Chapter 2064 break through

“Surnamed Ye, you actually pit us, what Nine Revolutions Divine star decision, this is only half of the scrap! We do not hesitate to expose, actually I get half of the dilapidated copy!”

Lin Chen and Lin Gui are so angry.

Originally, they were all ordered, along with Lin City and Lin Rong, to come to Shenxing Academy to apologize to Ren Tianhang and Ye Fei, and to form an alliance with Shenxing Academy to fight the Imperial Family together. meaning.

However, due to the betrayal of the two traitors He Chun and Wang Chongshan, and He Wushuang’s advance notification, the Imperial Family has long insight into Lin Family’s scheming, in order not to form an alliance between Lin Family and Shenxing Academy At the opportunity of the imperial family, the imperial family simply attacked first and then divided into two groups. At the same time, they suddenly attacked Lin Family and Shenxing Academy.

King Chu took the ghost generals and attacked the God Star Academy, while the old emperor took the other ghost generals, and he could not take off his tail with his own hands. The Lin Family who gradually became unruly of Lin Family hundred thousand more than one hundred thousand, all were executed. !

Just because Ye Fei suddenly swallowed the ghost general and defeated King Chu, the old emperor had no time to kill all the remnants of Lin Family, so he had to take the ghost general. Hurry to rescue King Chu.

Lin Chen and Lin Gui, the two best descendants of the Lin Family, were able to escape from the bloody Lin Family under the protection of Lin City and Lin Rong and escape to Wind. City.

Because in Wind City, the Lin Family also has a secret property. Originally, the Lin Chen and the four planned to hide here, and waited for the wind to pass, and then escaped from Tianhe Nation, slowly trying to get revenge. Didn’t expect Ye Fei and Jiang Zhen, they also came here.

In order to survive, Ye Fei even put a lot of treasures in the Academy of Gods, don’t throw them around like money, and also caused the entire Wind City martial artist to rob. With Jiang Zhen’s stake all on one throw and the fundamental dominating cultivation technique based on the Shenxing Academy, it was also time to throw it out.

The Lin City four, who know how valuable the Nine Revolutions Divine Star Jue is, can’t stand it anymore, and immediately like other small families, they rushed out to snatch wildly, and rely on Lin City and Lin Rong, the two masters, they really got their hands.

“Lin Chen, Lin Gui?”

Ye Fei also looked back in surprise, looking at the two opponents in disbelief. At this time, Lin Chen, covered in dirt, No longer the Young Master’s heroic martial arts, Lin Gui has a horrible to see scar on his face, extending from his forehead to his neck, almost half of his head was cut off by a knife.

“But it doesn’t matter, Brother Lin, although you are now down and embarrassed, but the enemy’s enemy is your friend. You help me block the master behind, and I’ll take the complete Nine Revolutions Divine star back. I will leave it to you!”

This remark, Ye Fei also said very loudly, lest the masters of the Imperial Family would not hear it, and the remnants of Lin Family are also hidden in Wind City. Lin Chen and Lin Rong almost died on the spot. While chasing Ye Fei, they yelled, “Ye Fei, you treat us as stupid, take us as a ghost, you can run away, be friends, yes, today everyone is going to die. Die together, flee together! Uncle Cheng, Uncle Rong, let’s go quickly

!” When these two people rushed to the Teleportation Formation Platform, they did not forget to greet Lin City and Lin Rong, Lin City subconsciously Lin Rong retreated quickly, but Lin Rong yelled decisively, “Lin City, you retreat, anyway, I’m just a rubbish of Ruler Realm! 50 years ago, I should die under Chen Dutian’s hands. I have lived for so long, I

Tired, bored, kill! The snow is full of the universe!” Lin Rong’s withered body, suddenly like dead trees, burst out with an amazing dominance and killing intent. At this moment, he seemed to have another Turned into the number one genius of the imperial city, he was carrying a gun, high-spirited and vigorous, fighting spirit, not backing down, only going forward, the bright divine spear, turned into a snowstorm


Bright red snow!

“Lin Rong!”

Lin City suddenly burst into tears, the same cry, as well as Lin Chen and Lin Gui. After all, this is the only thing left in the Lin Family Several people! Seeing this scene, Ye Fei couldn’t help sighing suddenly. He looked at Jiang Zhen and shook his head and said: “Imperial city Lin Family, there are still some iron-blooded men, Senior Jiang. I changed my mind. Originally, I wanted to use They block the pursuit for us, but now I find that letting them live is more valuable than letting them die!” Lin Chen and Lin Gui both looked at Ye Fei and Lin City in amazement and fear He wiped away his tears, suddenly on one knee, he knelt towards Ye Fei and said, “Ye Fei, once in imperial city, you and I have different positions, so I must kill you, but now they are different, Lin Family and Shenxing Academy , All were slaughtered by the ruthless emperor.

This is not only your blood debt, but also our blood debt!”

