
“What is it?” The master was taken aback, but he still didn’t understand what was going on. “Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -cha With a loud noise, the black tank of Dragon Tortoise was cut in half. The angry Dragon Tortoise let out a roar of heartache to the extreme

, and then the whole body rushed out, violently The master’s body fiercely slammed into it. Then the master can see clearly that what sneak attacked him was actually just a little monster turtle of Martial God Realm, but the turtle grew up too dark and fat. At first sight, the master stayed for a while, and just At the moment he was dumbfounded, Ye Fei had already turned around coldly, and the mysterious iron heavy sword in his hand, like a howling mysterious iron star, crashed on this person’s blade. Only heard a loud noise, the sword in the master’s hand has been cut into two pieces by the black iron heavy sword, and a look of incomparable fear flashed across this person’s face, not even think, to pull back is to retreat, but Ye Fei did not wait for this person to retreat, already bravely raising the sword, the mysterious iron heavy sword smashed once again

, and it smashed the dominating fleshy body again, and only Divine Soul was frightened. Escape. “Senior Jiang, let’s go, Da Hei, don’t care about your broken tank, hurry up, we will enter Wind City!” Ye Fei did not continue to chase the two Divine Souls, but walked away with the sword and headed directly to Wind City. Killed at the city gate of Ye Fei. Jiang Zhen was shocked when he saw Ye Fei’s actions. He hurriedly exploded with the power of the sacred bell. He came out from the crowd and said: “Ye Fei, now we are all surrounded If you don’t take the opportunity to break through, why do you want to enter the city?” Ye Fei rolled his eyes, and rushed to the city gate, while sound transmission said in a deep voice: “Because we are in a heavy siege, we have to do the opposite! Feng Family Ambush heavy soldiers outside the city, the city must be empty! And, Senior Jiang, you have to return to Jiang Family, through Wind City’s Teleportation Formation Platform, it is our only opportunity

Yes!” “But rushed into the city What should we do if more martial artists besiege us?” Jiang Zhen was still very worried. While resisting the chase behind, he sound transmission asked a more acute question.

Chapter 2063 Unexpected Exposure

“Then you can only take a gamble!”

Ye Fei flashed a touch of determination in his eyes, besides rushing into the city He also could not think of other methods. He could get rid of the chase of the imperial family ruler. If he stayed outside the city, he would only die faster. They would also be dragged by these rulers to escape, and he would be chased by the Imperial Family expert to fight for it. time.

Instead, it’s easier to rush into the city and it’s easier to fish in troubled water. Anyway, the current Wind City, there is simply no Heavenly Monarch powerhouse, and all the masters have appeared outside the city, besieging him and Jiang shock.

Ye Fei is 70% sure that the current Wind City must be extremely empty. As for the other 30% uncertain factors, he has already thought of a countermeasure.

bang! After Jiang Zhen’s break, Ye Fei successfully broke Wind City’s city gate and rushed into the city gate. This scene also completely exceeded the Feng Family’s expectations. Yes, they didn’t escape to the outside of the city. They actually made it into Wind City. No, their goal is the Teleportation Formation Platform of the city gate. Quickly, stop them. If they let them run away, Not only will my Feng Family not get the king, I will also be punished by the Imperial Family!”

The masters of the Feng Family and the masters of the Feng Family are all crazy. They slammed back to the city and killed To Ye Fei, and behind Ye Fei, Jiang Zhen drummed the profound energy of his body, condense a huge five thunder bell, sounding the thunder of heaven and earth, and also blocked the attack of all the masters


But in Wind City, there are a large number of Feng Family Heavenly Venerate martial artists, dozens of people, hundreds of people, forming a terrifying wave of Heavenly Venerate, wanting to stop Ye Fei from approaching the Teleportation Formation in the city Platform. Seeing this, Ye Fei just sneered, affirming the weakness inside Wind City.

He didn’t mean to fight these Heavenly Venerates at all. Since there is a Teleportation Formation Platform, the Imperial Family’s expert can be transmitted from the formation at any time. Now for Ye Fei , The most important thing is not to fight, but to fight for time to escape! “Listen, the martial artist of Wind City, stop us, a dead end, leave the road, my leaf demon not only will not kill people, but also can give you huge benefits, Heavenly Venerate supernatural powers, dominate the cultivation technique, the various aspects of the Star Academy heavenly materials, earthly treasures, spirit weapons, profound stone and profound veins, everything you need, if you want, hurry up!”


