killing the Purple Dragon King, the ancient divine corpse spirit suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed everything about the Purple Dragon King into his abdomen. At the same time, he waved his fists again and moved towards Zheng Tai. Two ancestors were unable to dodge, one was seriously injured and vomited blood, and could only escape Divine Soul to escape, and the other died tragically on the spot, his body Divine Soul was smashed into meatloaf.

Then, the ancient divine corpse spirit actually grabbed the piece of meatloaf and swallowed it in his abdomen. In his mouth, there was a strong sound of excitement and desire. Obviously, the flesh and blood taste of human ancestors fits the ancient divine corpse very much. Ling’s appetite.

There is no need for Ye Fei to give orders anymore. This ancient divine corpse spirit has spontaneously rushed forward and began to frantically kill all the human ancestors all around. Many days and beyond, many begin to stir Ren Zu, his complexion was all a miserable defeat, no one didn’t expect that such a terrifying situation would occur if they were to encircle and suppress a small Taoist monarch.

The ancient god deceived the corpse and killed the ancestors!

The entire imperial city was in chaos. There were martial artists who flee for their lives everywhere. The battle front, the snow demon Nalan, Jiang Hui, their hands and feet were cold. They thought that if they united, they could kill Ye Fei. But every time, Ye Fei’s counterattack was so sharp and unexpected.


After fighting for a long time, the ancient divine corpse spirit actually learned the human language, and spiritual wisdom seems to have become much higher. He did not chase and kill the ancestor indiscriminately, but stared at the wounded ancestor. , Rushed over a few steps, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed that ancestor alive, using Ancient God Strength to instantly refining.

“The demon, the demon! Ye Fei, you demon, using the body of an ancient god, even killed the four ancestors of the Divine Dynasty. From then on, the Divine Dynasty is irreconcilable to you, irreconcilable… …” Imperial College of Supreme Learning Zheng Tai yelled frantically, but his voice was getting farther and farther away. He didn’t dare to stop at all. The ferocity of the ancient divine corpse spirit was enough to scare away all ancestors.

Soon, the whole days and beyond, the breeze has become calm and quiet, and only one ancient god is left, roaring with his head high, and wanting to catch up and devour those ancestors, Ye Fei quickly controls the ancient Divine Heart One hundred and eight dirty runes of divine runes barely quieted this ancient divine corpse spirit. After all, his main purpose was not to kill, but to save people and get out of trouble.

“Senior, the sword demon, made you suffer.”

Chapter 2490 Complete Corpse Change

Chapter 2490 Complete Corpse Change

Frightened all the martial artists. Ye Fei followed the arm of the ancient god and rushed to the execution platform to rescue Sloppy Daoist, the eight-armed sword demon from imprisonment. The expression of Sloppy Daoist was full of complexities. .

After that, he saw a black turtle with thief eyebrows and mouse eyes, rushing out of the ancient gods, searching around for the space belt that the ancestor died, and Zhao Yu, Bai Yanran, and Lu Qing, Wu Jie, and Bai Shizhong, the young Heaven’s Chosen, walked out together.

Sloppy Daoist’s face was a rare smile, but then he shook his head, “Ye Fei, do you know that you have made a huge disaster! Although I don’t know, how do you wake up the ancient divine corpse? Spirit, but with your realm, it is impossible to always control the body of this ancient god, and the Divine Dynasty of Chiyue is not as simple as you think. Zheng Tai will definitely alarm the ancient emperor of Divine Dynasty when the time comes, With the power of the ancient emperor, do you think that you can fight against it with just an ancient divine corpse? You go quickly and leave Divine State!”


Without finishing speaking, the ancient divine corpse spirit, standing quietly, suddenly pointed in a certain direction and made a vigilant roar. Ye Fei raised his eyes and found that the ancient god roared in the direction of the Imperial Palace.

In the distance, there is already the expert of Heavenly Jade Palace, who rushes in madly, “Young Master, the major event is not good, the Imperial Family of Divine Dynasty has invited the ancient emperor to recover. If you don’t leave, just It’s too late.”

“Yu’er, the last chance, come over to be your teacher, otherwise, once the ancient emperor comes out, no one can keep you.” The voice of the ancestor of Qiuyun came from afar. Come.


But the Qiuyun ancestor did not speak, and the entire imperial city suddenly burst out a vast Sovereign Dao divine might. Under this divine might, even people The ancestors all had a great fear, this divine might moved towards the heavens were suppressed, and the heavens began to collapse, and only the ancient divine corpse spirit gave out an angry roar.

Suddenly, its huge palm grabbed Ye Fei and placed it on its shoulder. At the same time, it strode forward, trampled in the direction moved towards Imperial Palace, Zhao Yu and Lu Qing’s face changed at the same time.

