“Come here, put this traitor in jail, and he won’t be released for life. As for this heavenly demon Young Master, kill!”

Long Guang does have some skills. When Ye Fei took the shot, he immediately started to deal with the aftermath, which also showed his absolute trust in Ye Fei. Since Long Guang is like this, Ye Fei is not too stingy. He was helplessly dragged by Long Jiaojiao’s arm and walked towards Long Guangdao. Dragon Senior, the reason why I am cruel to His Highness Heavenly Demon is because Heavenly Demon Temple has united with Cai Family, which will be detrimental to Dragon Race. For more details, Senior caught the Heavenly Demon Young Master and tortured.”

“You don’t need to torture, just search the soul directly.” Long Guang is very decisive. Now that he has already had a vengeance with the heavenly demon temple, he simply grabbed the heavenly demon Young Master and started searching for the soul. So, Cai Family and heavenly The conspiracy of the Demon Temple has also been exposed.

When I learned that Cai Family had already given away a prostitute to Heavenly Demon Young Master as his wife, and then concealed it, deliberately let Heavenly Demon Young Master come to Nalong Jiaojiao for Concubine, on the condition of his wife’s family, entered into an agreement with Dragon Race.

In this way, not only will the alliance between Heavenly Demon Hall and Dragon Race be completely invalid, but it will also allow Long Family to send Long Jiaojiao to Heavenly Demon Hall in vain and suffer humiliation. .

Long Jiaojiao, who had come to understand, almost didn’t rush forward and strangled the heavenly demon Young Master, but before he could do it, the furious Long Guang had already blasted the heavenly demon Young Master on the spot. He had previously supported the marriage of Elder with the Heavenly Demon Temple, and all the old faces blushed, and they wanted to find a place to sew in.

“Heavenly demon temple, bully intolerably! Cai Family, shameless! Ye Fei, this time it’s not you. My Dragon Race will definitely fall into the Cai Family trap. I will personally push my daughter into the fire pit. Regret for a lifetime, tell me, what kind of reward do you need this time.” After dealing with the affairs of the heavenly demon hall, Long Guang looked towards Ye Fei again.

Ye Fei did not refuse either. After all, his cultivation Ancient God Golden Body is very resource intensive. “If possible, I hope to get a lot of profound veins. At least 500,000.”

There are so many profound veins, it should be enough for him to understand the 2nd 4th layer rule, and the breakthrough is in the mid-term.

Long Guang was also refreshingly nodded. He ordered someone on the spot. He brought 500,000 profound veins and gave it to Ye Fei. As if he understood something, Long Jiaojiao was also very considerate. He gave his boudoir to Ye. Fei secluded cultivation.

Ye Fei was immediately embarrassed and wanted to explain, but Long Guang was very cunning. Seeing that his daughter was so enthusiastic about Ye Fei, Long Guang gave the profound veins, he disappeared again, even the opportunity to prove his innocence Neither.

In desperation, Ye Fei was forced to be dragged into the boudoir by Long Jiaojiao, and then inside, silently separated cultivation, began to break through the realm of Daojun’s middle stage.

At the same time that Ye Fei was retreating, the marriage of Heavenly Demon Hall failed, and the news of the welcoming team, all being killed, was also noticed by Heavenly Demon Hall, but strangely, there was no movement in Heavenly Demon Hall. , This makes Dragon Race Elder very puzzled.

What Long Guang can do is to order all news of Ye Fei to be blocked, and at the same time, secretly bring Long Xing and Long Jiaojiao the strongest geniuses into the secret room and begin to teach the Monster Sovereign , And prepare for the upcoming battle of the forbidden area.

The Qin Family and Cai Family also started to prepare.

Only the Heavenly Demon Hall, there was no movement, and the news that the welcoming team was wiped out was not even told to Cai Family.

Chapter 2502 The Battle of the Forbidden Land

Chapter 2502 The Battle of the Forbidden Land

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it has reached once in ten years. It’s time for the war to begin, and this day is the biggest event in the entire city of Gods and Demons.

Dragon Race.

Long Jiaojiao came to her boudoir early and knocked on the door: “Brother, is your cultivation finished? Father is looking for you.”

I don’t know why, Long Guang not at all debunked the rumors and let Long Jiaojiao misunderstand him. Perhaps, this was Long Guang’s move to cover Ye Fei’s identity, but such a move made Ye Fei miserable.

For example, at this time, just opened the door, one arm was already held in Long Jiaojiao’s arms, if it’s really siblings, that’s all, the key is that it’s simply not, Ye Fei felt very embarrassed. He explained several times that Long Jiaojiao didn’t listen at all, thinking that Ye Fei had been abandoned for too long, lacking paternal love since childhood, and complained about Long Guang.

As a younger sister, Long Jiaojiao decided to show more love to influence Ye Fei. Ye Fei was speechless and could only touch Long Jiaojiao’s dragon horn. “Patriarch is looking for me, but the battle for the forbidden land between gods and demons has started?”