In Ye Fei’s hands, a dozen space belts suddenly appeared, and then he was cruel, he threw the belt into the air, and then successively shot the sword, exploding all the space inside the belt. Lost the countless treasures stored in the space, it rained suddenly, and flew to all directions. These treasures have cultivation techniques, magical powers, spiritual weapons, and even profound stone profound veins. They fly everywhere, especially those Profound veins are inherently alive. When Ye Fei releases all these profound veins from the Spirit Gathering Pagoda.

The profound veins suddenly transformed into dragons of profound energy, instinctively escaped into the sky, and wanted to rush out of Wind City and hide in the vast distance between Heaven and Earth.


The entire Wind City is crazy in front of this rainy treasure. I saw the streets that were still deserted just now, and suddenly countless scattered martial cultivators appeared. All of them were red-eyed, rushing to those treasures desperately, and instantly rushing Feng Family’s Heavenly Venerate team.

“Get out, get out! You bunch of scum, trash, and terrapins that can’t make it to the table, who allowed you to come out, who allowed you to block our way!” Feng Family and Imperial Family master , Almost crazy with anger.

The originally deserted streets were suddenly blocked by countless martial cultivators. Even the sky is full of martial artists competing for treasure, so how can they chase Ye Fei? Get the high position and great wealth originally belonging to Feng Family! Ye Fei’s resolute, completely unprepared the master of Feng Family. I also watched Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise’s heartache. Then, something that made Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise more heartache happened. Seeing that Ye Fei’s method worked, Jiang Zhen also resisted the heartache and took the lot of treasures on his body, all the heavy rain. Usually

spill out, when it stimulates more people to pour into the streets and rob treasures.

Jiang Zhen suddenly had an idea. He violently took out a cheat book from his body, and threw it to the sky, and even to the direction of many masters of the Feng Family, “My God Star Academy’s master cultivation technique , Right above, who can get it, who owns it!”

“What, the master cultivation technique of the Divine Star Academy, the strongest Nine Revolutions Divine Star of the Tianhe Kingdom……”


“Oh my god, this cultivation technique old man must get it. The old man has been stuck in the Heavenly Venerable Realm for hundreds of years!”

“Little Heavenly Venerate, go away, this The door governs the cultivation technique and is destined to belong to my Li Family!”

“No, it belongs to my Wang Family…”

“Go away, go away, all treasures here All belong to my Feng Family. Do you little families want to get involved in Wind City and dare to snatch my Feng Family’s treasure!”

The entire Wind City is completely chaotic. At first, Only part of the martial cultivator was unfettered, blocking the road and looting treasures, but as Jiang Zhen threw out the most famous Nine-turn Seven-Star Jue in Tianhe Kingdom, even the many small families and small forces who were watching in the city were shocked. .

I don’t know how many retired Old Monsters, old man old ladies, kill them from everywhere, their life essence will be exhausted, they are stronger than Loose Cultivator and more deadly, directly dominated by Feng Family In front of him, they fought vigorously to compete for the Nine Revolutions Divine star battle.

Ye Fei couldn’t help moving towards Jiang Zhen and gave a thumbs up, “Senior Jiang, great, so we have hope of escape! It’s just that you just lost the Nine Revolutions Divine Star Decision Okay?”

In the end, the Nine Revolutions Divine Star Battle is the foundation of the Shenxing Academy.

hearing this, Jiang Zhen grinned suddenly, moved towards Ye Fei and blinked, “What’s wrong, what I threw out is only the upper part, even if they get it, they won’t be able to practice it! At most breakthrough Used for reference when dominating!”

Uh! Ye Fei’s face darkened. Who said that Jiang Zhen was dude, this sullen person is also eating people without spitting out bones. However, relying on Jiang Zhen’s determination to give up his treasure, the masters who were chasing after him were all overwhelmed by the chaotic crowd. Ye Fei and Jiang Zhen also used this time to finally rush to the Transmission Array in Wind City.

In the position.

The Imperial Family masters who saw this scene finally couldn’t bear to shout, “Your Majesty is dead, and Ye Fei must not be allowed to escape. You must kill him at all costs!”

“But there are treasure hunters all around, and we simply can’t make it!” The Feng Family owner looked at the densely packed crowd around him, his face was extremely ugly.

“I can’t control that many. If Ye Fei is allowed to escape, we don’t even want to live, kill, whoever stops, we will kill! Kill!” The rulers of the Imperial Family took the lead, simply Regardless of all around who is the enemy and who is innocent, Divine Ability dominates the treasure robbing crowd suddenly, but they Divine Ability, not at all kill the martial artists who rob the treasure, but before the magical power comes, that Suddenly two of the four treasure robs

, suddenly raised their heads, and a terrifying master cultivation base burst out of them, cursing and killing the master of the Imperial Family. The remaining two treasure robs were angry and trembling.

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