Chapter 2492 half-dragon human

“It’s not important who I am. The point is, you know Long Tuge, you must take me with you. Don’t worry, I’m not malicious to you. , It’s just an old friend who asked me to come to the City of Gods and Demons to find Longtu Pavilion.”

Finally, I found someone who knew Longtu Pavilion. Ye Fei didn’t want to cause misunderstanding, so he took out his pocketbook. The rag, the rag, was rotten and dirty. When it was put in his mouth, Dragon Tortoise vomited for three days.

The sword-bearing young man stared solemnly at the rag that Ye Fei took out, “This is the magic silk spun, the magic silk formed! This is unique to my Long Family Long Tuge, only my Long Family knows, why do you know, who is the one who gave you this piece of cloth?”

The youth’s gaze fixed on Ye Fei, Ye Fei was very calm, “His name is Long Tuo, and he has another title, Eight-armed Sword Demon!”

“What, eight-armed Sword Demon…”

Youth His expression became shocked, and then took a deep look at the rag. The hostility on his body slowly disappeared, “Are you the son of the former patriarch or the discipline? But it doesn’t matter anymore, since the former patriarch asked you to come. Yes, then you come with me.”

The sword-bearing youth no longer walks forward, but moved towards the city of Gods and Demons, and returns, “Outsiders don’t know Long Tu Ge, because that’s the secret of my Dragon Race ! It’s not a clansman, it’s not known.”

“Dragon Race?” Ye Fei was surprised. He quickly sensed the youth’s breath. Sure enough, he discovered that there was something very strong in this youth. Dragon Race breath. The Beast Print Space, Xiaocao and Dragon Tortoise, and even big eyes staring at small eyes, looked at the youth curiously. The youth did not hide his identity, but asked strangely, “Why, the former patriarch didn’t give it to you. Do you talk about our half-dragon human?”

Ye Fei only then realized that the youth is not the True Dragon clan, but a mixture of dragons and humans. There are many such peculiar races in the Devil State. See, the magic state is also very suitable for evil ways and demonic path martial artist cultivation.

“By the way, I remember Senior Brother Zhao and Fu Renjie took Pompeii to the Demon State cultivation together. I don’t know if I can meet them.” Ye Fei thought absentmindedly, negative sword The young man is not a talkative man. Seeing that Ye Fei didn’t know much, he stopped talking.

“Hey, isn’t that Long Xing? Why, Long Family’s genius, I heard that you failed to pursue Qin Family Young Lady, but was beaten up instead. Now you still have a face and appeared in front of us. .”

Outside the city of Gods and Demons, there happened to be a group of gorgeous carriages coming out, with Young Master and Lady sitting on top of them, all of them were powerful, obviously unusual and comparable, nearby pedestrians, including A half-step god, seeing these carriages, quickly gave way.

Only Long Xing, out of the dignity of half-dragon human and without the intention of giving way, immediately attracted the attention of these Young Master and Lady. On the carriage, there was a woman with a delicate drawing Her makeup, pupil light has an obviously contemptuous look.

“Longxing, you’re really getting back alive and alive. How can my younger sister be a half human half dragon like you, like a half human half dragon? You and her are simply one heaven and one underground. Now you kneel down and swear not to have anything to do with my younger sister. I can treat it as if I didn’t see your shit!”

The words of a woman are very vicious.

Long Xing’s face turned blue and distorted on the spot, as if wishing to rush forward and fight a battle, but for some reason, Long Xing actually held back his breath and had no intention of doing it. Even without even looking at Ye Fei, he turned around and walked away.

Many of Young Master and Lady on carriage show boring expressions.

A matter of no concern to oneself, Ye Fei was too lazy to speak, even if Long Xing ignored him, he deliberately distanced each other, at a moderate pace to keep up with Long Xing, just carriage The woman on the road obviously didn’t mean to let Long Xing go. She clapped her hands a little, and carried all around. The surrounding Taoist guards had formed a human wall, which surrounded Long Xing, and even blocked Ye Fei’s path.

Long Xing’s face changed suddenly, and he said in a deep anger: “Qin Yi, this is my business with you, don’t involve the innocent, this person has nothing to do with me!”

“It has nothing to do, Longxing, you still don’t know how to lie. Just now you were very close to this person, and you clearly belonged to the same person. Now that you have no relationship, I have to suspect that this person’s origin is unknown. It made me look very upset. Come here, give me the dog legs of these two turtles, let them kneel to one side and give way to us.”

