Ren Tianhang’s face suddenly showed a huge grief, “The old man is dead, and you can’t let you destroy this child, and also destroy Dutian’s last hope!”

This Heavenly Monarch broke out completely. He suddenly increased his speed, and his body generally blocked Ye Fei with lightning, and also blocked the tragic white light column.

“haha, Ren Tianhang, you are fooled!” Suddenly a smirk appeared on King Chu’s face. He seemed to be determined long ago, and Ren Tianhang would do his best to protect Ye Fei. Therefore, King Chu’s Gate of Hell seems to be attacking Ye Fei, but in fact his real goal is always Ren Tianhang, the Heavenly Monarch. In King Chu’s eyes, even if Ye Fei broke into this Heavenly Monarch battlefield, it was just an ant breaking into the dead. At the same time, King Chu and Ren Tianhang also ignored Ye Fei, which is comparable to Heavenly Monarch. Rage, and this aura, when Ye Fei walked into the battlefield, when Ye Fei faced the pale

Gate of Hell, it broke out!


Ye Fei’s mouth suddenly roared like an ominous beast, the heavy sword of profound iron, and suddenly at this moment, a horror that was brighter than the stars burst out sword light, this sword light, at the moment of crossing Ren Tianhang, the pale light of hell has been torn apart, and it slashed straight towards King Chu.

“This impossible! Heavenly Monarch, this kid, how could he have such a terrifying Heavenly Monarch breath…”

Ren Tianhang’s shocked eyes burst. Before he decided to save Ye Fei, he was prepared to be seriously injured by King Chu, but the sudden burst of power from Ye Fei was to scare Ren Tianhang to have one’s hair stand on end.

Of course, the most feared is King Chu. Even if King Chu is killed, I can’t believe that Ye Fei from Heavenly Venerate will suddenly burst out with a breath comparable to Heavenly Monarch.

This is not the power of Ye Fei, but the power of the Immortal Sword Soul, the Heavenly Monarch power that swallowed the ghost generals and refining. Before this power is exhausted, then Ye Fei, Have a real battle strength comparable to Heavenly Monarch.

Boom ka!

Finally, the scene that Ren Tianhang and many masters saw was the powerful King Chu Heavenly Monarch, who was smashed by Ye Fei’s heavy sword. The scrolling picture.

“little bastard, you…”

“Kill! Dead, don’t speak!”

“Imperial Family, is it amazing, today I It is you Imperial Family who killed!”

“I want to kill! roar roar roar roar!”

Ye Fei suddenly roared, and his within the body rushed out again The eight laws of the Tianlong, and then the formation of the sword of the Tianlong, while overthrowing King Chu, the Divine Sword condensed by the eight laws of the Tianlong has been continuously bombarding King Chu’s Gate of Hell. Although the Octopus Celestial Dragon is only Heavenly Venerate magical powers, and a huge gap with King Chu’s Heavenly Monarch magical power Gate of Hell, Ye Fei’s within the body has swallowed all the origins of a Heavenly Monarch ghost general. At this time, when Ye When Fei released these origins continuously, the number of octopus dragons also increased rapidly from eight to sixteen, then twenty-four, and 36. Finally, when Ye Fei’s number of Octopus Dragons increased to 64, even the Gate of Hell, which was condensed by Heavenly Monarch’s magical powers, couldn’t bear it anymore. I only heard a loud explosion sound, the Gate behind King Chu. of Hell, has been smashed to pieces by sixty-four dragons.

Chapter 2057 King Chu Broken Arm

“Ah! This king understands, it’s you, you, the untouchable of Heavenly Venerable Realm, who destroyed nearly ten thousand soldiers of my Imperial Family Sha, you dare to swallow the strongest ghost general, kill King Lu, the untouchable, this king wants you to die, this king wants your life, kill, wind and wave Dragon Snake!” King Chu was mad with anger. During the time that Ye Fei smashed the Gate of Hell, King Chu had already used Divine Consciousness to see the corpse of King Lu on the ground and the torn body of the ghost general. This Imperial Family Heavenly Monarch finally understood completely why Ye Fei suddenly possessed such terrifying power. Ye Fei, unexpectedly, did not know what method to use. He swallowed the ghost general and gained The power of ghosts!

This power made King Chu frighten, but also produced huge murderous intention. You know, Tianhe Imperial Family is best at refining the evil spirits and controlling the corpse soldiers. Ye Fei, It seems that it is the biggest nemesis of Bingsha, and Tianhe Imperial Family, the biggest nemesis.

