Speaking of Ye Fei, not only Qin Zhen disdain, but other Young Master and Lady also agreed. Qin Yi just shook his head and laughed. As the time when the forbidden area of ​​gods and demons opens, does she become more heart?

“Anyway, younger sister Qin Xi has already relied on sexual entrapment to find out all the dead spots of Longxing and the others. In this forbidden land dispute, our Qin Family will be able to completely defeat the half-dragon human group. Then dominate the city of Gods and Demons.” Qin Yi completely stabilized her mind.

Due to the strong intervention of the middle-aged man, these Young Master and Lady have no interest in going out of the city to play, and they simply returned to the city of Gods and Demons. At the same time, Ye Fei was also taken into the Long Family where Longxing was.

Along the way, he saw a lot of half-dragon humans and they were discussing with each other. These half-dragon humans have many peculiar Dragon Clan Bloodlines, which can control the thunderbolt by nature, and even more people are born with three. Head, six arms, melee ability, very scary.

When they saw Long Xing bringing in outsiders, many half-dragon humans cast curious eyes.

“brother Ye, Third Uncle has notified patriarch of your matter, and now we will stay here and wait for patriarch to meet him.” Long Xing said absentmindedly, obviously not very emotional high.

Ye Fei knows that the humiliation outside the city of Gods and Demons must be unhappy in Long Xing’s heart. He couldn’t help but looked towards all around and said: “Brother Dragon, is the Qin Family strong? I think Dragon Clan Bloodlines are strong. , Why submit to humiliation in the face of Qin Family?”

The middle-aged man who took the shot is just a lesson, not a kill. The Dragon Race of Novosibirsk, is it really willing? Get angry? Long Xing’s expression also became weird. “Brother Ye, didn’t the previous patriarch tell you anything? Although our half-dragon human is born with a strong bloodline, there are hidden dangers, that is, we have no way to perfectly integrate the human blood within the body with dragon’s blood, but will form There is a dead spot, once someone catches this dead spot, we can easily kill us.”

“Before, the reason why I endured was my dead spot, the woman I loved, It was revealed to the Qin Family, the same realm, even the weakest Taoist monarch might seize my weak spot and kill me.” Long Xing’s expression was very depressed.

Ye Fei can understand this frustration. After all, his Earth Sovereign bloodline also has hidden dangers, and it is more terrifying than half-dragon human bloodline, because it is a curse of the ancient gods!

If you don’t become an ancient god, you simply can’t get rid of it!

“Is there no way to make up for this weak spot?”

Ye Fei continued to ask.

“How easy is it? Our ancestors of half-dragon human all had various bloodline defects, so they were abandoned by the True Dragon clan. They wanted to make up for the shortcomings, or they were approved by Dragon Race and bestowed upon them. Our pure dragon’s blood is either to find the Monster Sovereign scripture cast by the Taikoo Monster Sovereign. It is said that the Taikoo Monster Sovereign turns a person into a monster. His Monster Sovereign has an incredible ability to fuse monster blood!”

Long Xing continued.

Ye Fei’s look has become more and more weird.

He has been thinking about the reason why Sloppy Daoist asked him to come to the City of Gods and Demons. Could it be that Sloppy Daoist knew that he got the Monster Sovereign Sutra, so he asked him to come over and pass the Monster Sovereign Sutra. Clansman for him?

Just as Ye Fei was thinking about it, the middle-aged man appeared again and said: “Come with me, patriarch, I will see you at the innermost dragon palace.”


“Dragon Palace? That is our half-dragon human, the highest standard of reception. Brother Ye, is it an illegal child of the previous patriarch, now it is the ancestor to return to the sect, and I have a faint feeling, brother Ye’s all around, there seems to be a breath of monster dragon…”


In the Beast Seal Space, while sleeping on the grass and stealing the Spirit Stone, Dragon Tortoise suddenly lifts the head with a guilty conscience and looks around. Ye Fei, who was walking in the front, was so hung up and down. Longxing’s Lenovo power is really terrifying!

The dragon palace of Dragon Race was built with countless Flood Dragon bones. After many years of death, Ye Fei can still feel the strong murderous aura fluctuations from those bones.

Undoubtedly, these Flood Dragons were extremely tyrannical Demonic beasts during their lifetimes. On the pillars of the Dragon Palace, there were also many Taoist and even half-step God terrifying Flood Dragons. These Flood Dragons are all solidified on the pillars, their scarlet eyes, like red gems, shimmering with a faint blood light and fierce aura, make many martial artists look soft.

