Even if the Heavenly Monarch powerhouse suffered such a severe damage, King Chu could not help screaming in anger and fear. He was defeated, not at the hands of the Heavenly Monarch, Ren Tianhang , But was defeated by Heavenly Venerate, who was as small as an ant. This is a shame, extraordinary shame and humiliation! The violent shame caused King Chu to spurt blood in the air and almost died on the spot. However, Heavenly Monarch’s instinct caused King Chu to be severely injured and suddenly roared after he discovered that King Lu and the ghost general had died. With a sound, turned around and fled, dignified King Chu, Heavenly Monarch powerhouse, was actually cut off by a Heavenly Venerate ant who killed

the damaged soldier, and fled away?

The masters of the Imperial Family, morale plummeted. The remnant masters of the Academy of Gods were morale boosted, Jiang Zhen couldn’t help but face upwards and roared in grief, and two rows of hot blood and tears fell, “Kill, the fighting intent is immortal, the gods are endless, Ye Fei, as a guest official, is still for us, giving up the dead, what are we afraid of, what are we waiting for, killing the Imperial Family and slaughtering these running dogs!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!” With Ye Fei’s powerful sword and Jiang Zhen’s bloody and tearful cry, all the surviving Teachers and Disciples in the Academy are crazy, and then completely. They are in groups of three or four. They are suddenly crazy. They kill the Imperial Family and kill them.

At this time, the Imperial Family army was defeated in Hechun, Wang Chongshan, and Lu Wang. When the coach King Chu deserted the crowd and fled, the army was defeated like a mountain. There were deserters everywhere. It is Heavenly Venerate and the master who flees in panic.

But they couldn’t escape from the Academy of God Star, because in the sky, the sober Heavenly Monarch Ren Tianhang, already like an insurmountable mountain, pulled everyone out of the Academy.

In the sky, Ye Fei’s eyes are red, and he simply ignores the Heavenly Venerate and Lord of the Imperial Family. There is only one goal for him, that is, King Chu and Heavenly Monarch!

Only the battle with Heavenly Monarch can consume the terrifying Heavenly Monarch origin of him within the body! “King Chu, where are you going! Stay and fight with me!” Ye Fei carried the black gold Divine Sword that had not been turned into Destruction Sword, and madly chased after him.

Chapter 2058 Lin Family is destroyed

“King Chu, don’t you want to kill me? I’m here, you come to kill me!”

Ye Fei raised his sword and roared and caught up with King Chu. He was still 100 meters away. He couldn’t bear it within the body of the violent Heavenly Monarch origin. He waved the heavy sword of the black iron with one hand, exploding the space passing by. , His other hand is holding up the black gold Divine Sword.

The origin of the billowing Heavenly Monarch is poured into it, and this Divine Sword forms the Inextinguishable Immortal horror sword light. This sword light tears the world apart and turns into a river of horror swords. Cut to King Chu who is fleeing.

King Chu’s face suddenly showed great anger and frustration, “Ye Fei, leaf demon, little bastard! If there is a kind, you will catch up and wait for you within the body of the Heavenly Monarch origin After the consumption is clean, the king will personally break your bones and avenge my broken arm!” King Chu’s escape is wise. If he stays, he will only be besieged and killed by Ye Fei and Ren Tianhang and retreat temporarily. It also consumes Ye Fei’s Heavenly Monarch origin. This is King Chu’s final plan, but King Chu also overlooked one point, which is the improvement of Heavenly Monarch origin to Ye Fei, which is in all aspects.

Not only the attack power of Ye Fei, but also reached the Heavenly Monarch level under the origin of the violent Heavenly Monarch, which is the speed of Ye Fei, and also reached the Heavenly Monarch level under the stimulation of the origin of Heavenly Monarch . So, no matter how fast King Chu escapes, simply don’t want to get rid of Ye Fei’s pursuit.

Instead, it was Ye Fei. Taking advantage of King Chu’s severely injured arm, he suddenly took a step and rushed in front of King Chu. The heavy sword and black gold Divine Sword were cut out together. A special double Sword God link is formed, which smashes the space behind King Chu into nothingness. A trace of fear suddenly appeared on King Chu’s face, but he was the real Heavenly Monarch. The moment he discovered the danger, King Chu was already roaring and forcibly burned his Heavenly Monarch origin, and his breath became stronger. , Actually took out a third-order magic knife. Blocked the

attack of the Destruction Sword Order. And before the Destruction Sword order cuts off this magic sword.

Dignified Heavenly Monarch King Chu, suddenly disregarding his identity and image, rolled on the ground, rolling very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, rolled out several hundred meters distance, but in King Chu Before he got out, Ye Fei’s heavy sword still hit King Chu’s calf heavily.

I only heard a loud noise from ka-cha.

King Chu’s leg bones have been smashed and broken. The angry King Chu roared to the extreme, “Damn it, I, Bai Chuzhen dignified Heavenly Monarch powerhouse, was cut off by a soft-shelled turtle Heavenly Venerate. He also cut off his arm and a leg. Ye Fei, this king is with you. Fight!”

