And in the crushed in the sky, Ye Fei has a cold expression. He stepped into the Ghost Sect, and the Ancient God Strength, like the mighty mountains and rivers, shook all directions. However, there are too many gods who have come to attack him, and he has been unable to cross these layers of gods and go to destroy the human god within the body, the Divine Soul of the heavenly demon Young Master.

But Ye Fei didn’t regret it, so he exposed himself, a man, to do something and not to do something. The death of the gods made Ye Fei sad, and even more angry. He needs to vent this anger, and he needs more to seek justice for his former deceased.


Ye Fei’s eyes became crazy. The strong Blood Sword light was cut out from Ghost Sect. Once again, it severely wounded a prince from Early-Stage. Then, Ye Fei’s Behind, the wings of Azure Dragon emerged with fire. It’s just a flap of wings, Ye Fei’s body, with afterimages, disappeared in the void arena, and moved towards the forbidden land of the gods and demons and rushed in.

“Kill, don’t let this leaf demon escape, eliminate demons protect the dao, it’s my duty!” The gods of Cai Family and Qin Family roar at the same time, it seems that their actions represent Justice.


But at this moment, in the sky, there is a loud dragon roar, Long Guang Long Xing, and everyone’s half-dragon human, roaring “Ye Fei, you go, I Dragon Race, I will break the queen for you!”

“Longguang Senior, why bother. At this time, if you intervene, it will only make you like me and enemies on all sides!” Ye Fei Looking back, he couldn’t bear it. He deliberately didn’t get too close to Dragon Race, just didn’t want such a scene to happen.

In the distance, Long Guangda laughed, “Even if the world is an enemy, you are not only the person chosen by the patriarch of the previous generation, but also the great benefactor of my Dragon Race. I wait, with low strength. , But the blood is still burning! From today, Dragon Race is only you, the head of the horse is looking!”


In the huge dragon roar, Long Guang’s body suddenly became huge He changed from a human to an ancient monster-dragon-like. Although he was not an ancestor, he already had the battle strength close to that of the ancestor!

This is the power of Monster Sovereign. If it’s not for the short cultivation time, Long Guang, it is very possible to break through the ancestors and become the city of gods and demons, the first powerhouse of the ancestors!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart suddenly moved. He no longer flees, but shakes his wings, and suddenly appears next to Long Guang, “Long Guang Senior, since your blood is still burning, you can dare to hold this Cauldron, slay the enemy?”

“Catch the tripod!”

Void whistling, Ye Fei suddenly clenched the teeth, throwing the Ghost God tripod in front of Long Guang, Long Guang Without hesitation, a strong ancient monster qi burst out immediately.

“Ye Fei, stand on my head!”


Azure Dragon’s wings are closed, Ye Fei, settle down in Longguang The head of the dragon after the transformation, with both hands, held a pair of monster dragon horns. At this time, the god who besieged Ye Fei, also subconsciously, blasted his magical powers.

In the sky, there was a huge ancient demon dragon roar. Long Guang directly grabbed the Ghost God cauldron and smashed it forward. The heavens and the earth exploded and the countless Divine Ability smashed into it turned into scattered streamers.

After that, in the scattered rays of light, a demon dragon rushed out, a huge dragon claw, grasping the tripod of Ghost God like a mountain, fiercely moved towards the front with a sweep, rushing In the recent few gods, all fleshy bodies collapsed, and Divine Soul burst.

Long Guang’s blow, Ghost God’s formidable power is even more terrifying than Ye Fei. This is the advantage of the realm. Long Guang itself is the powerhouse of the late gods, and now it is not only a monster of cultivation. Sovereign, and even the ultimate weapon of Ghost God Ding, instantly becomes invincible of the same level.

Several gods in the heavenly demon temple, they just collided with Ghost God cauldron unconvinced, and the fleshy body had burst, only the remaining Divine Soul, fleeing into the distance in horror.

“With the Ghost God tripod, Long Guang, it was so terrifying, and, what kind of magical power he displayed, there is such a monster qi, like the ancient dragon-like monster, invincible “The Qin Family owner, his face pale. Cai Family took refuge in the Heavenly Demon Hall, and Long Guang made good friends with Number One Person. He felt more and more, the decline of Qin Family.

“Qin Family, retreat!” As the owner of the family, Qin Ming finally made up his mind. He couldn’t let all the gods of the family die here. Also, Cai Gang of Cai Family ordered the retreat.

In front of Monster Sovereign Jing and Ghost God Ding, ordinary gods, simply are not Long Guang’s opponents, but even more impossible, defeat Long Guang, capture Ye Fei, in order to preserve their strength, not only Cai Family and Qin The family’s martial artist, even the heavenly demon Young Master who is most eager to sack Ye Fei, let out an unwilling roar and immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops.

