condense the gods and the moon, and cultivation magic power is to condense the magic sun!

“Let’s go together, cooperate with the Patriarch, and kill the head of Ye Fei!” Seeing that there is a bargain, many Heavenly Venerate martial artists of the He family are brave enough to move forward, trying to divide Ye Fei into chaos. corpse.

At this time, Ye Fei’s face was blood dyed red, suddenly showing a very clean smile, “He Chun, I said, you are not worthy of being a human being, you can only be a dog. A dead dog! If I say it, then I will do it! Receive my sword! Supreme Absolute Eight Divinatory sword!”

Boom ka!

The heart that was interrupted before Sword God communication suddenly broke out. In Ye Fei’s hands, the heavy sword of the black iron suddenly disappeared, and replaced by the third-order Divine Sword given to him by Jiang Zhen!

This is the strongest sword of the Shenxing Academy. When Ye Fei took out the Divine Sword, the first-order divine runes on the Divine Sword suddenly flashed, and then, Rank 2 divine runes, also bright Get up, finally, the third-order divine runes, also at this moment, are burning violently.

“Hechun! The old dog is not dead!” Ye Fei walked with the sword, killing intent shocked the sky, the terrifying power brought by the burning of the third-order divine runes, immediately let Ye Fei breath, from Heavenly Venerate, briefly climbed to the level of Heavenly Monarch.

Chapter 2052 Ghost Attacks in the Future

He Chun, who saw this scene, also suddenly expressed a terrified roar, “Mad, you are completely crazy, damn little bastard , Do you think that only you have Tier 3 Divine Weapon, divine runes, burn it for your Patriarch!”

bang bang bang!

He Chun raised the Tier 3 Divine Sword in his hand, this It was He Wushuang who helped him ask the king of Lu and specially gave He Chun his life. At this time, under the threat of Ye Fei Heavenly Monarch, He Chun immediately activated all the divine runes of the magic sword.

He Chun’s body also showed a terrifying Heavenly Monarch power, colliding with Ye Fei’s Supreme Absolute Eight Divinatory sword, and the He family martial artist killed nearby suddenly heard A terrifying, huge roar like the explosion of heaven and earth. Afterwards, the infinite profound strength, the formation of blade light and sword shadow, completely transformed this area into a purgatory on earth. All martial artists close to this purgatory, under the dominance, are all hit by the Heavenly Monarch. Before the collision, Heavenly Palace exploded, Divine Soul collapsed, and corpses fluttered on the ground.

Those imperial arrows that were originally shot at Ye Fei exploded into ashes before they got close to this area. The elite of the Imperial Family who frightened them retreated in panic, but they were still unavoidable by Heavenly Monarch. The impact of the blow, spit blood flying upside down, rolling all over the floor. The martial artists on the periphery were so badly injured. Ye Fei, who was at the core, felt that all the bones in his body would be all split up and in pieces by the aftermath of this Heavenly Monarch blow. Just thinking of the tragic death of those old people and children, thinking of the deep regret and powerlessness that could not protect them, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly flashed a more terrifying madness.

“Come again! Two strikes if one strike fails, three strikes if two strikes fail! Old dog, I said to kill you, today you must do it! Divine runes burn me!” Ye Fei Shen The roar was like a god or beast who had fallen into a rage. In his hands, the three divine runes that had been extinguished suddenly all brightened.

“Crazy, you are really mad, you lunatic, devil, your life is like a dog, even if you die, the owner of this family has a great future. Wang Lu has promised, wait When Lin Family is destroyed, my He family is the first family of imperial city. The owner of this family can’t die, and can’t die with a lunatic!”

I didn’t expect to kill He Chundu and really got angry. Ye Fei’s will be so crazy and so desperate. What makes him most embarrassed is that Ye Fei will forget about it. He was forced to hold him together to kill him, He Chun was completely shivered, his frightened legs were trembling, and his voice was trembling.

