Half a move, kill Qin Zhen?

Cai Ming’s closed eyes suddenly opened again. He stared at Ye Fei, as if he had discovered some powerful prey, his expression was full of intense excitement, and endless fighting intents.

“City of Gods and Demons, I finally met a decent opponent. I took back what I said just now. You are better than the trash Qin Zhen.” Cai Ming said proudly.

Even if Ye Fei kills Qin Zhen, in his eyes, Ye Fei is just a possible fight opponent, not a strong opponent.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile.

He has seen many arrogant people, but like Cai Ming, arrogant to the point of supercilious, Ye Fei is the first time he has met.

“With your words, I will crush your arrogance!”


Still no sword, Ye Fei whole Man is just an unsheathed sword and a howling sword energy, following his footsteps, rippling like ripples, and the entire void arena shook violently as if it could not be bearable.

Cai Ming’s expression suddenly became a lot more dignified, faintly, he actually felt an invisible oppression from Ye Fei’s footsteps, and this oppression was only him in the past. Brought to others, but now, it appears on himself.

How can you tolerate arrogance like Cai Ming?


The violent profound energy suddenly burst out from Cai Ming’s body like Warhammer. Then, Cai Ming actually took hold of this Warhammer and slammed forward, causing the void to be shattered and the ring There is a terrifying crack. This is Cai Ming’s bloodline power, Warhammer bloodline, which can condense Warhammer and attack opponents.

At the same time, Cai Ming’s body has a more terrifying will, which is the will of strength. With Warhammer’s hegemony, he can maximize his bloodline power.

“Half a move, you must die!” Cai Ming said proudly.

Just now Ye Fei cut Qin Zhen with only half a stroke, which shocked people. Now, Cai Ming only uses half of his tricks to cut Ye Fei? These words immediately became like a raging fire, causing the blood of many martial artists to burn.

Cai Family’s martial artist, cheering excitedly, seems to have seen Cai Ming’s victory gesture.

Dragon Race’s martial artist, everyone’s color has changed. After all, this time it’s Cai Ming, the first youth powerhouse in the City of Gods and Demons. Ye Fei is very strong, but is he Can suppress Cai Ming’s rays of light?

“To die, he must die!” Qin Yi and Qin Xi, with distorted faces, they are all beautiful, but their appearance at this time is a bit hideous.

Boom ka!

Sword light is shaking the sky, but it is not emitted from the sword, but from the feet of Ye Fei, rolling away, immortal Sword Soul, like a burning star, The rays of light ten thousand zhang emerged behind Ye Fei.

Blood fighting intent is more like a scorching sun, emitting intense light and heat. Finally, Ye Fei’s sword light collided with Cai Ming’s Warhammer. Inextinguishable Immortal’s sword of destruction actually resisted Cai Ming’s slaying Warhammer light.

“Kill me, only half a trick? You, you don’t deserve to say such things! Get out!”


The whistling sword light, turning As a devastating torrent, it flows billowingly and slashes forward. Cai Ming’s arrogant expression has become extremely solemn for the first time, as well as deep shame. Just now, he said that he would kill Ye Fei by half, not only Unsuccessful, he Divine Ability, and in turn, was firmly suppressed by Ye Fei. This is what Cai Ming has never experienced in the City of Gods and Demons.

“Today, I will kill you, cloak!” Cai Ming roared, his bloodline suddenly burned up completely, forming a more terrifying Warhammer illusory shadow, which was grasped in his hand and wanted to hammer Kill Ye Fei.

“Compare bloodline with me, that’s fine, I will do you! Half a trick, defeat you!” Ye Fei took a step forward, and his body also burned the terrifying bloodline Divine flame, and his Divine flame, Stronger and fiercer than Cai Ming’s.

Cai Ming owns Grade 9 Warhammer bloodline, while Ye Fei owns Grade 10 Earth Sovereign bloodline. The difference in bloodline is the difference in battle strength. Cai Ming burns the bloodline, which, of course, raised the formidable power of Warhammer to the level of a single blow.

But Ye Fei’s Earth Sovereign bloodline will only be stronger and stronger. Especially, Ye Fei has also mastered the madness warfare. This warfare can make him fall into madness and double his battle strength.

That is equivalent to the formidable power of two gods in one strike.

Boom ka!

When the rays of light of Blood Sword of God Tribulation, the moment of Tearing the Void, the entire Void Arena, unable to withstand the terrifying sword power, became all split Up and in pieces, the same burst, and Cai Ming’s Grade 9 Warhammer.

“This impossible!”

Cai Ming stood in the void, staring at the jade pendant on his chest. It was the corpse he had drilled into the forbidden land of gods and demons. The evil jade pendant, just now, it was this jade pendant, which withstood the last sword light impact of Ye Fei, otherwise, Cai Ming would be dead now.

“Half a move is enough to defeat you!”

Ye Fei stood with his hand, not at all, the joy of defeating Cai Ming. He was the strongest in Divine State. Compared with these geniuses, Cai Ming’s arrogance is like a frog in well, making Ye Fei feel funny.

“This world is much stronger than us. If you just dominate a city of gods and demons, you will be arrogant and arrogant, supercilious, then you will never know what a true powerhouse is. Now, do you still want to compare?”

Ye Fei raised his foot and stepped forward again. Although he is not interested in the clan battle in the city of Gods and Demons, since he agreed to Long Guang, he must win the battle for Dragon Race.

In the face of Ye Fei’s strength, Cai Ming wanted to fight, but he could think of the horrible sword just now. Involuntarily there was a deep fear in his heart. In the end, this fear, Ruthlessly shattered his pride, his conceit.

“You won!”

Cai Ming said with difficulty. Between death and battle, in the end, he wisely chose to admit his failure and gave Ye Fei a deep look. Cai Ming retreated injured and walked out of the void.

At this time, on the broken arena, there was only one person standing, that person was Ye Fei.

“Qin Family, Cai Family, who would dare to fight?” Ye Fei said indifferently on the ring, this remark is exactly the same as Cai Ming at first said, except that Cai Ming at that time was aloof People, now Cai Ming, are desperate.

Chapter 2507 Heavenly Demon Palace Shots

Chapter 2507 Heavenly Demon Palace Shots

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