” Mengru , did you mean that place! No, if you let that kid escape there, our Tianhe country will really leave a scourge!” King Chu As if thinking of something, his face suddenly became very ugly. Mrs. Meng was slightly smiled, and a flash of hatred flashed in her eyes: “Don’t worry, Uncle King Chu, Meng Ru has long thought of the point you are worried about. Ye Fei not only killed King Qi, but also killed my younger brother. King Lu, I won’t let him walk in there alive. Just when he escaped from the imperial city, I had sent someone to bring the heavy treasure, and went there. I’ve made arrangements in advance. If Ye Fei passes, I Make sure that he will never return!” Not surprisingly, Mrs. Dream’s Teleportation Formation Platform opened by Jiang Zhen, not at all, sent everyone to Jiangcheng, but to another strange city. Ye Fei had seen Tianhe Kingdom. On the map, I know that this city is called Moon City. It is a very remote city in Tianhe Nation. The strongest family in this city actually doesn’t even have Heavenly Venerate, and there is only one earthly respect.

This is a city of Loose Cultivator that is not just in name only, but also in reality.

Ye Fei looked at Jiang Zhen in amazement, “Senior Jiang, don’t you want to go back to Jiang Family?”

Jiang Zhen smiled bitterly and shook his head sadly: “Back No, since the Imperial Family can set up an ambush in Wind City, then our Jiang Family must have long been bode ill rather than well. I can go back alone, but I can’t let you guys go with me on adventures!”

Seeing Jiang Zhen finally figured it out, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then he looked towards Lin Chen and Lin Gui, who were not in the mind.

In the imperial city, they are both irreconcilable enemies, but now they are companions who are in trouble together. Ye Fei put aside his grievances and asked actively: “Lin Chen, Lin Gui, how about you? , Do you have any plans?” Lin Gui was still dumbfounded, obviously he hadn’t come back to his senses from the shocking scene in Wind City. However, Lin Chen has experienced the demise of the Lin Family and has grown a lot. Faced with Ye Fei’s goodwill, Lin Chen also took the initiative to let go of grievances and said: “Ye Fei, in imperial city, we are opponents, but now, we are

Sit in the same boat, I won’t hide from you. Originally, we planned to hide in Wind City for a period of time and then go to Baiyun Country. Now it seems that we have to leave immediately, but, I hope you and Jiang Zhen Senior can be with us!”

“Baiyun country, is that country very powerful?” Ye Fei wondered a bit.

Lin Chen looked weird, “You don’t know about worshiping the cloud country?”

“Cough cough, let me do it.”

This At that time, Jiang Zhen sorted out his mood and realized that Ye Fei came from the land boundary and knew nothing about Heaven Realm, so he hurriedly said about Baiyun Country. Jiang Zhen said solemnly: “Baiyun country does not have an Imperial Family, but a chaotic area where the princes stand in great numbers. It is said that this is because the founding emperor of the Baiyun country has no intention of managing the court and has no children, and even established worship cloud. The country was also created on a whim by the Taoist monarch. Then, the Taoist

jun, left Qing State and entered Heaven Realm’s strongest and most expansive Divine State land.” “And those soldiers and horses and commanders who once followed Daojun Baiyun divided the Kingdom of Baiyun and formed large and small powers of dozens of princes! And according to rumors, Daojun Baiyun has not died yet. In Divine State, breakthrough became a god, so these princes and the surrounding kingdoms did not dare to attack and occupy the kingdom of Baiyun casually. Over time, the whole kingdom of Baiyun became three Regardless of the area.” “…This is also the reason. Today’s Baiyun country has become the realm of Qing State, with countless martial artists, the best place to hide from enemies, especially 500 years ago when the old man Qingyun entered Baiyun. Country, established Azure Cloud Pavillion, and made an agreement with the rest of the country. Without his permission, no country can enter the country of Baiyun. This makes the country of Baiyun become The whole Qing State, the most special place exists.” After introducing the basic situation of Baiyun Country, Jiang Zhen suddenly became a little worried, “It’s just that within Baiyun Country, the competition is also very fierce. Great Influence annexes small forces, and small forces fight each other. , Are very common things. Even the princes at the beginning of the founding of the country are almost perished. Without the care of

, it is difficult for us to develop even if we escape into the Kingdom of Baiyun.” Senior Jiang, don’t worry about this. Our Lin Family once had a life-long friendship with a leader of Baiyun Country. That is also the way we deliberately left. As long as we pass, we will definitely get good development. , And we can also recruit troops and buy horses inside, rebuild Lin Family and

Shenxing Academy, and then return to Tianhe Nation, revenge!” Lin Chen said confidently, and his eyes looked at Ye Fei. And Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen is very excited.

Ye Fei is rolled the eyes. At a glance, I can tell that Lin Chen, this kid has bad intentions. 80% of them are because of the strength of him and Jiang Zhen and want to draw them into the Lin Family camp. , After all, both sides have common enemies, common blood feud, it is indeed very easy to unite together. Besides, in Heaven Realm, Ye Fei was originally unfamiliar with life. At this time, I heard that there was a place that even the Tianhe Imperial Family did not dare to step in. Ye Fei didn’t think much about it. Seeing Jiang Zhen had been moved. , He nodded and said indifferently: “Okay, we will go to worship the country! Lin Chen, please lead the way!”

Chapter 2066 Blood Wolf Gang

” I’m here, I know a shortcut, which can break through the border of Tianhe Nation faster and go to Baiyun Nation!” Lin Chen happily took out a map, very General style. But Ye Fei extremely suspected that 80% of Lin Chen’s remarks were taught by Lin Family in advance. The so-called a sly individual has more than one plan to fall back on, such as Lin Family’s Great Family, which is the master of high skill, and How can we not take precautions and leave a few back roads in advance? Obviously, Wind City and Baiyun Country are the roads Lin Family prepared in advance.

