Cai Family, Qin Family, who dares to fight?

The billowing sound turned into a sword sound, which shook everyone’s hearts. The cheers of the Cai Family stopped abruptly, and Qin Yi and Qin Xi’s delicate face were full of terror.

Cai Ming, the first youth expert in the city of Gods and Demons, his rise has never been defeated, so the Cai Family has said that if Cai Ming enters the Divine State, he will win the first place!

This is the self-confidence of Cai Ming and the self-confidence of the entire Cai Family.

Now this confidence has been ruthlessly shattered by others. all around absolute silence, only the Patriarch of the Cai Family, who breathed as thick as a cow, “It’s not counted, this fight, it’s an internal battle in my city, Long Family, you invite outsiders to participate in this battle. The rules are broken!”

“Cai Gang, shit you! Just now, when you threatened to order me to wait, why didn’t you tell me that the rules are broken. Now, my Long Family wins , Could it be that you can’t afford to lose? Besides, Cai Ming’s rants, I know, if he loses, it will be Cai Family’s defeat! Could it be that you have to lose faith in the presence of martial artists in the city!”

The dragon came out in anger, sending out a dragon roar that shook the sky. This voice was also clearly transmitted to everyone’s ears, causing many large and small forces to exclaim unanimously. Who would have thought, the most promising Will Cai Ming lose? Ye Fei, the least optimistic, won the final victory instead.

“Heavenly demon, let’s announce it, this time the forbidden battle, the winner is my Long Family. From now on, the people of Cai Family and Qin Family will withdraw immediately, within ten years , Can’t step into the forbidden place!” Long Guang chased after victory.

The half-dragon humans of Dragon Race also raised their eyebrows and uttered triumphant cheers, especially Long Xing’s loud voice, shouting louder than the sky.

The expressions of Cai Gang and Qin Ming were extremely ugly. They repented, but there were too many people watching the game all around. If they were shameless at this time, they would surely make the Qin and Cai families infamous.


Finally, Qin Family Patriarch Qin Ming took the lead in speaking and prepared to evacuate. In front of the whole city, Qin Family still dare not deny it in public. It is just a dragon. I want to give this order to Qin Family, it is absolutely impossible.

Because of Ye Fei’s strength, Qin Ming’s heart has already produced a strong murderous intention. The martial artist of Qin Family has begun a subconsciously retreat.

Many forces in the city of Gods and Demons also looked forward to the gods in the Heavenly Demon Temple, waiting to announce the result of this fight. However, the gods of the heavenly demon temple not at all announced that one of them still sneered and satirized Long Guang in turn: “The fight is not over yet, Long Guang, you are too impatient!”

“Qin Family is out, Cai Ming is also defeated, the fight is over long ago, this is what everyone saw with their own eyes, Heavenly Demon Palace, really want to reverse the black and white, and my Dragon Race enemy?” Long Guang distributed Dragon’s Might, Heavenly Demon is so partial, it has made him intolerable.

Many forces in the city of Gods and Demons also shook their heads secretly, feeling that the Heavenly Demon Hall was unfair. In this regard, the gods of the heavenly demon hall smiled strangely, “Wei Huang, come here. Let everyone see your true face!” In the Cai Family team, defeat Qin Yi and Long Jiaojiao. The black robed man suddenly walked to the ranks of the heavenly demon hall, and in public, removed the black robe and revealed his true colors, which also caused an uproar from many Cai Family martial artists.

Wei Huang, is not the martial artist of the Cai Family, but Fiend from the Heavenly Demon Hall!

The gods of the Heavenly Demon Temple also had a triumphant sneer on their faces, “You see, Cai Family has lost, but my Heavenly Demon Temple has not yet been defeated. This time the forbidden battle In addition to the Cai Family, my heavenly demon temple will also get involved.”

This remark also made the martial artists of the city of Gods and Demons in an uproar. Originally, the Heavenly Demon Palace was only an external force, and could not directly participate in the battle of the forbidden area. It could only be used as a referee to observe. But this time, Cai Family unexpectedly united with the Heavenly Demon Temple and performed a scene, allowing the Heavenly Demon Temple to also have the qualifications to participate in the battle of the Forbidden Land.

Long Guang was completely furious, “Cai Family. How dare you break the rules of Gods and Demons City!”

“hmph, the rules are dead, people are alive! , This time, it was not the Heavenly Demon Temple that participated in the battle, but the Master Demon Ancestors, who personally ordered us to participate in the battle for the forbidden area! Long Guang, do you dare to be an enemy of my Heavenly Demon Temple?”