The huge humiliation made King Chu’s eyes red. He limped up from the ground, but did not turn his head, but like a wounded and angry wolf, continuing to move Towards a wild escape in the distance.

“King Chu, where are you going!” Ye Fei was ready to withstand King Chu’s desperate attack. As a result, King Chu said that he was vicious, but in fact he was just trying to escape. Ye Fei was also furious. The origin of the Heavenly Monarch within the body is still running wild. If King Chu runs away, where would he go, find another Heavenly Monarch and consume his horrible energy within the body

? Did not give King Chu a chance to escape, Ye Fei’s within the body, Heavenly Monarch, had its origins as if it didn’t need money, burning crazily, and the black gold Divine Sword in his hand broke out again with the Inextinguishable Immortal horror sword light, moved towards King Chu Past. King Chu, who was also scared, was frightened and frightened. “Is this

the king is going to die in the hands of this junior today?”

At this moment, the whole imperial Over the city, a terrifying shock of profound energy suddenly erupted. The shock was too terrifying, and the howling profound energy suddenly formed a profound energy wind that swept through the imperial city.

That is the death of Heavenly Monarch!

Heavenly Monarch, in the direction of Lin Family, suddenly fell!

“Not good, Lin Family is over, Lin Xiong’s old fogey is dead! Ye Fei, come back soon!” In Shenxing Academy, Ren Tianhang is besieging and suppressing the lord of the Imperial Family. When the profound strength of the sky above the imperial city was windy, even if it was Heavenly Monarch, Ren Tianhang’s complexion suddenly became pale.

Ye Fei’s heart also trembled fiercely. The Lin Family is over, and the other Heavenly Monarch and ghost generals of the Imperial Family will also free their hands to attack the Star Academy!

As a devourer of ghosts, he who killed King Qi, King Lu, and chased King Chu, will surely become a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of the Imperial Family!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei didn’t dare to fight anymore. After putting away the Destruction Sword order, he turned around and wanted to return to Shenxing Academy, but his reaction was still slow.

In the distant sky, there is already a sharp ghost sound unique to the ghost general. On the ghost general’s body, there is also a person following, a cold old man wearing a dragon robe, this old man, that’s The old emperor of Tianhe Kingdom, another Heavenly Monarch powerhouse of the Imperial Family.

“King Chu, you have disappointed me too much! How much resources did the Imperial Family spend to train you to become a Heavenly Monarch, but you were battered and exhausted by a little Heavenly Venerate ant !” The old emperor stepped on the ghost generals, and the corpse came.

The ghost general, in the hands of the old emperor, has approached the special Heavenly Monarch soldier. In the blink of an eye, I rushed to the distance of several hundred meters of Ye Fei. The sharp ghost claws formed gusts of wind and suddenly dug towards the vital point of Ye Fei’s Heavenly Palace.

Get out!

Ye Fei was furious, and now that it was impossible to retreat, he simply took out the Destruction Sword order again and prepared to refining this ghost general together.

King Chu also let out a roar of fear, “Your Majesty, be careful, this kid is very weird. The sword in his hand seems to be stronger than the Taoist soldier, and it can devour the evil spirit soldier. !”

The old emperor was also startled, but then he sneered with disdain, and said proudly: “So what, he can swallow the ghost generals, that is the Lu King who controls the ghost generals is simply a waste, and I The ghost generals are not so easy to swallow, kill! Ghost God Dragon Snake!”

Under the feet of the old emperor, the ghost would suddenly scream, and the dry body suddenly became better than any Divine Weapon. To be hard, it collided fiercely with Ye Fei’s Black Sword Divine Sword. This time the No Destruction Sword order, unexpectedly failed to pierce the body of the ghost general, refining the origin of the ghost general, because when the sword command was in contact with the ghost general, the corpse claws of the ghost general suddenly burst out of the late dominance The force of terror. This old emperor could actually use a corpse as a soldier! Turn the celestial ghoul general into a celestial soldier like a spirit weapon!

Ye Fei then knew how lucky he was to use the Indestructible Sword Soul to swallow the ghost generals controlled by King Lu, because King Lu can only control ghost generals, not like the old emperor. In general, directly treat the ghost general as a spirit weapon, do as one pleases.

After that, he felt severe pain in his body. The whole body had been smashed from the sky to the ground, and the ground was smashed out of a huge pit of several dozen meters.

This is the terrifying that dominates the late stage. This is an expert that is two levels stronger than King Chu. Even if Ye Fei has a non-Destruction Sword order and has the origin of Heavenly Monarch, he is still not the opponent of the old emperor! In the end, the rank of the Destruction Sword Order is too high. This is the soldier of the ancestors. Ye Fei can activate the immortal Sword Soul inside, which is already the limit. It is simply impossible to display the true formidable of the Destruction Sword Order. power.

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