“Blood debt must be paid for with blood! In imperial city, I tried to kill you. Today, I, Lin City, will pay you this life! I only have one request, please, take Lin Chen and Lin Gui with you, they are our Lin Family’s last hope It is also the last fire for our revenge!” Lin Chen and Lin Gui who heard these words seemed to have thought of something. They both looked towards Lin City with deathly pale faces, but Lin City was carefreely smiled, and suddenly recovered from the imperial city. Haughty and disdainful said with a smile: “Even Lin Rong’s trash, dare to give up his life and forget about death, I Lin City, how can I be greedy for life and fear of death, you

Hurry up and send it, and follow Soldier, leave it to me!” “And me, I am not a waste, I am a genius, I Lin Rong is a genius, hahaha…” In the Divine Ability rays of light, Lin Rong’s weak and proud laugh He was covered with blood, and his body was smashed to pieces by the rulers of the Imperial Family and Feng Family, but Lin Rong was still laughing, madly laughing,


After that, Lin City also laughed. He clenched the divine spear in his hand, and his whole body was also burning up to the sky with the original divine light. He laughed and rushed forward: “Lin Rong, you finally live But today I can only die with you!”

“Uncle Rong, Uncle Cheng!”

Lin Gui’s hands and feet are cold, his face is white, Lin Chen is hissing Roaring, with red eyes, he was going to die together, but at this moment, one hand grabbed him.

Ye Fei’s hand.

Despite his grievances with Lin Family, Lin Rong and Lin City’s generosity to death still moved him. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, at least, these two masters are both There is something worthy of respect. So Ye Fei decided to put aside the grudges he had had, and grabbed Lin Chen with one hand.

Jiang Zhen caught Lin Gui who was still in a daze. The four of them rushed to the Teleportation Formation Platform at the same time, and quickly activated the formation mark on the Teleportation Formation Platform.

bang! bang!

When the formation mark lights up, Ye Fei’s ears suddenly heard two shocking Self-destruction sounds, and the master of the Academy Like us, Lin City and Lin Rong, the two Patriarch Lin jails, also outrageously chose Self-destruction and died. This is not to say how brave they are not afraid of death.

But the Great Family of the entire Tianhe Kingdom knows that the Tianhe Imperial Family is a family that refines corpse soldiers. If they die without Self-destruction, the corpses left behind will definitely be refined Rather than being insulted after death, Gui Sha, a corpse soldier, is worse than simply being self-destructed. Moreover, the formidable power that dominates Self-destruction is also very huge, enough for a short time, to drag the footsteps of the dominance of Feng Family and Imperial Family, and to send Ye Fei and the others to buy time!

Chapter 2065 Baiyun Kingdom

“What did you say, Ye Fei ran away, Jiang Zhen ran away, even the two remnants of Lin Family ran away. You are What are you eating? You have so many masters and can’t deal with a few stray dogs?”

Imperial Family responded very quickly. When receiving the news of Ye Fei’s appearance in Wind City, he was eager to report his revenge. The King Chu from, has been sent over in a hurry, but King Chu is still a step late. All he saw were corpses all over the city. The owner of Feng Family looked at these corpses with a miserable face. Those who were killed by Self-destruction were all Feng Family’s Heavenly Venerate expert. Originally, Feng Family was trying to please the Imperial Family before taking action against Ye Fei. But now The Imperial Family was not pleased, but Feng Family itself suffered a heavy loss, which made the Feng Family remorse

the intestines were all blue.

But that’s the case, King Chu still refuses to let Feng Family go. He pointed to the nose of the Feng Family Patriarch and cursed: “Wind, you old fogey, said, did you deliberately Let Ye Fei go, otherwise you are so masters, why can’t you stop a Heavenly Venerable Realm’s ants!”


The face of the Feng Family master, completely pale, Suddenly regretted the decision to indulge in the Imperial Family. Obviously Tianhe Imperial Family was more indifferent and ruthless than expected. But for the sake of the family, the Feng Family owner still threw a plop, knelt in front of King Chu, and shouted injustice: “King Chu, wronged, it’s really not that we didn’t try our best, but that Ye Demon was too insidious. He actually used people. He’s greedy, arrogantly spreading treasures, stopping us from chasing, the old man is willing to take his sins and make meritorious deeds, and now mobilize the power of the whole family to chase them in Jiangcheng!”

Jiangcheng is Jiang The city where Family is located! There, Jiang Family is also the most powerful. This is also the reason why Jiang Zhen wanted to go to Jiangcheng immediately after escaping from imperial city. Only after hearing this, Mrs. Meng standing behind King Chu was bitterly laughed helplessly, “It’s too late! I’ve been in contact with Ye Fei several times. He doesn’t look like Loose Cultivator at all, but like that. Great Family came out, the best discipline! If he was smart enough, he would never go to Jiangcheng, but only one place, and only that place, which can stop us from chasing Kill him!”

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