“great aunt likes this, it’s better than you attracting bees and butterflies!” Long Jiaojiao got angry from her heart, and simply forcibly hugged Ye Fei, anyway, they were just “siblings.” With arms around like this, Quan should be a demonstration.

Ye Fei has an urge to vomit blood in her heart. Just about to talk, on the opposite flying boat, Patriarch Qin Ming suddenly coldly snorted, “Qin Yi said a few words, for the weak, we don’t need to waste our tongue, Long Guang, this road, I’m Qin Family going, you let me Let?”

Qin Ming directly provoked.

Many half-dragon humans are full of anger. At this time, Long Guang really smiled. Not only did he move Feizhou away, he also made a please gesture, “Qin Family has a big shelf, and our Dragon Race ashamed of being inferior. Brother Qin please.”

Qin Ming’s gaze couldn’t help but condensed, but when I saw that Dragon Race’s flying boat was not abnormal, the only Ye Fei was no more than the cultivation base of Daojun’s mid-term cultivation base. Listening to Qin Yi’s tone, this child still didn’t like it. The general generation used. In addition, many of the dead spots of the Dragon Race expert were collected secretly through Qin Xi’s sexual entrapment. It is expected that Long Family can’t find too many tricks.

Qin Ming finally made up his mind, very domineering with the Qin Family team, rushing past, completely ignoring the Long Family, on the flying boat, the last Qin Zhen, even more indifferent He glanced at Ye Fei, “Dragon Race is really getting more and more useless. In the forbidden area, within one move, I will kill you!”

Chapter 2503 First Battle

Chapter 2503 First Battle

“One move is enough.”

Ye Fei is also smiling and nodded, just like Long Guang, with a smile watching Qin Zhen swaggeringly Leave.

Long Jiaojiao saw the unfathomable mystery, Dragon Race and Qin Family, shouldn’t they be enemies? Why Ye Fei and his father’s smile are exactly the same, “Could it be that this is the father and son connecting heart? Brother Losing would like to deny that I was caught by me now.” Thinking of this, Long Jiaojiao ran over happily, holding Ye Fei’s arm and the smile on Ye Fei’s face. She stiffened completely, “Long Jiaojiao…”

“Call me Jiaojiao! Brother, I know you have suffered a lot outside, and I will take good care of you in the future.” In other words, Long Jiaojiao grabbed Ye Fei’s hand and placed it on her dragon horn again. She found that being touched by Ye Fei in this way, although a little shy, she felt an indescribable and comfortable feeling.

Ye Fei’s expression is completely dark.

The flying boat of Dragon Race was not too far away from Qin Family. Almost Qin Family entered the forbidden area of ​​gods and demons. The flying boat of Dragon Race also rushed over quickly. Inside the forbidden area, a strong corpse burst out immediately. The light of evil.

Cai Family’s large group of experts have already been waiting there. Seeing that Long Family is not coming side by side with Qin Family, but a distance behind, Cai Gang, the owner of Cai Family, couldn’t help but a sneer on his face. “It seems that Qin Xi didn’t lie to us. She really mastered the weakness of Dragon Race. So, in this battle of the Gods and Demons Forbidden Land, as long as we win the Qin Family, we will be a stable victory.”

On the flying boat of Qin Family, Patriarch Qin Ming’s eyes also caught Cai Gang instantly. “Brother Cai, now the ten-year period has come, should you, should you withdraw people from the forbidden land of gods and demons?”

“haha, Brother Qin, Brother Long, there is no hurry to withdraw troops. After all, this forbidden land is not owned by my Cai Family. There are still many forces in Divine State and Demon State. For this forbidden land, glare like a tiger watching his prey, so, this time the battle for the forbidden land, I There is a proposal. If anyone wins, not only can they control the forbidden land of the gods and demons, the family that has failed, but also obey the orders of the victors. What do you think?”

“Cai Gang, you are clearly annexing We’re here!” Long Guang’s expression was rare when he heard this. Many of Qin Family Elder’s faces are ugly.

At this moment, in the sky in the distance, a flying boat flew again. On it, it was full of Fiend, and there was a flag on it. It was written in three scarlet blood in the heavenly demon hall. .

“Patriarch Qin, Dragon patriarch, you have misunderstood, the Cai Family is not going to annex you, but to unite with you to prevent this forbidden area from being controlled by foreign forces. If you agree, then this battle Just start, if you don’t agree, then I’m sorry, you are not qualified to participate in this battle.”


A dozen gods Fiend jumped off the flying boat. , Stood openly on Cai Family’s side. This also doubled the strength of Cai Family instantly. Cai Gang also looked at Qin Ming and Long Guang with confidence. “Two Patriarchs, how to choose, please make a decision. If you can’t decide, then this forbidden land of gods and demons will not have a place for you to stand.”

