In the
depths of Sword Sect, a majestic silhouette came out. It was actually a stick demon who broke through the gods. He came with a sad face and stared frantically at the two guards and evil swords. Ancestor, “You are in vain! The sword demon Senior knows that you have no guts to fight Divine Dynasty. Therefore, he did the last thing for the sword palace, that is, to leave Sword Sect and take the initiative to go to Divine Dynasty…”


Following the words of the stick demon, a shocking sword glow suddenly erupted in the sky above Ten Thousand Sword City. It was the silhouette of the Sloppy Daoist fighting against the ancestors of the Four Great Masters with half a step. This is undoubtedly a strike a stone with an egg.

The ancestor of Zheng Tai, who came here, just transformed a giant palm of profound strength and had cracked the sword light in the sky. At the same time, he took the Sloppy Daoist and vomited blood down. The other three ancestors, then With a sneer, transforming the chains of profound strength, together, penetrated Sloppy Daoist’s body and Divine Soul.

“Enemy with Divine Dynasty, stand up for that Ye Fei, eight-armed sword demon, fortunately, you used to be an ancestor, how unwise!” Mabie sneered and moved Sloppy Daoist down. Sword Sect, he will definitely be in charge.

“hmph, the sword palace has fallen into this with idiots like you. The old way can die, but one day, Ye Fei, will break through the ancestor, rebuild, the real sword palace! “The whole body was sloppy and retreated. This badly injured old way finally recovered his eight-armed sword demon style. The terrified Ma Bieye couldn’t help but step back.

Zheng Tai and the four ancestors sneered together. They did not give Sloppy Daoist a chance to speak more. They had dragged the chain and walked into a huge portal of light. When this light gate, When I traveled through countless distances and returned to imperial city, there was no more or less time, which happened to be the last day of a month.

On this day, in the days and beyond, the princes are like clouds, the gods are like rain, and many ancestors come from all over the Divine State to watch the mysterious of the ancient gods and watch them with their own eyes. In the name of Divine Dynasty, the Purple Dragon King arrested the Eight-Armed Sword Demon, and personally escorted him to the entrance of the ancient emperor heavens and ancient gods.

“You go in and tell Ye Fei, this king will give him 5 minutes of time! If he refuses to come out, this king will cut off the head of the eight-armed sword demon and give it to him!” Zi The pupil light of the Dragon King flashed sullenly, arresting Sloppy Daoist, but secondly, his real purpose was to force Ye Fei to appear, so as to seize the opportunity of the Ancient God Golden Body.

For this, he did not hesitate to kill his son personally. At this time, he had to personally cut off the head of Sloppy Daoist, who was great to Ye Fei.

In the ancient gods, Bai Yanran and Mad Dog all changed their expressions drastically, “What should I do, Jian Gong, actually handed over the Sword Demon Senior, should we inform Ye Fei?”


“No notice! It is nonsense to wake up the ancient gods. If Ye Fei is stimulated to go out, it will only be a dead end.” Bai Suifeng hardened his heart and decided to hide it. Both Bai Shizhong and Wu Jie’s expressions changed, but they couldn’t refute them.

It is true that the enemy Ye Fei faces this time is too powerful for them to deal with. Lu Qing had no intention of taking a picture of Dragon Tortoise. She put down Dragon Tortoise and suddenly gritted her teeth and said, “Before I came out, the Master gave me the door of immortal spirit. If I open this door, maybe I can invite Master to come.”

“It still doesn’t work, how can a human ancestor resist the entire Divine Dynasty of Chiyue?” Bai Suifeng shook his head again.

“Then I will go out and ask the Master and Divine King Palace. Even if the sword demon Senior cannot be rescued, at least the Divine King Palace will be able to remain neutral!” Zhao Yu gritted his teeth, and finally reached out to Ye Fei Reunion, she did not allow Ye Fei to fall into a desperate situation.

Bai Suifeng still shook his head and was about to speak. Suddenly, in the depths of the ancient gods, there was a huge roar of The earth shook and the mountain quivered. Then, there was a huge palm. In the deep soil, it rises from the ground. Then, the second hand stretched out from the earth.

The earth began to roar, and the heavens were trembling.

A huge remains of an ancient god, suddenly supporting the ground with both hands, slowly but firmly, from the sunken earth, stood up again. This scene deeply shocked everyone’s hearts, Zhao Yu Lu Qing and Bai Yanran both opened their mouths in surprise, Bai Suifeng and Bai Shizhong, their eyes widened at the same time.

“Sure enough, he was abnormal, he actually awakened an ancient god…” Wu Jie and Mad Dog were shocked by a cold sweat, and then they saw a heaven falls The terrifying fist of and earth rends shattered the void and penetrated the heavens.


A tragic corpse aura, emanating from the mouth of the ancient god, under the spirit of Xiaocao, after a month, the remains of this ancient god, Finally a real corpse spirit was born. And the Purple Dragon King outside didn’t know anything about it. He ordered people, as an envoy, to enter the ancient gods again to threaten Ye Fei.

At this time, a terrifying stone fist struck out of the void, smashing the envoy into fly ashes on the spot, and then continued to punch, hitting the Purple Dragon King. The Purple Dragon King furiously roared, “What the hell? Ye Fei, you really don’t want the life of this eight-armed sword demon? Come on, behead this old trash to this king Lingchi!”