It’s the same as the hidden Makes fragments of Academy of Makes. But with Lin Chen’s map, Ye Fei can finally not worry about being chased by the Imperial Family in the next time. Facts have also proved that the map in Lin Chen’s hands is indeed a retreat route arranged by Lin Family in advance. The map not only shows the secret transmission of Lin Family hidden in the ground over the years.

There are many armors and treasures hidden in every place.

This is no longer as simple as preparing for the back road. It is clearly the materials hoarded before the rebellion. Seeing these materials, Jiang Zhen also stayed for a while, and then secretly told Ye Fei, “This Lin Family If the defeat is not injustice, even if the minister deceives the Lord, he is still secretly preparing to rebel!”

“However, thanks to the preparations of Lin Family, we can continuously teleport and completely shake off Tianhe Imperial Family. The pursuit of soldiers.” Ye Fei secretly shook his head, fighting for power, he didn’t care, he only cares about the same thing, whether he can enter Baiyun country smoothly. On the way of teleportation, Lin Gui finally recovered from the shadow of the family’s shattered family. When he saw that Lin Chen was actually going to bring outsiders into the Kingdom of Baiyun, Lin Gui was puzzled, “Lin Chen, you are crazy. Ah, none of the surnamed Ye’s are good people. In the land of the evil spirits, he deliberately punished me and asked me to carry such a big scapegoat for him! In Wind City, he exposed us again, Liancheng Uncle and Uncle Rong both died in battle.” When Lin City and Lin Rong were mentioned, Lin Chen’s eyes were also blushing, but he was the best child of the Lin Family, and he was able to maintain his sense of reason, comforted in a low voice: “At that time At this moment, in the imperial city, we were rivals with Shenxing Academy. It is normal for Ye Fei to punish you. I don’t want to beat him and humiliate him? Didn’t Cheng Shu almost kill him? But now it’s different. Both the Lin Family and the Shenxing Academy were destroyed by the Imperial Family. Think about our death hundreds of thousands of clansman! What grudges are there, bigger than this blood debt?”

” … There is a saying that Ye Fei is right. The enemy’s enemy is a friend! Since we have the same blood feud with Ye Fei, why can’t we resolve our grudges with Ye Fei, then draw him in, use him, and bring the Star Academy , Tied to our Lin Family’s war chariot?”

Obviously, Lin Chen decided to resolve his grievances with Ye Fei. Lin Chen was also deliberate. Hearing this, Lin Gui was still crooked and greasy in his heart. Reluctantly accepted the reality.

Three days later.

After dozens of consecutive hidden Teleportation Formation Platforms built by Lin Family, Ye Fei finally left the Tianhe Kingdom and entered a new world.

This is a huge mountain full of peaks and hills everywhere, many peaks stand upright, several ten thousand meters high, deep into the sky, without seeing the end.

“Brother Ye, you see, the front is the sphere of influence of Baiyun Nation. Every mountain here represents a certain power of Baiyun Nation. The larger the mountain, the more majestic, it represents that The greater the power!”


While speaking, I saw a huge black warship flying out of the mountains not far away. Seeing that warship, Ye Fei felt a kindness spontaneously.

Remember that in the realm, he also has such a black warship, which can only be owned by the Sorcerer God, but his black warship, compared to the Heaven Realm ship, in terms of material and appearance , The gap is too big.

“Wolf Head Banner! Lin Chen, that must be the battleship of the Blood Wolf Gang!” Lin Gui suddenly became excited, and Lin Chen rushed into the air with excitement and rushed towards the battleship, Ye Fei And Jiang Zhen stayed in place, looking at each other.

Don’t ask, just look at the excitement of these two people, and you know that the power of the Cloud Kingdom that Lin Family associates should be this Blood Wolf Gang. Then, Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help but wonder, “Weird, this Blood Wolf Gang came by a coincidence, we just came here, why did the Blood Wolf Gang show up? Is it because someone from Lin Family notified in advance, but it’s not right, Lin Family people We are all dead, Lin Chen and Lin Gui have been with us, and I didn’t see who he contacted…something is wrong, Lin Chen, Lin Gui, come back quickly!”

“Ye Fei, you are impudent! If it weren’t for us, you would still be chased by the Imperial Family in Tianhe Nation, why would you order us?” Lin Gui has always been very unconvinced with Ye Fei.

The most important thing is that the black pot that Ye Fei let him carry was too dark last time. Not only was he humiliated by King Chu, but he was also forced to pee his pants in public to save his life, which became an indelible stain. He didn’t try his best with Ye Fei, and he was already very restrained. How could he follow Ye Fei’s warning at this time?

Even Lin Chen felt that Ye Fei was a little too careful. “Ye Fei, you are too careful. This is the site of Baiyun Country. The Sect Leader of the Blood Wolf Gang was living in Tianhe. China, it was my grandfather who rescued him. Now that we have a hard time to vote, is there any reason for the Blood Wolf Gang not to take it?”

“Haha, my nephew, you are right about that. Grandfather is a life-saver for my blood, Heavenly Wolf, and now I am here to repay my gratitude! Please don’t misunderstand the two friends over there. If you have any questions, please go on the boat!” Hearing Ye Fei’s words, on the warship, Immediately came out a burly middle-aged man with a majestic figure and scars. The middle-aged man was also an expert of Ruler Realm. He was naturally not angry and gave a depressive atmosphere. This man is the blood Heavenly Wolf; Blood Wolf Gang, It’s that he, with the help of Lin Family, has one hand

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