“Cai Family, maybe you are not afraid Are our two united?” Qin Family Elder said angrily. But as soon as the words were spoken, Elder was embarrassed.

In order to deal with the Long Family, Qin Family did not hesitate to let Qin Xi display sexual entrapment, to find out where the dead spots of many young experts in Dragon Race lie. In this regard, Qin Family and Dragon Race have long been the same. How can water and fire join forces again?

“Cai Family, good plot against, we have agreed to the conditions this time.” Qin Ming has a face hidden, now that Cai Family is strong, and meet force with force Qin Family is obviously at a disadvantage, it is better to ban it first In the battle, if Qin Family wins in the end, it can be the other way around, ordering Cai Family, this temptation is not a big deal.

Cai Gangwei nodded with a smile, “Qin Ming is really wise, so Long Brother, what about you?”

Long Guang didn’t speak, only subconsciously glanced at Ye Fei, Ye Fei Expressionless, an indifferent attitude, if it weren’t for Sloppy Daoist, he would not bother to participate in this kind of family dispute.

“Well, since you dare to gamble, I will naturally accompany my Dragon Race. However, in the battle of the forbidden area, you must follow the previous rules and only allow Daoists to fight. I wait for the gods and shall not intervene!” Long Guang clenched The teeth decided to put Bao on Ye Fei.

It’s just that this scene fell in the eyes of outsiders, that is, Dragon Race was forced to compromise when faced with the pressure of Cai Family, Heavenly Demon Palace, and Qin Family.

Cai Gang and Qin Ming both sneered. The god of the heavenly demon temple, pupil light also became gloomy and cold, “Okay, just follow the previous rules, and each house will send three Taoists to challenge separately, and the one who wins in the end will win the final victory! My heavenly demon temple, will As a referee, he is responsible for supervising this battle. If anyone loses or denies, he will definitely be punished by my heavenly demon main hall!”

Heavenly demon hall has not only sub-halls, but also main halls. The forces spread all over the two states of the gods and demons, and when they heard the heavenly demon hall took out the main hall to threaten, both Dragon Race and Qin Family were frustrated. The words of helplessness have been spoken, the gods and demons are forbidden, the two families can not easily give up, they can only gloomy face, nodded together.

“Long Family, you go out first!” The god of the heavenly demon hall suddenly looked towards Long Guang, the Young Master of the heavenly demon branch hall, and he didn’t come out after entering the Dragon Race. bode ill rather than well. The palace of heavenly demon is not not to retaliate, but to wait until this day to settle accounts together.

Moreover, the Three Great Families are very familiar with each other. Whoever sends someone first will definitely suffer. Knowing this, everyone at Dragon Race was full of anger. Only Ye Fei was indifferent and seemed to be out of the picture. Long Guang was also smiling. Suddenly he turned to look at Ye Fei, “Longxing, the first battle, you go up!”

“patriarch, look at me!” Long Xing was fighting and walking up. The void arena already built.

“hmph, it turned out to be Longxing with a big mouth. What a pity, Qin Xi, you go up!” Qin Ming’s pupil light was cold, and Qin Xi was sent out. Many dragon clansman’s expressions changed, and Long Jiaojiao squeezed Ye Fei’s arm and said: “This is miserable. Long Xing is a straight boy. Although Qin Xi lied to him, it would be difficult for him to deal with Qin Xi. I’m afraid First Stage battle, we may lose.”

Those who have this idea, not only Dragon Race, but the Qin Family who understand Longxing’s character, are secretly excited. Some people cheer Qin Xi and let Qin Xi killed Long Xing with one move.

A large number of martial artists gathered around the forbidden land of gods and demons. These martial artists came alone or in groups of three or four. These all are the small forces of the Gods and Demons City, every time the battle of the Gods and Demons Forbidden Land is also a major reshuffle of the power of the Gods and Demons City, so these small forces have to pay attention to them all the time.

When I saw Dragon Race sent out Long Xing, whose dead place had been exposed, these little forces secretly shook their heads, feeling that 80% of Dragon Race had no desire to improve, and they had given up on the gods and demons. The battle for the forbidden land.

Many forces that have made good friends with Dragon Race are already considering whether to change the door after this battle and take refuge in Cai Family or Qin Family.

“Cai Bao, come and learn! You two, let’s go together!”


A silhouette like a cheetah finally jumped into the void In the ring, Long Jiaojiao’s face changed drastically, “Cai Bao is the Cai Family, second only to Cai Ming’s expert, and Long Xing is probably not his opponent…”

Chapter 2504 The Outbreak of Dragon Race

Chapter 2504 The Outbreak of Dragon Race

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