“en.” Long Jiaojiao’s face flushed, all half-dragon humans have dead spots, in fact, Long Jiao Jiao’s death hole is the dragon horn on his head. As long as it is touched, it is like touching her Divine Soul. It is very sensitive, even after the Monster Sovereign was cultivated, the dragon horn is still the same.

Where did Ye Fei know this? He touched it and it felt good in the hand. By the way, after a few touches, Long Jiaojiao’s face became redder and his body felt a little weaker. Not only did he quickly let go of Ye Fei’s The arm, like a frightened deer, ran out quickly.

“Brother, you are too bad, I will tell Dad when I turn around!”

Long Jiaojiao’s voice was a little shameful in the distance. Hearing this voice, Ye Fei’s face went dark on the spot, and he didn’t react to what was going on.

The huge dragon roar of Long Guang has spread over the entire Long Family. All Dragon Race, the children above Dao Sovereign, come to gather quickly, and now, we will rush to the Forbidden Land of Gods and Demons. “

“Our Dragon Race has Young Patriarch this time, we are bound to win! Dragon Race will win, Young Patriarch will win! “

Ye Fei didn’t expect. Long Xing not only has a big mouth, but also boosts morale. Hearing Long Xing’s words, he also thought of Ye Fei’s terrifying power that even the gods can kill, all the half -Dragon human Dao Monarchs are all becoming fighting spirits.

Only the Flood Dragons who stay behind, look towards Ye Fei are very unkind.

“If it is not certain, This Young Patriarch is a real Human Race. I have to suspect that he is the Dragon Tortoise Cheng Jing. He must unite and kill the shameless Dragon Tortoise! “

The God Lord Flood Dragon of Longtu Pavilion sighed. Behind him was a large group of Flood Dragons, staring at the dragon eyes, staring at Ye Fei. In the space of beast seals, Dragon Tortoise also became I was very nervous, even if the grass was eating the black stone, Dragon Tortoise was no longer black mouth, but as far as possible to indent the tortoise shell, I also looked at the grass in surprise.

Soon after, the huge flying boat, from Dragon Race rises into the sky, exuding a rolling Dragon Qi, shaking the void, moved towards the forbidden land of the gods and demons and flies away, and just as the Dragon Race is leaving.

The east of the gods and demons city, a ship of the same size The flying boat, flying quickly into the sky, emits even stronger sword energy than Dragon Qi. It flies quickly from a distance, and even ignoring the Dragon Race flying boat, is about to run across it sideways.

“Qin Xi ! “On the flying boat, Long Xing suddenly saw a beautiful silhouette. It was the woman he once loved the most, Qin Family Third Young Lady Qin Xi. Beside her, Qin Yi and Qin Zhen stood.

Hearing Long Xing’s loud voice, Qin Xi’s face changed, as if she had a hint of guilt, making her face Long Xing speechlessly, and Qin Yi next to him sneered. “Why, distressed? Third Sister, it’s not elder sister. Say you, that Long Xing is just shit! Your partner should be a real hero, not a half-dragon human whose bloodline is broken. “

“Qin Yi, who do you think the bloodline is broken!” Come over with the ability, see if the great aunt won’t slap you to death! “Long Jiaojiao’s expression is angry. The incomplete bloodline is a taboo of half-dragon human. Qin Yi said in person, not only to expose the shortness, but also an insult.

Long Jiaojiao’s body just appeared. There was a powerful fighting intent, but Qin Yi’s gaze was very disdainful, “Long Jiaojiao, your majesty in front of the young lady, thanks to Long Xing’s big mouth, if the old lady did not guess wrong, the dragon on your head Horn is your weakness! “

“What, dragon horn is your weakness…” Ye Fei looked at Long Jiaojiao with a weird expression, and then brow beaded with sweat. No wonder, when he touched the dragon horn. Long Jiaojiao. He would blush like that, he actually… Ye Fei’s face is solemn, as if he didn’t hear what he said just now.

Nevertheless, Long Jiaojiao is like a mother Old Hu who has stepped on her tail, baring fangs and brandishing claws Yelled at Qin Yi: “Langho, now that you know my weakness, do you dare to fight me now? “

“little slut you wait, in the forbidden land of gods and demons, see if the old lady does not tear your face! “Qin Yi is more fierce and exquisite, with some signs of distortion.

Ye Fei and Long Xing feel all around chill at the same time. Long Guang and Qin Family live in Qin Ming, and they cough at the same time. , And hurriedly pulled the two women aside.

Qin Yi couldn’t have an attack, and suddenly sneered again, pointing to Ye Fei and said: “It’s funny to say, is it that your Dragon Race is unmanned? I have an outsider to help you play. If this person is strong, that’s all, but he, except for the cultivation base of Daojun Early-Stage, is nothing good, and looks ugly. Long Jiaojiao, you have a unique taste. ”

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