just because of the nostalgia for Ye Fei, the corpse spirit, not at all, until the emergence of the ancient emperor of the Divine Dynasty, not only threatened the safety of Ye Fei, but also threatened the corpse spirit itself The security of the ancient divine corpse spirit, then resolutely cut off the connection with Ye Fei and completely corpse, and from this, obtained the violent and more terrifying Ancient God Strength!


With this power, the ancient divine corpse spirit, who has become a zombie, roared, and fought wildly with that ancient emperor of the Imperial Palace.

Chapter 2491 The Boundary Between Gods and Demons

Chapter 2491 The Boundary Between Gods and Demons

The ancient emperor is the strongest existence in the entire Divine State, the ancient divine corpse spirit Although it is not a true ancient god, it can still explode a terrifying attack with the Ancient God Strength of the remains of the ancient divine corpse. This attack angered the ancient emperor and made the ancestors more fearful. In the imperial city, everyone was running for their lives. In the Imperial Palace, the ancestors of the Imperial Family were shiver coldly.

“Catch that Ye Fei, at all costs, must bring this person back to Chiyue Divine Dynasty alive! And his friends and relatives must all be executed!”

Imperial Palace, the Imperial Family shocked the order.

Although there is an ancient emperor in the Divine Dynasty, this ancient emperor is too old. He can always survive. It is not that this ancient emperor is too strong, but that he is too cherish his life. When the ancient emperor died or left, only this ancient emperor, using the means of self-sealing, always maintained the special state of struggling on whilst at death’s door, immortality.

It’s just this state, not invincible. Every time you are awakened from the self-seal, the lifespan of the ancient emperor will consume one layer. Now, the ancient emperor has been awakened for the seventh time. It’s almost exhausted.

The ancient divine corpse spirit awakened by Ye Fei undoubtedly gave Chiyue Divine Dynasty a heavy blow. Finally, after three days and three nights of the ancient emperor’s fierce battle, this ancient divine corpse spirit shattered the void again and ran away from the imperial city.

The ancient emperor of the dynasty, not at all chasing him, he just coughed up a mouthful of black blood, his eyes looked at the back of the ancient divine corpse spirit escaping, “the ancient god calls the spirit, it is immortal The means only available to the spirit clan, is it the time to come, is it finally coming?”

At the beginning, in order to continue his life, and for the sake of a stronger breakthrough, he took the risk and sent out all the Divine Dynasty. The power, including the power of the top ten palaces, attacked Spirit Realm together, looted the spiritual blood of immortal spirit clan crazily, and tried to extend their lifespan.

Unfortunately, he did not succeed at all.

In the first battle of Spirit Realm, he spent a lot of energy, but he did not plunder any drop of spiritual blood. All members of the immortal spirit clan would rather self-destruct than would leave a drop of spiritual blood to continue his life.

Ten Great Influences, also because of that battle, took the opportunity to get rid of the control of the Chiyue Divine Dynasty, and separated their own parties, especially the Desperate Golden Body of Desperate Heavenly Palace, which is more related to the ancient gods.

In order to retain his power, but also to obtain a golden body of despair, to understand the ancient gods, and to gain further breakthrough methods, he united with the Yin and Yang Palace to destroy the Hopeless Heavenly Palace.

It is just that, now it seems that what he did not only did not change his own destiny, but also seemed to drag the Chiyue Divine Dynasty into a more dangerous situation.

The expression of the ancient emperor couldn’t help becoming sad. He looked towards the void and said in a deep voice: “Divine Dynasty, can’t be destroyed by my hand. The order is passed down. All those who enter the land of the ancient gods must pay If you rebel against the chance you get, you will destroy the Nine Races!”


Heaven Realm is extremely vast.

Divine State is only 1 Heavenly Layer of Heaven Realm. In addition, there are 2 Heavenly Layer, 3 Heavenly Layer, and even Nine Layers Heaven. At the same time, the border zone of every heavy sky is the place where the conflict is most intense.

For example, at the junction of Divine State and Magic State, this is the case.