Behind Qin Yi, he walked out again. A Young Master in Chinese clothes. This aura is definitely stronger than Qin Yi. The early-Stage of the Taoist, but the imposing manner of the late Taoist, surprised Ye Fei, feeling that this place where the gods and demons meet is really hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Strength, already has the qualifications to enter the earth evil list. The strange thing is that these martial artists did not participate.

This remark also greatly changed the Longxing complexion, and said in a deep anger: “Qin Zhen, this is what you forced me. You really think that you can act against me if you take advantage of my weaknesses. wilfully?”


A unique breath erupted from Long Xing’s body. It was the billowing Dragon Qi. Many Young Masters on Ling’s carriage, All showed fear. Qin Yi felt the Dragon Qi, but her eyes suddenly brightened.

“Very well, what Xiaoxi said is really right. Your Dragon Qi within the body may be the purest in the Long Family. Unfortunately, in front of my Qin Family, your Dragon Qi, Not enough to see! Qin Zhen, you go up and fight Long Xing according to the rules of our God and Devil City. If he can block you three moves, then let him go. If you can’t stop him, let him kneel. By the side of the road, let the people in the city of Gods and Demons take a look. Long Family’s Young Master, what kind of virtue is it!”,

Qin Yi’s words fell.

Qin Zhen, who was standing next to her, sneered on the horse. He stood condescendingly on the carriage, pointed at Long Xing, and pointed at Ye Fei and said: “Don’t say I bully you, you two, Let’s play together. If you win, you go, if you lose, I don’t want you to kneel. I only want you to get through under my legs. My request is kind, right?”

“Qin Zhen , Your request is too kind, so kind that we all want to laugh, hahahaha…” A roar of laughter spread far away and attracted more people to come and watch.

Long Xing has red eyes, clenched his fists, but still, did not make a move, but suddenly looked towards Ye Fei and said: “Turn right from here, and you will find the location of Long Family. It’s not your responsibility here. You go.”

Ye Fei secretly nodded, although I don’t know. Long Xing obviously has the strength, why should he be humiliated, but Ye Fei does not want to see the face of the sword demon Senior, the descendants of the Long Family suffer humiliation.

Immediately, he took a step forward and was about to take a shot. In the city gate in the distance, a middle-aged robust man like Tyrant Dragon suddenly appeared. As soon as he appeared, his Dragon Qi, The demonic beasts of these carriages were frightened and moved madly. Some even the carriages were overturned. The Young Master and Lady who frightened them rushed into the air, trying to avoid embarrassment.

But at the moment they were in the air, the Tyrant Dragon robust man who walked out suddenly changed, with a dragon horn growing on his head, a horrible divine glow, and the entire world that shook violently.

Chapter 2493 Dragon Palace

Chapter 2493 Dragon Palace

The dragon horn releases divine light to form a continuous purple The light arc, the Young Master and Lady who were electrified on the spot, were paralyzed and described as falling to the ground in embarrassment. Only Qin Yi and Qin Zhen, the two of them, seemed to have an invisible wooden air barrier to resist the impact of the arc. /p>

“Qin Yi, Qin Zhen, this is the end of inviting humiliation to oneself! Many thanks Third Uncle shot. “

Long Xing’s complexion recovered as usual, and he walked to the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man was slapped in the palm of his hand, “smelly brat, the weak spot was pinched, and now you are the weakest At that time, did you still think about that Banshee, and didn’t even want his life? “

“Third Uncle, I’m just not reconciled. Three years of love, I didn’t expect, this will be the result. “Long Xing’s expression was sad. Although he slapped him, he could see that this middle-aged dragon man was still very worried about Long Xing. He didn’t say much about hearing this. He grabbed Long Xing’s arm and left.

Long Xing suddenly remembered something. He pointed to Ye Fei and said to the middle-aged man in dragon language: “Third Uncle, he has the token of the previous patriarch! Take him to Long Family with him. “

“What, the previous patriarch? “The middle-aged man looked solemn, suddenly raised his hand and turned into a huge dragon claw. Grab Ye Fei. And Long Xing flew into the city of Gods and Demons.

Until now, Qin Yi and Qin Zhencai gasped, and a look of resentment flashed in their eyes, “If it weren’t for the Third Elder of the Long Family, we would definitely catch Long Xing and fiercely’s humiliation. “

Qin Zhen was very unwilling. Qin Yi’s delicate face also flashed coldly, “Don’t worry, Long Family will not be long, but the young man next to Long Xing makes me a little concerned. . “

“hmph, that person?” Why bother! We caught Long Xing’s death hole and even dared to fight with us. The person next to him was scared and couldn’t say a word. Except for the cultivation base of Taoist Early-Stage, it was simply useless. ”

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