Not waiting for Ye Fei’s heavy sword to be cut again, He Chun has already moved towards the sky in fear and yelled, “King Lu, help! This surnamed Ye’s magical power is great, and the old man resists it. No!”

“Trash, rice bucket, just like this, I want to be the first family. If your daughter is still pretty, this king will kill you now!”

in the Sky, Wang Lu is controlling the Heavenly Ghoul General, cooperating with King Chu, and fighting Ren Tianhang fiercely. Seeing that he has already occupied a great advantage, he didn’t expect, on the ground, Wang Chongshan, who was ordered to bloodbath the Academy of God, He Spring, unexpectedly died or lost one after another.

Wang Lu was extremely angry, “Ye Fei, if you don’t kill you demon today, my Imperial Family Bloodbath Academy, won’t it become a mere empty talk? Ghost general, kill him for me!


That day, the ghoul general, upon receiving the order of King Lu, suddenly his wings were gathered, and his whole body had turned into a yin wind, rushing towards Ye Fei, along the way, It was extremely cruel and suddenly turned off the heads of two Academy Teachers who were blocking the way, and made a weird smile.

Ye Fei naturally also sensed the terrorist crisis coming from behind. But thinking of the old people and children who died tragically, I saw He Chun’s hypocritical and cruel hideous face.

Suddenly, his heart was stunned, he was actually ignoring the ghost commander rushing behind him, and the third-order Divine Sword in his hand broke out again with a dazzling light.

“Heavenly Monarch strike is really Heavenly Monarch strike, how is it possible, where did he come from that many origins, can actually activate the third-order divine runes twice! I knew there was today, but I was leaving Cheng, the owner of the Patriarch should personally end him…” He Chun looked sad, and tried to resist Ye Fei’s horrible Taiji Sword light, but he no longer has With the remaining power, the third-order divine runes are activated again. In the end, what He Chun can see is a horrible sword light, tearing his body, and tearing his Divine Soul and Life Wheel!


He Chun’s body, like a blood-colored firework, burst into the air, in the sky, Ye Fei’s stature, standing like a mountain of swords, purple-gold rays of light, forming a bright Tai Chi, gossip, appeared around him, and evolved into Liuhe Qi Yao, the heavens and stars, illuminating the sky.

“The old dog is dead, you can rest in peace!”

Finally, Ye Fei’s eyes fell on the tragically dead old people and children on the ground. All Heavenly Venerate originated, but everything he did was worth it. He killed Wang Chongshan and He Chun, the two most vicious dogs of the Imperial Family, and he let these tragic heroes rest in peace!

“Ye guest official, be careful!”

Suddenly, there was a loud warning from an Academy disciple in the distance, but he did not finish his words, and a gust of wind blew from him. Then, ka-cha said, that the discipline that reminded Ye Fei has been screwed off by a dry claw. It was the claws of the ghost general who killed the discipline, and the scarlet eyes of the ghost general had already stared at Ye Fei coldly. Then, it let out a scream like a ghost, and suddenly appeared in front of Ye Fei from a very far away, with its dry claws, and with one swipe, it grabbed Ye Fei’s head


“get out of my sight!” Ye Fei broke out in a cold sweat, facing the attack of a ghost comparable to Heavenly Monarch, he simply didn’t dare to think about it, but almost instinctively, the two swords came out and cut towards Ahead. His mysterious iron heavy sword also successfully slashed the ghost general’s body. The ghost general was completely motionless, and his face covered with corpses flashed a hideous

ridicule, after all, it However, it is comparable to the ghost generals of Heavenly Monarch. No matter how strong Ye Fei’s divine force is, it is okay to deal with the ruler, and it is far worse to deal with the Heavenly Monarch, which is stronger than the ruler. What makes Ye Fei even more frightened is that his third-order Divine Sword, when he hit the ghost commander, turned into fragments, but it was Ye Fei who forcibly activated the third-order Divine Sword several times. All the divine runes, and the divine talent that created this spirited Divine Sword, obviously has reached the limit of endurance


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