No. 2489 Zhang Renzu’s Death

Chapter 2489 Chapter Renzu’s Death

There has long been a god of punishment from the Divine Dynasty, carrying a special spirit torture instrument, and walking indifferently to torture The platform was about to put Sloppy Daoist and Ling Chi to death. At the same time, in the sky, a violent roar of the ancient god suddenly came out again, which broke through the sky and shattered the execution platform.

The gods who executed the torture have not yet understood what happened. The fleshy body has burst, the Divine Soul collapsed, the ancient gods roared, and the formidable power is so terrifying. Everyone who sees this scene inside and outside the world martial artist, all suck in a breath of cold air.

Many ancestors also changed their expressions. The Purple Dragon King reacted the fastest. He found that the situation was not right. He immediately rushed to Sloppy Daoist. He wanted to capture the hostages without waiting for him to act. In the middle of the game, a huge hand of an ancient god suddenly appeared, carrying a thunderbolt and a hurricane, and fiercely filmed it, “Purple Dragon King, die!”

“Impossible! You ant, how can you Control the fleshy body of the ancient gods!” The Purple Dragon King turned his head in amazement. What he saw was a terrifying ancient god walking out of the ancient gods with a monstrous corpse.

What’s even more incredible, Ye Fei can stand on the shoulders of the ancient god, and use the body of a mortal to control the fleshy body of this ancient god, not to mention the fear of the Purple Dragon King, all the human ancestors present, I felt a great fear. In today’s Divine State, a dying ancient emperor can suppress everyone’s breath.

If someone can control an ancient god, even if it’s just the fleshy body, that’s enough to make the Divine State and the entire Chiyue Divine Dynasty, the Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes, for a time, all Renzu, the gazes looking towards Ye Fei have strong murderous intention or greed.

“This child is a variable, and it is more likely to be my Chiyue Divine Dynasty. The key to the prosperity and decline of the Divine Dynasty is definitely not let him succeed. At all costs, capture this child, and also grasp and control this statue. The ancient god Fleshy body method is to open the imperial city blood formation and arrange the four-phase robbery to kill. Please quickly invite Your Majesty to bring the Imperial Family expert to come!”

Imperial College of Supreme Learning Shaoqing Zheng Tai, also There are three other human ancestors, and they don’t have time to take care of Sloppy Daoist anymore. They are all roaring, killing to the sky, and together with the Purple Dragon King, fighting against the terrifying body of the ancient god. Seeing this scene, Zhao Yu and the others who also rushed out were shocked in their hearts, subconsciously wanting to come and help, even if Ye Fei could control the body of the ancient gods, what he faced was the five great human ancestors. .

Farther, there are more human ancestors, but also begin to stir, wanting to catch Ye Fei and forcing a way to control the ancient gods. In the sky, Ye Fei also roared and activated instantly. All the divine runes of the ancient god’s body pointed at the ancestors who charged up and shouted: “Kill them all, I will give you complete life and freedom! “


It seems that I understand Ye Fei’s words. This ancient divine corpse spirit makes a more terrifying roar, and instinctively displays some Ancient God Strength, a terrifying stone fist, like two flying sacred mountains, fiercely and the purple dragon of the Purple Dragon King collide with each other, and the dragon, which burst at the sound, also burst, and an arm of the Purple Dragon King.

The huge anger made the Purple Dragon King mad. He opened his mouth and wanted to send out a purple dragon roar, but instead of attacking the ancient god, he wanted to kill Ye Fei who was standing on the shoulder of the ancient god.

Seeing this, Ye Fei just sneered, his body suddenly turned into an Azure Dragon, got into the body of the ancient god, and landed firmly in the heart of the ancient god. “The ancient god, kill the Purple Dragon King for me!”

“Kill, kill the Purple Dragon King!” The ancient divine corpse spirit was completely violent. He no longer paid attention to other people’s ancestors, just took a step forward, terrifying The stone fists of Wang blasted out continuously, like a fast-moving mountain that slammed on the Purple Dragon King’s body. The Purple Dragon King felt that his desperate golden body was completely broken, and his chest was also broken.

“This is absolutely impossible. How could this be? This king is the ancestor of the human being, but the ancient emperor in the future. How could this king be defeated, how could he die? Ye Mo, how did you use it? What evil method!”

The entire void resounded through the desperate and crazy roar of the Purple Dragon King. He burned the bloodline, even the Heavenly Palace and Divine Soul, and rushed towards Ye Fei, regardless of the cost. At that time, it was another ancient Divine Stone fist with the power of Smashing Starry Sky blasted down. With just one punch, it had already crushed the Heavenly Palace of the Purple Dragon King, and even the Divine Soul of the Purple Dragon King. ,


Between Heaven and Earth, an astonishing blood glow erupted. It was the ancestor of the Purple Dragon King, whose body burst and Divine Soul collapsed!

The Purple Dragon King died on the spot!

The remaining four ancestors of Zheng Tai, all of them furious, their Divine Ability, ruthless blast on the body of the ancient god, but the body of the ancient god is too hard, especially this ancient god God, because of the cultivation Ancient God Golden Body, the body has already reached the level of Inextinguishable Immortal. How can the trifling human ancestor’s attack be destroyed?


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