With such a dangerous person, how can King Chu keep Ye Fei alive? At this time, King Chu suddenly changed his plan of slow fighting and dragging Ren Tianhang to death, but suddenly burst out the strongest Heavenly Monarch power, his within the body suddenly appeared a layer of human leather soft armor. !

That is also a special treasure made of Heavenly Monarch human skin. When King Chu revealed this treasure, his body suddenly burned into the sky with Ghost Fire, forming another portal again. , The door of ghosts!

roar roar roar!

When the door of this ghost mythical creature opened, those masters who had been killed by King Chu suddenly turned into a horrible ghost and rushed out of the ghost mythical creature, madly rushing towards Ye Fei.

Kill! On Ye Fei’s face, blue veins are jumping frantically like springs, as if they are about to explode at any time. His within the body, the origin of the rolling Heavenly Monarch, is like a raging fire, like a huge wave, and raging. Ye Fei didn’t even look at the evil spirits who approached him. He just raised the heavy sword and smashed it crazy.

Although Ye Fei does not have the supernatural powers of Heavenly Monarch, at this time, Ye Fei’s violent fleshly body strength and the almost exploding Heavenly Monarch origin make Ye Fei’s attack power better than Heavenly Monarch Divine Ability, more terrifying. I saw his heavy sword passing by, a piece of space, smashed and collapsed.

Countless souls, under the heavy sword, burst like fireworks.

That kind of power, that kind of power, made Ren Tianhang, the Heavenly Monarch, feel terrified, and also made King Chu’s eyes, boiling killing intent, breakthrough to the greatest point.

“Damn untouchable, don’t think that you swallow a ghost, you are Heavenly Monarch, in front of the real Heavenly Monarch, you untouchable, not a dog, die for me!” King Chu suddenly also Growl. The ghost of the ghost gate still bought King Chu a certain amount of time. During this period of time, King Chu only did two things, that is, putting on human leather soft armor, weakening Ye Fei’s violent heavy sword and smashing it, and that is, quickly taking out his weapon. That is a magic sword very similar to King Lu, but King Chu is not a third-order heavenly soldier, but a fourth-order Dao soldier!

In other words, this magic sword is fully activated, and the formidable power it can explode is equivalent to a blow from Daojun, and such an attack is enough to cut Ye Fei into fly ash in an instant.

At this time, King Chu is roaring, exhausting all his strength, burning his own origin, to activate the fourth-order divine runes of this magic knife, and send a Heavenly Monarch blow!

“Not good, Ye Fei, fast back, that is the Tier 4 spirit weapon left by Dao Monarch Tianhe, that is Dao soldier!” Seeing King Chu take out this weapon, Ren Tianhang was all over All were scared into a cold sweat. Ye Fei was also cold in the vest sou sou, only to feel that within the body that is still raging like the origin of Heavenly Monarch, Ye Fei was frightened, his heart fiercely violent, and roared: “No, I can’t retreat! Once I retreat, I am within the body of the Heavenly Monarch origin; it will blow me up immediately

, only war, non-stop war, crazy war, desperate war, I can There is a way to survive!”

“Don’t come here, watch me kill, watch me fight, King Chu, today I will fight you to death, kill kill kill kill kill!” Ye Fei roared, roared like The roar of Dragon Beast is like the fury of gods and demons. In his hand, in addition to the black iron heavy sword, suddenly there was a black gold Divine Sword. The moment this Divine Sword was taken out, this world seemed to be at a standstill. Only the Divine Sword in Ye Fei’s hand , With the non-Destruction Sword light like Exterminating Heaven and Earth, instantly tore the door of King Chu’s ghosts

, and King Chu didn’t even have time to activate the fourth-order divine runes.

King Chu has hurriedly swung to activate the Dragon Snake blade of the third-order divine runes, madly colliding with Ye Fei’s Destruction Sword. Then there was a bump, like a loud explosion of a mountain peak in the air. In the dust and smoke in the sky, Ye Fei sword light Inextinguishable Immortal, invincible without self, seems to exude the eternal Inextinguishable light of heaven and earth. But King Chu’s arm was empty. Not only did the Tier 4 Daoist soldiers left by Tianhe Daojun exploded, but also exploded, as well as King Chu’s arm.

“How could this be?”

The imperial family masters watching the battle nearby all exclaimed in terror, when Ye Fei rushed into the Heavenly Monarch battlefield desperately , None of them thought that Ye Fei could burst out the terrifying battle strength of Heavenly Monarch in the realm of Heavenly Venerate.

They didn’t even think that Ye Fei not only smashed King Chu’s Gate of Hell and the Gate of Ghosts, but also horribly smashed King Chu’s Taoist soldiers, and even abolished King Chu’s One arm.


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