The gods of the heavenly demon temple all sneered. This remark also caused a sensation in the city of Gods and Demons once again. There was actually an ancestor who also focused on this forbidden land of Gods and Demons. This time, it was the main hall shot!

And the gods and demons city, and the heavenly demon main hall, it is not an order of magnitude at all.

“No wonder, this time the Cai Family is so confident in the battle against the forbidden area, it turned out to be in favor of the ancestors of the heavenly demon main hall!” Qin Family Patriarch, surprised and jealous, inexplicably happy in his heart , Anyway, Qin Family is out. Now it seems that Dragon Race, which originally won, seems to have become the biggest loser.

The Patriarch of the Cai Family looked at Long Guang teasingly, “Long Guang, you now understand that it’s not my Cai Family who wants to change the rules, but the heavenly demon main hall. You can fight My Cai Family, do you dare to fight the heavenly demon main hall?”

This remark, Cai Gang said is very vicious. Although Dragon Race is strong, there is no ancestor. It’s okay to fight against the heavenly demon branch hall. Against the main hall where the ancestors are seated, it’s striking a stone with an egg, which is self-defeating. However, just give up and give up, Long Guang, and extremely unwilling, just in When he struggled.

On the ring, Ye Fei’s icy voice suddenly came out, “Heavenly demon hall, let’s get up and fight!”


Infinite sword light , Blocking this world, Ye Fei stood in the sword light, her eyes were staring coldly at the black robed man, “Just now, you hurt Long Jiaojiao, you either apologize or come up for a fight!” /p>

“Impudent, you are nothing more than a lowly Human Race!” Wei Huang’s face is ugly, Fiend is cruel and aggressive, Ye Fei’s provocation completely angered him, but he was only half seeing Ye Fei He defeated Cai Ming. At this time, Wei Huang was the complexion ashen of anger, and he didn’t dare to set foot on the broken void arena.

The gods of the heavenly demon temple, their expressions also changed drastically, “Zhuzi, don’t be mad, Cai Ming has talent, but unfortunately it’s a frog in well, let you see it now, I heavenly How invincible is the real Taoist of the Temple of Demon. Please Young Master!”

The gods of the Temple of Heavenly Demon suddenly uttered strange magic sounds together. Obviously, this battle of the forbidden area is truly The winner is not the Cai Family, nor the Long Family, but the Heavenly Demon Temple.

A scream came from inside the forbidden land of gods and demons. It was a violent man covering Corpse Fiend Qi. His hands were holding two corpse demons. When he saw the two corpse demons, Cai Ming’s pupil light, he suddenly flashed a strong shock.

“They are actually the two, the most powerful corpse Demon King. Even the gods have been killed by them. They have repeatedly escaped. Now they died at the hands of this heavenly demon Young Master?” Cai Family’s Martial artists exclaimed.

Long Xing spoke coldly snorted, “hmph, Fiend’s Young Master is really more than a dog, but no matter how strong this person is, he will not be Young Patriarch’s opponent. Young Patriarch will win! ”


Suddenly the violent man lifts the head, under the scattered hair, the cold pupil light, unexpectedly gives people a kind, even more dangerous than the corpse Demon King Breath. Ye Fei’s face changed even more transiently. “He is a human god?”

Chapter 2508 The change of man and god

Chapter 2508 The change of man and god

The man and god, once the place of human temple Zun, Human Race Xiongguan, one of the Three Great Commanders. Together with the previous Human Sovereign and Heavenly God, he contended against wizards and resisted the suppression of the black Heavenly Venerable An.

Later, with the help of Xiaocao, Heavenly God and others, with the blood of immortal spirit, broke the barrier of Heaven Realm and entered Heaven Realm. Among them, Heavenly God, in a desperate situation, became a Nalan Family, a horseman pulling a cart.

The situation of the gods seems to be much better than that of the Heavenly God. He has become a heavenly demon Young Master. Compared with the realm, the gods and gods who enter the Heaven Realm are more terrifying in the Divine Physique.

What’s more terrifying is that, for some reason, the body of the human god has also been transformed into Fiend. The character also became violent. Only after hearing Long Xing’s inadvertent ridicule, the violent eyes of the gods and gods had already bloomed with divine light, as if they were about to penetrate all of Long Xing’s body. Long Xing turned pale with fright, and was about to urge Monster Sovereign to resist.

On the ring, Ye Fei was already moved and shouted in a deep voice: “Second brother of God, I trust you have been well since we last met? Long Xing is my friend. If you offend, please Please forgive me.”

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