Ye Fei didn’t seem to see these Flood Dragons. While walking, he was still tasting her head and feet. “These Flood Dragons are well raised. By the way, Da Hei, don’t you like to eat dragon meat the most? How about you stop eating black stone and eat dragon meat instead?”


When I heard Ye Fei suddenly want to eat meat with them, there are countless Flood Dragons on the pillars. , They all let out an angry roar, Dragon Tortoise even more tears in the face of the beast print space, and reluctantly, he spit out the human ancestor space belt that was raided by the black mouth, one by one, and every time one spit out, Dragon Tortoise is Distressed. Ye Fei was greatly relieved.

This broken tortoise really thought it was searching for the treasures of those people’s ancestors. He didn’t see it. He actually concealed it, hmph!

Ignore the roars of those Flood Dragons again, Ye Fei continued to move forward and walked towards the deepest open space in the Dragon Palace. At this time, the current patriarch of half-dragon human stood there, in his hand, he also held the rags that Sloppy Daoist had stuffed Dragon Tortoise into.

Chapter 2494 Young Patriarch

Chapter 2494 Young Patriarch

“You are Ye Fei? Above, it is Longtuo Patriarch’s autograph. You and Long Tuo, what is the relationship?”

As soon as he entered the Dragon Palace, he was confronted with a question from a powerful god. It was a black cloth middle-aged person who was in the late stage of the god, and it was only one step away from the god Perfection becoming a half-ancestor. And like Long Xing, half-dragon human seems to be born with a kind of sonic supernatural power, which can affect martial artist Divine Soul and let martial artist involuntarily tell the truth.

Ye Fei also felt his head sink, and involuntarily opened the mouth and said: “I have nothing to do with the Sword Demon Senior, but the Sword Demon Senior. It is incumbent for me to save someone. Therefore, Come here and be ordered to find the location of Longtu Pavilion.”

“hmph, you are not even a half-dragon human. You actually want to enter Longtu Pavilion. It seems that Long Tuo is really old, he He actually recognized an outsider, but Long Tuo is only the previous patriarch, and his recognition is not enough. You must also recognize the patriarch before you can enter!” The middle-aged black cloth seemed to have a grievance.

This made Ye Fei murmur secretly. Obviously, Sloppy Daoist Longtuo, leaving Dragon Race, entering Divine State, incarnation eight-armed sword demon, seems not at all so simple, it seems that you want to enter Longtu Pavilion It’s not that easy.

However, Sloppy Daoist also counted on him to rescue the Nine Heavens Sword Lord. Impossible to harm him, Ye Fei said in a nodded voice: “Yes, I don’t know what I have to do to get the approval of Senior?”

“It’s very simple. Have you seen those Flood Dragons? They are all Guardians of the Dragon Pavilion. You can get recognition if you defeat them!” The middle-aged black cloth coldly said, obviously resentful still, to Ye Fei, there is no such thing as a good face.

So the master, these flood dragons in captivity are naturally rubbing their claws and wiping their scales, staring at Ye Fei with harboring malicious intentions. Ye Fei just smiles bitterly, “Senior, what do you really plan to do?” “

“Why, you’re scared. If you’re scared, leave quickly. Read it on the front of the patriarch, I don’t make you embarrassed.” The black cloth middle-aged, wishing to drive away Ye Fei immediately, Ye Fei even more Speechless, “Senior, I’m not afraid, I’m just worried, in case I can’t stop it and hurt these Flood Dragons…”

“Shut up!”

“This is honest Damn people, small, ugly, even if they dare to speak crazy words and swallow him…”

roar roar roar!

Flood Dragon’s tempers are mostly irritable. Ye Fei’s words are even more arrogant and despotic. All the Flood Dragons that stimulated are furious. The middle-aged black cloth is also unhappy, “Long Taku Na Old Guy It’s really getting too much. Back then, he himself was unfathomable mystery and clamored to go to Divine State to find a solution to clansman’s hidden dangers. As a result, after so many years, he did not return, but sent an arrogant hairless brat, boast shamelessly, really When there is no dragon in my clan?”

hong long long!

The sword energy whizzed, and the dragons screamed. In the middle-aged black cloth, I suddenly saw a sea of ​​sword light appearing in the Dragon Hall. Then, there were flood dragons that were smashed to the ground and convulsed.

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