Here, there are a large number of people who have escaped from Divine State or Demon State to take refuge here. Over time, this place has become a chaotic zone. Here, there is no king’s law, only strength! Whoever is strong enough can get the best treatment here.

The City of Gods and Demons. It is the largest ancient city at the junction. It also gathers the two states of gods and demons. Many powerful forces. After being thrown out of the imperial city by the ancient divine corpse spirit, the Divine State is no longer able to accommodate, and Ye Fei can only carry Dragon Tortoise and Xiaocao, following the map, rushed to this magic city.

Of course, that map is the rag that Sloppy Daoist stuffed into Dragon Tortoise’s mouth. Dragon Tortoise is concerned about this. For the sloppy Daoist who has searched for its profound veins, Dragon Tortoise is even more so. Such as prepare for there funeral.

“But this map, outside of the city of Gods and Demons, there is also a name, called Longtu Pavilion, could it be the Sword Demon Senior, let me come here to find Longtu Pavilion, this God and Demon What’s the relationship between Cheng and Nine Heavens Sword Lord?”

Ye Fei felt very confused.

He knew that what Sloppy Daoist did was to help him grow quickly, so as to save the Nine Heavens Sword Lord from the inexplicable golden mountain range as soon as possible. That being the case, then this trip to Longtu Pavilion must have profound meaning.

“I just don’t know where this Dragon Map Pavilion is, or what forces in the city of Gods and Demons…” Ye Fei frowned and walked into a restaurant. This is already him. The last restaurant to inquire, if he can’t find the location of Longtu Pavilion, then he can only offer a reward for the whole city, but that is too ostentatious.

Ye Fei is also not sure whether there are also spies from the Divine Dynasty in this Divine and Devil City. Therefore, he is only very low-key. He walked into the last restaurant, but at this time, there was a negative in it. The sword youth walked out with an indifferent expression, “It’s you who are asking about Longtu Pavilion?”

“Do you know Longtu Pavilion?” Ye Fei looked at this negative sword youth with some surprise. With the sword, he still has a good impression of the swordsman. The sword-bearing youth, but his expression is very cold, slightly nodded and motioned: “If you want to find Longtu Pavilion, come with me.”

Lead the way ahead, regardless of whether Ye Fei keeps up.

Ye Fei shrugged, did not speak, just raised his foot and followed behind.

“Interesting, if you want to enter Longtu Pavilion, you need to follow my footsteps…” The young man, without the slightest smell of fireworks, just walks in front of him, his steps, each The steps are all amazing, like Shrink The Land Into An Inch, disappearing in front of Ye Fei in the blink of an eye. Obviously, this is a deliberate attempt by the youth. How can you show weakness at this time?

The pace at the foot is unchanged, the flame spreads behind, and it condenses into a special Azure Dragon fire wing. With the vibration of the fire wing, Ye Fei’s silhouette is getting faster and faster, just right behind the young man, ten The distance of the steps, the youth complexion changed, speeding up again, but every time he accelerates, he can’t get rid of it, Ye Fei, always standing ten steps behind him.

These are also ten dangerous steps, which means that Ye Fei can launch an attack from behind him at any time.

Suddenly, the youth stopped and looked back at Ye Fei coldly, “Your speed is not bad, but you are impossible to be my opponent. He said, why do you want to inquire about Long Tu Ge, and Who is it, I told you!”


The long sword is out of the sheath, and there is a strange magic sound behind it. This magic sound can shake the martial artist Divine Soul , Let people speak subconsciously, only to hear the voice of Demon Sword, and to compare the powerful purple dragon roar of the Purple Dragon King, Ye Fei feels amused.

“Compare the sword sound with me? No matter, I will perfect you!”


The sword sound is mighty, like a god like a devil, Ye Fei has no use The Black Gold Emperor’s Sword only released the indestructible Sword Soul, a terrifying Sword Soul power, which has shattered the youth’s sword sound, and even locked his throat.

“You are definitely not a nameless person! Who are you?” The sword-bearing youth, with a solemn expression and a trace of fear, clearly that Ye Fei in front of him is only a Taoist, but he gave him something more than a god The illusion to be terrifying.

Chapter 2492 half-dragon human

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