“Ye Demon, you wait, your body will definitely belong to me, belong to my heavenly demon temple!”

Chapter 2510 Swear to the death

Chapter 2510 Swear to Follow

Heavenly demon The crowds come and go without a trace, like a series of demon shadows, rushing out of the forbidden land of gods and demons, and then disappearing into the vast night.

The Qin Family and Cai Family martial artists who also escaped, covering the mountains and plains, especially the gods, escaped the fastest, lest they be targeted, they also died tragically in the Ghost God tripod. under.

In the sky, after Long Guang’s blood was heard, he laughed cheerfully, “Happily, I have been suffocated for so long, I am half-dragon human, finally raised my eyebrows.”

“Long Guang Senior, it’s too early to be happy now, the heavenly demon temple is not removed, we have trouble sleeping and eating. Catch up, continue to kill, I will show the way for you!” Ye Fei ordered.

Although the escape technique of the Heavenly Demon Temple is weird, it can’t escape the Divine Eyes of Xiaocaotiandi. By doing this, Ye Fei is also testing Dragon Race, whether it is really like Long Guang’s words and will listen to him And then decide whether to proceed with the next step.

Long Guang did not hesitate when he heard the order. The huge monster dragon body suddenly rushed to the direction designated by Ye Fei. Although there was nothing, he heard Ye Fei’s order. Guang still tried his best to smash into the void. In the sky, there was also a mournful scream immediately. The god of the temple is a heavenly demon, turned into a demon, hiding the void silhouette.

This god didn’t expect to kill him. Ye Fei will see through his concealment at a glance, and even order Long Guang to kill him mercilessly. In the following time, Ye Fei kept talking. Point out the location of those hidden heavenly demon temple gods.

Long Guang pursued and killed all the way, killing the heavenly demon hall, seven gods, this is also the city of gods and demon, the high-end power of the heavenly demon hall branch hall, at this time, to catch everything in one net!

It’s just that Ye Fei regrets that the heavenly demon Young Master who possesses the human gods runs too fast. Divine Eyes, the world of grass, has never found a trace of the heavenly demon Young Master.

“Ye Fei, the heavenly demon Young Master, is not only good at body possession, but also seems to have learned the Absolute Art of the heavenly demon temple. The heavenly demon is invisible, and when he escapes, he is invisible and invisible unless he can instantly Kill, otherwise it will be difficult to catch up.”

He continued to chase for a while, but still couldn’t find the trace of the heavenly demon Young Master. Ye Fei had to admit that this heavenly demon Young Master who possessed the human gods was stronger and more cunning than the heavenly demon Young Master who went to Dragon Race to propose marriage.

“However, this time the Heavenly Demon is divided, the gods are all destroyed, and the Heavenly Demon Temple, I will definitely not bear this tone, Long Guang Senior, this time it really hurts you.” Ye Fei apologized.

“Don’t say such things. Without the Monster Sovereign you brought back, there would be no Dragon Race now. Besides, the previous generation patriarch led us Dragon Race long ago. The acknowledge allegiance was the master of Nine Heavens Sword. Since he asked you to come back, it means that he also intends to let us Dragon Race follow you, so you don’t need to say that you are not involved, don’t call me Senior in the future, you are the successor of the Nine Heavens Sword master, and even more so I am the lord of half-dragon human, if you don’t mind, you can call me Uncle Long.”

Long Guang recovered his body, suddenly one-knee kneels fell, and his hands again raised the Ghost God tripod and returned it to Ye Fei. Ye Fei was shocked, and only then realized it in his heart. Sloppy Daoist, the purpose of letting him come to the City of Gods and Demons, was not only to explore the Earth Sovereign heavens, but also to entrust the entire half-dragon human race to him.

After all, to rescue the Nine Heavens Sword Lord and revive the sword palace, he alone cannot do it. This half-dragon human is undoubtedly the Sloppy Daoist, the strongest gift given to Ye Fei power.

Understanding this, Ye Fei didn’t refuse, and he accepted Long Guang’s allegiance calmly, and then quickly helped Long Guang up and said: “Uncle Long, I can accept your follow. , But it must be a secret follow. After all, I have many enemies. Following me publicly will be detrimental to Dragon Race.”

“haha, Ye Fei, don’t worry, no matter whether it’s open or not, this time we Dragon Race, we will die. Follow! You have to fight, we half-dragon human, fight with you! Remember, although we are weak, our blood is still there!”

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