On the shoulders of the ancient god, Ye Fei suddenly figured it out, “Sword Demon Senior was right. I awakened the ancient god. Although I killed the Purple Dragon King, I also caused a catastrophe. Today’s Divine State, there is no place for me to stand.”

“Wu Jie, Senior Bai, many thanks. You helped each other out of righteousness, but the current situation is beyond our control. Take advantage of me Resist the ancient emperor. You go quickly and return to your own power, Zhao Yu, you too, quickly leave with the Qiuyun Ancestor, and I will personally go to the Divine King Palace to pick you up soon.”

“I won’t go.” Zhao Yu’s gaze was firm. Suddenly, a golden light flashed by him. It was Bai Suifeng, grabbing Zhao Yu, Lu Qing, and carrying the silhouette of Bai Yanran. . “Let’s go quickly, without the protection of the ancient divine corpse spirit, we can’t even resist the line of sight of the ancient emperor. Staying here will only become a drag on Ye Fei!”

“Come with me, I Coming to Divine State, the Master gave me the door of immortal spirit so that we can leave the imperial city.” Lu Qing suddenly remembered something, without the Space Imprisonment of the ancient gods, she quickly took out the door of immortal spirit.

Sloppy Daoist’s eyes suddenly lit up, “very good, with this thing, there is hope for us to escape.”

“Ye Fei…” Zhao Yu turned his head, looked towards the distance.

“Don’t worry, he will be fine. This trip to the evil spirits is a test given to him by the old way. Now that he has completed this test, then this kind of thing should be given to him.”

Suddenly Sloppy Daoist took out a rag and forced it into Dragon Tortoise’s mouth, and instantly hollowed out Dragon Tortoise’s private profound veins. With the last kick, he kicked Dragon Tortoise far away. There was a roar of anger from Dragon Tortoise.

But this roar was quickly concealed by the more terrifying ancient emperor’s wrath. I saw that above the Imperial Palace, a horrible ancient emperor’s rays of light suddenly burst out, and soon the rays of The light turned into one again, covering most of the terrifying palms of the imperial city, and fiercely shot towards the ancient divine corpse spirit.


An ancient divine corpse spirit, fists out of rage, it has no magical powers. The fleshy body of the ancient god is its strongest Divine Ability. This stone fist can kill people. Zu, but could not shake the golden palm, only heard a loud explosion sound.

This golden palm, since the body of the ancient god is also shot back continuously, this is the power of the ancient emperor of Heaven Realm, it is really like destroying the world. Even the corpse spirits born from the body of the ancient gods could not resist.

At the same time, the collision between the corpse spirit and the ancient emperor turned the imperial city thousands of miles into ruins. The faces of Zhao Yu and the others also showed horror. The look, the attack of the ancient emperor, was so terrifying, so Ye Fei, even if he controlled the body of the ancient god, how could he resist it?

“Ye Fei, go!” Zhao Yu in the distance shouted loudly. At this time, everyone had entered the gate of immortal spirit, only Zhao Yu and the gate that controlled immortal spirit were left. Lu Qing, who hasn’t entered yet, they are waiting for Ye Fei.

However, looking at the increasingly intense rays of light and Ye Fei in the Imperial Palace, how can they retreat at this moment and put Zhao Yu and Lu Qing in danger?

“I’m sorry!”

Ye Fei was controlling the body of the ancient god, suddenly turned around and pushed forward with a palm, already pushing Zhao Yu and Lu Qing into the immortal spirit. The light gate where the gate is located. Lei Zu, who was far away in Qing State, mistakenly thought that everyone had entered the gate of light.

The gate of immortal spirit suddenly burst out with a strong divine light, rushing out of the sky of imperial city. Within the Imperial Palace, there was also a coldly snorted that was furious by the ancient emperor, a stronger and more terrifying golden giant palm, this time covering half of the imperial city area, shattering the heavens, and shattering countless in the imperial city. I don’t know how many martial artists died in the palm of the ancient emperor.

The huge ancient divine corpse spirit, its stiff face became solemn, suddenly, it lowered its head and glanced at Ye Fei as if nostalgic, a huge force emanating from the ancient god, shattering While emptied, Ye Fei has been caught and thrown out like a meteorite.

Ye Fei’s heart trembled suddenly. Of course, he knew what it meant for the ancient divine corpse spirit to throw him out. This corpse spirit wanted to save his life with his own life!

“Scorpion, you were born because of me, I don’t allow you to die because of me!”


The whole imperial city resounded The ancient divine corpse spirit, roaring the roar of the heavens, the roar of this body, instantly broke through all the divine runes imprinted by the grass within the body, and also completely cut off all the connections with Ye Fei. Ye Fei only then realized that after devouring a large number of human ancestors, the ancient divine corpse spirit had long been able to get rid of his control and completely corpse.

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